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Digital Logics

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College of Technology
Bachelor of Technology
Information Technology
Course Name: Digital Logics
Course Code: 1010083214
Semester: 3rd

1. Basic Electronics and Number Systems

Course Objectives:
1. The students need to learn basic concepts of digital circuits and systems which leads to the designof
complex digital systems such as microprocessors. The students need to know combinational and
sequentialcircuits using digital logic fundamentals. This is the first course by which students get exposure
to the digitalelectronics world.

Teaching Scheme:

Teaching Scheme
L T P Contact Hours Credit
3 0 2 5 4


Unit Topics Teaching % Weightage

1 Binary Algebra, Codes and Registers: 5 10%
Binary arithmetic, one’s and two’s complements arithmetic, error
detecting and correcting codes
Binary Codes: Binary Coded Decimal (BCD), BCD addition, 2- 4-
2-1 Code, Excess-3 Code, 8-4-2-1 Code, Gray Code, Error
Detecting Code, ASCII Character Code.
Binary Storage and Registers: Registers, shift-registers, applications
of shift-registers, Register Transfer
2 Combinational Digital Circuits: 8 20%
Standard representation for logic functions, K-map representation,
and simplification of logic functions using K- map, minimization of
logical functions. Don’t care conditions, Multiplexer, De-
Multiplexer/Decoders, Adders, Sub-tractors, carry look ahead
adder, serial adder, digitalcomparator, parity checker/generator,
code converters, priorityencoders, decoders.
3 Sequential circuits and systems: 10 20%
SR flip flop, J-K-T and D types flip flops, applications of flip-
flops, serial to parallel converter, parallel to serial converter, ring
counter, sequence generator, ripple (Asynchronous) counters,
synchronous counters, counters design using flip flops,
asynchronous sequential counters, applications ofcounters.
4 A/D and D/A Converters: 9 20%
Digital to analog converters: weighted resistor/converter, R-2-R
Ladder D/A converter, specifications for D/A converters, examples
of D/A converter ICs, sample and hold circuit,
Analog to digital converters: quantization and encoding, parallel
comparator A/D converter, successive approximation A/D
converter, counting A/D converter, dual slope A/D converter,A/D
converter using voltage to frequency and voltage to timeconversion,
specifications of A/D converters, example of A/Dconverter ICs
5 Memory Architecture 5 10%
Semiconductor memories and Programmable logic devices (PLD):
Memory organization and operation, expanding memory size,
classification and characteristics of memories, sequential memory,
read only memory (ROM), read and write memory (RAM), ROM
as a PLD, Programmable logic array (PLA), Introduction to Hard
Disk Drive (HDD), Introduction to solid- state drive (SSD), Read
and Write Operations in Memory
6 Introduction To Verilog 9 20%
Introduction to Hardware Description Languages (HDL), Verilog
Introduction, Verilog Logical System, Verilog Nets and Wires,
Verilog Internal Variables, Verilog Numbers, Vectors and Bit
Selection, Verilog Operators, Verilog Built-in Gates, Continuous
and Non-continuous Assignments, if statement, Case Statement,
For looping statement.

Course Outcomes:

CO Statement Unit
Solve the given problem Related to Encrypt Data using fundamentals of 1
Binary Codes.
Analyze working of Registers, logic gates and design the simple circuits 2,6
using various gates for a given problem
CO-3 Design and implement Combinational and Sequential logic circuits and 2,3,6

CO-4 verify its working 4

Examine the process of Analog to Digital conversion and Digital to Analog 5

Teaching & Learning Methodology:

1. Direct Instruction
2. Flipped Classrooms
3. Kinesthetic Learning

List of Experiments: Total Hours: 28

Sr. No. Practical Name

1 To study in detail about cloud computing.
2 Installation and Configuration of Oracle Virtual Box/VMware.
3 Study and implementation of infrastructure as Service using Open Stack.
4 Install Turbo C in guest OS and execute C program.
5 Test ping command to test the communication between the guest OS and Host OS.
6 Develop a Hello World application using Google App Engine.
7 Study about the Cloud simulation tools. Install CloudSim and analyze the working of
8 Case Study: PAAS(Facebook, Google App Engine)
9 Case Study: Amazon Web Services.

Books Recommended:

1. "Digital logic and Computer design", M. M. Mano, Pearson Education India, 2016.
2. "Fundamentals of Digital Circuits ", A. Kumar, Prentice Hall India,2016.
3. “Digital Principles and Applications” Malvino & Leach, McGraw-Hill Education
4. "Modern Digital Electronics", R. P. Jain, Mc Graw Hill Education,2009.

List of Open-Source Software/learning website:

1. LogiSim software
2. Xilinx
3. Eda Playground
4. Xcircuit
5. Scilab
6. NPTELwebsite
7. https://www.vlab.co.in/
8. www.silveroakuni.ac.in

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