Digital Logics
Digital Logics
Digital Logics
College of Technology
Bachelor of Technology
Information Technology
Course Name: Digital Logics
Course Code: 1010083214
Semester: 3rd
1. Basic Electronics and Number Systems
Course Objectives:
1. The students need to learn basic concepts of digital circuits and systems which leads to the designof
complex digital systems such as microprocessors. The students need to know combinational and
sequentialcircuits using digital logic fundamentals. This is the first course by which students get exposure
to the digitalelectronics world.
Teaching Scheme:
Teaching Scheme
L T P Contact Hours Credit
3 0 2 5 4
Course Outcomes:
CO Statement Unit
Solve the given problem Related to Encrypt Data using fundamentals of 1
Binary Codes.
Analyze working of Registers, logic gates and design the simple circuits 2,6
using various gates for a given problem
CO-3 Design and implement Combinational and Sequential logic circuits and 2,3,6
1. Direct Instruction
2. Flipped Classrooms
3. Kinesthetic Learning
Books Recommended:
1. "Digital logic and Computer design", M. M. Mano, Pearson Education India, 2016.
2. "Fundamentals of Digital Circuits ", A. Kumar, Prentice Hall India,2016.
3. “Digital Principles and Applications” Malvino & Leach, McGraw-Hill Education
4. "Modern Digital Electronics", R. P. Jain, Mc Graw Hill Education,2009.
1. LogiSim software
2. Xilinx
3. Eda Playground
4. Xcircuit
5. Scilab
6. NPTELwebsite