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Option Strategy Builder


Option strategy builder is a utility developed by Motilal Oswal Financial services limited for better
option strategy trade execution for its clients. It enables the user better price discovery and
execution of option strategy. The user will be able to reduce the opportunity cost of constantly
monitoring the markets by pre defining the trading parameters on basis of predefined strategies to


The utility will be provided through Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd Orion Lite EXE trading
platform. The utility will have designated trade window enabled for building predefined option
strategies to trade for client.

Below is the screen shot of Option strategy builder-

After clicking on Option strategy the below window will get activated-
Strategies currently available to clients through utility-

1. Bear put spread

2. Bull call spread
3. Straddle
4. Strangle
5. Butterfly spared
6. Iron butterfly
7. Iron condor
8. Long condor
9. Custom strategy

Strategies explained-

1. Bear put spread-

Buy 1 In The Money Put

Sell 1 Out The Money Put

By shorting the out-of-the-money put, the options trader reduces the cost of establishing the bearish
position but forgoes the chance of making a large profit in the event that the underlying asset price
plummets. The bear put spread options strategy is also known as the bear put debit spread as a
debit is taken upon entering the trade.

2. Bull Call Spread-

Buy 1 In The Money Call

Sell 1 Out The Money Call

By shorting the out-of-the-money call, the options trader reduces the cost of establishing the bullish
position but forgoes the chance of making a large profit in the event that the underlying asset price
skyrockets. The bull call spread option strategy is also known as the bull call debit spread as a debit is
taken upon entering the trade.

3. Long Straddle Strategy

Buy 1 At The Money Call

Buy 1 At The Money Put
Long straddle options are unlimited profit, limited risk options trading strategies that are
used when the options trader thinks that the underlying securities will experience significant
volatility in the near term.
4. Option Strangle (Long Strangle)

Buy 1 Out The Money Call

Buy 1 Out The Money Put
The long options strangle is an unlimited profit, limited risk strategy that is taken when the
options trader thinks that the underlying stock will experience significant volatility in the
near term. Long strangles are debit spreads as a net debit is taken to enter the trade.
5. Butterfly spread

Buy 1 In The Money Call

Sell 2 At The Money Calls
Buy 1 Out The Money Call
Long butterfly spreads are entered when the investor thinks that the underlying stock
will not rise or fall much by expiration. Using calls, the long butterfly can be constructed by
buying one lower striking in-the-money call, writing two at-the-money calls and buying
another higher striking out-of-the-money call. A resulting net debit is taken to enter the
6. Iron Butterfly

1) Butterfly Call
Buy 1 In The Money Call
Sell 2 At The Money Calls
Buy 1 Out The Money Call
Long butterfly spreads are entered when the investor thinks that the underlying stock will
not rise or fall much by expiration. Using calls, the long butterfly can be constructed by
buying one lower striking in-the-money call, writing two at-the-money calls and buying
another higher striking out-of-the-money call. A resulting net debit is taken to enter the
2) Butterfly Put
Buy 1 Out The Money Put
Sell 2 At The Money Puts
Buy 1 In The Money Put
The long put butterfly spread is a limited profit, limited risk options trading strategy that is
taken when the options trader thinks that the underlying security will not rise or fall much
by expiration.
7. Iron condor

Sell 1 Out The Money Put

Buy 1 Out The Money Put (Lower Strike)
Sell 1 Out The Money Call
Buy 1 Out The Money Call (Higher Strike)

The iron condor is a limited risk, non-directional option trading strategy that is designed to
have a large probability of earning a small limited profit when the underlying security is
perceived to have low volatility. The iron condor strategy can also be visualized as a
combination of a bull put spread and a bear call spread.
8. Long condor

Sell 1 In The Money Call

Buy 1 In The Money Call (Lower Strike)
Sell 1 Out The Money Call
Buy 1 Out The Money Call (Higher Strike)
The condor option strategy is a limited risk, non-directional option trading strategy that is
structured to earn a limited profit when the underlying security is perceived to have little
9. Custom strategy

The custom strategy builder helps user to define strategies as per his wish in any
combination. Under custom strategy builder user can create 2/3/4 legged strategies with
combination of Futures and Options.
User has to select Instrument and scrip from the “Instrument” and “Symbol code bar”. Post
selecting the scrip the user have to select the number of legs for trade. Post selecting the
scrip and number of legs the Order form would be activated.
The user can now create strategies based on his preference with combination of Futures
and Option contracts. Post defining the contracts to trade, user needs to define the ratio in
which he wants to trade the strategy legs through “Lot Multiplier (Ratio)” field. On defining
the ratio in which the user wants to trade the legs, the strategy builder would accordingly
compute the order lots to be traded and execute the same on spread match.
It is to be noted that user cannot add same scrip in different legs for execution. For example
if user have selected “Nifty future August Expiry” in first leg for trade he won’t be able to
select the same in next legs for execution.
Strategy creation and execution
The user would be directed to the designated option strategy builder window through ‘Start’ menu.
The strategy builder enables the user to trade into predefined option strategy, where he can create
the strategy by filling the set of information which would be specific to that Option strategy only.

The Option strategy builder have the following parameters for client to build and trade-

Instrument type Order Qty to be traded

Symbol Code Target Entry
Expiry Target Exit
Option type Call/Put SL Spread
Strike Price Add Strategy
Buy/Sell MPP(Market Price Protection) %
Total Qty to be traded Lot Multiplier (Ratio)

Instrument Type-

The instrument defines in which Option segment the client wants to trade. Currently 2 segments are
available to client which are NSEFO & NSECD

NSEFO segment contains list of option contracts containing NSE INDEX and Stocks option contracts.

NSECD segment contains list of NSE currency Options contract.

Symbol Code-

The ‘Symbol Code’ selection enables user to select from list of scrip as available in selected
Instrument type. The list contains the available option contracts available under instrument type
from which the client can choose to trade.


The client can choose from different expiry contracts for options available to trade. Option contracts
expiry will specific to the instrument type and scrip selected to trade.

Option type Call/Put-

After selecting the above parameters the client can now choose to either trade into Call or Put
option type.

Strike Price-

The client will be provided the list of strike prices from which he can choose to trade based on
instrument type and scrip selected to trade.


From the selected option contract, client can choose to either buy/sell the contract.

Total Qty to be traded-

Total Qty to trade defines the total number of contracts to be traded for option strategy by the
Order Qty to be Traded-

Order Qty defines number of qty to be traded in each trade order till the Total qty to be traded qty is

Target Entry Spread-

Target Entry spread defines the spread at which user wants to enter into trade.

Target Exit Spread-

Target Exit spread defines the spread at which the user wants to exit the entered trade.

SL Spread-

SL Spread defines the spread at which the user wants to exit in case of loss.

Add Strategy-

In Add strategy the client defines the net spread which he wants to trade. The spread to be
mentioned is combination of prices of both the option contracts. Eg.-

Legs Option Buy/sell Bid Ask Premium

Leg1 NIFTY 10000 CE Buy 100 101 -101
Leg2 NIFTY 11000 CE Sell 90 92 +90
Total spread -11

In above example the first leg is Buy trade for Call option with BID/ASK premium spread as 100/101

The second leg is sell trade for Call Option with BID/ASK premium spread as 90/92.

The buying of option premium will create a negative cash flow at ASK rate and selling of option will
create a positive cash flow at BID rate.

The Total in above example will be- Leg1 (-101) + Leg 2 (+90) = -11

As the Leg 1 buy trade premium is greater than Leg 2 Sell trade there will be net negative cash flow
of -11 created in strategy.

The client will have to input the desired spread with above logics in mind to achieve its desired
spread and add strategy for execution.

MPP (Market Price Protection) %

Market Price Protection(MPP) feature enables user to place Buy order at a higher price than the
current ask price and lower than the current Bid price for sell orders by the percentage specified in
MPP field.

Eg- If current ask price is 100 and MPP% specified is 1% the buy order will be placed at
100+1%*(100)= 101 for better order execution in volatile markets.

Lot Multiplier (Ratio)

In custom strategy builder, Lot Multiplier (Ratio) enables user to input the ratio in which he wants to
trade the strategy. The ratio defined in first leg forms the base ratio for the strategy and the
subsequent legs ratio forms the multiplier for the strategy with respect to first leg ratio. The ratio
multiplier would auto calculate the total lots to be traded with respect to Ratio defined.

Strategy Creation and Execution-

The strategy creation and execution depends upon the type of option strategy the client decides to
enter into. The client needs to fill in the predefined parameter to execute the option strategy which
are as per the strategy selected for execution as discussed above.

Strategy Eg-Bear Put Spread-

Editable fields to be selected by client

Non-editable predefined fields as per strategy
Non-editable dependent fields depended on inputted parameters marked in green

Strategy execution Flow-

1- Select Instrument-

After deciding which strategy a client wants to enter into, he starts with defining the parameters for
trade. Client will have to select which instrument type he has to trade in currently four Instruments
are available for selection- NSEFO, NSECD, MCX and NCDEX.

2- Select Scrip-

Once the Instrument type is selected the client will now have to enter the scrip he wants to trade
from the list of scrips available in drop of LEG1 pertaining to that instrument type. Eg. If instrument
type is selected as NSEFO the leg 1 selection would contain list of securities available to trade in
NSEFO segment. The scrip selected in LEG1 will auto-fill the scrip info in LEG2.

3- Select Expiry-

After deciding the instrument type and scrip to be traded the client will now have to select the
expiry contracts to trade from. Currently NEAR month, NEXT month and FAR month contracts are
available to trade to the clients. The expiry contract selected in LEG1 auto-fills the expiry info in LEG2.
4- Select Strike Prices-

User will have to select strike prices depending upon the strategy specification discussed above. In
Bear Put Spread the strike prices are different for both legs are to be selected as per the strategy
specifications explained above.

For Bear Put Spread the below validations are applicable while selecting the strike prices-

Strategy Leg 1 Buy/sell Leg 2 Buy/sell

Bear Put Spread Put strike BUY Put Strike < Leg1 Strike price SELL

If client tries to add strike in Leg2 greater than strike price in Leg1 he will get an error pop up as-
“Leg 2 strike shall always be less than Leg 1 strike”.

5- Define Total Lots-

After selecting the above list of parameters the client will have to choose the total number of lots he
wants to trade. In leg1 the client has to mention the Total number of lots to be traded. Based on the
lot size the total Qty field will auto populated with logics as Total QTY  LOT SIZE. The Total qty
selected in Leg1 will auto-fill the Total qty field in Leg 2.

6- Define Order Lots-

User can select the number of lots to be traded each time the spread value is matched from the total
qty. By mentioning the order qty, total lots to be traded would be traded in tranches of mentioned
order qty. Each time the parameters are matched order qty would be triggered and traded until the
Total number of desired trade are achieved. The Order Qty selected in Leg1 will auto-fill the Order
qty field in Leg 2.

7- Define Entry spread-

After selecting all the required fields for strategy, the client now has to mention the desired entry
spread he wants to trade. The spreads will be calculated by adding the premiums for both the Legs.
The basis of spread values for computing the total spreads is as explained above. After the desired
spread is identified by client he clicks on Add Strategy to start the strategy execution.

8- Define Exit Spread-

After defining entry spread, user needs to define the Exit spread for the trade. The Exit spread would
help the strategy builder to exit the entered trade whenever the target Exit spread is met.

9- Define SL Spread-

With entry and exit user needs to define Stop loss spread for the trade.

After defining the Entry, Exit and Stop Loss spread the user can identify the possible Profit/Loss on
the trade through expected P&L tab.

10- Define MPP%

By defining MPP% the user would define the maximum slippage points to be allowed for trade
during execution. MPP% ensures order gets filled during volatile markets where price discovery is
difficult. Currently Maximum MPP% is set as 2%.
Strategy monitoring-

Once strategy is created and added it can be monitored through smart grid situated at bottom of the
window for order monitoring, modification and reporting.

The smart grid has following features and contents-

➢ Parent-Child Grid format-

The order form has Parent-child format wherein the user can view his positions in detailed format.
The parent grid the information of the strategy details with respect to scrip name, Entry spread, Exit
spread, current entry and exit spread etc.

The child grid display information regarding order qty, order lot, Entry qty placed, Entry qty traded,
Exit qty placed, Exit qty traded for each leg of strategy.

➢ Start All function-

The Start all function enables user to start all the active strategies added at once.

➢ Stop All function-

The stop all function enables user to stop all the active strategies added at one go.

➢ Save & Load file-

User can save the added active strategies and load file at future date to trade.

The save file function can performed in following conditions for the strategy-

o Status is “Active”
o Entry Placed=Entry Traded
o Exit Placed=Exit Traded
➢ The strategies will be auto saved after every 30 mins
➢ Avg Entry & Avg Exit price-

User can check his average entry and average exit price on the executed trades through Avg Entry
and Avg Exit prices field.

➢ Realised Profit-

User can check the Realised profit on the strategy through ‘Realised P&L’ tab in Strategy Grid.
Option Strategy Builder Grid functionality

Strategy grid would have following behaviours depending upon the status of the strategy.

Case 1- Strategy ENTRY executed and Exit Pending

Legs Entry Placed Entry Traded Exit Placed Exit Traded

Leg1 10 10 0 0
Leg2 10 10 0 0
In above example Entry Placed Qty is equal to Entry Executed whereas the EXIT Qty are not placed
due to spread not matching.


• The strategy would continue to exist in the Strategy Bar and will not be removed from the
same until and unless strategy is fully Executed/cleared whichever happens earlier.
• The status would display as “Partial” for the strategy.
• In case user wants to pre-exit from the trade he would have to do so by modifying the trade
in strategy bar parameters/Pending order book and exit. If user clicks on clear button the
strategy would be moved to History tab and user would be notified about the same.

Case 2- Strategy Partially executed-

Legs Entry Placed Entry Traded Exit Placed Exit Traded

Leg1 10 10 0 0
Leg2 10 5 0 0

In the above example the strategy’s entry spread is matched and orders are placed, however first leg
is fully traded whereas second leg is partially traded and some pending quantities.


• The strategy will be Auto saved for any uncertain events or for future references for the day
every 30 mins.
• In case user modifies the trade from order book and executes it, the strategy would follow
• In case of any pending orders to be executed in the strategy, the user would be notified for
the same with below notification Pop-up at 3.15 P.M.
• On clicking ‘Clear’ tab the user would be notified that the strategy would be deleted and will
not be available for further trades. The user will have to manually square off open position
and will be available in net position on subsequent day if not squared off.

Case 3- Strategy not executed/Initiated-

Legs Entry Placed Entry Traded Exit Placed Exit Traded

Leg1 0 0 0 0
Leg2 0 0 0 0

In the above example the strategy’s entry spread is not matched and orders are not placed, either
for Entry/Exit


• The strategy would exist in the Strategy Bar till EOD and would be deleted. User would not
be able to access the strategy on the next day.
• If user stops the strategy and clicks on ‘Clear’ button, the strategy would be deemed as
exited and would be moved to ‘Day trade summary’ tab for reference.
• Once cleared and moved to ‘Day trade summary’ Tab the strategy won’t be loaded on
subsequent days for trading.

Case 4- Strategy Fully executed –

Legs Entry Placed Entry Traded Exit Placed Exit Traded

Leg1 10 10 10 10
Leg2 10 10 10 10

In the above example the strategy’s entry spread is matched and orders are placed and executed,
and also Exit spread is Placed and matched.

• As soon as the strategy is completed, by either Stop Loss/Target spread match, the status
would be updated in the strategy bar as ‘Fully Executed’
• The user can clear the strategy bar by clicking on ‘clear’ tab. Once cleared and moved to ‘Day
Trade Summary’ Tab the strategy won’t be loaded on subsequent days for trading.
• The above behaviour would be applicable in case of completion of strategy due to
rejection/error also. The status would be updated as ‘Rejected’ in strategy bar.

Notable Features-

• All cleared strategies would be accessible through ‘Day Trade Summary’ Tab
• In strategy Grid following fields can be modified by clicking “Stop” Button-
o Total Lots
o Order Lots
o Target Entry
o Target Exit
o MPP%
• In case of Strategy is added and Not started the status would be shown as “Inactive” status
• ‘Status’ to show in detail status to user for quick view of strategy detail. Below status to be
shown for reference.
1. Pending- For spread match pending on Target Entry
2. Partially Executed- For Entry/Exit order placed but Partially/Not-Traded
3. Executed- For Strategy Entry and Exit Fully Placed.
4. Rejected-For Entry/Exit orders rejected and stopped due to any reason

• All notification for pending and non-executed trades will send at around 3.15p.m
• Red Colour differentiator in case of Rejected trades/strategies and non-executable post

The strategies would be auto saved every 30 mins for future use.
Order Confirmation Module option Strategy Builder-

There is provision for confirmation of Option strategy execution in client Module of option Strategy

On every spread match client would get a confirmation window asking client to whether confirm the
trade or cancel the trade.

On every spread match client would be notified about the same in strategy grid, as displayed below,
for confirmation. Once the confirmation pop-up is displayed, as shown below, it would remain active
for execution in strategy grid for 30 Secs post which it would be removed from strategy grid if no
action is taken.

On clicking “OK”-

Once spread is matched and order confirmation pop up is visible, client would have discretion to
click “OK” and execute the strategy. On clicking “OK” the strategy builder would check for the
spreads and Quantities in the market and execute the trade. In case, after clicking “OK”, there is no
spread available for the strategy, system would not execute the trade since the desired spread is not
matched. The strategy would again check for the spreads in the market and show order confirmation

After clicking “OK” if there is spread and quantity available in the market the strategy builder would
place the order in the market.

On clicking “Cancel”-

On clicking cancel no orders would be placed through the system. However if strategy is active and
not stopped by client, strategy builder would continue to display order confirmation pop-up on
every spread match.

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