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ch2 Phy9

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Chapter#02. KINEMATICS
Q1. What is distance time graph? Draw distance time graph for an object
moving with
 constant speed
 variable speed
 for object at rest
Distance time graph : It is used to represent the motion of object using graph when body moves
in a straight line than distance and displacement are considered as similar terms. In this graph time is taken
on horizontal x-axis while vertical y-axis shows distance covered by object.

 Object moving with constant speed : The speed of object is said to be constant if it
covers equal distance in equal intervals of time. The distance-time graph is straight line.

 Object moving with variable speed : When an object does not cover equal distance
in equal intervals of time then its speed is not constant.

 Object at rest : In the following graph, the distance moved by object with time is zero. i.e the
object is at rest.

Q#2. Draw speed-time graph for an object :

 moving with constant speed
 moving with uniformly changing speed
Answer :
 object moving with constant : When the speed of an object is constant i.e 5m/s with
time then speed time graph will be horizontal time parallel to time axis.

 speed object moving with uniform speed : If the speed of object changing
uniformly then speed is changing at constant rate thus its graph would be a straight line.

Q#3. Derive equations of motion using graphical method.

Consider a body moving with initial velocity (Vi) in a straight line with uniform acceleration (a). Its velocity
becomes Vf after time (t). In graph, slope AB is acceleration (a). The total distance covered by the body is
shown by the shaded area under the line AB.

First equation of motion :

From speed-time graph, slope of line AB = a = BC
Where , BC = BD – CD. And. AC = OD

So, a = BD – CD ➝①

Here. CD = initial velocity = vi
BD = final velocity. = vf
OD = time. =t
By putting these values in eq. ①
a = vf – vi.
 at = vf – vi.
 Vf = vi + at

Second equation of motion : From graph we can see that there are two shapes i.e rectangle
and triangle. Second equation can be derived by adding the area of rectangle and triangle.
Area of rectangle OACD = OA × OD
Here. OA = vi , OD = t

So, Area of rectangle = vi × t. ➝①

Area of triangle = ½ (base) × (height)

= ½ ( AC × BC )
Here. AC = OD = t. BC = gain in speed = at
Area of triangle = ½ t × at

Area of triangle = ½ at² ➝②

The total area is equal to sum of area of rectangle and triangle. So adding equation 1 and 2
 “ S = vit + ½ at² “

Third equation of motion : In order to drive third equation of motion, we will consider the whole
shape of graph i.e the trapezium. The area of trapezium give 3rd equationof motion.
Area of trapezium = S = OA + BD × OD
Multiplying by BC/OD on both sides.
S × BC = ( OA + BD ) × OD × BC
OD. 2. OD

2S × BC. = ( OA + BD ) × BC ➝①
From graph, BC/OD = a , OA = vi , BD = vf
BC = BD – CD = vf – vi
Put in equation 1.
2S × a = ( vi + vf ) × ( nf – vi )
Rearranging above equation :
2aS = (vf + vi ) ( vf – vi )

2aS = vf² – vi²


1. Define kinematics.
Answer : It is the branch of mechanics deals with the study of motion without knowing its cause.
2. Differentiate between rest and motion.
Rest : a body is said to be at rest if it does not change its position with respect to its surrounding.
Motion : A body is said to be in motion, if it changes its position with respect to its surrounding.
3. What are major types of motion? Define.
Answer : There are three major types of motion.
 Translatory motion
 Rotatory motion
 Vibratory motion

Translatory motion : In translatory motion of a body moves along a line without any rotation. The
line may be straight or curved.

e.g. motion of moving car, motion of airplane

Rotatory motion : a spinning motion of a body about its axis is called rotatory motion.
e.g motion of fan, motion of fidget spinner
Vibratory motion : To and fro motion of a body about a mean position.

e.g motion of Pendulum, motion of see-saw

4. What is axis of rotation?
Answer : It is the imaginary line around which a body rotates.
5. What are different types of translatory motion?
Answer : There are three types of translatory motion
 linear motion
 circular motion
 random motion

Linear motion : A straight line motion of a body is called linear motion.

e.g car moving on a straight line and level road
Circular motion : The motion of an object in a circular path is called circular motion.
e.g motion of earth around Sun
Random motion : It is disordered or irregular motion of an object is called random motion
e.g. motion of butterfly, motion of gas molecules

6. Define scalar and vector

Scalar : Scalar quantities are completed described by magnitude only.
e.g. mass, length, time, temperature, distance
Vector : Vector quantities can completely described by magnitude and direction.
e.g. velocity, acceleration, force
7. How vector quantities can be represented?
Answer : To differentiate vector from scalar quantities, we generally use bold letters for vectors such as
F , a , d . Graphically a vector can be represented by a line segment which with an arrowhead.

8. Differentiate between distance and displacement.

Distance : Length of a path between two points is called distance.
Displacement : It is the shortest distance between two points which has magnitude and direction.
9. Define Speed.
Answer : The distance covered by a moving body in one second is called speed.
speed = distance
distance = speed × time
It's unit is m/s. It is a scalar quantity.

10. Define velocity.

Answer : Time rate of change of displacement of a body is called velocity.
velocity = v = displacement = d
time. t
It is a vector quantity. Its unit is metre per second (m/s).

11. What is mean by uniform speedl?

Answer : If a body covers equal distance in equal intervals of time then its speed will be uniform.
12. What is mean by uniform velocity?
Answer : If a body covers equal displacement in equal intervals of time then its velocity will be uniform.
13. What is LIDAR? OR
How speed of vehicles can be measured at motorway?
Answer : A LIDAR gun is light detection and ranging speed gun. It uses the time taken by laser pulse to
make a series of measurements of a vehicle's distance from the gun. The data is used to calculate the speed
of vehicles.

14. Define acceleration.

Answer : The rate of change of velocity of a body is called acceleration.
a = vf – vi. => a = ∆v
t. t.
It is a vector quantities. Its unit is m/s².

15. What is unifrom acceleration?

Answer : A body has uniform acceleration, if it has equal changes in velocity in equal intervals of time,
however short the interval maybe.

16. Define the term graph.

Answer : The pictorial representation of relation between two variables is called graph.
17. What is mean by the retardation?
Answer : If the velocity of a body decreases than its acceleration will be negative. This negative
acceleration is called retardation or deceleration.

18. What is mean by gravitational acceleration?

Answer : The acceleration of freely falling body is called gravitational acceleration. It is demoted by "g".
On the surface of Earth it's value is 9.8 m/s². For bodies falling down gis positive and is negative for bodies
moving up.

19. Write down the equations of motion for the bodies moving under
Answer :
 vf = vi + gt
 h = vit + ½gt²
 2gh = vf² – vi²


2.5) Can a body moving at constant speed have acceleration?

Answer : Yes if a body is moving on circular part with constant speed then it would have centripetal

2.6) How do Riders in a ferris wheel possess translatory motion but not
circular motion?
Answer : The riders do not move in cycle of constant radius therefore the motion is not circular.
2.11) Why is vector quantities cannot be added and subtracted like scaler
Answer : For search operations of vector, not only their magnitude but their directions are also
involved. Therefor vector can not be added or subtracted like scaler.

2.12) How are vector quantities important to us. in our daily life?
Answer : In our daily life, the vector quantities are completely expressed for explained only when their
directions are also considered.

2.1 A train moves with a uniform velocity of 36 km/h. Find the distance
travelled by it.
Solution : v = 36 km/h = 36 × 1000 = 10 m/s

t = 10 s
S = vt
S = ( 10 ) ( 10 ) = 100 m.

2.2 A train starts from rest. It moves through 1 km in 100s with uniform
acceleration. what will be its speed at the end of 100s?
Solution : vi = 0
S = 1km = 1000 m
t = 100 s
vf = ?
As. vf = vi + at
To find “ a “. We use 2nd equation of motion.
As. S = vit + ½ at²
1000 = ( 0 ) ( 100 ) + ½ a ( 100 ) ²
1000 × 2 = a ( 10000 )
2000. = a
=> a = 0.2 m/s²
so, vf = vi + at
vf = 0 + (0.2)(100)
vf = 20 m/s

2.3 A car has a velocity of 10m/s. It accelerates at 0.2 m/s².Find the

distance travelled during this time and the final velocity of the car.
Solution : vi = 10 m/s
a = 0.2 m/s²
t = 30 s
vf = ?
vf = vi + at
vf = 10 + (0.2)(30)
vf = 10 + 6
vf = 16
Now, S = vit + ½ at²
S = (10)(30) + ½ (0.2)(30) ²
S = 300 + ½ (0.2)(900)
S = 300 + 90
S = 390 m

2.4 A tennis ball is hit vertically upward with a velocity of 30 m/s. It takes 3
s to reach the highest point. Calculate the maximum height reached by
the ball. How long it will take to return the ground?
Solution : vi = 30 m/s
vf = 0
a = -- 10 m/s²
S = vit + ½ at²
S = (30)(3) + ½ (-10)(3) ²
S = 90 + (-5)(9)
S = 90 – 45
S = 45
Time to return to ground
T = 2t
T = 2(3)

2.5 A car moves with uniform velocity of 40 m/s for 5 s. If it comes to rest
in the next 10 s with uniform deceleration. Find
 deceleration
 Total distance travelled by the car
Solution :
Part1: vi = 40 m/s

S₁ = v × t
S₁ = 40 × 5
S₁ = 200 m

Part2: vi = 40 m/s

vf = ?
t = 10 s

vf = vi + at
0 = 40 + (a)(10)
a (10) = -40
a = - 4 m/s²
S₂ = vit + ½ at²
S₂ = (40)(10) + ½ (-4)(10) ²
S₂ = 400 - (2)(100)
S₂ = 400 – 200
S₂ = 200 m
Hence total distance
S = S₁ + S₂
S= 200 + 200
S = 400 m

2.6 A train starts from rest with an acceleration of 0.5 m/s². Find its speed
in kilometre per hour km/h , when it has moved through 100 m.
Solution : vi = 0
a = 0.5 m/s²
S = 100 m
vf = ?
2aS = vf² – vi²
2(0.5)(100) = vf² -- 0
vf² = 100 m/s
vf = 10 m/s
vf = 10 × 3600
So, vf = 36 km/h

2.8 A cricket ball is hit vertically upwards and returns to ground 6 s leter.
 maximum height reached by the ball
 initial velocity of the ball
Solution : t = 6 s
vi = ?

S = vit + ½ at²
To find initial velocity, put S = 0
0 = (vi)(6) + ½ (-10)(6) ²
0 = 6vi - (5)(36)
0 = 6vi – 180
6vi = 180
vi = 30 m/s
2gh = vf² – vi²
2(-10)h = 0 - (30) ²
-20 h = -900
h = 45 m

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