Harvard Guide
Harvard Guide
Harvard Guide
Please check the guide provided by your School, Department, or lecturer, as it may vary from
these guidelines
General Guidelines
There are two basic components to Harvard referencing system:
1. In-text citations: Harvard style requires the use of a partial reference to the sources you are referring to in
the text of your document. The in-text citation appears in the format of author-date or name-date enclosed
in brackets e.g. (Smith 2008); (PriceWaterhouse Coopers 2005).
2. List of References: a list of references is placed at the end of the document. It should include the full
bibliographic details of all the references you have cited in the document - except personal
communications - in alphabetical order by author names. It is important that the in-text citation is in
agreement with the relevant entry in the reference list.
Citing in text
The Harvard style uses the author date method in the text. Insert the surname of the author followed by the year of
publication (and specific page number(s) if necessary) at the appropriate point in the text. When including page
numbers, use p. for a single page and pp. for a range of consecutive pages. Note there is no comma between the
name and the year, but a comma is required after the date if a page number is added, e.g. (Smith 2013, p.10).
The textual citation may appear at the end of a sentence before the full stop.
By the middle of this century, emerging markets will be nearly twice as large as the current developed economies
(Van Agtmael 2007).
By the middle of this century, emerging markets will be nearly twice as large as the current developed economies
(Van Agtmael 2007, p.12).
Alternatively, the author’s name may be integrated into the sentence, followed by the year of publication
(and page number(s) if necessary).
Robertson and Pitel (2011) predict an average growth of 5% for the continent for 2011 …
Robertson and Pitel (2011, p. 12) predict an average growth of 5% for the continent for 2011 …
Harvard LibGuide– visit http://libguides.scu.edu.au/harvard for online version. Updated 9-Dec-14 Page 1
page number may be included if you paraphrase a passage, summarise an idea from a particular page or you
want to direct the reader to a specific page, e.g. (Smith 1998, p.23). Page numbers may also be included if you
are referring to a long work and the page number(s) might be useful to the reader. If the name of the author
forms part of the sentence, include only the date (and page number if necessary) in the brackets. e.g. Smith
(1998); Smith (1998, p.8).
For example:
Issues surround the imitation of real world buildings as whilst they “serve the important function of
grounding users’ expectations and providing affordances for them to effectively move through space,
they can also be limiting” (Ball & Bainbridge 2008, p. 118).
If a quotation is 30 words or more, omit quotation marks and use a block format in which the quotation is
indented 5 spaces from the left margin and it is single-spaced with the in-text citation at the bottom right.
For example:
This was apparently not the case before about 1995 (The entrepreneur's guide to the law 1999).
If you integrate the authors names into the sentence, use ‘and’ instead of the ampersand.
When a work has more than 3 authors, cite only the name of the first-listed author, followed by et al., every
time the reference occurs in the text.
Harvard LibGuide– visit http://libguides.scu.edu.au/harvard for online version. Updated 9-Dec-14 Page 2
How to cite a work if no dates are available
If the publication date of a resource is unknown or unsure, cite it using n.d. (no date), e.g. (Smith n.d.) or Smith
If the publication date can be established with some degree of accuracy, use the abbreviation 'c' (circa-about),
e.g. (Smith c.1943) or Smith (c.1943).
If the publication date is dubious, use a question mark after the date, e.g. (Smith 1943?) or Smith (1943?).
Other examples with unsure dates include: a work that secured a publisher but not yet in the process of
publication, e.g. (Smith forthcoming); a work that is in the process of publication but the publication date is
uncertain, e. (Smith in press).
If you cite more than one reference from the same author, place them in chronological order, e.g. (Smith 2000,
For multiple citations in the same year by the same author, use a, b, c ... immediately following the year of
publication, e.g. (Fox 1997a, 1997b).
· References cited in text must appear in the Reference list and vice versa. The only exceptions to this
rule are personal communications and classical works; they are cited in text only and are not included
in the Reference list.
· Use only the initial(s) of the author’s given name, not the full name.
· If the Reference list includes 2 or more entries by the same author(s), list them in chronological order
with the earliest first.
· Arrange Reference entries in one alphabetical sequence by the surname of the first author or
organisation name, or by the first word of the title if there is no author. Ignore the words A, An, and The
when alphabetising by title.
· Capitalisation: In titles and subtitles of journal and newspaper articles, books, book chapters, films, and
unpublished material (theses), capitalise only the first letter of the first word and proper nouns. All
major words in the names of journals, magazines and newspapers should be capitalised.
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In-text and Reference list examples
Book (Tracy 2011) Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, Book title, Publisher, Place of Publication.
Single author or
editor (Jalilvand 2012, p. 64) Tracy, B 2011, Full engagement!: inspire, motivate, and bring out the best in your people, Amacom,
New York.
Jalilvand, A (ed.) 2012, Risk management and corporate governance, Routledge, New York.
If a place is little known or shares its name, you can add the state or country.
Book (Abigail & Cahn 2011) Author Surname, Initial(s) & Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, Book title, Publisher, Place of
2-3 authors (Spies-Butcher, Paton & Cahill 2012) Publication.
(Abigail & Cahn 2011, p. 23) 1stAuthor Surname, Initial(s), 2ndAuthor Surname, Initial(s) & 3rdAuthor Surname, Initial(s) Year,
(Spies-Butcher, Paton & Cahill 2012, p. 45) Book title, Publisher, Place of Publication.
When authors’ names are incorporated Abigail, R & Cahn, D 2011, Managing conflict through communication, 4th edn, Allyn & Bacon,
into the text, use ‘and’ instead of the Boston.
The names of all authors should be provided in the reference list (do not use et al).
Book (Webster’s 2000) Book title Year, Publisher, Place of Publication.
No author
(Webster’s 2000, p. 3) Webster’s basic English dictionary 2000, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA.
Harvard LibGuide– visit http://libguides.scu.edu.au/harvard for online version. Updated 9-Dec-14 Page 4
Chapter in an (Rosenberg 2004) Author Surname [of Chapter or Article], Initial(s) Year, 'Article or chapter title', in Initial(s) Editor
edited book Surname (ed.), Book title, Publisher, Place of Publication, pp. page range of article or chapter).
(Rosenberg 2004, p. 52)
Rosenberg, RS 2004, ‘The social impact of computers’, in D Cartmell (ed.), Why people choose
Macintosh, Elsevier Academic Press, Boston, pp. 3-19
Book (Mandel 1971) Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, Book title, trans. Translator Initial(s) Surname, Publisher, Place of
Translated Publication.
(Mandel 1971, p. 112)
Mandel, E 1971, The formation of the economic thought of Karl Marx, 1843 to Capital, trans. B Pearce,
Monthly Review Press, New York.
Ebook (Lipman 1918) If an ebook is readily available still in print form (as the majority of our Ebrary and EBL titles are), then
you can reference an ebook as if it was a print book. The publishing details will be on the usual pages
inside the ebook. If it is an ebook that is not available in print form, or has been re-formatted in text or
HTML format (losing the original page format view), then reference as below.
Lipman, FL 1918, Creating capital: money-making as an aim in business, Project Gutenberg, viewed 25
February 2012, <http://www.gutenberg.org/files/29673/29673-h/29673-h.htm>.
Government (Henry et al. 2010) Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, Title, (Report No. xxx [if available]). Publisher, Place of Publication.
Individual (Henry et al. 2010, p. 16) Henry, DK, Harmer, J, Piggott, J, Ridout, H & Smith, G 2010, Australia’s future tax system,
authors Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Treasury, Canberra.
Government (Department of Defence 2000) Government Name, Name of Government Agency Year, Title, (Report No. xxx [if available]), Publisher,
Publications: Place of Publication.
Departmental (Department of Defence 2000, p. 7)
author Department of Defence 2000, Defence review 2000: our future defence force, public discussion paper
prepared for the Commonwealth Government, Department of Defence, Canberra.
Thesis or (Sakunasingha 2006) Author Surname, Initial(s) Year of submission. 'Title', name of degree, Institution issuing degree,
dissertation – Location of institution.
Unpublished (Sakunasingha 2006, p. 36)
Sakunasingha, B 2006, 'An empirical study into factors influencing the use of value-based management
tools', DBA thesis, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW.
Course materials (Harrison 2012) Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, Title of the study guide or lecture notes, Publisher, Place of
(print) Publication.
(Harrison 2012, p. 6)
Harrison, J 2012, ACC00152 Business finance study guide, 7th edn, Southern Cross University,
Lismore, NSW.
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Journal article (Smith 2011) Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, 'Article title', Journal Title, Volume, issue or number, page range.
1 author
(Smith 2011, p.13) Smith, J 2011, 'Agency and female teachers' career decisions: a life history study of 40 women',
Educational Management Administration & Leadership, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 7-24.
Journal article (Browne & Hemsley 2010) Author Surname, Initial(s) & Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, 'Article title', Journal Title, Volume,
2 or 3 authors issue or number, page range.
(Browne & Hemsley 2010, p. 25)
Browne, G & Hemsley, M 2010, 'Housing and living with a mental illness: exploring carers' views'.
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 22-9.
Journals , magazines & newspapers
(Michaelidou, Siamagka & Christodoulides Michaelidou, N, Siamagka, NT & Christodoulides, G 2011, ‘Usage, barriers and measurement of social media
2011) marketing: an exploratory investigation of small and medium B2B brands’, Industrial Marketing Management,
(Michaelidou, Siamagka & Christodoulides vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 1153-1159, viewed 18 April 2014, <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2011.09.009>.
2011, p.1156)
Journal article (James et al. 2009) Author Surname, Initial(s), Author Surname, Initial(s) & Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, 'Article title',
4 or more Journal Title, Volume, number or issue, page range.
authors (James et al. 2009, p. 249)
James, KR, Hart, BT, Bailey, PCE & Blinn, DW 2009, 'Impact of secondary salinisation on freshwater
ecosystems: effect of experimentally increased salinity on an intermittent floodplain wetland', Marine
and Freshwater Research, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 246-58.
The names of all authors should be provided in the reference list (do not use et al).
Magazine article (Rick & Erlandson 2009) Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, 'Article title', Magazine Title, Day Month, page range.
(Rick & Erlandson 2009, p. 952) Rick, TC & Erlandson, JM 2009, 'Coastal exploitation', Science, 21 August, pp. 952-53.
Newspaper (Browne 2010) Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, 'Article title', Newspaper Title, Day, Month, page range.
With author (Browne 2010, p.45) Browne, R 2010, 'This brainless patient is no dummy', Sydney Morning Herald, 21 March, p. 45.
Without author
Note: If authorship of article is not obvious, provide all the details in the in-text citation e.g.
…in the Sydney Morning Herald (24 January 2000, p.12).
In this case there is no need for an entry in the reference list.
Course materials (Gillett 2012) Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, Title of the study guide or lecture notes, format, Publisher, viewed
Online materials
Gillett, P 2012, Managing Organisations Lecture Topic 2, MP3 recording, Southern Cross University,
viewed March 14 2012, <MNG10247 Blackboard site>.
Gillett, P 2012, Managing Organisations Lecture Topic 2, PowerPoint slides, Southern Cross
University, viewed March 14 2012, <MNG10247 Blackboard site>.
Harvard LibGuide– visit http://libguides.scu.edu.au/harvard for online version. Updated 9-Dec-14 Page 6
Thesis retrieved (Chooprayoon 2011) Author of thesis, Initial(s) Year of submission. 'Title', name of degree, Institution issuing degree,
online viewed Day Month Year, <URL>.
Chooprayoon, V 2011, 'A study of factors influencing the adoption of E-Commerce technology in
small and medium enterprises (SMES) in the Kingdom of Thailand', PhD thesis, Murdoch University,
viewed 20 May 2012, <http://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/5802/>.
Journal article (Salleh et al. 2009) Author Surname, Initial(s) & Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, 'Article title', Journal Title, Volume,
(free access issue or number, page range, viewed Day Month Year <URL>.
online) (Salleh et al. 2009, p. 56)
Salleh, NHM, Siong-Hook, L, Ramachandran, S, Shuib, A & Noor, ZM 2008, 'Asian tourism demand for
Malaysia: A bound test approach', Contemporary Management Research, vol. 4, no. 4,pp. 351-368,
viewed 12 October 2014, <http://www.cmr-journal.org/article/viewArticle/1178>.
Magazine article (Kuttner 2003) Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, 'Article title: Subtitle', Magazine Title, Day Month, page range.
(free access viewed Day Month Year <URL>
online) (Kuttner 2003, p. 26)
Kuttner, R 2003, 'The great American pension-fund robbery', Business Week, 8 September, pp. 24-6,
viewed 20 January 2012, <http://www.businessweek.com/stories/2003-09-07/the-great-american-
Web page (Beard 2006) Author Surname, Initial(s) Year (page created or revised), Title of page, Publisher (if applicable), Place
of publication (if applicable), viewed Day Month Year, <URL>.
Beard, M 2006, The fall of the Roman Republic, viewed 30 January 2011,
Web page with (Attorney-General’s Department 1998) Corporate Author, Year (page created or revised), Title of page, Publisher (if applicable), Place of
Department or publication (if applicable), viewed Day Month Year, <URL>.
Institution as
author Attorney-General's Department 1998, Review of the Commonwealth's 'Acts Interpretation Act 1901',
Attorney-General's Department, Canberra, viewed 1 October 1999, <http://www.law.gov.au>.
Web page with (Royal Institute of British Architects n.d.) Author (n.d.), Title of specific document, viewed date, <URL of specific document>.
no date
Royal Institute of British Architects (n.d.), Shaping the future: careers in architecture, viewed 31 May
2005, <http://ww.careersinarchitecture.net>.
Harvard LibGuide– visit http://libguides.scu.edu.au/harvard for online version. Updated 9-Dec-14 Page 7
Blog Post (Hagon 2009) Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, Title of specific post, Blog name, viewed date, <URL>.
Hagon, P. 2009, Immediate sharing, What's New, viewed 10 January 2009, <http://www.paulhagon.com/
Wiki (Sunnder 2011) Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, 'Title of post', Title of Wiki, viewed date, <URL>.
Libby Trickett's relief 2012, online video, 7 News, viewed 25 Mar 2012,
Audio Podcast (Van Nuys 2007) Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, Title of podcast, Podcast, Publisher (if applicable), Place of Publication
(if applicable), viewed date, <URL>.
Van Nuys, D 2007, Shrink rap radio, Podcast, viewed 19 December 2011,
Annual report (Tabcorp 2012) Corporate Author, Year, Full title of annual report. Publisher, Place of Publication.
(Tabcorp 2012, p. 2) Tabcorp 2012, Concise annual report 2012, Tabcorp Holdings Limited, Melbourne.
Annual report (Tabcorp 2012) Corporate Author, Year, Full title of annual report. viewed Day Month Year, <URL>.
(Tabcorp 2012, p. 2) Tabcorp 2012, Concise annual report 2012, Tabcorp Holdings Limited, viewed 7 January 2013,
Brochures, (Southern Cross University 2008) Author surname, Initial(s), Year, Title, Publisher, Place of Publication.
Other Sources
booklets Southern Cross University. 2008. Copyright and you: a guide for staff. Southern Cross University,
Lismore, NSW.
Conference (Wilde & Cox 2008) Author Surname, Initial(s) Year of publication, 'Title of paper', (Initial and Surname of editors), Title of
paper published proceedings which may include place held and date, Publisher, Place of Publication, page
(in published (Wilde & Cox 2008, p. 115) number(s).
Wilde, S & Cox, C 2008, 'Principal factors contributing to the competitiveness of tourism destinations at
varying stages of development', in S Richardson, L Fredline, A Patiar & M Ternel (eds), CAUTHE 2008:
Tourism and Hospitality Research, Training and Practice; "Where the 'Bloody Hell' Are We?", Griffith
University, Gold Coast, Qld, pp. 115-8.
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Conference (Julian 2011) Author Surname, Initial(s) Year of publication, 'Title of paper', paper presented to Name of the
paper conference, Place of the conference, date held. viewed Date Month Year, <URL>.
(unpublished (Julian 2011, p. 63)
online) Julian, CC 2011, 'The relationship between industry structure, marketing capabilities, strategy and
performance: the empirical link in export ventures', paper presented to The Clute Institute International
Academic Conference, Las Vegas, 10-12 October, viewed 9 May 2012,
Company, (Datamonitor 2010) Author Year. Report title, Database name, viewed date.
industry, market (Datamonitor 2010, p. 13)
reports from Datamonitor 2010, Rio Tinto SWOT analysis, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 20 January
databases (Stephen 2012) 2012.
(Stephen 2012, p. 24)
Stephen, T 2012, IBISWorld Industry Report L771. Retail property operators in Australia, IBISWorld,
viewed 20 January 2013.
Financial data (DatAnalysis 2013) Author Year. Financial data, Name of data provider, access date.
(Factiva 2010) DatAnalysis 2013, QBE weekly share price data 2002-2012, DatAnalysis, viewed Jan 21 2013.
Factiva 2010, Qantas Financial results: annual cash flow, Factiva, viewed Jan 5 2013.
Legal Victoria's Residential Tenancies Act 1997 Title of the Act and date of publication (abbreviation of the jurisdiction), section number(s), reprint
Authorities ... number, Publisher, Place of Publication.
Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (Vic) Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (Vic), ss. 167-187, reprint 2, Anstat, Melbourne.
Legal The State of New South Wales v. The The name of the case is italicised and the year is placed in brackets.
Authorities Commonwealth (1915) 20 CLR 54 Name of the case (Year) Reference details (including vol number, Abbreviated Reference Series, Starting
Cases page number)
Greutner v. Everard (1960) 103 CLR 177
at 181
The Commonwealth v. The State of Note: Legal cases are only included in a list of reference if they are important to an understanding
Tasmania (1983) 158 CLR 1; (1983) 57 of the work. In that case, it is preferable to list cases separately under the subheading of "Cases".
ALJR 450; (1983) 46 ALR 625 (the
Tasmanian Dam Case)
Harvard LibGuide– visit http://libguides.scu.edu.au/harvard for online version. Updated 9-Dec-14 Page 9
Personal (J Smith 2008, pers. comm., 2 July ) Information gained through conversations, emails, phones calls, faxes, letters, lecture presentations or
communications interviews may be cited as "Personal communications" in text. Details of a personal communication is
J Smith (2008, pers. comm., 2 July) said ... usually not included in the reference list but it is important to obtain the permission of the person being
referred to.
Note that that full date (year, day Month) is included in the citation and the initial is placed before the
Secondary (Fong, cited in Betram 1997) Reference the work of the author who has done the citing.
Fong’s 1987 study (cited in Bertram, For in-text citations, include both authors' names using the words "cited in" to indicate the work of one
1997) found that older students’ memory author as cited in another author's work. In the list of references, record the publication you actually
can be as good as that of young people, … sourced.
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