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Transbase Interactive Interface TBI

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Interactive Interface TBI

Transaction Software GmbH

Willy-Brandt-Allee 2
D-81829 München
Phone: +49-89-62709-0
Fax: +49-89-62709-11
Email: info@transaction.de

September 10, 2015

1 Overview 3

2 Command Line Parameters 5

3 TBI Commands 6
3.1 Database Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2 Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3 System Commands: e, cd, qu, list, ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.4 TBI Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.5 Setting the Consistency Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.6 Evaluation Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.7 TBI Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.8 Database Commands: sc, re, rse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.9 SQL Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.10 Command History: history, ee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4 TBI Relation Editor RE 13

4.1 Input Mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.2 RE Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Chapter 1


TBI (Transbase Interactive) is a line-oriented user interface for interactive database

use. TBI is well suited to develop all kinds of database applications, i.e. to design
the database schema and to develop the queries needed for a certain application.
TBI exhibits the full functionality of Transbase, including connections to more
than one database and distributed transactions.
TBI provides three classes of commands, namely TB/SQL commands, TBI com-
mands, and shell commands. TB/SQL commands may be spread over lines of
input and thus have to be delimited by a semicolon (;). TBI commands and shell
commands are delimited by the newline character. Shell commands are prefixed
with a ”!”. The table below shows the syntax of all TBI commands. Optional
parameters are enclosed in brackets [].
TBI command names are key insensitive, i.e. instead of typing conn one may also
type CONN or any combination of lower case and upper case letters cOnN.


co[nn] dbname [ login [ password ] ]

dc[onn] [ dbid ]
sw[itch] [ dbid ]
acc[ept] var [prompt]
set var string
set consistency <level>
sc[hema] [ tablename ]
re[ledit] tablename
rse tablename [ filename ]


x [ filename [ param1 [param2] ...] ]

li[st] [ filename ]
e[dit] [ filename ]
cd [ directory ]
! [shellcommand]
Chapter 2

Command Line Parameters


tbi [-x | -s] [-f file][ dbname [ login [ password ] ] ]

Syntax: (MS/Windows)

wintbi [-notify task msg|-notifywindow wnd msg] [-x | -s] [-f file][ dbname [ login [ pa

With the -x option, tbi echos statements while processing tbi procedures. With
the -s option (silent), tbi does not output interactive prompts. All other output
is still produced.
The -f option (evaluate file) evaluates the given file as a command script. At
EOF active transactions will be aborted and open connections will be closed.
On MS Windows -notify/-notify window makes tbi to send his exitcode to task/wnd
by using the message msg. The exitcode will be the wParam component of msg.
This option is very usefull in conjunction with the -f option when tbi is started
from another task.
Beside the option, tbi may be called with 1, 2, or 3 parameters, namely a dbname,
the login name and the password.
If no parameters are given, tbi does not connect to a database.
If a dbname is specified, tbi connects to the specified database. A dbname may
be either a local name or a remote name.
If login is not specified, the user will be prompted for the name and the password.
If no password is specified, the user will be prompted. During typing the password
the echo is disabled.

Chapter 3

TBI Commands

3.1 Database Connections

TBI maintains connections to databases. Databases are identified by numbers.
One of the co nnected databases is the active database. The name of the active
database is given with the command prompt.


co[nn] dbname [ login [ password ] ]\\

dc[onn] [ dbid ]\\
sw[itch] [ dbid ]

The conn command connects to the specified database. The meaning of the pa-
rameters login and password is as described for the command line parameters.
The dconn command disconnects from a database. If no parameter is specified,
the currently active database is disconnected. If other databases are connected
to, one of those databases will be chosen as the new current database.
To change the active database, the switch command is used. If no parameter
is specified, switch prints a list of connected databases. Otherwise the specified
database is made the active database.

3.2 Transactions
TBI supports a single transaction, which is automatically started with the first
TB/SQL statement. A transaction remains active until it is explicitly aborted or
committed by the user.
The TBI command prompt shows a plus sign ”+” if a transaction is active and a
minus sign ”-” if no transaction is active.




Effect: bt starts a transaction, at aborts, ct commits the currently active trans-

If no transaction is active, at and ct have no effect.
If a transaction is already active, bt has no effect.
If the user switches between databases, the current transaction is automatically
distributed over all participating databases.
If a transaction is active when TBI is left or when a database is disconnected, TBI
prompts the user to abort or commit the transaction.
By typing the Ctl-C key, a currently active transaction is always aborted auto-

3.3 System Commands: e, cd, qu, list, !

A number of system commands are also included in TBI.


e[dit] [ filename ]\\

cd [ directory ]\\
li[st] [ filename ]\\
! command\\

The edit command edits the file specified by its name. If no name is specified,
a temporary file is edited. The temporary file is located either in the directory
given by the user’s TMPDIR environment variable, or in the current directory. The
name of the temporary file is similar to ”tbiNNNNN” where NNNNN denotes the
process number of the TBI process.
The environment variable EDITOR is used to find the name of the editor. If no
variable is defined, a local default is used (e.g. ”vi” for UNIX systems).
The cd command changes the current directory. If no directory is specified, cd
changes to the home directory of the user. All filenames refer to the current

directory if not stated otherwise. Especially, the commands edit, x, and cd and
the SPOOL statement refer to files located in this directory.
On Windows platform the cd command not only changes the current working
directory for a drive. It also changes the current drive itself.
The list command redirects the standard output of TBI into the filename spec-
ified. The redirection holds until a subsequent list command is issued. The list
command without a filename restores the stdout to where it was at start time of
TBI (normally the user’s terminal).
The ”!” command runs an arbitrary system command within a subshell. Note
that command line processing is left to the shell; therefore special characters (e.g.
”*” or ”[]”) have the usual meaning. If this interpretation shall be omitted, these
characters have to be escaped.
The ”!” command is not avaliable on Windows platforms.
If a user wants to start an interactive subshell, it may use one of the commands:
! sh
! csh
The quit command leaves the TBI session. Typing Ctl-D at the beginning of the
command line in UNIX systems is equivalent.

3.4 TBI Variables


set var string\\

acc[ept] var [prompt]

The set command sets a variable var to the value string.

The accept command prints a prompt if specified, reads a value from stdin and
assign it to the variable var.
Values of variables can be accessed by the notation $var$ where var is a variable
which has been asigned a value. If var has not been assigned a value, the expression
$var$ remains unchanged.

3.5 Setting the Consistency Level


set consistency 1
set consistency 2
set consistency 3

Setting the consistency level is done via the predefined special variable c̈onsistency.̈
The allowed values 1, 2, 3 correspond to the values CONS 1, CONS 2, CONS 3
used in the explanation of the consistency levels in the TBX and ESQL manuals
(chapter Consistency Levels).
To summarize:

Level 3 implements serializability and read reproducibility by long write and long
read locks.

Level 2 implements short read locks (until end of query).

Level 1 runs read queries without any locks.

Each tbi session starts with level 3 consistency by default.

3.6 Evaluation Plans


set plans on
set plans off

Enabling Evaluation Plans is done via the predefined special variable "plans"
The allowed values ON and OFF enable and disable the mechanism. If "plans" is
ON the evaluation plans are retrieved into file "plan.txt" each time a query has
been evaluated and closed.
Each tbi session starts with Evaluation Plans Disabled by default.

3.7 TBI Procedures


x [ filename [ param1 [ param ] ... ] ]

Instead of typing TB/SQL commands, TBI commands or shell commands inter-

actively on the TBI command line, all those commands can be typed into a file
(using the ”e” command) and be executed by TBI.

If no filename is given, TBI executes the temporary file. If an explicit filename

is given (an absolute or relative pathname referring to the current directory) the
given file is executed by TBI.
When calling a named procedure files, up to nine parameters can be passed via
the command line. Parameters are separated by space or tab.
Within the procedure file, parameters can be referenced as $1$ (the first param-
eter), $2$ (the second parameter) and so forth. For convenience, the parameter
$0$ is defined, too, which contains the name of the procedure executed. When
the procedure is run, TBI substitutes the actual parameter strings (if present) for
the formal parameters $0$, $1$, $2$, ..., $9$.
TBI executes the procedure silently unless the -x option had been specified on the
command line when TBI had been started.
The procedure tel retrieves the phone number of persons whose name matches
the first parameter of tel.

SELECT name, phone FROM phonenumber

WHERE name LIKE ’%$1$%’

The procedure is called by typing e.g.:

x tel TransAction

The query produced by the parameter substitution is:

SELECT name, phone FROM phonenumber

WHERE name LIKE ’%TransAction%’

The x can be suppressed if the name of the procedure does not conflict with a
TBI command prefix or with a TB/SQL prefix.
If a parameter is referenced in a procedure and no actual parameter is supplied
for it, no text substitution is performed, i.e. $1$ is left unchanged instead of
substituting the empty string for $1$.
If, in the above example, tel was called without parameter, TBI would produce
the statement:

SELECT name, phone FROM phonenumber

WHERE name LIKE ’%$1$%’

and, most probably, no tuples will be found.


3.8 Database Commands: sc, re, rse


sc[hema] [ tablename ]\\

re[ledit] tablename\\
rse tablename [ file ]

The schema command displays a list of table names that are accessible by the
current user, i.e. where the current user has privileges.
If a tablename is specified, detailed field information is displayed for the given
The reledit command calls a mask-oriented interface to edit the contents of a
table. The tablename parameter is mandatory and must specify a valid table or
view name. If the table or view cannot be updated by the user (e.g. since the view
is not updatable or if the table is locked for update), RE tries to read the table or
view. In this case, only retrieval operations are allowed in this RE session.
The reledit subcommands are described in a dedicated section below.
The rse command is a generalized realization of the ALTER TABLE statement de-
fined by ANSI SQL standard. The rse command supplied with a table name
generates a script which contains statements to save the contents of the table in
a spoolfile, to drop the table, to recreate the table, to spool the saved tuples back
into the recreated table and to recreate all scondary indexes as well as all views
based on the table.
The generated script is written into the current temporary procedure file or into
a file with the specified name. The editor is opened on the file.
The rse command does not change the database. The generated script is a basis
to realize schema changes on the specified table.
The re command is not available on Windows platforms.

3.9 SQL Commands

All TB/SQL commands may be typed to TBI; note that TB/SQL commands have
to be suffixed with a semicolon. Thus the user is able to insert arbitrary newline
characters into the statement.
SQL commands are recognized by their first word (e.g. SELECT).

3.10 Command History: history, ee

TBI automatically maintains - much like the C-shell - a history of at most 40

interactive commands. The history can be shown using the history command.
There are two possibilities to retrieve a command from the history for reexecution.
.. reexecutes the last command
.prefix reexecutes the most recent command with the specified prefix.

SELECT tname FROM systable

... repeats the select command
... repeats the select command

The ee command writes the last executed command into the temporary file and
calls the editor. It is a convenient way to correct the last interactively typed


SELECT tname FOM systable WHERE ttype = ’S’

syntax error ’SELECT tname FOM’ is reported by Transbase
correct the error
repeat the command by executing the temporary file
Chapter 4

TBI Relation Editor RE

4.1 Input Mask

The input mask contains a line for each field of the table. The user may fill in
the fields in order to specify a tuple to be fetched or to insert a new tuple. When
browsing through a table the user may delete or update a tuple in place.
Special Characters:
When filling the input mask, printable characters are echoed, non-printable char-
acters are ignored with the following exceptions:

• The tab characters moves the cursor to the next field cyclically.

• The newline character executes the first command listed in the command
menu, i.e. either switches to the browsing mode of RE or retrieves the next

• The escape character displays a menu of applicable RE commands.

4.2 RE Commands

An RE command is selected in one of three ways:

From within the command menu:
By typing the first character of the command followed by a newline character.
From within the command menu:
By hitting the space bar, the prompt is cyclically moved through the menu choices.
When the appropriate command is reached, a newline character activates the


From within the input menu, only two commands can be activated simply by hit-
ting the newline character:
If a browse is active, the more command is executed otherwise the browse com-
mand is executed.

browse The browse command starts a retrieval query. If the input mask has
been filled, only those tuples are retrieved that have the values specified.
Note that string fields may specify patterns containing wild cards. See the
description of the LIKE predicate in the TB/SQL manual.

more The more command retrieves the next tuple of a previously activated
browse. If no further tuples are available, the input mask is cleared. The
user may specify the next browse.

insert The insert command may be called to insert a new tuple into the table.
If insert is called during a browse, the browse is automatically closed. The
insert command is not shown if RE is called for retrieval operations only.

clear The clear command clears the input mask and eventually closes an open

quit The quit command ends the reledit session and switches back to the TBI
command interface. Note that you still have to commit or abort the active
transaction by a TBI command.

update The update command is only applicable during a browse. If called, the
current tuple is updated to the values specified in the input mask. The
update command is not shown if RE is called for retrieval operations only.

delete The delete command is only applicable during a browse. If called, the
current tuple is deleted from the table. If available the next tuple is shown
in the input mask. The delete command is not shown if RE is called for
retrieval operations only.

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