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Spelling Bee

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Easy (Pereja)

INCHOATE /inˈkōət,ˈinkəˌwāt/
adjective just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary.
"a still inchoate democracy"

noun the state of being respected or admired; prestige.
"no other shipping company had quite the cachet of Cunard"

QUERULOUS /ˈkwer(y)ələs/
adjective complaining in a petulant or whining manner.
"she became querulous and demanding"

INDEFATIGABLE /ˌindəˈfadəɡəb(ə)l/
adjective (of a person or their efforts) persisting tirelessly.
"an indefatigable defender of human rights"

MELLIFLUOUS /məˈlifloooəs/
adjective (of a voice or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear.
"the voice was mellifluous and smooth"

SPURIOUS /ˈsp(y)ooorēəs/
adjective not being what it purports to be; false or fake.
"separating authentic and spurious claims"

DUBIOUS /ˈd(y)ooobēəs/
adjective hesitating or doubting.
"Alex looked dubious, but complied"

SUBPOENA /səˈpēnə/
noun a writ ordering a person to attend a court.
"a subpoena may be issued to compel their attendance"

CHUTE /SHooot/
noun a sloping channel or slide for conveying things to a lower level
"cattle tend to be calmer in a chute with solid sides"

ETIQUETTE /ˈedəkət,ˈedəˌket/
noun the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular
profession or group.
"the rules of etiquette are changing"

Easy (Evite)

Mortgage (n) [ mawr-gij ] a conveyance of an interest in property as security for the repayment
of money borrowed:

She also insists she was not “financially involved” with the down payment or mortgage
payments on the property.

Necessity (n) [ nuh-ses-i-tee ] something necessary or indispensable:

Food, shelter, and other necessities of life.

Neighbor (n) [ ney-ber ] one's fellow human being: To be generous toward one's less fortunate

Orchestra (n) [ awr-kuh-struh ] a group of performers on various musical instruments, including

especially stringed instruments of the viol class, clarinets and flutes, cornets and trombones,
drums, and cymbals, for playing music, as symphonies, operas, popular music, or other
People scream, the orchestra stops playing, and the stage manager whisks the diva into the

Pamphlet (n) [ pam-flit ] a short treatise or essay, generally a controversial tract, on some
subject of contemporary interest:

A political pamphlet.

Peculiar (n) [ pi-kyool-yer ] uncommon; unusual:

The peculiar hobby of stuffing and mounting bats.

Prejudice (n) [ prej-uh-dis ] such attitudes considered collectively:

The war against prejudice is never-ending.

Receipt (n) [ ri-seet ] a written acknowledgment of having received, or taken into one's
possession, a specified amount of money, goods, etc:

Many applicants had tentative agreements for real estate contingent upon the receipt of their

Bologna (n) [ buh-loh-nee, -nuh, -lohn-yuh ] a large seasoned sausage made of finely ground
meat, usually beef and pork, that has been cooked and smoked:

The Bologna my mother cooked was very tasty.

Yacht (n) [ yot ] a vessel used for private cruising, racing, or other noncommercial purposes:

We love sailing using a Yacht.

Easy (Ratac)

ACCORDION (n.) /uh·kor·dee·uhn/

- is a musical instrument with reeds blown by bellows, played by means of keys and buttons.
The new accordion made him feel like a professional musician for the first time.

CACHE (n.) /’kash/

- a part of a computer’s memory where the information is kept so that the computer can find it
very quickly.
My new laptop has four megabyte of cache.
DISTRAUGHT (adj.) /di-‘strot/
- agitated with doubt or mental conflict or pain
He seems distraught because of what he found out.

FEINT (n.) /’fant/

- a quick movement that you make to trick the opponent.
He quickly feinted when he saw his opponent’s right hook.

GNARL (n.) /’’narl/

- a rough, knotty protuberance, especially on a tree.
He was not able to cut through the gnarl of the tree.

HEARTH (n.) /’harth/

- the floor in front of or inside a fireplace.
They swept the ashes from the hearth.

HIPPOPOTAMUS (n.) /’hi-po-po-ta-mus/

- a large African animal that has an extremely large head and mouth and short legs and spends
most of its time in water.
The Hippopotamus that we saw was so huge.

HYACINTH (n.) /’ha-ya-sinth/

- at ype of plant that is grown in ardens and has flowers that smell sweet.
My mom tried to plant some hyacinth in our garden.

INQUISITION (n.) /’in-kwi-si-shun/

- a systematic search for the truth or facts about something
There’s no need to conduct an inquisition for some trivial matters.

CHIVALRY (n.) /’shi-val-ri/

- an honorable and polite way of behaving especially towards women.
He paid her fare as an act of chivalry.

Easy (Javiniar)

SEPARATE • verb • \ˈse-p(ə-)ˌrāt\ • to cause (two or more people or things) to stop being
together, joined, or connected • They described the process used to separate cream from milk.

WEIRD • adjective •\ˈwird\ • unusual or strange • I heard a weird noise.

NOTICEABLE • adjective • \ˈnō-tə-sə-bəl\ • able to be easily seen or noticed • The spot on your
shirt is very noticeable.

EMBARRASS • verb • \im-ˈber-əs, -ˈba-rəs\ • to make (someone) feel confused and foolish in
front of other people • I would never do anything to embarrass my family.

ACCIDENTALLY • adjective • \-ˈdent-lē, -ˈden-təl-ē\ • happening in a way that is not planned or

intended • I accidentally dropped my glasses into the water.

INDEPENDENT • adjective • \ˌin-də-ˈpen-dənt\ • not requiring or relying on something else • The

country recently became independent.

BALLOON • noun • \bə-ˈlün\ • a thin usually rubber bag that becomes larger when it is filled with
air or gas • I blew up a balloon but then it burst.
OCCASION • noun • \ə-ˈkā-zhən\ • a special event or time • She wrote a song especially for the

ADDRESS • verb • \ə-ˈdres, a- also ˈa-ˌdres\ • to use a specified name or title when speaking or
writing to (someone) • I've addressed the letter, but it still needs a stamp.

ATHLETE • noun • \ˈath-ˌlēt, ÷ˈa-thə-ˌlēt\ • a person who is trained in or good at sports, games,
or exercises that require physical skill and strength • She was quite an athlete as a child.

Easy (Lupena)

EXAGGERATE /iɡˈzajəˌrāt/ (verb)

-represent (something) as being larger, better, or worse than it really is.

"He was apt to exaggerate any aches and pains."

EXERCISE /ˈeksərˌsīz/ (noun)

-activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness.

"Exercise improves your heart and lung power."

INCIDENTALLY /ˌinsəˈdent(ə)lē/ (adverb)

-used when a person has something more to say, or is about to add a remark unconnected to
the current subject; by the way.

"Incidentally, it was many months before the whole truth was discovered."

IRRITABLE /ˈirədəb(ə)l/ (adjective)

-having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed or made angry.

"She was tired and irritable."

MINIATURE /ˈmin(ē)əCHər,ˈmin(ē)əˌCHooor/ (adjective)

-(especially of a replica of something) of a much smaller size than normal; very small.

"Children dressed as miniature adults."

ATHEIST /ˈāTHēəst/ (noun)

-a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

"He is a committed atheist."

RELIGIOUS /rəˈlijəs/ (adjective)

-relating to or believing in a religion.

"Both men were deeply religious, intelligent, and moralistic."

PHARAOH /ˈferō/ (noun)

-a ruler in ancient Egypt.
"The time of the pharaohs."

PUBLICLY /ˈpəblik(ə)lē/ (adverb)

-so as to be seen by other people; in public.

"Some weep publicly."

THOROUGH /ˈTHərō/ (adjective)

-complete with regard to every detail; not superficial or partial.

"Planners need a thorough understanding of the subject."

Easy (Umale)

EMBEZZLE / im – ‘be – zǝl / verb

: to still money that you have been trusted with

He was caught embezzling money from his clients.

RECEIVE / ri – ‘sēv / verb

: to get or be given

You will receive a discount if you spend over $100.

HEINOUS / hā – nǝs / adjective

: very bad or evil

The murderers were especially heinous.

IRASCIBLE / I ‘ra – sǝ – bǝl / adjective

: having a bad temper

I have an irascible disposition.

MEDIEVAL / mē – ‘dē – vǝl / adjective

: very old

They’re using a computer hat seems positively medieval by today’s standards.

MORALE / mǝ – ‘ral / noun

: the feelings of loyalty that a person has about a task

The president’s speech boosted the morale of the woman.

PNEUMONIA / nuů – ‘mō – nyǝ / noun

: a disease that affects the lungs and makes it difficult to breath

He caught pneumonia over the winter.

PRAIRIE / ‘prer – ē / noun

: a large, mostly flat area of land in North America that has few trees and is covered by grasses

The train tracks extend over miles of prairie.

WHOLLY / ‘hō(l) – lē / adverb

: complete or fully

She is wholly devoted to her children.

VENGEANCE /’ven – jǝn(t)s / noun

: the act of doing something to hurt someone

Angry Protesters wanted to inflict vengeance on the killer.

ADDRESS /əˈdres, ˈæd•res/ Noun

DEFINITION: The specific place where a person, business, or an organization can be found and
where email can be received. EXAMPLE: What is your street address now?
APPARENT /əˈpær•ənt, -ˈpeər-/ Adjective
DEFINITION: Unable to seen or understood. EXAMPLE: It was becoming increasingly apparent
that he could no longer look at himself.
DEFINITION: The fact that something is suitable for your purposes and causes no difficulty for
your schedule or plans. EXAMPLE: I enjoy the convenience of having my groceries delivered.
DISCIPLINE /ˈdɪs•ə•plən, -ˌplɪn/ Noun
DEFINITION: Training that produces obedience or self control EXAMPLE: He is a believer of
strong discipline.
FASCINATE /ˈfæs•əˌneɪt/ Verb
DEFINITION: To have someone’s complete interest and attention. EXAMPLE: Anything to do
with airplanes or flying fascinate

PRONUNCIATION /prəˌnənsēˈāSH(ə)n/ noun

DEFINITION: The way in which a word is pronounced. EXAMPLE: Spelling does not determine

ENDEAVOR /ənˈdevər/ verb

DEFINITION: try hard to do or achieve something. EXAMPLE: "he is endeavoring to help the
Third World"

DEFINITION: learn to pronounce verb successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective,
level, or result) by effort, skill, or courage. EXAMPLE: "he achieved his ambition to become a

ATTAIN /əˈtān/ verb

DEFINITION: succeed in achieving (something that one desires and has worked for).
EXAMPLE: "clarify your objectives and ways of attaining them"

ACQUIRE /əˈkwī(ə)r/ verb

DEFINITON: buy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself. EXAMPLE: "I managed to acquire all
the books I needed"

Average (Pereja)

CONSCIENTIOUS /ˌkän(t)SHēˈen(t)SHəs/
adjective (of a person) wishing to do what is right, especially to do one's work or duty well and
"a conscientious and hardworking clerk"

CHAUFFEUR /SHōˈfər,ˈSHōfər/
noun a person employed to drive a private or rented automobile.
“I'll have the chauffeur drive me to the store tomorrow.”

BOYCOTT /ˈboiˌkät/
verb withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as
a punishment or protest.
"we will boycott all banks which take part in the loans scheme"

noun a set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers, devised for the purposes
of a survey or statistical study
“Hand me the questionnaire and I’ll ask you a few questions.”

ANALGESIC /ˌanlˈjēzik,ˌanlˈjēsik/
adjective (of a drug) acting to relieve pain.
"aspirin is an analgesic"

SUCCEDANEUM /ˌsəksəˈdānēəm/
noun a substitute, especially for a medicine or drug.
“The doctor prescribed a succedaneum in case he had a reaction to the first drug.”

adjective (of a child) having developed certain abilities or proclivities at an earlier age than
"he was a precocious, solitary boy"
DEMITASSE /ˈdemētäs/
noun a small coffee cup.
"a demitasse spoon"

LOGORRHEA /ˌlôɡəˈrēə/
noun a tendency to extreme loquacity.
“Sean's logorrhea can be off-putting to those who spend a lot of time with him.”

FUCHSIA /ˈfyoooSHə/
noun a shrub with pendulous tubular flowers that are typically of two contrasting colors.
“My favorite color is fuchsia”

Average (Evite)

Agoraphobia (noun) /ag·o·ra·pho·bia/

a fear of being in open or public places; a patient suffering from agoraphobia.

Chiaroscurist (noun) /chiar·oscu·rist/ an artist who specializes in; The Chiaroscurist was so great.

Logorrhea (noun) /log·or·rhea/ : pathologically excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness that is
characteristic especially of the manic phase of bipolar disorder; I used to have logorrhea

Myelocyte (noun) /my·e·lo·cyte/ a motile cell with cytoplasmic granules that gives rise to the granulocytes of the
blood and occurs abnormally in the circulating blood; His Myelocyte decreases as his immune system weakens.

Chrysanthemum (noun) /chry·san·the·mum/ any of various composite plants (genus Chrysanthemum) including
weeds, ornamentals grown for their brightly colored often double flower heads, and others important as sources
of medicinals and insecticide; At Benu, a soup made from winter melon envelops fresh silken tofu cut to look like a

Gyro (noun) /gy·ro | \ ˈyē-ˌrō/ a sandwich especially of lamb and beef, tomato, onion, and yogurt sauce on pita
bread; We went to the party for the gyro.

Celtic (adjective) /Celt·ic\ˈkel-tik/ relating to the celts; The books I read was so Celtic.

Acai (noun) \ˌä-ˌsä-ˈē, -sī-ˈē\ a small, dark purple, berrylike fruit with a juicy pulp that is often used in beverages or
eaten raw and that is produced by a tall, slender palm (Euterpe oleracea) native to tropical rain forests of Central
and South America; The acai berry was very unique to our eyes.

Chicanery (noun) /chi·ca·nery\-ˈkān-rē, -ˈkā-nə-/ deception by artful subterfuge or sophistry : He wasn't above
using chicanery to win votes.

Hermes (noun) /Her·mes\ˈhər-(ˌ)mēz/ Greek god of commerce, eloquence, invention, travel, and theft who serves
as herald and messenger of the other gods; Hermes is our lesson on Mythology.

Average (Ratac)

DEFIBRILLATOR (n.) /’dee-fib-ruh-ley-ter/ - a machine that gives an electric shock to a person’s

heart in order to make it beat normally again especially after a heart attack.

Hurry up! Grab the defibrillator he’s not breathing anymore.

CONCESSIONAIRE (n.) /’kuhn-se-shu-nehr/ - is a person who holds a privilege given by the

government, or a person who sells refreshments at a sporting event.

The concessionaire was very good at what he did and he made all of us feel confident in our

future dealings together.

HARANGUE (n.) /’hr-ang/ - to speak to someone forceful or angry way.

Because I spent my allowance on clothes, I will have to endure a harangue from my mom.

LACQUER (n.) /’la-kr/ - a liquid made of shellac dissolved in alcohol, or of synthetic substances,

that dries to form a hard protective coating for wood, metal, etc.

Lacquer was added to the dresser's surface to give it extra shine

ACQUIANTANCE (n.) /’uh-kwein-tns/ - a person one knows slightly, but who is not a close


He’s just an acquaintance, no more, no less.

LIEUTENANT (n.) /’loo-teh-nuhnt/ - a deputy or substitute acting for a superior.

He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant.

ANATHEMA (n.) /’uh-nath-uh-muh/ - that is, someone or something intensely disliked.

The given ideas are anathema to me.

ACCOMMODATE (v.) /’ako-mo-date/ - to do something for someone or something or to provide

what is needed or wanted for someone or something.

He was kind enough to accommodate me.

ESQUAMULOSE (adj.) /’es-kwa-myu-lows/ - not covered in scales or scale-like objects; having

a smooth skin.

I learned to to respect a wall made of stones, to always respect any wall that is esquamulose.

CHRONOLOGICALLY (adj.) /’kro-no-lo-ji-ka-li/ - arranged in the order that things happened or

came to be.

Her art is displayed in roughly chronological order.

Average (Javiniar)


• noun

• \ə-ˈden-dəm\

• a section of a book that is added to the main or original text

• The letters are included as an addendum to the biography.


• noun

• \ˌa-nə-ˈni-mə-tē\

• the quality or state of being unknown to most people

• They are trying to protect their child's anonymity.


• verb

• \-sē-ˌāt\

• to cause (someone) to stop breathing and often to become unconscious and die

• The murder victim was asphyxiated.


• adjective

• \ə-ˈsij-wəs, -ˈsi-jə-\

• showing great care, attention, and effort

• The project required some assiduous planning.


• noun

• \ˌba-sə-ˈnet, ˈba-sə-ˌ\

• a small bed for a baby that looks like a basket and that usually has a hood or cover over one end
• He carefully stood and gently placed Destiny in her bassinet.


• noun

• \ˈchət-nē\

• a thick sauce that is made from fruits, vinegar, sugar, and spices

• I tasted a sample of a new addition to their range - a chili and ginger chutney.


• noun

• \ˈkər-nəl\

• an officer of high rank in the army, air force, or marines

• He retired as a colonel in the air force.


• noun

• \ˈkrü-ˌtän, krü-ˈ\

• a small piece of bread that is toasted or fried until it is crisp

• Season with salt and pepper and serve with croutons.


• noun

• \ˈdiŋ-ē, -gē\

• a small boat that is often carried on or towed behind a larger boat

• We went sailing on the secluded lake in a little two-person dinghy.


• verb

• \ˈfān\

• to pretend to feel or be affected by (something)

• He muttered some lame excuse, feigning making an error.

Average (Umale)

HIGHFALUTIN / hī - fə - ‘lü - tən / adjective

: trying to seem great

His highfalutin paean to the working class failed.

KAPOK / ‘kā – päk / noun

: tree that has a trunk with short sharp prickles, a buttressed base and porous lightweight wood

They rest near the kapok.

LANAI / lə - ‘nī / noun

: a porch or veranda

He would often seat on the front of lanai with his dog.

LANGUID / ‘lan - gwəd / adjective

: showing very little strength and energy

The walked at a languid pace.

LOUPE / ‘lüp / noun

: a small magnifier

The jewelers use loupe to know if the jewels are fake.

MARQUEE / mär – ‘kē / noun

: a covered structure over the entrance to a building such as theater

She dreamed of seeing her name on the theater marquee.

NUANCE / ‘nü – än(t)s / noun

: very small difference in color, tone and such

He listened to the subtle nuances in the song.

PANDOWDY / pan – ‘daů - də / noun

: a deep – dish spiced apple dessert sweetened with sugar overed with a rich crust.
Let’s taste pandowdy this time!

RAMBUNCTIOUS / ram – ‘bənk - shəs / adjective

: uncontrolled in a way that is playful

The beach is often taken over by packs of rambunctious.

ZABAGLIONE /zä - bəl – ‘yō – nē / noun

: a whipped dessert or topping consisting of a mixture of egg yolls, sugar, and Marsala wine

You should try zabaglione, it is very delicious.

Average (Mercado)




Definition: a painful area in the body with inflamed tissue and pus.

Example of an abscess is a bad pimple or blackhead.

WORD: Camaraderie

PRONUNCIATION: ca·ma·ra·der·ie


The definition of camaraderie is the loyalty and warm, friendly feelings that friends have for each other.

An example of camaraderie is a group of women getting together to knit and talk on a weekly basis.


PRONUNCIATION: /ˈrezərˌvwär/


Definition: a supply or source of something.

Example: "tapping into a universal reservoir of information"




Definition: the holder of a concession or grant, especially for the use of land or commercial premises.

Example: "He is a consseionaire."

WORD: Furlough



Definition: leave of absence, especially that granted to a member of the armed services.

Example: "a civil servant home on furlough"

WORD: Grotesque



Definition: comically or repulsively ugly or distorted.

Example: "grotesque facial distortions"

WORD: Memoir



Definition: a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources.

Example: "in 1924 she published a short memoir of her husband"

WORD: Banquet



Definition: an elaborate and formal evening meal for many people, often followed by speeches.

Example: "the Austrian emperor's lavish banquets"

WORD: Soubrette



Definition: an actress or other female performer playing a lively, flirtatious role in a play or opera.

Example: She a good Soubrette

10. WORD: Eudaemonic



Definition: conducive to happiness.

Example: Condorcet and his predecessors regarded it exclusively from the eudaemonic point of view.

Average (Lupena)

Difficult (Pereja)

ACQUIESCE /ˌakwēˈes/
verb accept something reluctantly but without protest.
"Sara acquiesced in his decision"

ANTEDILUVIAN /ˌan(t)ēdəˈlooovēən/
adjective of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood.
"gigantic bones of antediluvian animals"

BUOY /ˈboooē,boi/
noun an anchored float serving as a navigation mark, to show reefs or other hazards, or for
"the channel is marked by red and green buoys"

FEUILLETON /ˌfəiˈtän/
noun a part of a newspaper or magazine devoted to fiction, criticism, or light literature.
"her sharp wit has made her one of Russia's masters of the literary feuilleton"

MILQUETOAST /ˈmilktōst/
noun a timid or feeble person.
"Jennings plays him as something of a milquetoast"

MBIRA /(ə)mˈbirə/
noun (especially in southern Africa) another term for thumb piano.
“I like to play mbira.”

BOUTONNIERE /ˌboootnˈir/
noun a spray of flowers worn in a buttonhole.
“I will be wearing boutonniere in the wedding.”

PHTHISIS /ˈTHīsəs,ˈtīsəs/
noun pulmonary tuberculosis or a similar progressive systemic disease.
“His mother had suffered from phthisis”

PROSCIUTTO /prəˈSHooodō/
noun Italian ham cured by drying and typically served in very thin slices.
“My favorite food is prosciutto.”

BELEAGUER /bəˈlēɡər/
verb lay siege to.
"he is leading a relief force to the aid of the beleaguered city.”

Difficult (Evite)

à deux (adverb) /(ˌ)ä-ˈdə(r), -ˈdœ\privately or intimately with only two present; Dined à deux.

euonymus (noun) /eu·on·y·mus\yü-ˈä-nə-məs\ A spindle tree; The logical conclusion of this research is to discover
a euonym for the human species, if you wish for mankind to perpetuate itself through nomenclature.

autochthon (noun) /au·toch·thon\ȯ-ˈtäk-thən\ one (such as a person, plant, or animal) that is autochthonous;
Descendants of the island's earliest settlers regard themselves as a sort of aristocracy of autochthons, with all
others being brash interlopers.

insouciance (noun) /in·sou·ci·ance/ a relaxed and calm state : a feeling of not worrying about anything; After all of
this conflicts I just want to feel Insouciance.

eudaemonism (noun) /eu·dae·mo·nism/ a theory that the highest ethical goal is happiness and personal well-
being; Do you believe in eudaemonism?

staphylococcus (noun) /staph·y·lo·coc·cus/ any of a genus (Staphylococcus) of nonmotile gram-positive spherical

bacteria that occur singly, in pairs or tetrads, or in irregular clusters and include causative agents of various
diseases (such as skin infections, food poisoning, and endocarditis); Lab tested to kill 99.99 percent of illness-
causing bacteria such as staphylococcus, salmonella, pseudomonas, and MRSA.

appoggiatura (noun) /ap·pog·gia·tu·ra | \ ə-ˌpä-jə-ˈtuu r-ə/ an embellishing note or tone preceding an essential
melodic note or tone and usually written as a note of smaller size; The appoggiatura is difficult to understand.

cymotrichous (adjective) /cy·mot·ri·chous | \ (ˈ)sī¦mä‧trəukəs\ having the hair wavy; a cymotrichous race.

koinonia (noun) /koi·no·nia | \ ˌkȯinəˈnēə/ the Christian fellowship or body of believers; the koinonia of the
disciples with each other and with their Lord

Ursprache (noun) /Ur·spra·che | \ ˈuu (ə)rˌshpräḵə\ a parent language; A thirteen-year-old eighth-grader from
Spring Lake, New Jersey, Katharine " Kerry " Close, won the Bee on her fifth attempt, correctly spelling " Ursprache
" in the twentieth round.

Difficult (Ratac)

VIVISEPULTURE (n.) /’vi-vi-se-pul-chur/ - The practice of burying someone alive.

Even though the baby was crying softly, his cruel parents resulted in vivisepulture by

interring the live child in a grave.

COLLOQUIAL (adj.) /’ko-lo-ki-al/ - used when people are talking in an informal way

His colloquial talents were indeed of the highest order.

LOGORRHEA (n.) /’lo-ghor-rhe-a/ - excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness

The article suffers from the logorrhea that infects so much academic writing.

BOUILLOIRE (n.) /’buy-wah/ - a French word that means kettle that is used for boiling water.

I need to use the bouilloire to make some coffee.

MADEMOISSELLE (n.) /’ma-da-mo-zel/ - a title or form of address used of or to an unmarried

French-speaking woman.

SERRURERIE (n,) /’zer-hu-he-rie/ - a French word for locksmith.

Then come windows, plumbing, sanitary heating, electricity, flooring, serrurerie.

OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGIST (n.) /’oto-rhino-laryng-ologist / - is an ear-nose-throat doctor.

He’s an Otorhinolaryngologist.

DEMITASSE (n.) /’de-mi-tas/ - small coffee cup.

Can you give me the demitasse?

IDIOSYNCRASY (n.) /’i-dyo-sin-kra-si/ - a tendency, habit or mannerism that is peculiar to an

individual; a quirk

Her habit of using “like” in every sentence was just one of her idiosyncrasies.

MALFEASANCE (n.) /’mal-fi-sans/ - conduct by a public official that violates the public trust or

is against the law.

A public official may be tried for incompetence, corruption or malfeasance according to the
regular procedure in criminal cases, and if convicted he may be dismissed from office and
receive such other penalties as the law provides.

Difficult (Javiniar)


• verb
• \ə-ˈlät\
• to give someone (an amount of something) to use or have
• Each speaker will be allotted 15 minutes.

• noun
• \ˈdərth\
• the state or condition of not having enough of something
• There was a dearth of usable firewood at the campsite.

• adjective
• \ˈskers\
• very small in amount or number
• Food was a bit scarce last winter.

• noun
• \ˈhāst\
• quickness or eagerness that can result in mistakes
• The application had been approved with undue haste.

• verb
• \di-ˈtər, dē-\
• to prevent (something) from happening
• Painting the metal will deter rust.

• adjective
• \ˈber-ən, ˈba-rən\
• not producing fruit or not able to produce fruit
• Few creatures can thrive on these barren mountaintops.

• adjective
• \ˌäb-sə-ˈlēt, ˈäb-sə-ˌ\
• no longer used because something newer exists
• The system was made obsolete by their invention.

• noun
• \ˈhēp\
• a large, disordered pile of things
• He dumped the grass clippings into the compost heap.

• noun
• \ˈrak\
• a wind-driven mass of high often broken clouds
• Start out someplace besides the clearance rack for once.

10. KIN
• noun
• \ˈkin\
• a person's relatives
• They are her distant kin.
Difficult (Umale)

AUTOCHTHONOUS / ȯ - ‘täk - thə - nəs / adjective

: indigenous or native

An illegally introduced Asian fish has virtually wiped out the lake’s autochthonous species.

AARDWOLF / ard – wůlf / noun

: a maned striped nocturnal mammal of Southern Africa

They saw an aardwolf.

GLOCKENSPIEL / ‘glä - kən – spēl / noun

: a musical nstrument that has a line of flat metal bars of different sizes that are hit with two special sticks

My friend likes using glockenspiel.

TRICHOTILLOMANIA / tri - kə - ti - lə - ‘mā – nē - ə / noun

: an irresistible urge to pull out your own hair

She has a trichotillomania.

QUIXOTIC / kwik – ‘sä – tik / adjective

: not sensible about practical matters

They had quixotic dreams about the future.

DUNITE / ‘dü – nīt / noun

: a granular igneous rock consisting chiefly of olivine

They found a dunite yesterday.

ACQUIESCE / a – kwē – ‘es / verb

: to accept as inevitable

They demanded it, and he acquiesced.

XU / ‘sü / noun

: a coin formerly minted by South Vietnam equivalent to cents

I have one xu.

GLUCOKINASE / glu – kō – kī – nās / noun

: a hexokinase found especially in the liver

Glucokinase catalyzes the phosphorylation of glucose in the liver.

ZEITGEIST / ‘tsīt – gist / noun

: the general beliefs, ideas, and spirit of a time and place

His songs perfectly captured the zeitgeist of 1960s America.

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