CE 6506 Construction Techniques, Equipment and Practice PDF
CE 6506 Construction Techniques, Equipment and Practice PDF
CE 6506 Construction Techniques, Equipment and Practice PDF
Assistant Professor
being prepared by me and it meets the knowledge requirement of the university curriculum.
This is to certify that the course material being prepared by Mr. P.JAGATEESH is of adequate
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CE6506 Construction Techniques Equipment Practices
2.3 Excavation 19
2.4 Foundation 19
2.8 Floors 32
2.9 Scaffolding 36
2.1 Trusses 39
3.4 Tunneling 47
3.7 Dewatering 51
5.3 Excavators 59
The main objective of this course is to make the student aware of the various construction
techniques, practices and the equipment needed for different types of construction activities.
At the end of this course the student shall have a reasonable knowledge about the various
construction procedures for sub to super structure and also the equipment needed for
construction of various types of structures from foundation to super structure.
1. Peurifoy, R.L., Ledbetter, W.B. and Schexnayder, C., "Construction Planning, Equipment
and Methods", 5th Edition, McGraw Hill, Singapore, 1995.
2. Arora S.P. and Bindra S.P., Building Construction, Planning Techniques and Method of
Construction, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 1997.
3. Varghese , P.C. Building construction, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2007.
4. Sheety, M.S, Concrete Technology, Theory and Practice, S. Chand and Company Ltd, New
Delhi, 2005.
1. Jha J and Sinha S.K., Construction and Foundation Engineering, Khanna Publishers, 1993.
2. Sharma S.C. “Construction Equipment and Management”, Khanna Publishers New Delhi,
3. Deodhar, S.V. “Construction Equipment and Job Planning”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi,
4. Dr. Mahesh Varma, “Construction Equipment and its Planning and Application”,
Metropolitan Book Company, New Delhi-, 1983.
5. Gambhir, M.L, Concrete Technology, Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New
Delhi, 2004
Colored cement
White cement
Hydrophobic cement
Masonry cement
expansive cement
1. To achieve a higher strength by decreasing the water cement ratio at the same
workability as an admixture free mix.
2. To achieve the same workability by decreasing the cement content so as to reduce
the heat of hydration in mass concrete.
3. To increase the workability so as to ease placing in accessible locations
4. Water reduction more than 5% but less than 12%
Actions involved:
1. Dispersion:
Surface active agents alter the physic chemical forces at the interface. They are adsorbed on
the cement particles, giving them a negative charge which leads to repulsion between the
particles. Electrostatic forces are developed causing disintegration and the free water become
available for workability.
2. Lubrication:
As these agents are organic by nature, thus they lubricate the mix reducing the friction
and increasing the workability.
3. Retardation:
A thin layer is formed over the cement particles protecting them from hydration and
increasing the setting time. Most normal plasticizers give some retardation, 30–90 minutes
Super Plasticizers:
These are more recent and more effective type of water reducing admixtures also
known as high range water reducer
However, at higher temperatures, they lose workability relatively quickly. SMF generally give
a good finish and are colorless, giving no staining in white concrete.
Typically give 16–25%+ water reduction. They tend to increase the entrapment of
larger, unstable air bubbles. This can improve cohesion but may lead to more surface
Retardation is more than with SMF but will still not normally exceed 90 minutes. SNF is a
very cost-effective.
Typically give 20–35%+ water reduction. They are relatively expensive per liter but are
very powerful so a lower dose (or more dilute solution) is normally used.
In general the dosage levels are usually higher than with conventional water reducers, and
the possible undesirable side effects are reduced because they do not markedly lower the
surface tension of the water.
An admixture which, when added to concrete, mortar, or grout, increases the rate of hydration
of hydraulic cement, shortens the time of set in concrete, or increases the rate of hardening or
strength development.
Accelerating admixtures can be divided into groups based on their performance and application:
Reduce the time for the mix to change from the plastic to the hardened
early set.
2. Hardening Accelerators,
Which increase the strength at 24 hours by at least 120% at 20ºC and at 5ºC by at least 130% at
48 hours. Hardening accelerators find use where early stripping of shuttering or very early
access to pavements is required.
They are often used in combination with a high range water reducer, especially in
cold conditions.
Set Retarders:
The function of retarder is to delay or extend the setting time of cement paste in concrete.
These are helpful for concrete that has to be transported to long distance, and helpful in
placing the concrete at high temperatures.
When water is first added to cement there is a rapid initial hydration reaction, after which there
is little formation of further hydrates for typically 2–3 hours.
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The exact time depends mainly on the cement type and the temperature. This is called the
CE6506 Construction Techniques Equipment Practices
At the end of the dormant period, the hydration rate increases and a lot of calcium silicate
hydrate and calcium hydroxide is formed relatively quickly. This corresponds to the setting
time of the concrete.
Retarding admixtures delay the end of the dormant period and the start of setting and
hardening. This is useful when used with plasticizers to give workability retention. Used on
their own, retarders allow later vibration of the concrete to prevent the formation of cold
joints between layers of concrete placed with a significant delay between them.
The mechanism of set retards is based on absorption. The large admixture anions and
molecules are absorbed on the surface of cement particles, which hinders further reactions
between cement and water i.e. retards setting.
An addition for hydraulic cement or an admixture for concrete or mortar which causes air,
usually in small quantity, to be incorporated in the form of minute bubbles in the concrete
or mortar during mixing, usually to increase its workability and frost resistance.
Air-entraining admixtures are surfactants that change the surface tension of the water.
Traditionally, they were based on fatty acid salts or vinsol resin but these have largely
been replaced by synthetic surfactants or blends of surfactants to give improved stability
and void characteristics to the entrained air.
Air entrainment is used to produce a number of effects in both the plastic and the
hardened concrete. These include:
• Resistance to freeze–thaw action in the hardened concrete.• Increased cohesion, reducing the
tendency to bleed and segregation in the plastic concrete.
Cement rock
Lime stone
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CE6506 Construction Techniques Equipment Practices
Marine shell
blast furnace slag
Dry process
Wet process
The crushed raw materials are fed in to a ball mill and a little water is added. The steel
balls in the ball mill pulverized the raw material which form a slurry with water. The slurry is
passed through storage tanks where the proportioning of compound is adjusted to ensure
desired chemical composition. The corrected slurry having moisture about 40%,is then fed into
rotary kiln where it loses moisture and form on to lumps. These are finally burned at 1500◦ to
1600 ◦c.
It becomes clinker at this stage, the clinker is cooled and then grounded in tube mills
While grinding the clinker 3% gypsum I added this is stored in silos and packed.
1.4 Concrete Mix Design concept
Mix design can be defined as the process of selecting suitable ingredients of concrete and
determining their relative proportions with the object of producing concrete of certain
minimum strength and durability as economically as possible.
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One of the ultimate aims of studying the various properties of the materials of concrete,
CE6506 Construction Techniques Equipment Practices
The design of concrete mix is not a simple task on account of the widely varying properties of
the constituent materials, the conditions that prevail at the site of work, in particular the
exposure condition, and the conditions that are demanded for a particular work for which the
mix is designed.
Design of concrete mix needs not only the knowledge of material properties and properties
of concrete in plastic condition; it also needs wider knowledge and experience of
Even then the proportion of the materials of concrete found out at the laboratory
requires modification and re adjustments to suit the field conditions.
With better understanding of the properties, the concrete is becoming more and more an
exact material than in the past.
The structural designer specifies certain minimum strength; and the concrete
technologist designs the concrete mix with the knowledge of the materials, site exposure
conditions and standard of supervision available at the site of work to achieve this
minimum strength and durability.
Further, the site engineer is required to make the concrete at site, closely following the
parameters suggested by the mix designer to achieve the minimum strength specified by
the structural engineer.
In some cases the site engineer may be required to slightly modify the mix proportions given
by the mix designer.
He also makes cubes or cylinders sufficient in numbers and tests them to confirm the
achievements with respect to the minimum specified strength. Mix designer, earlier, may
havemade trial cubes with representative materials to arrive at the value of standard
deviation or coefficient of variation to be used in the mix design.
American Concrete Institute Method of Mix Design 11.3 (ACI Concrete Mix Design)
This method of proportioning was first published in 1944 by ACI committee 613. In 1954 the
method was revised to include, among other modifications, the use of entrained air. In 1970,
the method of ACI mix design became the responsibility of ACI committee 211. We shall now
deal with the latest ACI Committee 211.1 method.
Production of concrete requires meticulous care at every stage
The ingredients of good and bad concrete are same but good rules are not
Observed it may become
Volume batching
o Some times bottomless gauge boxes are used but it should be avoided
Some of the sand in loose condition weighs much less than the same volume of
dry compacted soil.
For un important concrete or any small job concrete may be batched by volume.
Weigh batching
The different types of weigh batching are there, they are used based on the different
situation. In small works the weighing arrangement consist of two weighing buckets
connected to the
levers of spring loaded dials which indicates the load,
The weighing buckets are mounted on a central spindle about which they rotate
On large works the weigh bucket type of weighing equipment used ,the materials are
fed from the over head storage hopper and it discharges by gravity.
The mixing should ensure that the mass becomes homogeneous uniform in color
and consistency.
Types of mixing
Hand mixing
Machine mixing
Hand mixing
It is practiced for small scale un important concrete works. Hand mixing should be done
over a impervious concrete or brick floor sufficiently large size take one bag of cement.
Spread out and measure d out fine aggregates and course aggregate in alternative layers.
Pour the cement on the top of it and mix them dry by showel, turning the mixture over and
over again until the uniformity of color is achieved. The uniform mixture is spread out in
the thickness of about 20 cm. The water is taken and sprinkled over the mixture and
simultaneously turned over. The operation is continued till such time a good uniform
homogeneous concrete is obtained
Machine mixing
Machine mixing is not only efficient it is also economical when quantity of concrete to
be produced is large
Batch mixer
Continuous mixer
For proper mixing it is seen that about 25to 30 revolutions are required in a well
designed mixer
It is important that a mixer should not stop in between concreting operations for
this requirement concrete mixer must be kept maintained
Mortar pan
] Wheel barrow
Crane, bucket and rope way
Truck mixers and dumpers
Belt conveyors
Skip and hoist
Transit mixer
Pump and pipe line
Mortar pan
This case concrete is carried out in small quantities. This method exposes greater surface area
of concrete for drying conditions. This results a geat loss of water particularly in hot weather.
Mortar pan must be wetted to start with and must be kept clean.
Wheel barrow
Used for transporting concrete in ground level. This method is employed for hauling concrete
in longer distance in case of concrete road construction. If the distance is long or ground is
rough it is likely that the concrete get segregated due to vibration. To avoid this, wheel
barrows are provided with pneumatic wheel.
This is one of the right way for transporting concrete above the ground level. Crane can
handle concrete in high rise construction project and are becoming familiar sites in big cities.
Rope way buckets of various sizes are used.
For large concrete works particularly for concrete to be placed at ground level. These
are ordinary open steel tipping lorries Dumpers having 2-3 cubic meter capacity Belt
conveyors also can be used.
Provided for transporting concrete from ground to lower level. The surface should have
same slope not flatter than 1 vertical to 2 and a1/2 horizontal
This is the equipment for transporting concrete over a big distance particularky ready
mix concrete. They are truck mounted having a capacity of 4 to 7 m3. The speed of
rotation of truck mixer is 4to16 rev/min. A small concrete pump is also mounted on the
truck carrying transit mixer.
Universally accepted method Starts with the suction stroke for suck the concrete inside the
pipe. It has a piston which moves forward and backward to have suction and delivery of
Concrete must be placed in a systematic manner to yield optimum results. Some situation here
we used provide concrete. Placing concrete within earth mould Placing concrete with large
earth mould or timber plank form work. Placing concrete in layers with in timber or steel
shutter, Placing concrete with in usual form work,Placing concrete under water.
Placing concrete with large earth mould or timber plank form work
For construction of road slabs,air field slabs and ground floor slabs in building conc os
placed in this method. The ground surface must be free from loose earth pool of water ,grass
or roots or leaves. The earth must be compacted well Poly ethylene film is used in between
conc ground to avoid absorption of moisture. Concrete is laid alternative layers to give
enough scope for shrinkage.
Method of compaction
Size of vibrator
Frequency of vibrator used
It is good for laying 15 to 30 cm thick layer of concrete ,for mass concrete it may varie
from 35 to 45 cm. Its better to leave the top of the layer rough so that succeeding layer can
have the good bond.
This can be adopt for Column ,beam and floors Rules that should be followed while
placing the concrete.
Check the reinforcements are correctly tied and placed
Check the reinforcement is having appropriate cover
The joints between plywood’s or sheets properly plugged
Mould releasing agent should be applied
The concrete must be placed very care fully a small quantity at a time so that they will not
block the entry of subsequent concrete
Compaction of concrete is the process adopted for expelling the entrapped air from the
Method for compacting concrete
Hand compaction
Compaction by vibrator
Compaction by pressure and jolting
Compaction by spinning
Poking the concrete with about 2m long 16 mm dia rod to poke the concrete reinforcement
Should be done with care Permitted in unreinforced foundation concrete in ground floor
The thickness of conc should be comparatively less. Consist of beating the op surface
The use of vibrators may be essential for the production of good concrete Type
of vibrators
Internal vibrator
Formwork vibrator
Table vibrator
Platform vibrator
Surface vibrator
Vibratory rollers
This is one of the effective method of compacting dry concrete. Often used for compacting
hollow block ,cavity blocks concrete blocks.The stiff concrete is vibrated pressed and also given
jolts. With the combined action of the three the stiff conc gets compacted to an dense form to
give good strength and volume
Compaction by spinning
This is one of the recent method of the compacting concrete. This is adopted for fabrication of
concrete pipes. The plastic concrete when at every high speed get well compacted by centrifugal
force. Potential products such as spun pipes are compacted by spinning process
Vibratory rollers
One of the recent methods of compacting very lean or dry concrete. The concrete compacted by
rollers can be called as roller concrete
1.9 Tests on concrete Concrete
Slump Test
SCE This test is performed to check the consistency of freshly made concrete. Dept of Civil
The slump test is done
CE6506 Construction Techniques Equipment Practices
to make sure a concrete mix is workable. The measured slump must be within a set range, or
tolerance, from the target slump.Workability of concrete is mainly affected by consistency i.e.
wetter mixes will be more workable than drier mixes, but concrete of the same consistency may
vary in workability.
It can also be defined as the relative plasticity of freshly mixed concrete as indicative of
its workability.
1. Standard slump cone (100 mm top diameter x 200 mm bottom diameter x 300 mm high)
2. Small scoop
3. Bullet-nosed rod (600 mm long x 16 mm diameter)
4. Rule
5. Slump plate (500 mm x 500 mm)
Clean the cone. Dampen with water and place on the slump plate. The slump plate should
be clean, firm, level and non-absorbent. Collect a sample of concrete to perform the slum
Stand firmly on the footpieces and fill 1/3 the volume of the cone with the sample.
Compact the concrete by 'rodding' 25 times. Rodding means to push a steel rod in and out
of the concrete to compact it into the cylinder, or slump cone. Always rod in a definite
pattern, working from outside into the middle.
Now fill to 2/3 and again rod 25 times, just into the top of the first layer.
Fill to overflowing, rodding again this time just into the top of the second layer. Top up
the cone till it overflows.
Level off the surface with the steel rod using a rolling action. Clean any concrete from
around the base and top of the cone, push down on the handles and step off the
Carefully lift the cone straight up making sure not to move the
sample. Turn the cone upside down and place the rod across the up-
turned cone.
Take several measurements and report the average distance to the top of the sample.If the
sample fails by being outside the tolerance (ie the slump is too high or too low), another must be
If this also fails the remainder of the batch should be rejected.
Compression Test
The compression test shows the compressive strength of hardened concrete. The compression
test shows the best possible strength concrete can reach in perfect conditions. The compression
SCE test measures concrete strength in the hardened state. Testing should always
Deptbeof Civil
done carefully. Wrong test results can be costly.
CE6506 Construction Techniques Equipment Practices
The testing is done in a laboratory off-site. The only work done on-site is to make a concrete
cylinder for the compression test.
Cylinders (100 mm diameter x 200 mm high or 150 mm diameter x 300 mm high) (The small
cylinders are normally used for most testing due to their lighter weight)
1. Small scoop
2. Bullet-nosed rod (600 mm x 16 mm)
3. Steel float
4. Steel plate
Clean the cylinder mould and coat the inside lightly with form oil, then place on a clean,
level and firm surface, ie the steel plate. Collect a sample.
Fill 1/2 the volume of the mould with concrete then compact by rodding 25 times. Cylinders
may also be compacted by vibrating using a vibrating table.
Fill the cone to overflowing and rod 25 times into the top of the first layer, then top up the
mould till overflowing.
Level off the top with the steel float and clean any concrete from around the mould.
Cap, clearly tag the cylinder and put it in a cool dry place to set for at least 24 hours.
After the mould is removed the cylinder is sent to the laboratory where it is cured and
crushed to test compressive strength
For prepare progress of construction each stage may be constructed under separate contraction
It should be carried out in the proper method and arrangement
Before starting to construct the structure we must go for the sequence of operation in the
project it is better way o arrange the labour material and equipment
Following are the sequence of operation in a highway project
Site clearance
Earth work for laying embankment
Construction of drainage works
Construction of pavement structures Installation
Setting out is the process of laying down the excavation lines and centre lines on the
ground before excavation is started after the foundation design is done
For setting out the foundation of a small building the centre line of the longest outer wall of
the building is first marked on the ground by stretching a string between wooden or mild
steel pegs driven at the ends
Two pegs one on either from the central peg are driven at the each end of the line
Each peg is equidistant from the central peg and the distance between the outer pegs
SCE corresponds to the width of foundation trench to be excavated. Each peg may
of projected
about 25 to 50 mm above ground level may be driven at a distance of
CE6506 Construction Techniques Equipment Practices
When the string is stretched joining the corresponding pegs at the two extremities of the line
the boundary of the trench to be excavated can be marked on the ground with dry lime
The centre line of the other wall which is perpendicular to the long wall can be marked by
setting out right angles
All the specifications are made by tape or prismatic compass may be used for setting out
right angles
Similarly outer lines of the foundation trench of each cross wall can be set out
For big project reference pillars of masonry is constructed first, these pillars may be about
20cm thick and 15cm wider than the width of the foundation
The foundation is he lower portion of the building, usually located below the ground level,
which transmit the load of super structure to sub soil
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Functions of foundation
CE6506 Construction Techniques Equipment Practices
Shallow foundation
Deep foundation
If the depth of foundation is less than or equal to width of foundation it is called as shallow
Spread footing
Combined footing
Strap footing
Mat foundation
Spread footing
Spread footing is those which spread the super imposed load to of a wall or column over the
large area
Single footing
Stepped footing
Sloped footing
Grillage foundation
Combined footing
A spread footing which supports two are more columnsis termed as combined footing It has
the following types
Rectangular combined footing
Trapezoidal footing
If the independent footings of two columns are connected by a beam it is called as strap
A strap footing may be used where the distance between the columns is so great that a
combined trapezoidal footing becomes quite narrow
The strap beam does not remains in contact with soil and thus does not transfer any
pressure to the soil
A raft or mat is a combined footing that covers the entire beneath a structure and supports all
walls and columns. It is used when the allowable soil pressure is low are the building loads
are heavy. It is used to reduce the settlement above highly compressible soil
o Solid slab
system o Beam
slab system o
Cellular system
Deep foundation
If the depth of foundation is equal to or more than the width of the foundation is called
deep foundation
Pile foundation
Pile foundation
it is a type of deep foundation in which the loads are taken to a low level by means of
vertical members which may be timber or concrete or steel
Friction pile
End bearing piles are used to transfer load through water or soft soil to a suitable bearing
Multi storied buildings are invariably founded on end bearing piles, so that the settlements
are minimized
Friction piles
Friction piles are used to transfer loads to a depth of a friction load carrying material by
means of skin friction along the length of the pile
These are the piles which transfer the super imposed load both through side friction as
well as end bearing
Such piles are more common, especially the end bearing piles are passed through granular soil
Compaction piles
These piles are used o compact loose soil thus increasing there bearing capacity
The pile tube driven to compact the soil is gradually taken out and sand is filled in its place
thus forming the sand pile
Pier foundation
o Masonry
o concrete pier
Drilled caissons
Well foundation or caissons are box like structures –circular or rectangular which are sunk
from the surface of either land or water to the desired depth
Large water front structures such as pump houses, subjected to heavy vertical and
horizontal loads
Well foundations are caissons are hollow from inside, which may filled withstand and
are plugged at the bottom, the load is transferred to the perimeter wall called as
2.5 Stone Masonry
The art of building a structure in stone with any suitable masonry is called stone masonry.
Stone masonry may be broadly classified into the following two types:
1. Rubble
2. Ashlar
The stone masonry in which either undressed or roughly dressed stone are laid in a
suitable mortar is called rubble masonry. In this masonry the joints are not of uniform
Squared rubble masonry:The rubble masonry in which the face stones are squared
on all joints and beds by hammer dressing or chisel dressing before their actual
laying, is called squared rubble masonry.
Suitability: This masonry is used for heavy structures, architectural buildings, high piers
and abutments of bridges.
Ashlar facing: Ashlar facing is the best type of ashlars masonry. Since this is
type of masonry is very expensive, it is not commonly used throughout the whole
thickness of the wall, except in works of great importance and strength. For
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economy the facing are built in ashlars and the rest in rubble.
CE6506 Construction Techniques Equipment Practices
This bond is weak in strength but it is economical Brick masonry is made up of brick
units bonded together with mortar
Types of mortar
Cement mortar
Lime mortar
Cement-lime mortar
Lime surkhi mortar
Mud mortar
Types ofbricks
Traditional bricks
Modular bricks
2.6.1 Traditional bricks
It has not been standardize in
Thickness varies from varies from cm to 7.5cm,widthvaries from 10to13 cm and length
varies from 20to25 cm
Classes ofbrick
Stretcher bond
Header bond
English bond
Flemish bond
Facing bond
English crossing bond
Brick on edge bond
Dutch bond
Racking bond
Zigzag bond
Garden wall bond
Stretcher bond
The length of the brick its along with the face of the wall. This pattern is used only for
those wall which have thickness of half brick
Header bond
The width of the bricks are thus along the direction of the wall
This pattern is used only when the thickness of the wall is equal to one brick
English bond
Every alternative header come centrally over the joint between two stretchers in corse in
Since the number of vertical joint in the header course twice the number of vertical joints in
stretcher course ,the joints in the header course are made thinner than the joints in the
stretcher course
Flemish bond
SCE Every course consist of headers and stretchers placed alternatively Dept of Civil
CE6506 Construction Techniques Equipment Practices
The facing and backing of the wall in each course have the same appearance
Single Flemish bond is comprised of double Flemish bond facing an English bond backing
and hearting in each course
Facing bond
This bond is used where the bricks of different thickness are to be used in the facing
and backing of the wall
The nominal thickness of facing brick is 10 cm and that of backing bricks is 9 cm the
header course tis provided at a vertical interval of 90 cm
1. It should be impervious.
2. It should be strong and durable, and should be capable of withstanding both dead as
well as live loads without damage.
3. It should be dimensionally stable.
4. It should be free from deliquescent salts like sulphates, chlorides and nitrates.
The materials commonly used to check dampness can be divided into the following
three categories:
1. Flexible Materials: Materials like bitumen felts (which may be hessian based
or fibre/glass fibre based), plastic sheeting (polythene sheets) etc.
2. Semi-rigid Materials: Materials like mastic, asphalt, or combination of materials
or layers.
3. Rigid Materials: Materials like first class bricks, stones, slate, cement concrete etc.
The choice of material to function as an effective damp proof course requires a judicious
selection. It depends upon the climate and atmospheric conditions, nature of structure and
the situation where DPC is to be provided. The points to be kept in view while making
selection of DPC materials are briefly discussed below:
SCE Dept of Civil
CE6506 Construction Techniques Equipment Practices
1. DPC above ground level: For DPC above ground level with wall thickness generally
not exceeding 40cm, any one of the type of materials mentioned above may be used.
Cement concrete is however commonly adopted material for DPC at plinth level, 38
to 50mm thick layer of cement concrete M15 (1:2:4 mix) serves the purpose under
normal conditions.
In case of damp and humid atmosphere, richer mix of concrete should be used. The concrete
is further made dense by adding water proofing materials like Pudlo, Impermo, Waterlock
etc in its ingredients during the process of mixing. It is used to apply two coats of hot
bitumen over the third surface of the concrete DPC.
1. DPC Material for floors, roofs etc: For greater wall thickness or where DPC is to
be laid over large areas such as floors, roofs, etc, the choice is limited to flexible
materials which provide lesser number of joints like mastic, asphalt, bitumen felts,
plastic sheets etc.
The felts when used should be properly bonded to the surface with bitumen and laid with
joints properly lapped and sealed.
The purpose of floor is to provide a level surface capable of supporting the occupants of the
building, furniture, equipment and some time interior wall
Initial cost
Damp resistance
Sound insulation
Thermal insulation
Fire resistance
It has good thermal insulation property due to which it remains cool in summer and warm in
Over a well prepared ground 25 cm thick selected moist earth is spread and it rammed well to
compacted thickness of 15cm
Muram flooring
To construct such a floor a 15 cm thick layer muram is laid over prepared sub grade over it 2.5
cm thick powder layer of muram is spread and rammed
Brick flooring
The sub grade is compacted properly, to the desired leveland 7.5 cm thick layer is spread
Such flooring is used in cheap construction, especially where good bricks are available
Flag stone is laminated sand stone available in 2cm to 4cm thickness in the form of stone slab of
30X30 cm or 45X45cm and 60X60 cm
Base concrete
Terrazzo flooring
Terrazzo flooring is another type of floor finish that is laid in thin layer over concrete topping
Terrazzo is a specially prepare concrete surface containing cement and marble chips in the
proportion to 1:1 1/4 to 1:2
When the surface has set the chips are exposed by grinding operation
Mosaic flooring
Mosaic flooring Is made of small pieces of broken tiles of china glazed or of cement or of marble
arranged in different pattern
a concrete base is prepare as in the case of concrete flooring over that 5to8 thick lime surkhi
mortar is spread over an area, over this 3mm thick cementing paste is layered and is left to dry
about 4 hours, there after small pieces of broken tiles or marble pieces of different colors
arranged definite pattern and hammered in different layers
Tiled flooring
Tiledflooring is constructed from square, hexagonal or other shapes made up of clay cement
concrete and terrazzo. These are available In various thickness
Thes are commonly used in residential houses, schools, hospitals and other public buildings
Over the concrete base a 25 to 30 mm thick layr of lime mortar 1:3 to serve as a bedding
The bedding mortar is allowed to harden for 12 to 24 hours
Neat cement slurry is spread over it and the tiles are laid flat over it
Marble flooring
It is the superior type of flooring used in bathrooms and kitchens of residential building and
hospitals ,sanitorium ,temples etc
SCE Dept of Civil
After the preparation of base concrete 20 mm thick bed layer of 1:4 cement mix spread under the
CE6506 Construction Techniques Equipment Practices
The marble layer is then laid over it and pressed with wooden mallet and leveled
Timber flooring
But hilly area where wood is available and temperature drops very low timber flooring is quite
These temporary structures constructed very close to the wall is in the form of imber o steel
frame work commonly called as scaffoldings
Components of scaffoldings
Put logs
Guard rail
Toe board
Single scaffolding or brick layer scaffolding
Double scaffoldings or masons scaffoldings
Cantilever or needle scaffoldings
Suspended scaffoldings
Trestle scaffolding
Steel scaffolding
Patented scaffoldings
This consists of a single frame work of standards, legers, put logs etc
Constructed parallel to the wall at a distance of about 1.2 meters
The standards are placed at a distance of 2to2.5m interval
Ledger connected with the standards, and are provided at a vertical distance of 1.2to 1.5 m
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CE6506 Construction Techniques Equipment Practices
Put logs or connected with one end on the ledgers and other end at the holes of the wall at an
interval of1.2 to 1.5 m interval
It is very difficult to put holes in walls to m support putlogs in stone masonry
The first row placed 20 to 30 cm away from the wall the other frame will 1m distance from the
first one
Put logs are the supported on both the supports, rakers and cross braces are provided to make the
scaffolding more strong
It also called as independent scaffoldings
It ha s two types
Single Frame
Te standards are supported on series of needle taken out through opening or through holes
Double frame
The needles are projecting beams are strutted inside the floors
It is the light weight scaffolding used for repair works such as pointing, painting etc
The working platforms are suspended from roofs by means of wire ropes or chains etc
Such type of scaffoldings are used for painting and repairing work inside the room up to a height
of 5m
The working platform is supported over the top of movable contrivances such as tripods ladders
Steel scaffolding is practically similar to the timber scaffolding, here wooden members are
replaced by steel couplets are fittings
Trusses are the frame formed by number of straight members connected in the form of triangles
The embers are made by steel angles and they are joined by rivet or welding, these joints are
called nodes
It is assumed that the external loads act at the nodes only and the members are subjected to only
tension or compression
The compression members are called as struts and the tension members are called as ties
Here t he
common rafters are supported by wooden frame work called truss under required interval
The frame work consist of a king post, two struts two principal rafters and tie beam
The truss rest on stone bed blocks at either end
The common rafters rest on wooden purlins which in turn are fixed to the principal rafters of the
The king post connect the ridge post and the middle of the tie beam
The struts are connected to the king post at the bottom and the principal rafters at the top
The roofing material is fixed to the common rafters king post truss is used for spans of 5m to 9m
The frame work consist of two principal rafters ,two queen post one straining sill two struts one
tie beam and one straining beam
The struts are connected to the queen post at the bottom and the principal rafters at the top
North light or saw tooth roof truss is special type of roof trusses suitable for factories engaging in
manufacturing work
Actual lighting is taken an advantage during day time by using the north light roof trusses
In this type of trusses vertical drops are provided this drops are covered with glasses so as to
permit light in to the interior
These are classified as steel wooden plywood combined woods steel, reinforced concrete and
plain concrete
Requirements of shuttering
The material should be cheap and should be suitable for re use several times
It should be practically water proof so that it should not observe water from concrete
The surface of the formwork should smooth and it should afford easy stripping
The slab is supported on 2.5 cm thick sheeting laid parallel to the main beam
The boards are fixed to 5cmX10cm posts known as struts are soldiers
Roof finishing accessories include all types of accessory materials that are used to finish a roof.
Flashing, drip edge, and roof drains are all examples of roofing accessories.
Roof finishing accessories are widely available for a range of applications and may be chosen
for functional, aesthetic, or budgetary reasons.
Roofing accessories are largely made from aluminum, steel, copper, or PVC vinyl. They include
a range of products including
Rain gutters and Drains and guards
Flashing or weatherproofing materials
Roof caps
Drip edges
Ridges and shingles
Chimney caps
Leader boxes
Finials and turrets
Rain gutters and Drains and guards
Rain gutters, drains and guards are roof finishing accessories that collect and divert rainwater
away from the roof and building foundation.
These types of roof finishing accessories may also reduce erosion, prevent leaks in the
foundation or basement, reduce water exposure on painted surfaces, and collect water for
additional use.
Rain gutter, drain and guard roof finishing accessories may be available with screens, louvers, or
hoods for additional protection.
Flashing or weatherproofing materials
Roof finishing accessories also include flashing, also known as weatherproofing.
Flashing refers to installing a thin, continuous piece of sheet material to prevent the passage of
water into the structure from a joint or angle.
Flashing roof finishing accessories are commonly used around protruding objects in the roof,
such as chimneys or pipes, to prevent water from reaching seams or joints.
Roof caps, drip edges, ridges and shingles, and chimney caps
Roof caps, drip edges, ridges and shingles, and chimney caps are also common, functional roof
finishing accessories
. Roof caps provide ventilation via the rooftop. They are commonly made from copper or
galvanized steel, and often include an insect screen.
Drip edge roof finishing accessories are useful in stopping water from seeping under a roof
deck, which can prevent frame rot.
Roof ridge caps and shingles are also used as finishing accessories. Roof shingles are individual,
overlapping elements used for water-resistance.
At the roof ridge, there is typically a copper, lead, or plastic cap to ensure water protection.
Ridge vents are also commonly used as roof finishing accessories to provide ventilation to attic
or upper crawlspaces.
Roof finials and turrets are caps or towers affixed to the highest point of the roof, largely
for decoration. Turrets are often designed to hold clocks or bells.
Similarly, weathervanes are another type of roof finishing accessory often used for decoration
at the highest point of the roof. Weathervanes are not solely used for decoration, however, as
they also point to the direction of the wind. Other, unlisted types of roof finishing accessories
may also be available.
Acoustics is the science of sound ,which deals with origin ,propagation and auditory sensation
of sound and also with design and construction of different building units to set optimum
condition for producing and listenig speech musi etc
A wider interpretation of the fire safety may be deemed to cover the following aspects
Fire prevention and reduction of number of out breaks of
Safe existence of any and all occupants in the event of an out breaks of
Fire load
Fire load is the amount of heat in kilocalories which is liberated per square meter of floor area
of any combustible parts of the building itself
The fire load is determined by multiplying the weight of all combustible materials by
their calorific value and dividing the floor area under consideration
All building and particularly building having more than one storey shall be provided with
liberally designed and safe fire proof existence
The exist shall be so placed that they are always immediately accessible and each is capable of
taking all the persons on that floor a s alternative escape route
Escape route shall be well ventilated as persons using the escapes are likely to over come from
Fire proof door shall conform rigidly to the fire safety requirements
Electrical and mechanical lifts while reliable undr normal condition may not always be relied on
escape purpose
Lift shafts and stairways invariably serve as flues are tunnels thus increasing the fire by
increased draught
Floors are required to withstand the effect of fire for full period stated for the particular grading
Roofs of the various fire grades of the building shall be designed and constructed to withstand
the effect of fire for the maximum period
Box jacking
Arch jacking
Pipe jacking
The box shaped tunnel structures are pre fabricated units which are pushed into soil by hydraulic
Excavation ahead of the cutting is avoided the cutting head is moved forward in small
increments to avoid any having of the road or rail track
In addition to that, without stabilizing the soil, the box technique would cause the super structure
to settle the threatening structure failure so the ground ahead of tunnel boxes needed to be frozen
For diameter in the range of 0.5m to 1.5m it is more efficient to excavate the soil by drilling
systems controlled from a shaft or a pit to push the tunnel lining segment from the shaft or pit
these techniques are often referred to us pipe jacking or micro tunneling techniques and
Pipe jacking refers to a technique in which a man in a sitting or crouch position, user’s epic and
shovels to excavate tunnel face and the pipe is jacked forward from a shaft using hydraulic
jacking system
Horizontal auguring refers to a similar technique in which the man is replaced by a horizontal
continuous flight helical auger
The pipe sections are moved forward by hydraulic jacking and the miniature TBM derive its
reaction from these section
Pipe segments of length 1 to 3 diameters 0.5 to 2m can be jacked into the soil using reaction
from the concrete wall erected at the rior of jacking pit.
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CE6506 Construction Techniques Equipment Practices
. These lateral loads are usually wind and earthquake loads, but other lateral loads such as lateral
earth pressure or hydrostatic pressure can also be resisted by diaphragm action.
The diaphragm of a structure often does double duty as the floor system or roof system in a
building or the deck of abridge, which simultaneously supports gravity loads.
Diaphragms are usually constructed of plywood or oriented stand board in timber construction;
Metal deck or composite metal deck in steel construction; or concrete slab in concrete
The two primary types of diaphragm are flexible and rigid. Flexible diaphragms resist lateral
forces depending on the tributary area, irrespective of the flexibility of the members that they are
transferring force to. On the other hand, rigid diaphragms transfer load to frames or shear walls
depending on their flexibility and their location in the structure.
Process of making tunnels in order to reduce distance of travel or traffic congestion for highway
and railway is called tunneling
Poly centric
It depends upon the number of track and the width and length of the mountain
Alignment of tunneling
Methods of tunneling
Shaft tunneling
Pilot tunneling
Shaft tunnels
Vertical passages are created along the line o the tunnel then the tunnels can be excavated by the
passage of having distance half of the distance between adjacent passage openings are available
to take the excavated material ,shafts can also be used to pump out the water
Pilot tunneling
If the height of the mountain is more then we can exercise this method of tunneling but uf he
horizontal length is more, shaft tunneling is done
It is a process by way of which a pile is forced in to the ground with out excavating the soil
Using hammering
Drop hammer
Single acting hammer
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CE6506 Construction Techniques Equipment Practices
Drop hammer
Hammer is lifted by stream and dropped then it will fell down in the top of the pile by
gravitational force
It is the same as that of single acting but here both the lifting and dropping is done by steam
Diesel hammer
If the soil condition is loose ,then using some vibrators the pile is inserted
The thickness of the pile is very less when compared to the length and width of the pile
To prevent the entry water in construction the sheet piles are used, this is also used to separate
the vertical member of the building
The piles are inserted by some machine the depth of the piles can be increased by proper joints in
successive installment
SCE To protect the foundation from scouring action of nearby river Dept of Civil
CE6506 Construction Techniques Equipment Practices
Reinforced precast unit having the width of 50 to 60 cm and thickness 2to 6cm and the depth can
be increased by further installment
it is used only for temporary works ,the width of the pile varies from 225to 280 cm the thickness
shall not be less than 50mm
When water table exists at a shallow depth below ground surface, it is essential to lower the
water so as to carry out construction of foundation, basement, and metro tunnels etc.This is
achieved by pumping out water from multiple wells installed at the site. The process is called as
Allowing water to reap into excavation area, collecting it in sumps and pumping it out. Before
that adequate steps have to be taken to support the soil on sides of the excavated area, to prevent
washing away of fines and have sufficient space for the work area.
Making the soil around excavated zone impermeable by technique such as grouting are freezing
so that inflow of water is stop are minimized.
Sufficient size and capacity of dewatering system is necessary to lower and maintain ground
water table and to allow material to be excavated in a reasonable dry condition.
Excavation slopes to be stabilized where sheeting is not required
Dewatering system is to be operated continuously until backfill work has been completed.
Installing well points small or deep wells and pumping out ground water
Using special technique in fine grained soils such as vaccum dewatering and electro-osmosis
To pump out the ground water small sized wells called well points are used for a more dry
working area the two methods used most often for lowering water table below the excavation
level are the well point method and the deep well method.
When a series of wells are placed close to each other, the overall effect is lowering of the water
table level.
This method is useful for lowering the water table by more than 15m.
Deep wells have larger diameter more depth and greater spacing.
The pump is located at the bottom of well and hence can pump out water from greater depth.
The principal function of a bridge deck is to provide support to local vertical loads (from
highway traffic, railway or pedestrians) and transmit these loads to the primary superstructure of
the bridge, Figure 1(1). As a result of its function, the deck will be continuous along the bridge
span and (apart from some railway bridges) continuous across the span. As a result of this
continuity, it will act as a plate (isotropic or orthotropic depending on construction) to support
cal patch
Continuity ensures that whether or not it has been designed to do so, it will participate
in the overall structural action of the superstructure.
It may be necessary to take account of these combined actions when verifying the design
of the deck. This is most likely to be the case when there are significant stresses from the
overall structural actions in the same direction as the maximum bending moments from
local deck actions, e.g. in structures with cross girders where the direction of maximum
moment is along the bridge.
The passage of each wheel load causes a complete cycle of local bending stresses. The
number of significant stress cycles is, therefore, very much higher for the deck than for
the remainder of the superstructure. In addition, some of the actions of the deck arising
from its participation in the overall behaviour are subject to full reversal;
an example is the transverse distribution of vertical load between girders. For both these
reasons, fatigue is more likely to govern the design of the bridge deck than the remainder
of the superstructure.
Shells are 3d structures constructed on storage tanks or roof for large column area such as
indoor stadiums, exhibition halls, theatres, complex churches etc
Singly curved Doubl curved Cylindrical shells Singly curved
It can be used for rectangular shape buildings, shells represents the roof of the building
Dome storage tank for water and petroleum is example for single curved
Doubly curved
For doubly curved structures the super structure should be in hexagonal or circular shape
Cylindrical shape
These ae just modification of pitched roof and frequently emloyed in modern age
Off shore platforms are self contained platforms with adequate facilities for drilling,
derrick, drilling mud electric power, pumping equipment for the offshore construction these
are artificial facilities above the elevation of off shore platforms
Selection of environment
Environmental factors
velocity Storming
wave height
Tidal conditions
Before analysis and design of foundation it is necessary to determine the soil characters of
the sea shore. Capacities of the available crains will influence the operational activities of
platform constructions.
Besides high raise buildings the usage of steel element is also popular with
construction of hospital and commercial complexes
Instead of concrete beams and columns more than 6100 tonnes of steel have been used to
SCE build the main frames Dept of Civil
CE6506 Construction Techniques Equipment Practices
Light weight blocks are used for patricians to reduce the dead load building
The usage of permanent concrete form works and structural steel elements will be the
main constituter for erecting light weight components on tall structures results rapid
speed of constructions.
Hence the erection of steel beams and columns as well as the installation of concrete form
work consumes only less time
Self drilling tapping screws are the most prevalent fasteners. Steel to steel connections
can be carried out to connect struts or joist and track together
Entire can be erected manually with out the use of heavy equipment
All these structures require few battery powered screw gunes and some ropes and pulleys
No scaffoldings is require for assembly and disc assembly of the structures because the
structure itself provides the scaffoldings as it goes up or comes down
Almost any number of column sections can be added to make it any height we desire
During the construction of tall structures the following equipments areused for the
aerial transporting and handling
Production equipment
Equipment used for digging and moving
Service equipment
Dozers and motor girders
5.1.1 Tractors
Tractors are machine which change the engine energy into tractive energy
These are primarily used for pull or push the loads
They are also used for different purposes by mounting many types of accessories
Types of tractor
Size of the dozer for given job the type expected from the track to dozer
5.1.2 Bulldozers
Dozers are machine designed primarily for cutting and pushing the material over short
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They consist with a front mounted blade controlled by hydraulic cylinder to vary the depth
CE6506 Construction Techniques Equipment Practices
a dozer is frame mounted unit with a blade, curved in its section, extending in front of
the tractor
Basically its pushing unit but its widely used as multipurpose equipment and can
perform large number of operations with minor changes
5.1.3 Scrapers
Scrapers are the devices to scrap the ground and load it simultaneously, transport it for
the required distance and dump it and then spread it for the required area
towed type
conventional type
self loading or elevating scrapers
Towed type
The towed type scrapers are provided with either cable or hydraulic control
It can be operated in extremely adverse condition
Conventional scrapers
o Bowl
o Cutting edge
o Apron
o Tail gate or ejector
Loading or digging
Proper selection of construction equipment place a vital role in the speedy and economical
completion of the construction
Following are the main points which should be considered while selection off the
construction equipments
If the equipment selected for larger size it will remain idle inmost of the time
It is better to have same type and size of equipment in a construction then it is easy to have
spare parts, and to understand its operations
Availability of
Availability of spare
Use in future projects The economical aspects Reliability of the equipments Service
Operating requirements
Past performance
A super structure with operators cabin mounted on either a sloe ring to traverse through
360◦or on a rigid frame
Compaction is the process where by material particles are constrained to pack more closely
together through
Smooth rolls where the first type of rolling compaction equipment used
These where pulled by men or horses and were first used by Romans to smoothen there
Static sheep foot or pad foot compactors
When compacting the earth the feet penetrate deep in to th e loose material during the first
passes and compact the soil from bottom up
These have three rolls a small usually split steering role in the front
Two large drive rolls mounted on rear axle at both the end
Tandem rolls have two equal sized rolls and are centered in line tandem
These are used for the compaction of bituminous layer as they leave a smooth surface
Concrete mixers
For small jobs conc. mixers are used to mix the ingredients of the concrete
Following type of concrete mixers are used in the construction
These are fixed with the loading hopper operating by the wired rope for loading
Selection of equipment
Mucking is the operation of loading the broken rock or earth for removal from tunnel
Mucking process can be done by the following equipments
loader Mucking
Working principle of tunneling these machines perform the bring operation through the rotation
of the front head against the rock face
The mole has circular cutter head in the front provided with fixed cutters of desired shapes
The cutter head while rotating is pressed against the rock to cut or pulverize it
The tunnel boring machines are two types
These machine are allowed to access change in bore hole diameter and this can be done without
any change of machines
Assistant Professor
being prepared by me and it meets the knowledge requirement of the university curriculum.
This is to certify that the course material being prepared by Mr. P.JAGATEESH is of adequate
quality. He has referred more than five books amount them minimum one is from aborad
Signature of HD
Construction Techniques, Equipments and Practices IV Year/ VII Semester CIVIL ENGINEERING
h h h h h[ Ty pe here] [Ty pe here
] [Ty pe here ]
o Colored cement
Lime stone and clay are ground to fine powder separately and are mixed together
Water is added to make a thick paste which contains 14% of moisture
The paste format are dried and off charged into a rotary kiln
The product obtained often calcinations in rotary kiln
o The crushed raw materials are fed in to a ball mill and a little water is added
o The steel balls in the ball mill pulverized the raw material which form a slurry with
o The slurry is passed through storage tanks where the proportioning of compound is
adjusted to ensure desired chemical composition
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h h h h h[ Ty pe here] [Ty pe here ]
[Ty pe here ]
o Lime
o Silica
o Alumina
o Calcium sulphate
o Iron oxide
o Magnesium oxide
o Sulphar ti oxide
o alkalis
This approach is widely used in precast concrete units.here the precast units are kept under
warm and damp atmosphere of a steam chamber.
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[Ty pe here ]
1) Explain the manufacturing of cement with neat sketches and flow chart
Calcareous materials used are
Cement rock
Lime stone
Marine shell
Dry process
costly Process
Lime stone and clay are ground to fine powder separately and are mixed togetherWater is
added to make a thick paste which contains 14% of moisture
The paste format are dried and off charged into a rotary kiln
The clinker I obtained as a result of incipient fusion and sintering at a temp about 1400◦c
to1500◦ c
The clinker is cooled to preserve the meta stable compounds and there solid
solutions Dispersion of one solid with another solid which made the clinker again
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h h h h h[ Ty pe here] [Ty pe here ]
[Ty pe here ]
heated Clinker is again cooled and grounded in tube mills where 2-3% gypsum is
The purpose of adding gypsum is to coat the cement particle by interfering the process
of hydration of cement particles
Wet process
The crushed raw materials are fed in to a ball mill and a little water is added
The steel balls in the ball mill pulverized the raw material which form a slurry with water
The slurry is passed through storage tanks where the proportioning of compound is
adjusted to ensure desired chemical composition
The corrected slurry having moisture about 40%,is then fed into rotary kiln
Where it loses moisture and form on to lumps
These are finally burned at 1500◦ to 1600 ◦cIt becomes clinker at this stage, the clinker is
cooled and then grounded in tube mills
While grinding the clinker 3% gypsum I added this is stored in silos and packed
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h h h h h[ Ty pe here] [Ty pe here ]
[Ty pe here ]
2) Explain briefly about the chemicals used in concrete and their advantages
1. To achieve a higher strength by decreasing the water cement ratio at the same workability
as an admixture free mix.
2. To achieve the same workability by decreasing the cement content so as to reduce the
heat of hydration in mass concrete.
3. To increase the workability so as to ease placing in accessible locations
4. Water reduction more than 5% but less than 12%
Actions involved:
1. Dispersion:
Surface active agents alter the physic chemical forces at the interface. They are adsorbed on the
cement particles, giving them a negative charge which leads to repulsion between the particles.
Electrostatic forces are developed causing disintegration and the free water become available for
2. Lubrication:
As these agents are organic by nature, thus they lubricate the mix reducing the friction and
increasing the workability.
3. Retardation:
A thin layer is formed over the cement particles protecting them from hydration and increasing
the setting time. Most normal plasticizers give some retardation, 30–90 minutes
Super Plasticizers:
o These are more recent and more effective type of water reducing admixtures
also known as high range water reducer
However, at higher temperatures, they lose workability relatively quickly. SMF generally
give a good finish and are colorless, giving no staining in white concrete.
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h h h h h[ Ty pe here] [Ty pe here
] [Ty pe here ]
Typically give 16–25%+ water reduction. They tend to increase the entrapment of
larger, unstable air bubbles. This can improve cohesion but may lead to more
surface defects.
Retardation is more than with SMF but will still not normally exceed 90 minutes. SNF is a
very cost-effective.
Typically give 20–35%+ water reduction. They are relatively expensive per liter but
are very powerful so a lower dose (or more dilute solution) is normally used.
In general the dosage levels are usually higher than with conventional water reducers,
and the possible undesirable side effects are reduced because they do not markedly
lower the surface tension of the water.
An admixture which, when added to concrete, mortar, or grout, increases the rate of
hydration of hydraulic cement, shortens the time of set in concrete, or increases the rate of
hardening or strength development.
Accelerating admixtures can be divided into groups based on their performance and
Reduce the time for the mix to change from the plastic to the hardened state.
Set accelerators have relatively limited use, mainly to produce an early set.
2. Hardening Accelerators,
Which increase the strength at 24 hours by at least 120% at 20ºC and at 5ºC by at least
130% at
48 hours. Hardening accelerators find use where early stripping of shuttering or very early
access to pavements is required.They are often used in combination with a high range
water reducer, especially in cold conditions.
Set Retarders:
The function of retarder is to delay or extend the setting time of cement paste in concrete.
These are helpful for concrete that has to be transported to long distance, and helpful in
placing the concrete at high temperatures.
When water is first added to cement there is a rapid initial hydration reaction, after which
there is little formation of further hydrates for typically 2–3 hours.
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] [Ty pe here ]
The exact time depends mainly on the cement type and the temperature. This is called the
dormant period when the concrete is plastic and can be placed.
At the end of the dormant period, the hydration rate increases and a lot of calcium silicate
hydrate and calcium hydroxide is formed relatively quickly. This corresponds to the
setting time of the concrete.
Retarding admixtures delay the end of the dormant period and the start of setting and
hardening. This is useful when used with plasticizers to give workability retention. Used
on their own, retarders allow later vibration of the concrete to prevent the formation of
cold joints between layers of concrete placed with a significant delay between them.
The mechanism of set retards is based on absorption. The large admixture anions and
molecules are absorbed on the surface of cement particles, which hinders further reactions
between cement and water i.e. retards setting.
An addition for hydraulic cement or an admixture for concrete or mortar which causes
air, usually in small quantity, to be incorporated in the form of minute bubbles in the
concrete or mortar during mixing, usually to increase its workability and frost
Air-entraining admixtures are surfactants that change the surface tension of the water.
Traditionally, they were based on fatty acid salts or vinsol resin but these have largely
been replaced by synthetic surfactants or blends of surfactants to give improved
stability and void characteristics to the entrained air.
Air entrainment is used to produce a number of effects in both the plastic and the
hardened concrete. These include:
• Increased cohesion, reducing the tendency to bleed and segregation in the plastic
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The compression test shows the best possible strength concrete can reach in perfect
conditions. The compression test measures concrete strength in the hardened state. Testing
should always be done carefully. Wrong test results can be costly.The testing is done in a
laboratory off-site. The only work done on-site is to make a concrete cylinder for the
compression test.
The compressive strength is a measure of the concrete’s ability to resist loads which tend to
crush it.
Cylinders (100 mm diameter x 200 mm high or 150 mm diameter x 300 mm high) (The small
cylinders are normally used for most testing due to their lighter weight)
1. Small scoop
2. Bullet-nosed rod (600 mm x 16 mm)
3. Steel float
4. Steel plate
Clean the cylinder mould and coat the inside lightly with form oil, then place on a
clean, level and firm surface, ie the steel plate. Collect a sample.
Fill 1/2 the volume of the mould with concrete then compact by rodding 25 times.
Cylinders may also be compacted by vibrating using a vibrating table.
Fill the cone to overflowing and rod 25 times into the top of the first layer, then top up
the mould till overflowing.
Level off the top with the steel float and clean any concrete from around the mould.
Cap, clearly tag the cylinder and put it in a cool dry place to set for at least 24 hours.
After the mould is removed the cylinder is sent to the laboratory where it is cured
and crushed to test compressive strength
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3. Define plinth.
Plinth:- It is the horizontal course of stone or brick provided at the base of the
wall above ground level. It indicates the height of the ground floor level above the
natural ground level. It protects the building from dampness.
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10. Define damp proof course., what are its causes of dampness.
Definition :-The courses which are laid to check the entry of water or moisture
into the building are called damp proof courses.
faulty design of structure
faulty construction or poor workmanship
use of poor quality materials in construction.
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The foundation is he lower portion of the building, usually located below the ground level,
which transmit the load of super structure to sub soil
Functions of foundation
Lateral stability
Shallow foundation
Deep foundation
Shallow foundation
Spread footing
Combined footing
Strap footing
Mat foundation
Spread footing
Spread footing is those which spread the super imposed load to of a wall or column over
the large area
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Single footing
Stepped footing
Sloped footing
Grillage foundation
Combined footing
A spread footing which supports two are more columnsis termed as combined footing
It has the following types
Trapezoidal footing
If the independent footings of two columns are connected by a beam it is called as strap
A strap footing may be used where the distance between the columns is so great that a
combined trapezoidal footing becomes quite narrow
The strap beam does not remains in contact with soil and thus does not transfer any
pressure to the soil
Mat foundation
A raft or mat is a combined footing that covers the entire beneath a structure
And supports all walls and columns
It is used when the allowable soil pressure is low are the building loads are heavy
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Deep foundation
If the depth of foundation is equal to or more than the width of the foundation is called
deep foundation
Deep strip rectangular or square footing
Whenever the depth of strip footing is more than the width it is called as deep strip footing
Pile foundation
it is a type of deep foundation in which the loads are taken to a low level by means of
vertical members which may be timber or concrete or steel
Friction pile
Compaction pile
End bearing piles are used to transfer load through water or soft soil to a suitable bearing
Such piles are used to carry heavy loads to hard strata
Multi storied buildings are invariably founded on end bearing piles, so that the
settlements are minimized
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Friction piles
Friction piles are used to transfer loads to a depth of a friction load carrying material by
means of skin friction along the length of the pile
These are the piles which transfer the super imposed load both through side friction as
well as end bearing
Such piles are more common, especially the end bearing piles are passed through granular
Compaction piles
These piles are used o compact loose soil thus increasing there bearing capacity
The pile tube driven to compact the soil is gradually taken out and sand is filled in its place
thus forming the sand pile
Pier foundation
o Masonry
o concrete pier
Drilled caissons
Well foundation or caissons are box like structures –circular or rectangular which are sunk
from the surface of either land or water to the desired depth
Large water front structures such as pump houses, subjected to heavy vertical and
horizontal loads
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The art of building a structure in stone with any suitable masonry is called stone masonry.
Stone masonry may be broadly classified into the following two types:
1. Rubble
2. Ashlar
1. Rubble Masonry:
The stone masonry in which either undressed or roughly dressed stone are laid in a
suitable mortar is called rubble masonry. In this masonry the joints are not of uniform
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Squared rubble masonry:The rubble masonry in which the face stones are
squared on all joints and beds by hammer dressing or chisel dressing before their
actual laying, is called squared rubble masonry
There are two types of squared rubble masonry.
c. Coursed Square rubble masonry: The square rubble masonry in which chisel
dressed stones laid in courses is called coarse square rubble masonry. This is a superior
variety of rubble masonry. It consists of stones, which are squared on all joints and laid
in courses. The stones are to be laid in courses of equal layers. and the joints should
also be uniform.
Suitability: Used for construction of public buildings, hospitals, schools,
markets, modern residential buildings etc and in hilly areas where good
quality of stone is easily available.
d. Un coursed square rubble masonry: The squared rubble in masonry
which hammer dressed stones are laid without making courses is called
un coursed square rubble masonry. It consists of stones which are
squared on all joints and beds by hammer dressing. All the stones to be
laid are of different sizes. Suitability: Used for construction of ordinary
buildings in hilly areas where a good variety of stones are cheaply
2. Dry rubble masonry: The rubble masonry in which stones are laid without
using any mortar is called dry rubble masonry or sometimes shortly as "dry
stones". It is an ordinary masonry and is recommended for constructing walls
of height not more than
6m. In case the height is more, three adjacent courses are laid in squared rubble
masonry mortar at 3m intervals.
2. Ashlar masonry:
The stone masonry in which finely dressed stones are laid in cement or lime mortar is
known as ashlars masonry. In this masonry are the courses are of uniform height, all the
joints are regular, thin and have uniform thickness. This type of masonry is much costly
as it requires dressing of stones.
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Suitability: This masonry is used for heavy structures, architectural buildings, high
piers and abutments of bridges.
Ashlar facing: Ashlar facing is the best type of ashlars masonry. Since this is
type of masonry is very expensive, it is not commonly used throughout the
whole thickness
of the wall, except in works of great importance and strength. For economy the
facing are built in ashlars and the rest in rubble.
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Brick masonry
This bond is weak in strength but it is economical Brick masonry is made up of brick
units bonded together with mortar
Types of mortar
Cement mortar
Lime mortar
Cement-lime mortar
Lime surkhi mortar
Mud mortarTypes of bricks
Traditional bricks
Modular bricks
Traditional bricks
It has not been standardize in
Dimensions varies from place to
Thickness varies from varies from cm to 7.5cm,widthvaries from 10to13 cm and length
varies from 20to25 cmModular brick
Classes of brick
Stretcher bond
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Header bond
English bond
Flemish bond
Facing bond
English crossing bond
Brick on edge bond
Dutch bond
Racking bond
Zigzag bond
Garden wall bond
Stretcher bond
The length of the brick its along with the face of the wall\
This pattern is used only for those wall which have thickness of half brick
Header bond
The width of the bricks are thus along the direction of the wall
This pattern is used only when the thickness of the wall is equal to one brick
English bond
Since the number of vertical joint in the header course twice the number of vertical joints
in stretcher course ,the joints in the header course are made thinner than the joints in the
stretcher course
Flemish bond
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The facing and backing of the wall in each course have the same appearance
Single Flemish bond is comprised of double Flemish bond facing an English bond backing
and hearting in each course
Facing bond
This bond is used where the bricks of different thickness are to be used in the facing
and backing of the wall
The nominal thickness of facing brick is 10 cm and that of backing bricks is 9 cm the
header course tis provided at a vertical interval of 90 cm
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8. What are the factors you will consider while selection of route in tunneling?
a) Geological conditions
b) Right of way
9. Give the various methods of tunneling through rock .
The various method of tunneling through the rocks are:
Full face method
Heading and bench method
Cantilever car pump method
Drift system
Pilot tunnel method
10. Give the various methods of tunneling through soft ground.
The various methods of tunneling through the soft ground are:
a) Fore paling method
b) Needle beam method
c) Five piece set method
d) Linear plates method
e) Other methods
• Casting methods
• Square sets and logging method
• Horse cups method
11. What is cofferdam?
A cofferdam is defined as a temporary structure which is constructed.So,as to remove water/soil
from an area and make it possible to carry on the construction work under reasonably dry
12. What are the uses of cofferdams?
To facilitate pile driving operations.
To place grillage and raft foundations.
To construct foundations for piers and abutments of bridges,dams,locks,etc,
13. What are the factors you will consider while selecting cofferdams?
The factors considered while selecting cofferdams are:
The area to be protected by a cofferdam.
The depth of coater to be dealt with i.e, shallow depth of deep depth.
The possibility of overtopping by floods,tides,etc.
The nature of bed on which the cofferdam is to test,(i.e;) previous layer or an impervious
14. What are the types of cofferdams?
The types of cofferdams are:
Single wall construction
Double wall construction
Cellular cofferdam
Rock-filled Concrete
cofferdam Suspended
15. Give the different types of piling?
Rotary board technique
Continuous flight Augur piling
Low head room continuous Augur pile
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Grouting is an engineering and art combined to fill up the voids or cavities in rock or soil
masses with fluid that will increase the overall strength and impermeability of the mass.
17. Give the types of grouting.
Jet grouting
18. Give the characteristics of grouting materials.
The characteristics of grouting materials are:
The grouting material has high permeability.
No vibrations are used.
Application requires no additional structure used.
The properties are measurable.
It has high strength and low deformability.
19. What is caisson ?
The word caisson is derived from the French word ‘caisse’ meaning a box. In civil Engineering,
a caisson is defined as a structure which is sunk through ground or water. They exclude water
and semi fluid material during the process of excavations of foundations and which
subsequently becomes an integral part of the substructure.
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Diaphragm Wall
In structural engineering, a diaphragm is a structural system used to transfer lateral loads to shear walls
or frames primarily through in-plane shear stress
. These lateral loads are usually wind and earthquake loads, but other lateral loads such as lateral earth
pressure or hydrostatic pressure can also be resisted by diaphragm action.
The diaphragm of a structure often does double duty as the floor system or roof system in a building or
the deck of abridge, which simultaneously supports gravity loads.
Diaphragms are usually constructed of plywood or oriented stand board in timber construction; Metal deck
The two primary types of diaphragm are flexible and rigid. Flexible diaphragms resist lateral forces depending
on the tributary area, irrespective of the flexibility of the members that they are transferring force to. On the
other hand, rigid diaphragms transfer load to frames or shear walls depending on their flexibility and their
location in the structure.
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Sheet Piles
The thickness of the pile is very less when compared to the length and width of the pile
To prevent the entry water in construction the sheet piles are used, this is also used to separate the vertical
member of the building
The piles are inserted by some machine the depth of the piles can be increased by proper joints in successive
To prevent seepage below the dams or hydraulic structures to construct coastal defense work
Reinforced precast unit having the width of 50 to 60 cm and thickness 2to 6cm and the depth can be increased
by further installment
it is used only for temporary works ,the width of the pile varies from 225to 280 cm the thickness shall not be
less than 50mm
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It is a process by way of which a pile is forced in to the ground with out excavating the soil
driver Hammering
Drop hammer
Hammer is lifted by stream and dropped then it will fell down in the top of the pile by gravitational
It is the same as that of single acting but here both the lifting and dropping is done by steam engine
Diesel hammer
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Construction Techniques, Equipments and Practices IV Year/ VII Semester CIVIL ENGINEERING
If the soil condition is loose ,then using some vibrators the pile is inserted
04) Write notes on Dewatering and stand by Plant equipment for underground open excavation.
When water table exists at a shallow depth below ground surface, it is essential to lower the water so as to
carry out construction of foundation, basement, and metro tunnels etc.This is achieved by pumping out water
from multiple wells installed at the site. The process is called as dewatering.
Allowing water to reap into excavation area, collecting it in sumps and pumping it out. Before that adequate
steps have to be taken to support the soil on sides of the excavated area, to prevent washing away of fines and
have sufficient space for the work area.
Making the soil around excavated zone impermeable by technique such as grouting are freezing so that
inflow of water is stop are minimized.
Instalation Technique
Sufficient size and capacity of dewatering system is necessary to lower and maintain ground water table
and to allow material to be excavated in a reasonable dry condition.
Excavation slopes to be stabilized where sheeting is not required
Dewatering system is to be operated continuously until backfill work has been completed.Then, the structure to
be constructed at the excavated area has to be finished
The complete stand by have to be available for immediate operation as may be required, to adequately
maintain dewatering on continuous basis and in the event that all or any other part of the system may become
inadequate or fail
The water removed from the excavation to be disposed in such a manner as will not endanger portions of
work under construction or completed.
For dewatering purpose, well points deep well, caissons and tunnels are used.
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When construction operation have to be excited below the ground water table level. Dewatering of soil can be
done by the following methods
Installing well points small or deep wells and pumping out ground water
Using special technique in fine grained soils such as vaccum dewatering and electro-osmosis
Well Points
To pump out the ground water small sized wells called well points are used for a more dry
working area the two methods used most often for lowering water table below the excavation level are the
well point method and the deep well method.
When a series of wells are placed close to each other, the overall effect is lowering of the water table level.
Well points, can lower the water table by only 6.7m because the pump, is located at the ground surface and
connected to group of well points through a pipe, cannot lift water from greater depth.
Beyond 7m, multistage well points are used.
This method is useful for lowering the water table by more than 15m. Deep wells have
The pump is located at the bottom of well and hence can pump out water from greater depth. Deep wells
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Bridge Decks
The principal function of a bridge deck is to provide support to local vertical loads
(from highway traffic, railway or pedestrians) and transmit these loads to the primary
superstructure of the bridge, Figure 1(1). As a result of its function, the deck will be
continuous along the bridge span and (apart from some railway bridges) continuous
across the span. As a result of this continuity, it will act as a plate (isotropic or
orthotropic depending on construction) to support
Continuity ensures that whether or not it has been designed to do so, it will participate
in the overall structural action of the superstructure.
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Construction Techniques, Equipments and Practices IV Year/ VII Semester CIVIL ENGINEERING
Off shore platforms are self contained platforms with adequate facilities for drilling,
derrick, drilling mud electric power, pumping equipment for the offshore construction
these are artificial facilities above the elevation of off shore platforms
Tidal conditions
o Before analysis and design of foundation it is necessary to determine the soil
characters of the sea shore. Capacities of the available crains will influence the
operational activities of platform constructions.
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Construction Techniques, Equipments and Practices IV Year/ VII Semester CIVIL ENGINEERING
03) What are all the light weight components of tall structures?
Besides high raise buildings the usage of steel element is also popular with
construction of hospital and commercial complexes
Instead of concrete beams and columns more than 6100 tonnes of steel have been used
to build the main frames
Light weight blocks are used for patricians to reduce the dead load building
The usage of permanent concrete form works and structural steel elements will be
the main constituter for erecting light weight components on tall structures results
rapid speed of constructions.
Hence the erection of steel beams and columns as well as the installation of concrete
form work consumes only less time
Self drilling tapping screws are the most prevalent fasteners. Steel to steel
connections can be carried out to connect struts or joist and track together
Entire can be erected manually with out the use of heavy equipment
All these structures require few battery powered screw gunes and some ropes and pulleys
No scaffoldings is require for assembly and disc assembly of the structures because the
structure itself provides the scaffoldings as it goes up or comes down
Almost any number of column sections can be added to make it any height we desire
During the construction of tall structures the following equipments areused for the
aerial transporting and handling
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1. On what basis you will select the equipment for the construction?
Volume of the material to be removed
Size of the machine used
Depth of excavation
Height to be lifted
Soil type
Duration of period
Rented or purchased
Production cost
Spares availability
Skilled operation
2. List some excavation equipment?
a) Crawler or track type
b) Wheel or pneumatic type
Bull dozer & Angle dozers
a) Crawler-drawn scraper
b) Two-axle scraper
c) Three-axle scraper
Power shovels
3. Bring out some difference between crawler and pneumatic type of wheels?
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Crawler type
Wheel type
Two wheeled
Four wheeled
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1) Types of earth moving equipment
Production equipment
Service equipment
Tractors are machine which change the engine energy into tractive energy
These are primarily used for pull or push the loads
They are also used for different purposes by mounting many types of accessories
Types of tractor
Main constituents of tractor are engine ,clutch ,transmissonsystem,ground drive and controls
Size of the dozer for given job the type expected from the track to dozer
distance to be move
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Dozers are machine designed primarily for cutting and pushing the material over short
They consist with a front mounted blade controlled by hydraulic cylinder to vary the depth of cut and rate
of leveling depending on the material and application a dozer is frame mounted unit with a blade, curved
in its section, extending in front of the tractor
Basically its pushing unit but its widely used as multipurpose equipment and can perform large
number of operations with minor changes
Scrapers are the devices to scrap the ground and load it simultaneously, transport it for the required
distance and dump it and then spread it for the required area
towed type
conventional type
self loading or elevating scrapers
Towed type
The towed type scrapers are provided with either cable or hydraulic control
It can be operated in extremely adverse condition
Conventional scrapers
Cutting edge
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Selection Of Equipment
Proper selection of construction equipment place a vital role in the speedy and economical completion of
the construction
Following are the main points which should be considered while selection off the construction
equipment selected for larger size it will remain idle inmost of the time Standardization
It is better to have same type and size of equipment in a construction then it is easy to have spare parts,
and to understand its operations
Availability of equipment
Multi purpose equipments the selected equipments must be capable of performing various operations
The equipments selected should be satisfactorily handled by the available operators and machine
Service support
Operating requirements
Past performance
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A super structure with operators cabin mounted on either a sloe ring to traverse through
360◦or on a rigid frame
Types of excavators
Crawler mounted excavators
Truck mounted excavators
Self propelled excavators
Excavators mounted on barge or rail
Compaction is the process where by material particles are constrained to pack more closely together
through a reduction of air void content generally by mechanical means
Types of compactors
vibratory rollers
Static compaction equipment
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Smooth rolls where the first type of rolling compaction equipment usedThese where pulled by men or
horses and were first used by Romans to smoothen there roads
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