TB Manual 4
TB Manual 4
TB Manual 4
Design of
Clay Masonry
for Wind and
This publication updates and supersedes the publication
of the same name published by the Clay Brick and Paver
Institute in March 1999.
1 Introduction 7
2 Types of Construction 8
2.1 Housing 8
2.2 Multiple-occupancy domestic units 8
2.3 Low-rise commercial and industrial buildings 8
2.4 Multi-storey framed structures 8
3 Masonry Elements 9
3.1 Veneer walls 9
3.2 Cavity walls 10
3.3 Masonry Infill 10
3.4 Freestanding elements 11
3.5 Diaphragm Walls 11
4 Material Properties 12
4.1 Masonry units 12
4.2 Mortar 12
4.3 Masonry properties 12
4.4 Ties and connectors 13
4.5 Damp-proof courses, joints and other accessories 13
5 Loading Conditions 14
5.1 Wind loading 14
5.2 Earthquake loading 14
5.2.1 Domestic structures 15
6 General Design Aspects 17
6.1 Structural behaviour 17
6.1.1 Wind loading 17
6.1.2 Earthquake loading 17
6.2 Mechanism of Load Transmission 18
6.2.1 Housing 18
6.2.2 Framed structures 18
6.2.3 Loadbearing structures 19
6.3 Tying and Support of Elements 19
6.3.1 Slab/wall connections 20
6.3.2 Shear capacity of membranes and joints 20
6.3.3 Parapets and freestanding elements 20
10 Worked Examples 35
10.1 One-way vertical bending 35
10.2 One-way horizontal bending 36
10.3 Two-way bending (single-leaf wall) 37
10.4 Veneer wall 39
10.5 Cavity wall 1 (No load sharing) 40
10.6 Cavity wall 2 (With load sharing) 41
10.7 Shear walls 42
11 Design Charts 44
11.1 One-way vertical bending 45
11.2 One-way horizontal bending 45
11.3 Two-way bending without openings 46
11.3.1 110mm without openings
(no rotational restraint at the sides) 46
11.3.2 90mm without openings
(no rotational restraint at the sides) 47
12 References 60
1. Maximum Wall Pressures (kPa) for Type A Ties at 600 mm Centres 33
This manual provides guidance for the design of Unreinforced masonry construction generally has low
unreinforced clay masonry to resist wind and earthquake seismic resistance, because it is a heavy, brittle material
forces. It follows the procedures set out in the Masonry with low tensile strength and exhibits little ductility.
Structures Code (AS 3700)1. For any aspects not covered It is therefore unsuitable for areas of high seismicity.
here, reference should be made to AS 3700. Useful However, the level of earthquake forces experienced
guidance on the interpretation of AS 3700 can also be in Australia is moderate by world standards and
found in its commentary2. The standard Masonry in Small unreinforced masonry can be used in most instances,
Buildings – Part 1: Design (AS 4773.1)3 contains simplified provided the structure is designed and detailed for the
rules compatible with AS 3700 that can be applied to the appropriate earthquake forces and built to the required
design of small buildings. standard.
Most masonry construction in Australia is unreinforced This manual applies to all structural forms using
and non-loadbearing. The common definition of a masonry-veneer walls, cavity walls or single-leaf walls,
non-loadbearing wall is one that does not support any including single-occupancy housing, multiple-occupancy
significant vertical loads other than its self-weight. units and townhouses, industrial and commercial
Nevertheless, these walls are subjected to loading from buildings and multistorey, framed construction with
wind and earthquake, as well as overall requirements for masonry infill. It covers material properties for clay
robustness. Even internal partition walls are subjected masonry, general arrangement of structures, specific
to earthquake loading. Walls with a moderate level of design procedures for out-of-plane lateral loading and
vertical loading derive additional stability against face in-plane shear loading, and design detailing of ties,
loads and the most critical case for out-of-plane lateral connections and joints. It does not cover design for
loading is therefore a wall with no superimposed vertical vertical loading (see Manual 6).
Worked examples for various cases and design charts
Wind loading in parts of Australia can be severe, and the for lateral loading (using equivalent static loads for both
magnitude of load from wind increases significantly in wind and earthquake) are included.
the upper stories of multistorey buildings.
Various types of masonry elements are used to make that study, the veneer system comprised an external
up a typical masonry structure. These include walls 110 mm brickwork skin connected by medium-duty ties
(which might be of veneer, cavity, solid or diaphragm to either a flexible backup system (typically timber or
construction), piers and freestanding elements such as steel stud wall) or a rigid backup system (typically an
parapets and chimneys. These various types of elements internal masonry leaf). Both uncracked and cracked (at
behave in different ways and their design must take into mid-height) conditions were examined. The marked
account their particular characteristics. Detailed design difference in tie forces for the cracked and uncracked
of diaphragm walls is beyond the scope of this manual. states is shown in Figure 1.
The behaviour of a veneer subjected to face loading is A veneer wall relies on flashing and damp-proof courses,
quite complex because it depends upon the relative in conjunction with weep-holes, to act as an effective
flexibility of the veneer and the backup system, as well as barrier to moisture entering the building. The presence
the stiffness and location of the wall ties. These factors of flashing and a damp-proof course will influence
affect the degree of load sharing between the veneer behaviour under lateral load.
and backup and the amount of redistribution of load
that can occur. There is also a substantial difference
in behaviour when the veneer is cracked rather than
uncracked, because, in its uncracked state, the veneer is
usually much stiffer than its backup. The masonry veneer
itself does not usually need to be designed. For design
purposes, it is sufficient to know the wall tie forces and
the corresponding loads on the backup frame or wall.
Typical distributions of tie force derived from an elastic
analysis4 are shown in Figure 1, where T indicates a tensile
force in the ties and C indicates a compressive force. In
In resisting applied loads normal to the face, cavity walls Design of infill panels that are isolated from the frame are
rely on the interaction between the two leaves through usually governed by flexural action to resist lateral out-of-
the ties. Behaviour of the whole system is complex and a plane forces. If there is the possibility of a shallow arch
detailed structural analysis would be required in order to developing within the thickness of the wall as it deflects,
predict accurately the forces in individual components. that should also be considered. However, this arching
This is usually impractical and simplified rules are action is unlikely if expansion gaps are left between the
employed to design the masonry leaves and the ties. wall and the frame and design for this action is difficult
because of the uncertainty of its extent. Consequently,
Proper detailing of flashings, damp-proof courses and AS 3700 does not give design rules for this arching. Infill
weep-holes is essential to ensure that a cavity wall wall panels are usually designed as one-way or two-
remains an effective waterproof barrier. As in the case of way spanning plates of masonry with simple supports
veneer walls, the presence of flashing and a damp-proof provided by the framing members.
course will affect behaviour under lateral load.
Fired clay bricks have been in use for at least 5,000 years. tensile bond strength. Mortar mix proportions are
Clay masonry is particularly noted for its attractive specified as cement:lime:sand by volume. Further
appearance, long life and good loadbearing qualities. information on mortar composition and admixtures
When properly constructed and detailed it provides one is given in Manual 10, Construction Guidelines for Clay
of the most functional walling systems ever developed. Masonry8.
While durability classification, dimensions and aesthetic • 1:0:4 using masonry cement.
requirements must always be considered, the important
properties of masonry units for walls designed to resist
wind and earthquake loads are: 4.3 Masonry Properties
Wind and earthquake produce horizontal lateral forces bending, in-plane shear and uplift causing direct tension.
on a structure, which generate in-plane shear loads and Design for the first two is covered in Section 7 and
out-of-plane face loads on individual members. While Section 8. The effect of the third should be considered
both wind and earthquake generate horizontal forces, for individual members when they are designed for
they are different in nature. Wind loads are applied flexure and shear. Net direct tension on the cross-section
directly to the surfaces of building elements, whereas of a masonry member must be avoided for design in
earthquake loads arise due to the inertia inherent in the accordance with AS 3700, as the tensile strength of the
building when the ground moves. Consequently, the material is considered to be zero in such circumstances.
relative forces induced in various building elements are
different under the two types of loading.
5.2 Earthquake Loading
6.1 Structural Behaviour Both plan and elevation symmetry is desirable to avoid
torsional and soft-storey effects during seismic activity.
6.1.1 Wind Loading Compact plan shapes behave better than extended
Traditional masonry structures were massively wings. If irregular shapes cannot be avoided, then more
proportioned to provide stability and prevent tensile detailed earthquake analysis may be necessary. In some
stresses. In the period after 1945, traditional loadbearing cases, it may be possible to separate wings by suitable
construction was replaced by structures using the isolation joints and thereby convert the structure into a
shear wall concept, where stability against lateral series of regular shapes.
loads is achieved by aligning walls parallel to the load
direction. Lateral forces are therefore transmitted to Recent research16 examined the earthquake resistance of
the lower levels by in-plane shear. This, combined with unreinforced masonry residential structures up to 15 m
the use of concrete floor systems acting as diaphragms, in height, with a view to identifying the critical actions
produces robust box-like structures with thin walls under a range of conditions. The study considered
and the capacity to resist lateral load. Loadbearing the wall forces and associated actions arising from
structures of this type offer an economical alternative to earthquake loads corresponding to AS 1170.4. The seismic
framed construction for low and medium-rise buildings, demands under various conditions were compared with
particularly for structures with repetitive floor layouts. the corresponding seismic capacities given by AS 3700.
For these structures, the walls subjected to face loading A parametric study was used to examine the effects of a
must be designed to have sufficient flexural resistance wide range of parameters, including number of storeys,
and the shear walls must have sufficient in-plane wall geometries, support conditions and openings. The
resistance. results of the parametric study indicate, for a typical
office building and a typical home unit building, the
The alternative structural form consists of a frame, range of conditions leading to earthquake failure using
usually of steel, timber or concrete, which resists the the current design criteria of AS 3700. The following were
lateral forces by bending (frame action). The masonry the main findings:
walls are attached to this frame as a cladding and
distribute the applied lateral forces into the framing • Out-of-plane bending tends to govern as wall length,
members. In this system, the masonry walls are designed site sub-soil class, hazard factor and the number of
for local flexural action only. levels increase. This applies for both office buildings and
home unit buildings. This finding is based on the failure
criterion of maximum flexural strength being reached.
6.1.2 Earthquake Loading
In buildings subjected to earthquake loading the walls • Out-of-plane shear governs in relatively few cases
in the upper levels are more heavily loaded by seismic and, when it occurs, it is in conjunction with out-of-
forces, because of dynamic effects, and are therefore plane bending and/or in-plane shear failure. There
more susceptible to damage caused by face loading. The is no difference in this respect between typical office
resulting damage is consistent with that due to wind or buildings and home unit buildings.
other out-of-plane loading. Racking failures are more
likely to occur in the lower storeys where shear forces • In-plane shear in the direction of the short plan
are greatest and are characterised by stepped diagonal dimension of a building is governed by the
cracking. This damage does not usually result in wall arrangement of the internal walls. For the assumed
collapse, but can cause considerable distress. Racking wall distributions used in this study, in-plane shear
damage can also occur in structures with masonry infill in the short direction was not critical for the office
when large frame deflections cause load to be transferred building and, for the home unit building, occurred
to the non-structural walls. simultaneously with in-plane shear failure in the
long direction.
7.1 Introduction also has a strong influence on the behaviour. For veneer
or lightly-loaded panels where the level of compressive
For lateral out-of-plane loading, whether it arises from stress is low, flexural tensile strength is particularly
wind or earthquake, the response of the structural important. Determination of design loads for wind and
element is usually calculated by considering the load as earthquake is discussed in Section 5.
an equivalent static uniform pressure. Although there
is a fundamental difference in the type of load caused by Masonry walls behave differently under simple bending
wind and earthquake, there is no difference in design in one direction (for example between top and bottom
procedure between the two in most cases. supports) and bending in two directions (such as
when the wall has support on at least two adjacent
Masonry elements subjected to out-of-plane loading edges). This is a result of the flexural action of plates
resist the load by flexural action. The load capacity under distributed loading and also the different flexural
of unreinforced masonry wall panels depends upon properties of masonry normal to and parallel to the
the dimensions and support conditions, the level of bed joints. Most walls are designed to have support
compressive stress in the wall and the tensile strength of conditions that result in two-way bending because this
the masonry. The presence of door and window openings action is much stronger than simple one-way bending.
1 D1 2 D2
3 D3 4 D4
5 D5 6 D6
The AS 3700 robustness requirements must also be A typical example of design for a veneer wall on a flexible
checked (see AS 3700 Clause 4.6 and Manual 7, Design of backup is shown in Section 10.4.
Clay Masonry for Serviceability23).
For cases where both leaves share the load, the principal
difficulty is to determine the relative distribution of
load between the two leaves and the forces in the ties.
AS 3700 permits a designer to assume that all loads are
taken by one of the leaves and to design accordingly.
Alternatively, the distribution of load can be assessed and
each leaf designed individually as set out in Section 7.4.
kv = Shear factor (0.3 for bed joints in clay A typical example of shear wall design is shown in
masonry). Section 10.7.
Tension Compression
Veneer with Stiff Backup 0.61 1.22 3.04 0.73 1.46 3.65
Cavity Wall
0.79 1.58 3.96 0.95 1.90 4.75
(both leaves supported)
Note that for a flexible structural backing, the for control joints, where they limit movement in the
serviceability deflection of the backing must also be direction normal to the plane of the wall while allowing
checked, using the appropriate material standard. movement in the plane of the wall caused by shrinkage or
In all situations, it is essential that ties be properly
installed. They will not perform to their full rated Where monolithic structural action is required across a
strength unless they are properly embedded in the vertical interface between two leaves of a solid masonry
mortar joints and properly attached to the frame or wall, or between a masonry wall and a supporting
backup (for veneer walls). They must also be installed in member, it must be designed in accordance with
the correct orientation and without a backward slope, AS 3700 Clause 4.11. If ties are used between the leaves
so that they shed water properly to the outside of the in solid masonry construction they must be rated at
wall. For face-fixed ties in masonry veneer more than least medium duty, spaced at no more than 400 mm in
3 m above ground, AS 3700 requires screw-fixing. Typical each direction. For other interfaces, the spacing must
examples of wall tie design are shown in Sections 10.4 not exceed 200 mm horizontally and 300 mm average
and 10.5. (400 mm maximum) vertically, unless substantiated
by calculation or test. The vertical joint must be filled
with mortar. Other connectors of equivalent strength
9.3 Design of Connectors (characteristic tensile capacity of 0.4 kN) can be used
within the same spacing limits.
Connectors used to tie masonry walls to frames and other
supporting elements must be designed to resist 125% of A special case occurs for diaphragm walls and walls of
any calculated load normal to the plane of the wall. The geometric section, where shear forces are often of much
minimum level of forces is specified by AS 3700 in Clauses larger magnitude. For these cases, connectors across a
2.6.3 and 2.6.4. When the forces arise from earthquake vertical interface in masonry are designed in accordance
action, the calculated horizontal force must similarly be with AS 3700 Clause 7.5.6. This clause provides equations
increased by a factor of 1.25 (see AS 3700 Clause 10.2.5). for steel connectors of rectangular and circular cross-
This applies to non-structural as well as structural sections, based on the dimensions and the yield stress
components. Characteristic strength values for these of the steel. These properties should be provided by the
connectors should be provided by the manufacturer, after manufacturer. For the shear strength of connectors
determination in accordance with AS 2699.2. Connectors between masonry and other structural members, the
must also comply with the durability requirements manufacturer should provide characteristic strengths
(see Section 9.5). Special connectors are available determined by test.
Damp-proof courses are used at the bases of walls to = The minimum design compressive stress
prevent moisture rising. They are usually formed by (see Section 8.2)
embedding a layer of embossed polythene or light-gauge
aluminium sheet with bitumen or polythene coating Ad = Design cross-sectional area
in the mortar joint. Recommended good practice is to
place the damp-proof membrane within the mortar joint, This equation applies to both in-plane and out-of-
rather than sitting it on the masonry units and placing plane shear. Values of kv have been investigated
the mortar on top. However, this is often not done and experimentally for membrane-type damp-proof
there is some evidence that the best performance under courses under static loading25 and dynamic loading26.
serviceability conditions comes from the damp-proof Design values are given in AS 3700 Table 3.3 as 0.3 for
course material being placed directly on the masonry bitumen-coated or embossed polyethylene and 0.15 for
units. These joints are also usually required to transmit polyethylene-coated and bitumen-coated aluminium.
shear forces under earthquake loading and therefore For properly designed slip joints using a greased
must have some shear resistance. sandwich of metal sheets, the appropriate value of
shear factor is zero, meaning that these joints cannot be
AS 3700 Section 10.3 provides various details that are relied upon to transmit shear forces under earthquake
deemed to be adequate for connecting masonry to loading.
supporting elements under earthquake loading.
Where no positive connectors are used the capacity of
the joint to transmit the necessary forces by friction must 9.5 Durability of Ties
be checked. Where positive connections are used their and Connectors
capacity must be checked using the relevant provisions
(see Section 9.3). Typical roof connection details are As pointed out above, ties and connectors are structural
shown in Manual 9 Detailing of Clay Masonry24. components and their integrity must be maintained
for the life of the structure. When ties and connectors
The serviceability requirements for damp-proof course corrode they are usually hidden in the wall and the
membranes and slip joints to prevent distress in the damage does not become evident until it is advanced.
masonry seem to conflict with the requirement for shear The consequences then are severe. The cost of replacing
transfer under earthquake load conditions. It is thus an corroded ties and connectors is vastly greater than the
important matter of design to ensure that the joints have incremental cost of providing enhanced protection when
sufficient freedom to accommodate the serviceability a structure is first built. Designers should consider this
requirements while having sufficient friction capacity to carefully.
Bending moment:
%&' ).+×-..'
M"# = (
= (
= 0.46 kN.m per metre width
34' 6)))×66)'
Z" = 5
= 5
= 2.02 × 105 mm3 per metre width
Density for clay masonry = 0.19 kN/m2 per 10 mm thickness (AS 1170.1).
Therefore, compressive stress at mid-height due to self-weight (based on 90% dead load) –
𝑓𝑓" = 66)×6)))
= 0.023 MPa
MA# = ϕ𝑓𝑓C4 Z" + 𝑓𝑓" Z"
For two leaves of 110 mm masonry (assumed to be connected by heavy duty ties and
therefore to share the load equally) –
Moment capacity = 0.58 kN.m per metre width, which is greater than the applied bending
moment of 0.46 kN.m per metre. \OK
For a height of 2.7 m, the load capacity of a single leaf is 0.28 kPa, so for two leaves the
capacity is 0.56 kPa. \ OK
Bending moment –
%I' )..×-.J'
M"H = = = 0.50 kN.m per metre width
( (
Z" = 2.02 × 105 mm3 per metre width (see Example 10.1),
and Zu, Zp and equal to Zd for full perpends and no joint raking.
LM 66) LM 66)
= 66) and HN
= .5
and 1.0
MAH = 2.0ϕk S T𝑓𝑓C4 Z"
MAH = ϕU0.44 𝑓𝑓Y4 ZY + 0.56 𝑓𝑓C4 ZS W
Taking 𝑓𝑓Y4 as the default value of 0.8MPa in the absence of test data –
MAH = 0.6 × (0.44 × 0.8 × 2.02 × 105 + 0.56 × 0.2 × 2.02 × 105 ) × 10G5
Therefore, the governing value = 0.56 kN.m per metre width, which is greater than the applied
bending moment of 0.50 kN.m per metre. \OK
For a length of 2.4 m, the load capacity is 0.78 kPa, which is greater than the applied load of
0.7 kPa. \OK
Design length
Ld = 2000 mm (half the actual length).
Design height
Hd = 1500 mm (half the actual height).
`Ia )..6.×-)))
Slope Factor α= = = 0.96
&a 6+))
Since there is no opening and both vertical edges are supported, use the first row in AS 3700
Table 7.5 –
6 6
Aspect Ratio ac = 6Gd = 6G).:5e = 1.47
e> >
Sides are simply supported, so restraint factors Rf1 and Rf2 are both 0, therefore –
k6 = 1 − α = 1 − 0.96 = 0.04
6 6
k - = α g1 + `'h = 0.96 g1 + )..6.' h = 2.83
𝑓𝑓4D = 2.25T𝑓𝑓C4
= 2.25 × √0.2 = 1.01 MPa
Height factor –
HN [4\ (5
B= = = 69.9 mm
√6[`' √6[)..6.'
-j' 4'N
(>4N [6.(j)
Z4 = n
gUlY + t m W√1 + G - h
-×5:.:' ×66)'
= n
g(230 + 10)√1 + 0.717- h
MA" = ϕ𝑓𝑓4D Z4
w= (k6 MAH + k - MA" )
= (0.04 × 0.56 + 2.82 × 0.53)
= 1.12 kPa
Assume a 110 mm wall, therefore use Chart 11.3.1 for four edges supported.
For a design length of 2,000 mm and design height of 1,500 mm, the load capacity is between
the curves for 1.0 kPa and 1.5 kPa. Interpolate a value of 1.1 kPa. \OK
Design a single-storey masonry veneer wall 2.7 m high supported on a timber frame. The
applied lateral load is 1.5 kPa suction on the wall. Assume ties at 600 mm centres in both
Using AS 3700 Section 7.6, design tie force based on 20% of the load on the tributary area for a
line of ties –
Load capacity for medium duty ties in tension = 0.60 kN (AS 3700 Table 3.5).
The top row of ties must be within 300 mm of the top of the veneer (AS 3700 Clause 4.10) and
spaced at an average of 300 mm horizontally. This can be achieved by placing two ties at each
stud (600 mm centres), either in the same bed joint or spread across two adjacent bed joints
within 300 mm of the edge. Ties in the remainder of the wall are spaced at 600 mm in each
Provided the tie spacing complies with AS 3700, the veneer skin itself will require no further
Design a cavity wall 3 m long and 3 m high for a multistorey building. The inner leaf is tied to a
structural frame on all four edges and the outer leaf is supported on shelf angles attached to
the spandrels. The applied load is 0.5 kPa internal suction and 1.0 kPa external pressure.
Only the inner leaf is supported, so design as veneer on a stiff backup (AS 3700 Clause 7.7.4).
The force to be transmitted by the ties derives from the outer leaf and the design tie force is
based on 130% of the load on a tributary area for one tie (AS 3700 Clause 7.6.3).
Load capacity for medium duty ties in compression = 0.72 kN (AS 3700 Table 3.6).
Therefore the tie capacity = 0.95 x 0.72 = 0.68 kN, which is greater than the applied force of
0.47 kN. \OK
Ties throughout the wall are spaced at 600 mm in both directions, with the first row located
within 300 mm of all edges, supports and around openings (AS 3700 Clause 4.10).
For the design of the wall itself, the simplest approach is to assume that the entire load is
taken by the inner leaf. A leaf of 110 mm thickness, with both sides supported, a design length
of 1500 mm and a design height of 1500 mm has a load capacity exceeding 1.5 kPa (Chart
11.3.1). \OK
A more refined design could be carried out by assessing the load distribution between the two
leaves but this approach is unnecessary in this case. For an example of load sharing between
the leaves see the next example.
Design a cavity wall 3 m long and 3 m high for a multistorey building. The inner leaf is tied to
structural columns on both sides, with the top free. The outer leaf is supported on shelf angles
attached to the spandrels and is continuous past the columns at 3 m centres. The applied load
is 0.5 kPa internal suction and 1.0 kPa external pressure.
The force to be transmitted by the ties is based on the difference between external pressure
and internal suction i.e. 0.5 kPa. The force per tie is derived from the tributary area (AS 3700
Clause 7.7.4).
Load capacity for medium duty ties in compression = 0.72 kN (AS 3700 Table 3.6).
Therefore the design tie capacity = 0.95 x 0.72 = 0.68 kN , which is greater than the applied
force of 0.18 kN. \OK
Ties throughout the wall are spaced at 600 mm in both directions, with the first row located
within 300 mm of all edges, supports and around openings (AS 3700 Clause 4.10). The ties at
the vertical lateral supports (the columns) are required to resist 2 x Ftd = 0.36 kN compression
(AS 3700 Clause 7.7.4). \OK
For the design of the wall itself, the load is to be assessed as being shared between the two
leaves (AS 3700 Clause 7.7.3). A leaf of 110 mm thickness, with both sides supported and the
top free has a design length of 1500 mm and a design height of 3000 mm. The load capacity is
interpolated as 0.95 kPa (Chart 11.3.1). In this case the two leaves are of equal thickness and
equal load capacity, therefore the total load capacity is (AS 3700 Equation 7.7.3):
This is greater than the total applied load of 1.5 kPa. \OK
Trial a design with an outer leaf thickness 90 mm and an inner leaf thickness 110 mm, using
medium duty ties as above.
The 90 mm thick leaf has a load capacity interpolated as 0.75 kPa (Chart 11.3.2). Therefore the
combined load capacity is (AS 3700 Equation 7.7.3):
w = 0.9[0.95+
0.75]= 1.4 kPa
This is less than the total applied load of wd = 1.5 kPa, therefore the outer leaf thickness of
110 mm is required.
Design a shear wall 4 m long and 2.7 m high, subject to a wind shear force of 40 kN. The
masonry is constructed with clay units of 110 mm thickness and with an 𝑓𝑓C4 of 0.2 MPa. The
wall sits on a bitumen-coated aluminium damp-proof course and there is a uniform vertical
load on top of the wall comprising 50 kN/metre dead load and 15 kN/metre live load.
Shear strength –
𝑓𝑓CD L = 1.25𝑓𝑓C4
= 0.25 MPa (AS 3700 Clause 3.3.4)
Vu = ϕ𝑓𝑓CD L A"
= 66.0 kN
Shear factor at the mortar joints and at the damp-proof course kv = 0.3 (AS 3700 Table 3.3)
𝑓𝑓" = 0.9 × g
h = 0.41 MPa
V6 = k # 𝑓𝑓" A"
= 54.1 kN
Total shear capacity Vd = V0 + V1 = 66.0 + 54.1 = 120.1 kN, which is greater than the applied
shear force of 40 kN. \OK
Sliding at the base of wall is OK because the shear friction capacity alone exceeds the applied
shear force, the shear factor is the same (0.3) and additional frictional resistance is present at
the base from self-weight.
= 0.66 MPa
3×"' 66)×J)))'
Wall section modulus =
= 5
= 293 × 105 mm3
Therefore, bending stress = -:>×6)x = 0.37 MPa
Net stress at the toe from compression + bending stress = 0.66 + 0.37 = 1.03 MPa compression
With a capacity reduction factor of 0.75 (AS 3700 Table 4.1) this requires 𝑓𝑓C3 of 1.4 MPa,
which is satisfied by units of strength 5 MPa and M2 mortar (see AS 3700 Table 3.1). \OK
+)×6)w [-..×).6:×66×6)w
= 0.9 × g 66)×6)))
h = 0.46 MPa
Net stress at the heel from compression – bending stress = 0.46 – 0.37 = 0.09 MPa
compression (i.e. no net tension). \OK
Therefore resisting moment = 200 x 2.0 = 400 kN.m and this is greater than the overturning
moment. \OK
• mt
is assumed to be 0.2 MPa (AS 3700 default).
• ut
is assumed to be 0.8 MPa (AS 3700 default).
1 AS 3700 – 2018 Masonry structures, Standards 14 AS 1170.4 – 2007 Structural design actions, Part
Australia, Sydney, 2018. 4: Earthquake actions in Australia, Standards
Australia, Sydney, 2007.
2 AS 3700 – 2011 Masonry structures – Commentary,
Standards Australia, Sydney, 2012. 15 AS 1170.1:2002 Structural design actions, Part O:
General principles, Standards Australia, Sydney,
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