Iluiltililililiilruruuillilttil$Ffi (: Microsoft
Iluiltililililiilruruuillilttil$Ffi (: Microsoft
Iluiltililililiilruruuillilttil$Ffi (: Microsoft
April2, 2019
Rey Valenzuela
Regional lT Officer
Deped Cahbarzon
Department of Education
Re: 3-day training for the Microsoft Education Ambassadors Program 2019
Microsoft supports and values the professional development of our educators for greater impact in teaching and
learning and part of this commitment is to ensure that we continuously empower those who are able to train their co-
teachers and students back ln line with this, we would like to request the presence of the following individuals of the
Department of Education from your Region who have been accepted to the Microsoft Education Ambassadors' program
to attend a 3-day training on Train the Trainer for Teaching with Technology to be held on April 1O to 12, 2019
at tha Lyceum of the Philippines Batangas, Batangas City.
Please refer to the Appendk A axached at the end of thk letter for the list af quatifted Microsoft Fducotion Ambassodors
Program 2019.
At Microsoft, we value the participation of our educatorc at key functions such as this and would like to shoulder their
training content and meal expenses.
Microsoft wishes to ensure that by paying these expenses it does not create any violation of the letter or of applicable
government gifts and ethics rules at the Department of Education. lf permitted, we would be pleased to shoulder the
following expenses for the attendee:
r Training meals for all the attendees from April 10 to '12, 2019 valued at an estimated value of PHP
EA0ldaylaftendee that include lnoming snacks, lunch, and afternoon snacks.
Please note that Microsoft will not be providing any reimbursements to the participant for any expenses related to the
meeting- Accordingly, Microsoft expects that the participant or your organization will be responsible for all other
exPenses associated with participation or attendance {including without limitation other surface transportation,
accommodation, other meals not listed above, and other incidentals.)
The amounts listed above give an approximate fair market value of the meals that Microsoft will'provide you. Thos
arnounts are listed for your convenience to help with any reporting requirements you may have. Those amounts are
not spending allowances. For example, if the participant chooses to skip a rneal served afthe event, any costs he/she
MicrosoftPhilippines n MiCfOSOft
8/F Ayala 6750 Office Tower 6750 Ayala Avenue t
1200 Makati City. Philippines
Tel. +63 (2) 860-8989
www-microsoft .com/philippines
It is the intent of Microsoft that payment of these expenses is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations and ethics
rules regarding gifts and donations. Microsoft pays these expenses without seeking promises or favoritism for Microsoft
in any bidding arangements. Further, no exdusivity will be expected by either party. Microsoft pays these expenses
with the understanding that it will not be prohibhed from any procurement opportunities. Finally. your acceptance
imposes no obligation on your organization to acquire or use any Microsoft product or service.
To signify your approval, kindty sign this letter and have the scanned copy emailed to on or
before April 08, 2019 Should you have questions, pleas€ do not heshate to email us at or
call us at (02) 860-8647.
Regards, Approved:
Microsoft philippines ffiW m*:**^*^,se
8/F Ayala 6750 office Tower, 6750 Ayala Avenue W $vF$q-g {Js&"$$ il
1200 Makati City. Philippines
Tel. +63 (2) 860-8989
www. m