In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Subject
Practical Research 2
Alolor, Genbrauis J.
Bringcola, Emmanuel
Dayapera, Joshua V.
Dumale,Ram colin C
Dumalaga, Cialy
Bagasala, Trisha Allhea
Ferrer, Clarence
Hesido, Maria Christina
Madrelijos, Ruth
Montalban, Yca
12 -Chairman ABM
Group 1
Submitted to:
The way students spend their money has also changed dramatically in the digital
age. For students, accessing a variety of goods and services is now simpler than ever
thanks to online shopping and electronic payment options. Students now have more
options for making purchases thanks to the convenience of e-commerce platforms and
mobile payment apps.
Students in the Philippines budget their money to pay for numerous necessities.
Tuition and fees take up a sizable amount of their budget, which can be a big financial
burden. Due to the fact that many students commute by public transportation or
motorcycles, transportation costs are also a significant factor. Cuisine costs include
eating out, eating at home, and even treating oneself to cheap street cuisine. For
individuals who live away from home, housing costs are an issue. Purchases of course
materials, school supplies, and textbooks are necessary. Additionally, students set aside
money for social events, movies, and coffee shops. Many students purchase laptops,
smartphones, and internet connectivity as important investments in technology. Clothing,
personal care products, and sporadic medical costs are all included in budgets. Another
significant cost for students in the Philippines is transportation. Buses and jeepneys are
popular forms of public transportation that many students utilize to get to school. Some
people might even buy motorcycles to commute more easily and affordably.
Students in Caloocan city business high school tends to buy what they don't really
need, specifically the unnecessary expenditures such as excessive buying online and in
physical stores. Subsequently, the budget that they have either for a month or a day
runs out immediately. On the contrary, students might just having fun and awarding
themselves and led by impulsive buying this study focuses in the spending habits of
students in Caloocan city business high school that led in buying unnecessary
expenditures. Students might feel compelled to conform to their peers' spending habits,
participating in activities or purchasing items they cannot afford. This social influence
can contribute to a cycle of unnecessary expenditures, impacting their overall financial
well-being. The researchers aim to identify strategic financial planning for students to
handle their budgets and allowances prudently.
1.1. Gender
1.2. Age
3. What Are the factors that influencing unnecessary expenditures by the respondents in
terms of?
2. To assess the spending patterns of Senior High students, including the factors
that basis in their spending patterns
3. To correlate spending patterns and unnecessary expenditures by the students
This part shows the representation of the ideas and connection in our topic
entitled “Spending Patterns Leading to Unnecessary Expenditure of Senior High School
Students Basis to Strategic Financial Techniques “where the problems find factors and
what way we could find solution on it, moreover find its results
This study will aim to delve into how this research affects various stakeholders,
including students, teachers, educational institutions, youth, and future researchers
highlighting the profound impact it can have on each of their lives.
Students- This study will benefit from it by becoming more financially literate,
experiencing less financial stress, and making better financial decisions, all of which can
put them on the road to financial freedom.
Teachers- It will provide them with the tools and information they need to integrate
financial education into their curricula, improving the quality of education for students as
a whole.
Youth- Knowledge and initiatives created can be more widely disseminated to help
young people outside the study's scope make informed financial decisions when they
enter adulthood.
Researchers- It will be useful reference for future researchers who would plan to
make any related studies, particularly on how most of the senior high students spend
their allowance on unnecessary activities
This part tells a word or phrase used to describe a thing or to express a concept
includes in our study such as;
Budgeting – According to Merriam Webster budgeting is a plan for the coordination of
resources and expenditures.
Expenditures – in line with oxford dictionary this is the action of spending funds.
Financial planning –This term would be referred to the process of assessing the
current financial situation of the students.
Planned expense – Expenses that are included in the pre-defined budget or financial
plan of the students for a specific period.
Spending patterns – This term refers to this study is the transitions of how and where
students spend their money on
This chapter presents the review of related literature which will delves into the
review of related literature and studies. Conceptually grounded in the exploration of
financial behaviors among senior high school students, this chapter aims to
contextualize the study within the existing body of literature. Identifying key areas of
research, it lays the foundation for understanding the spending patterns that may
contribute to avoidable expenses, forming the basis for the development of strategic
financial plans in the educational context.
Abawag and Domingo (2019) reported that unmonitored spending on food and
transportation could lead to financial issues among respondents, underscoring the need
for proper monitoring and moderation. This highlights the effective monitoring and
moderation mechanism of students to prevent financial challenges among students
In this study by Imran Anwar Mir. (2023) the rapid proliferation of smartphone
technology in Indonesia, characterized by its cost-effectiveness and strides in the
development of the online network, has inadvertently contributed to a rise in
discretionary expenditures. Students actively partake in online shopping, solidifying their
position as the predominant user segment. Notably, students emerge as the primary
demographic engaging in various unnecessary expenditures, encompassing areas such
as excessive food consumption, entertainment, personal items, and more. Given the
pivotal role that students play in driving the online shopping landscape in Indonesia, a
meticulous examination of their unnecessary expenditures assumes paramount
importance. This scrutiny is particularly crucial for understanding the nuances of their
purchases, shedding light on the specific categories of unnecessary expenditures. Such
insights are invaluable for online shopping providers, equipping them with the knowledge
needed to refine their business strategies and cater effectively to this burgeoning market
segment, thereby optimizing their appeal and services in the realm of online commerce.
Abu A. K. Et Al. (2023) state that, in today’s society, it is common to see that
students lack the knowledge on how to manage their finance wisely. From buying
unnecessary luxury things to not saving any money for the future. This can be because
of them are not exposed to the importance of having a secure financial plan because of
the mindset of them still young and do not have to worry about the future. Many students
lack financial management knowledge, leading to imprudent spending on unnecessary
luxuries and neglecting savings for the future. This behavior often stems from a youthful
mindset, assuming that there's no immediate need to worry about long-term financial
In the words of Sathya J. et al., (2023) The effects that compulsive buying does to
consumers are:1. Feeding off an addiction; they have been used to buying things left
and right that they have developed a real addiction to it. And addictions are hard to
break. 2. Cultural and Socioeconomic factors such as pressure to conform to the norms,
as with the massive rise of online shopping during the pandemic and easier access to
available goods consumers are mainly still buying things in order to go along with the
trend that people are doing. 3. While evident, the factor that is affected by compulsive
buying is financial ability, not only does it limit their capability to tend to their needed
expenses, it also takes away their ability to save money if something ever comes to
happen and they need the funds they are spending relentlessly.
Also conclude by Rahman M. F., Hossain M. H., (2022) with the rise of technology,
and the ease of access to finding things that potential customers might buy, compulsive
buying happens. With the characteristic tics of a good, immersive website that has an
algorithm, people found themselves that they are spending more time looking for things
to buy online than they need to.
According to Nuangjamnong, (2022) Products that has been advertised via social
media, and/or endorsed by a celebrity may have an effect that drives consumers in order
to consume the same product in order to be included in the trend. While people who
have self-esteem issues suffered the most from compulsive buying.
Based on Mingming Zhang and Guicheng Shi (2022) online shopping's explosive
growth has influenced marketing strategy. Social media presence is crucial in the
marketing industry. Thus, the impact of social presence on online impulse purchase.
This study highlights the impact of visual appeal on consumer behavior and strategically
leverage it to enhance the overall shopping experience. At the same time, consumers
should be mindful of these influences and make informed decisions to avoid
unnecessary impulsive purchases.
According to Olsen et al. (2021) Impulsive buying account is over 40% of all
internet purchases more on self-reported purchases. This study emphasized how
impulsive buying is a substantial factor in online shopping, constituting more than 40% of
all transactions. is a significant portion of online consumers makes purchases
impulsively rather than as part of a planned shopping.
Financial Plan
In the alignment of Ramirez (2022) financial planning may lead to more in-depth
research being done to analyze how financial planning came to be, projections for the
future, and even individual research on different financial markets that are emerging. It
may also lead to further research in the study of wealth – what wealth is, what it has
developed into compared to the past, and how people have developed their ideas of
what wealth is to them. This means to say that it could lead to an exploration of the
concept of wealth, its evolution over time, and how individuals personally define and
perceive wealth. It is a way out of every Students to at least think about their future in
managing money at an early age.
Initially, Hermino and Arifin (2020) highlight a broader societal context where
parents, preoccupied with sustaining life through work, perceive schools as burdensome
due to associated fees. Transitioning to factors influencing spending habits.
Zulfaris et al. (2020) then delve into the specifics, revealing a positive relationship
between financial literacy and parent socialization with money management, while peer
influences and self-control exhibit a negative association, emphasizing the challenges
students face in controlling their spending.
Akelo et al. (2019) narrow the focus further, identifying specific factors influencing
spending habits, such as year of study, family financial level, gender, and school.
Finally, Bona’s study (2018) provides a profound insight into the deeply rooted
impact of family background on college students’ spending behavior, emphasizing the
critical role of parents in shaping attitudes not only toward financial management but
also life in general. This underscores the importance of early financial education and the
need for a set of positive attitudes alongside financial knowledge for long-term success
The choice of correlational research allows for the exploration of associations and
relationships between variables without disrupting the natural setting. This approach
aims to uncover trends in senior high school students spending behaviors and discern
how these patterns align with unnecessary expenses.
Researchers- Made Survey Questionnaire and was used as the main data-
gathering Instrument to be prepared focused on answering the statement of the problem.
The Spending habits of senior high students basis to unnecessary expenditure. The
questionnaires contains 12 questions, the questionnaires will be distributed to the
respondent after they agree to our permission to give them survey. The date gathering
instrument was structured first in the participants demographic profile; Gender, age, and
economic status wherein it has option from A-C Statemet of the problem questions will
have options scale ranging from 1-4 Where in the (1) is strongly disagree, (2) is
disagree, (3) is agree and the last one is (4) strongly agree. This legend will help the
researchers to analysis the result of conducting date-gathering.the
The researchers will dedicate a significant amount of time and energy to creating
the questionnaires. Additionally, the researchers will obtain a letter of request, which the
Caloocan City Business High School professor verify.
Researchers will use a survey form to conduct a survey that contains the said
questions based on the study’s research question in other to gather data. Thus their
corresponding answers to the question are kept by the agreement of the respondents
and researchers.
+Pearson- R
R= correlation coefficient
The frequency of each response will be determined on the number of the respon
dents who will check in the particular item. The Demographic profile of the respondents
will be determined using the
P- Is the percentage
f- is the frequency