Sample Applied Research
Sample Applied Research
Sample Applied Research
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Division of Cauayan City
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The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 ensures that that every graduate of
excellence, the foundations for learning throughout life, the competence to engage in
work and be productive, the ability to coexist in fruitful harmony with local and global
and the capacity and willingness to transform others and one’s self. The program
encompasses at least one (1) year of kindergarten education, six (6) years of
elementary education, and six (6) years of secondary education, in that sequence.
Secondary education includes four (4) years of junior high school and two (2) years
Senior High School (SHS) is the last stage in the implementation of the K-12
program covering Grades 11 and 12. Students have the prerogative to choose from
the four general programs or tracks depending on their interests. The full
implementation of the SHS program took place in the school year 2016-2017. The
Livelihood (with highly specialized subjects with TESDA qualifications), Sports, and
Arts and Design. The rationale behind adding two more grade levels is to better
equip learners with the needed skills, knowledge, and values needed for a successful
It is expected that learners must choose a strand and track they would like to
take in their senior high school life. This must be based on their interests, skills,
capabilities, and their preferred college course. Learners must have a clearer image
of what field you’d want to work in and possibly, what specific profession or job they
see themselves taking. However, most of the students enrolled in their strand
because of peer pressure and not an honest self-evaluation of their talents, skills and
Pursuant to Regional Memorandum No. 29, s. 2019 re: Tracer Study for Senior
High School Graduates, the Department of Education Regional Office No. 02 through
Policy, Planning and Research Division (PPRD) shall conduct tracer study for the first
two batches of senior high school graduates in the region. This study aims to track
the graduates of junior high school from their entry to senior high school and fulfilling
the mandate to pursue the different curriculum exits and to ensure evidence-based,
decision making
With this, the proponents are interested to conduct a tracer study. This type of
study aims to trace down the graduates on their path after the Senior High School
Program. It also attempts to discover the decisions and the effect of Senior High
pioneer senior high school graduates of Lourdes School Quezon City were able to
pursue their desired college program in their preferred school, identify whether
coping mechanisms employed so far in college reflect both positive and undesirable
practices acquired from their formation in senior high school, and gather further their
feedback and insights on different aspects of the senior high school program. Hence,
qualitative and quantitative methods were used with thematic analysis and
descriptive statistics for its research design. A tracer study relies heavily on the
instrument used to gather data; thus, the researchers had to establish the intrinsic
value of the questionnaire or the tracer survey. After a focus group discussion with
five alumni, the first draft of the survey questionnaire was edited and two rounds of
validation were conducted for the purpose. The validation process also required the
expertise of five experts external from the school. Out of 73 graduates of the senior
analysis was adopted for nine random interviews conducted from alumni of the said
batch. Based on the data gathered, positive feedback was significant from the
mechanisms, LSQC-SHS program, LSQC’s core values formation, and 21st century
learning skills. The research concluded that the LSQC senior high school program
and current practices as well as the school’s values formation as a whole were
perceived by the alumni as effective and more than satisfactory in preparing the
students towards college. The school has successfully afforded its students the
necessary experience to help them adjust during their adjustment phase in college.
respondents’ experiences that are contributory for both the school and program
form of empirical study which can provide valuable information for evaluating the
results of the education and training of a specific institution of higher education. This
information may be used for further development of the institution in the context of
quality assurance. In addition Schomburg (2003) cited that a tracer study sometimes
also called as “alumni survey” or “followup survey” should enable the institution of
programme and to serve as a basis for future planning activities. Information on the
professional success (career, status, income) of the graduates are needed as well as
In the study conducted by Orejana & Resurreccion (2010), the alumni are
employment and positions held. Moreover, they are a good source of feedback
regarding the program’s relevance in the current labor market. This study was
The study further aimed to gather inputs about the BSBA program that could be used
to improve its quality education. The study used the descriptive research design.
There respondents were BSBA graduates from 2002 – 2006 identified using the
data. Data collected were subjected to basic descriptive statistical tools such as
frequency, percentage, proportions, and mean. Findings of the study indicate that
91% of the respondents are employed, with 20% holding supervisory positions and
respondents while lack of applications and exposures came out as the main
primarily aimed to determine the employment aspects and assess the extent of the
contributory factors of the course that helped the graduates to be developed; extent
of the course on the overall college life experience and the extent of life satisfaction
System Pililla, Academic Years 2010-2013. The respondents were the seventy (70)
graduates of all the batches mentioned. The total enumeration was considered in this
study, however, there were only forty-seven (47) or 67.14 % who responded among
the graduates of BS Psychology from the University of Rizal System Pililla Campus.
The variables included in the profile of respondents were sex, age, civil status, first
choice course, source of finances and personal monthly income. This study was
concerned with the extent of the contributory factors of the course that helped the
graduates to be developed; the extent of the course on the overall college life
experience; and the extent of life satisfaction among BS Psychology graduates. This
research study utilized the descriptive method of research. The data-gathering tool
was the Graduate Tracer Study (GTS) Questionnaire adapted from the Commission
on Higher Education (CHED). Based on the findings of the study, it can be concluded
that majority of the respondents were female, trainable, young adults, responsible
single, have chosen to pursue BS Psychology as their first choice course, financially
supported by parents in college and belonged to above poverty line. Majority of the
due to numerous vacant positions related to the course; are engaged in contractual
or casual status due to limited permanent positions both in public and private
development; determined to apply their acquired knowledge and skills right after
graduation; got hired in less than two (2) months after graduation as walk-in aspirant
attribute the job offer to their competent talents, skills and hands-on activities;
player; are agreeable that the course has optimistic impact on them; and are
contented with their present life. In order to meet the varying demands in diverse
workplace, they feel the essence of having more human resource-related subjects
Regalado, 2013).
The study conducted by Celis, Festijo, and Cueto (2013) determined the
placement profile of the graduates and relevance of school related factors to job
placement. It also identified the work related values and skills that contribute in
meeting the demands of the present job. Furthermore, this research proposes a
graduates of LPU. This tracer study used the descriptive research design. Majority of
the respondents are gainfully employed and landed a job from one to two years after
graduation. Most of them are on contractual basis and are working in the Philippines.
Majority are professionals working as rank and file in HRM establishments. Salaries
and benefits play a big role in staying or leaving the first job. Human Relations skills
and communication skills are deemed to be the most useful competencies learned by
the graduates from LPU; perseverance was the highest work value for the
subjects are relevant for job placement and the faculty member’s communication and
mastery skills proved the most important in terms of school related factors in terms of
prepare our young generations for the challenges of our recent generations. One
standards of education. This way, it prepares them for nation building, not limited to
the different stands offered but as well as those taking up Technical, Vocational and
Livelihood program. One of the best features of this curriculum is the last two years in
Senior High School. For those who wish to go the tertiary level of education under
CHED, there are career paths by means of the different strands in which they
prepare for the profession they want to take. There is a profound preparation as to
what course each student will take in college. This trend is likewise a way in which
parents will be spending less because instead of having four years in colleges and
universities, they are expected to adjust the college curriculum to a lower number of
years. The number of years is lessened because basic subject areas are already
offered and will be taught in Senior High School. Less expenditures and less number
of years will benefit parents and pave the way for more people who can enter
college. Then eventually, it will also make our students remain in their places and
additional two years to make them more mature when they will be in college.
Then as we see, when a child starts at five years old in Kindergarten, he will
finish his basic education at 18. The child, being a graduate of Senior High School, is
already allowed to work, in case he has no plans to proceed to college. It’s not like
the previous curriculum that once a child cannot proceed to college, he isn’t of
working age yet. So in our recent curriculum, there are no young people who are
graduates of the basic education waiting for another year for employment. Prior to
had in mind apprehensions that they may become unemployed because basic and
academic subjects in the first two years in college are expected to be offered in
Senior High School. In fact, we heard that even the non-passers of the Licensure
Examination for Teachers who were teaching in college are the priority in the hiring
process for the Senior High Schools all over the country. This is the intervention of
DepEd for our college professors. It caters to them to ensure that their families will
not suffer the consequences of the implementation of the new curriculum. So, as
expected, colleges and universities are now aligning their courses to the recent
trends in Education. They are now offering less number of years. Not only one parent
or two who hopes that the sacrifices and burdens in terms of the tuition fees because
they are not offering basic academic subjects which may duplicate what are offered
graduated with this new curriculum won’t suffer much number of years in college with
minimum number of units in every semester. If this happens, our tertiary level which
is under the Commission on Higher Education has aligned their courses and has
According to CIIT Philippines (2019), when they adopted a new school system
education. In the meantime, a few learners still feel the effects of this shift to K to 12.
The first batch of the system, though, will soon step up with the skills they have
learned. So as a senior high school student who wishes to follow their lead, they can
now choose their own path. The K to 12 tracks and strands aim to help you master
your skills and learning. In the end, you’re more than prepared to join the workforce
or move on to college. Academic track is right for high school students who look
forward to moving to college. In the same way, the academic track will prepare you
for college courses from which you can choose a lot of options. Under this track are
three senior high strands. a. General Academic Strand (GAS). This track is best for
students who are not yet sure which path to take. Unlike other K to 12 tracks and
strands that are specific to a career, GAS gives you the chance to weigh your
options. Moreover, a course you can pursue from this strand is education: Bachelor
Strand (HUMMS). By the same token, this strand can lead you to go for a course in
one of the fields: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (AB Philosophy), English (AB
English), Linguistics (AB Linguistics), Literature (AB Literature), and Filipino (AB
and Mathematics (STEM) Strand. So far, the STEM strand gives you more options
on what to pick for your college course. Thus, if you choose this strand, you can
(BSES), Geology (BS Geology), Molecular Biology (BS Molecular Biology), Physics
(BS Physics), Applied Physics (BS Applied Physics), Chemistry (BS Chemistry),
Food Technology (BS Food Technology), Nutrition and Dietetics (BS Nutrition and
Dietetics), Medical Technology (BS Med Tech), Midwifery (BS Midwifery), Nursing
In line with Technology, SHS graduates may enrol the following: Bachelor of
Information Systems (BSIS). They may also take engineering courses like Bachelor
and Management (ABM) Strand. ABM graduates may enrol Bachelor of Science in
Public Safety (BSPS), Social Work (BS Social Work) and Bachelor of Public
Administration (BPA).
On the other hand, if you wish to work right after a K to 12 track and strand, the
TVL track fits you. And if you want to further your career in college with this track,
check the senior high strands under this track. You can then pick from any of the
The sports track prepares you for physical careers ahead. These include
fitness trainer, gaming official, masseur, or gym instructor. So if you want to pursue
If you choose this arts and design track, you must have the needed skills in the
arts. Why? Because this track includes old and modern art, as well as the means and
As the first batch of K-12 graduates comes close to the end of high school, a
few of them set their sights on getting a job. Some, though, are eager to hone their
career and earn a degree. One of the good things about K to 12 tracks and strands is
that they arm students with skills to help them succeed, no matter what path they
concern over the Bridging Program required for the first wave of Senior High School
(SHS) graduates that entered tertiary education this school year. The said program is
for students who took SHS strands that are “mismatched” with their current tertiary
Bridging Program are required to finish two additional subjects over two years just to
be considered qualified to take their college course, while also taking the same
subjects as students who do not have to take the Bridging Program. In the University
of the East (UE), the Bridging Program requires students to take General Education
subjects first during the regular school year, and then enroll in their major subjects
during the summer break. This entails around twenty thousand pesos (Php 20,000) in
additional fees on top of their already bloated tuition and other school fees — a slap
on the face of students and families whose pockets were emptied by capitalist-
educators that profited from the K-12 program. The implementation of the Bridging
Program displays the failure of K-12 to produce college-ready graduates despite the
additional two years in high school. Also, it exposes the rotten K-12 program as
nothing short of a burden to the Filipino people. Its goal of producing "globally
This research study aims to trace the Senior High School Graduates of School
1.1. Sex
1.2. Track
1.3. Strand/Specialization;
3. What are the senior high school exits chosen by the respondents as to:
3.2. Employment
3.3. Entrepreneurship
4. What are the respondents’ chosen college courses when they are grouped
according to track/strand?
5. Does the respondents’ current college program aligned with their Senior
6. What are the perceived strengths and weaknesses of the Senior High
School Program?
This study aims to cover all Senior High School graduates of Public Schools in
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), General Academic Strand (GAS); Arts
and Design Track; Sports Track; and Technical-Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Track.
This will cover graduates of first two batches (S.Y. 2016-2017 and S.Y. 2017-2018).
There are __________ graduates of the first batch and _________ graduates of the
second batch.
senior high school exits chosen by the respondents, chosen college courses,
alignment of the respondents’ strand to their college courses, perceived strength and
weaknesses of the SHS program, and the proposed intervention to address the
The study will cover one school year or equivalent to 10 months starting from
This study will employ mixed-method both quantitative and qualitative methods.
Quantitative method particularly the descriptive research design will be used since its
purpose is to obtain and present facts regarding the Senior High School graduates’
demographics and investigate whether their chosen courses in college are in line
with their track or strand. Moreover, qualitative method through interviews and
focused group discussion will also be applied to determine the respondents’ opinions
a. Sampling
Secondary Schools in Cauayan City, batches 2017 and 2018. There are
fourteen (14) senior high schools with ______ total graduates and they will
b. Data Collection
researchers will tap the Senior High School Coordinators and Information
c. Ethical Issues
A letter seeking the permission and approval to conduct the study will be
be informed of the research objectives and the reason why the researchers
are conducting such. They will also be assured of the confidentiality of the
data to be collected.
tools/treatment will used. This will be applied for the quantitative parts:
high school exits, chosen college course, alignment of the strand to the
treated through:
# 6 and 7 about the strengths and weaknesses of the SHS program and
All data will be tabulated and analysed using the Student’s Version of
ACTIVITIES Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
201 201 201 202 202 202 202 202 e y
9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 202 20
0 2
Orientation Phase x
Data Gathering x x x x
Data Analysis x
Finalization of Research x
Dissemination and x x
Completion x
al al al
VIII. References
De Pano, M. (2017). Tracer Study on the LSQC SHS Pioneer Batch. Lourdes School
Quezon City
DepEd Order No. 16, s. 2017. Research Management Guidelines.
Celis, M., Festijo, B., & Cueto, A. (2013) Graduate’s employability: a tracer study for
bachelor of science in hotel and restaurant management. Asian Academic
Research Journal of Multidisciplinary volume 1 issue 11.
College Degree Courses You Can Consider as a K-12 Graduate (2019). College and
University, College Courses, K-12 Education, Senior High School.
Retrieved on September 21, 2019 from
Corpuz, M., Caraan Jr., A., & Sarmmiento, R. (2009). The JRU High School
Graduates at the University: A Tracer Study. Journal of Business,
Education and Law vol. 14 no. 1.
Gagalang, J., Francisco, L., & Regalado, B. (2013). A tracer study on the graduates
of bachelor of science in psychology of urs pililla ays 2010-2013.
International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR). ISSN 2320-5407
Gravino, R. (2019) K to 12 curriculum and the expected alignment of the college
courses. Retrieved on September 21, 2019 from
Orejana, A. & Resurreccion, A. (2010). Tracer Study on the Graduates of the BSBA
Program: An Input to Curricular Development. The Mindanao Forum. Vol
23. No. 1.