Pratikruti-2 17: Grid Connected Solar Rooftop System
Pratikruti-2 17: Grid Connected Solar Rooftop System
Pratikruti-2 17: Grid Connected Solar Rooftop System
Abstract: Applications:
Energy is very essential as it determines the stability of system. Water pumping for the purpose of drinking or for
The economic development of a nation can be determined by irrigation during sunshine hours.
amount of energy available. In India according to load Lightning is one of the most important application of
generation balance report (LGBR) current energy deficit is 5.4% solar system.
which is likely to fall to 2.1% . However the energy consumption Used for medical refrigeration of life saving drug
India is growing at a relatively fast rate. We need to reduce the Village Power:- Solar PV power can meet low energy
voids between supply and demand of electrical power by demand of many remote ,small, isolated villages.
economically designing and developing all the possible non- Solar PV panels are ideally used for
conventional energy resources. As non conventional energy Telecommunication and Signaling Applications such as
sources are renewable and ecologically safe. Solar energy has local telephone exchange, radio and TV broadcasting.
been gaining steam in the past few years. Most of the aircraft launched into outer space by
Introduction: humanity are using solar cells as power supply.
In this project we use the solar energy for the generation of Solar vehicle used for transport which is powered
electrical energy. Here we are designing grid connected solar completely or significantly by direct solar energy.
photovoltaic system . A grid-connected PV system consists of
solar panels, one or several inverters, a power conditioning unit
and grid connection equipment. They range from small
residential and commercial rooftop systems to large utility-scale Extremely low High initial cost for solar
solar power stations. maintenance panels.
Solar energy is a clean and Power output can be
Working: renewable energy source. variable in some areas,
A grid-connected photovoltaic power system, or grid-connected Once a solar panel is necessitates the use of a
PV power system is an electricity generating solar PV power installed , solar energy can large battery bank or
system that is connected to the utility grid. Photovoltaic (PV) be produced free of alternative power source.
cells convert sunlight to direct current (DC) electricity. The charge. Sunlight is not constant ,
inverter converts DC into alternating current (AC) electricity. Extremely low so must get electricity
The electrical panel sends power to your lights and appliances. maintenance. from other sources at
The utility meter measures the energy you draw and feed back Silent, unobtrusive night or on cloudy days.
to the grid. If a grid connect system is producing more power operation and very long life Large areas of land are
than is being consumed, the surplus is fed into the mains power span. required to capture the
grid. Some electricity companies will meter the electricity fed No moving parts in a solar suns energy.
into the grid by your system and provide a credit on your bill. cell which makes it Current produced is DC
impossible to really and to convert it to AC
damage them. increases the cost.
Simple installation and can Solar panels are bulky.
be used almost anywhere.
Infinitive sources and no
CO2 emission.
It produces electricity
which does not cause
Reduces consumption of
Specification: fossil fuels for electricity
Solar Panels :- Inverter :-
NS 290P – 315P | 290 ~ 315 Watt Peak Efficiency :- 98.7%
Positive Power Tolerance :- Up to 4.99W DC Input Voltage :- Up to
Excellent Module Efficiency :- Up to 16.25% 1000V Thus we have formulated a design of a grid connected
Performance Warranty :- 25 Years Operating Temperature :- photovoltaic project in YCCE institution to help decrease
Products Warranty :- 10 Years Range From -25 to +60 the electricity bill making maximum use of solar energy.
Resistant :- PID Resistance Degree Celsius
Hence decreasing negative impact on environment.
100% El Tested :- Pre & Post Lamination Remote Monitoring:- Yes
Result: Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and
Electricity consumption decreased from 11,00,000 Units to Storage by S. P. Sukhatme
4,00000 Units.
The cost of electricity bill is reduced by Rs. 63,00,000 per j_en.php
year since Solar Energy is free. SMA Solar Technology
Since solar energy is Renewable and Ecofriendly it helps in Large-Scale Solar Power System Design: An
reducing CO2 emission. Engineering Guide for Grid-Connected Solar Power
Installation of grid connected solar power plant in the Generation. Publisher: McGraw-Hill
organization provides relaxation in taxes and improves
reputation of organization. manager/advertisement/adv_seci_april2013.pdf