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Science Investigatory Project Sample Robotics

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WALL-P: Wheeled Automated Light Load Painter

Aaron Jay S. Abalos,

Aldrin T. Bacay,
Christian Dave L. Lapuz,
Robotics Adviser: Mr. Manuel D. Docog
Novaliches High School
5 Lakandula, Novaliches, Quezon City

Abstract These factors motivate the development of

The primary aim of the project is to an automated robotic painting system.
design, develop and implement WALL-P
Wall painting is a repetitive,
which helps to achieve low cost painting
exhausting and hazardous process which
equipment. Despite the advances in robotics
makes it an ideal case for automation.
and its wide spreading applications, interior
Painting had been automated in automotive
wall painting has shared little in research
industry but not yet for the construction
activities. The painting chemicals can cause
industry. There is a strong need for a mobile
hazards to the human painters such as eye
robot that can move to paint interior walls of
and respiratory system problems. Also the
residential buildings. The design objective is
nature of painting procedure that requires
to satisfy the criteria of simplicity, low weight,
repeated work and hand rising makes it
low cost and fast painting time. Ultrasonic
boring, time and effort consuming. When
sensors are fitted on the arm and the mobile
construction workers and robots are properly
base to adjust the motion limits and
integrated in building tasks, the whole
maneuver in the room area. A control system
construction process can be better managed
is designed to guide the arm motion and plan
and savings in human labor and timing are
the mobile base motion. (P.Keerthanaa1,
obtained as a consequence. In addition, it
K.Jeevitha1, V.Navina1, G.Indira1,
would offer the opportunity to reduce or
S.Jayamani2 ).
eliminate human exposure to difficult and
hazardous environments, which would solve This project will use LEGO Mindstorms Ev3
most of the problems connected with safety involving the motors and the sensors.
when many activities occur at the same time.

Keyword: Painting, Construction, Interior Wall, Paint

Introduction this work easier and safer and also to reduce
the number of labors automation in painting
Building and construction is one of was introduced. The automation for painting
the major industries around the world. In this the exterior wall in buildings has been
fast moving life construction industry is also proposed. Above all these the interior wall
growing rapidly. But the labors in the painting has shared little in research
construction industry are not sufficient. This activities.
insufficient labors in the construction industry The painting chemicals can cause
is because of the difficulty in the work. In hazards to the painters such as eye and
construction industry, during the work in tall respiratory system problems. Also the nature
buildings or in the sites where there is more of painting procedure that requires repeated
risky situation like interior area in the city. work and hand rising makes it boring, time
There are some other reasons for the and effort consuming. These factors
insufficient labor which may be because of motivate the development of an automated
the improvement the education level which robotic painting system. This project aims to
cause the people to think that these types of develop the interior wall painting robot. This
work is not as prestigious as the other jobs. WALL-P is not designed using complicated
The construction industry is labor-intensive components. This robot is simple and
and conducted in dangerous situations; portable. The robot is designed using few
therefore the importance of construction steels, conveyor shaft, spray gun and a
robotics has been realized and is grown controller unit to control the entire operation
rapidly. Applications and activities of robotics of the robot. This robot is compact because
and automation in this construction industry of high speed and pressure capabilities they
started in the early 90‟s aiming to optimize have. They also have a very small weight to
equipment operations, improve safety, power output ratio and predictable
enhance perception of workspace and performance ie., losses are minimum due to
furthermore, ensure quality environment for less number of moving parts and so gives
building occupant. After this, the advances in expected performance. Due to elegant and
the robotics and automation in the simple control systems it can control noise
construction industry has grown rapidly. vibration and does silent operation and no
Despite the advances in the robotics and its vibration is produced. It has longer life,
wide spreading applications, painting is also flexibility and it is efficient and dependable,
considered to be the difficult process as it and the installation is simple and the
also has to paint the whole building. To make maintenance is also easy. Some of the
conditions that have to be considered while dust and dirt are adhering to them. The life of
using this robot is that the system is operates the parts like seals, packing and gaskets etc.,
in pneumatics, so it needs air tank or are very short but, they are essential to
compressor and the electric shock is always prevent leakage so that the system becomes
there, which makes the machines ugly and costlier.

Objective of Project

3) To be usable only on external walls

The actual targets for development of of structures but also in various other places
the wall painting machine, in order to solve such as on walls of civil structure.
the aforementioned situation, were set as 4) To Avoid Hazard Effect Of Paint
follows: On Human Body.
1) To make machine structure simple 5) The Automated Painting Robot
to enable easy mounting as well as for Was To Be Designed With The Vision To
safety. Facilitate Easy.
2) To perform only painting in a single 6) Being A Prototype Design, The
color. Painting Section Is Limited In Height.
7) Accurate and Smooth painting.

Methodology Materials such as paint roller,

paint, and other construction
In this significant part of the paper is materials are needed to build the
the well ordered procedures done by the mechanism in the robot. Two
team to make WALL- P robot in real life. The kinds of motors, color sensor and
following is the depiction on how Lego other Lego Mindstorms Ev3
Mindstorms Ev3 and different materials elements are also involved in the
conjoined to make this well-working robot. materials needed.
Motors and Sensors will be use: .

Color Sensor Large Motor

Medium Motor
Building of the Robot Structure/ The
overall appearance of the Robot



From this design, the WALL-P robot
will have a rectangular shaped body with
square-shaped at the top portion, four
wheels below and the paint roller will be
placed in the claw. The Ev3 brick will be
placed at the front part of the robot. The large
motors will be placed below to control the
wheels. The paint will be placed near the
paint roller in order to perform the task well,
the robot is good enough to accommodate all
the parts that will be put inside it without
getting any damages. Furthermore, this
WALL-P robot will perform the painting tasks
easily and well.

I. Programming of the Robot

Results and Discussions

No. of Time to Size of

Trials accomplish the the wall

1 17.4 secs 24 x 30

2 17.1 secs. 24 x 30

3 17.6 secs 24 x 30
block, which can found by clicking on the
orange tab. On the switch block, click on the
The robot will be program using the button and configure it to compare the color.
Ev3 Lego Mindstorms. Specifically, the In the configuration panel, change the color
program involves different types of to white, because to color of the wall to be
programming blocks such as medium motor, painted is white. Place a display block into
large motor, move tank, wait, loop and each of the two cases beams in the switch
switch. The programming of the robot will block. Configure each display block so that it
depend on how the robot will be build or on shows the correct image. Place the entire
the possible outcome of the robot. switch block into a loop block.
Programming a color sensor: To start
off this program, we'll first need the switch


Automatically paint the wall of given work and hand rising makes it boring,
dimension has been designed and time and effort consuming. The robot is cost
implemented. The approach uses different effective, reduces work force for human
types of sensors to detect the presence of workers, reduces time consumption. The
wall. The microcontroller unit to control the pitfall of the project is that the robot continues
movement of the motor. painting even after the end of the wall hence
it can be overcomed by adding some
The robot eliminates the hazards caused indicating objects such as buzzers. In the
due to the painting chemicals to the human future the painting robot can be enhanced by
painters such as eye and respiratory system using image processing in order to scan the
problems and also the nature of painting objects and obstacles that are present in the
procedure that requires repeated wall so that those objects can be
automatically omitted while painting.
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Emirates journal for engineering research,
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Vol no 13 (2), Page no 21-26 2008
Research& Technology (IJERT),Vol. 1 Issue
3, May – 2012.

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