Science Investigatory Project Sample Robotics
Science Investigatory Project Sample Robotics
Science Investigatory Project Sample Robotics
Objective of Project
Medium Motor
Building of the Robot Structure/ The
overall appearance of the Robot
1 17.4 secs 24 x 30
2 17.1 secs. 24 x 30
3 17.6 secs 24 x 30
block, which can found by clicking on the
orange tab. On the switch block, click on the
The robot will be program using the button and configure it to compare the color.
Ev3 Lego Mindstorms. Specifically, the In the configuration panel, change the color
program involves different types of to white, because to color of the wall to be
programming blocks such as medium motor, painted is white. Place a display block into
large motor, move tank, wait, loop and each of the two cases beams in the switch
switch. The programming of the robot will block. Configure each display block so that it
depend on how the robot will be build or on shows the correct image. Place the entire
the possible outcome of the robot. switch block into a loop block.
Programming a color sensor: To start
off this program, we'll first need the switch
Automatically paint the wall of given work and hand rising makes it boring,
dimension has been designed and time and effort consuming. The robot is cost
implemented. The approach uses different effective, reduces work force for human
types of sensors to detect the presence of workers, reduces time consumption. The
wall. The microcontroller unit to control the pitfall of the project is that the robot continues
movement of the motor. painting even after the end of the wall hence
it can be overcomed by adding some
The robot eliminates the hazards caused indicating objects such as buzzers. In the
due to the painting chemicals to the human future the painting robot can be enhanced by
painters such as eye and respiratory system using image processing in order to scan the
problems and also the nature of painting objects and obstacles that are present in the
procedure that requires repeated wall so that those objects can be
automatically omitted while painting.
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[4] Johan Forsberg Roger AarenstrupAke
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