Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
Lord Chaitanya
His Mercy
Edited by:
Shri Shrimad Bhakti Sarvasva
Nishkinchan Maharaj,
dear disciple of His Divine Grace Shrila
Bhakti Dayita Madhava Goswami Maharaj,
Founder – Acharya of All India Shri Chaitanya
Gaudiya Math (Regd.)
Printed in India by
Sree Chaitanya Gauòiya Maöh,
Sector 20B, Chandigarh – 160020
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Shri Shikshashtaka 61
Shrila Krishna Das Goswami says that even if you do not know
anything about spiritual matters, it does not matter. He is
begging you to please hear the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya. By
the continuous hearing of such pastimes, you will naturally
develop eternal love of Godhead, and you will be able to
secure the duty of service to the lotus feet of that most
melodious Radha-Krishna. This mellow is most transcendental
and it is the main objective of all living souls.
Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
Oà Viñëupäda 108
Çré Çrémad Bhakti Ballabha Tértha Goswämé Mahäräja
Nityalélä-pravista Oà Viñëupäda 108
Çré Çrémad Bhakti Dayita Mädhav Gosvämé Mahäräja
Nityalélä-pravista Oà Viñëupäda 108
Çré Çrémad Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura
You all know that in this age of agony (kali-yuga), if one wants
to attain total bliss and absolute love for Godhead, there are
no other means other than the chanting of the Holy name of
Lord Shri Hari. This is the essence of all scriptures. Just think
about it! That rarest of rarest, Love for Godhead, for which
even Shri Brahma or Shri Shiva yearn, if somebody is
distributing that love of Godhead freely, and to such a degree
that it seems that people are drowning in the waves of ocean
of this love everywhere, then certainly one will not consider
such Giver to be an ordinary person.
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
Vrindavan Das Thakur), Shri Chaitanya Charitamrita (by
Shrila Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami), etc. etc., and finally
achieve Love for Godhead, Shri Krishna.
Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
One day, Shri Jagannath Mishra asked his son Nimai to bring
him a book. Nimai was pleased and happily went to fetch the
book. At the same moment Mother Sachi and Shri Jagannath
Mishra heard melodious tinkling sound of anklets, coming out
of their house. Nimai ran outside to play after handing over
the book to His father. There was another strange incident.
When Lady Sachi and Shri Jagannath Mishra went inside the
room, they saw that wherever Nimai had put His foot, there
were prints of flag, conch, and other signs of His divinity. They
were astonished to see all this, but being under the spell of
Yoga-Maya (the Lord’s internal potency), they did not take
these prints as of their son, but of the Lord. So they presumed
that the Footprints came from Lord Damodar’s Shaligram
(their household Deity) in their house. They thought, “maybe
Lord Shaligram is roaming about in our house.” The couple
was excited at the thought and they organized a bathing
ceremony and festival in the Lord’s honour.
This Thief of Vraja does not reveal Himself during His pastimes
in Navadvip. He is making others chant the name of Hari, on
the pretext of crying and sometimes secretly, He has personal
audience with His devotees. One day, this Thief was roaming
outside His house, wearing precious ornaments. Two thieves
saw Him and made a plan to steal the jewellery. They allured
Him with ‘Sandesh’ (a milk sweet) and then proceeded to carry
Him on their shoulders, far away from His house. The Lord
however, exhibited His potency, and the thieves forgot the
way to their home. After wandering for a long time, they
reached Shri Jagannath Mishra’s house, mistaking it for their
own house, and took Nimai off their shoulders. Then they
suddenly realized their error, and fearing to get caught they
quickly ran away. The neighbourhood women, who were
looking for Nimai for quite some time, at last found Him,
picked Him up and took Him inside His house.
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
Nimai’s education and mischief
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
Nimai Pandit were understood only by Shri Ganga das Pandit.
All others, students and teachers alike, were unable to refute
or answer His unparalleled intelligent arguments and questions.
Alongside His education, Nimai Pandit also preached moral
values to His students. Any student attending His lectures
without wearing Tilak on his forehead, would be ridiculed by
Him to such an extent, that the next day that student wouldn’t
dare repeating the mistake. Nimai Pandit quoted from the
Vedas, “A forehead without ‘Tilaka’ is like a graveyard or
crematorium.” Then He would send that student home for
the proper rituals for applying ‘Tilak’ on the forehead. One
day when Nimai was returning after teaching, He met Shrila
Ishvar Puri-pad. This was their first meeting and they were
mutually attracted towards each other. People were already
attracted to Shrila Ishvar Puri-pad, as He was exhibiting
wonderful symptoms of Love of Godhead. Nobody knew why,
but Shrila Ishvar Puri-pad asked Nimai a lot of questions, and
he was pleased to hear the correct answers. By Nimai’s request,
Shrila Ishvar Puri-pad visited Nimai’s house. Mother Sachi
served him sumptuous Krishna Prasadam.
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
ashamed to learn about the flaws in his work, and became
silent. After returning home, he prayed to the goddess
Saraswati, and with surrender he said, “Mother! Until this
day, by your blessings, I had not been defeated by anyone. But
today a young boy, a teacher of grammar to young children,
defeated me in debate.” At night, Saraswati appeared in his
dream and said, “You need not be sad. Nimai Pandit is not an
ordinary scholar. He is verily the omnipotent Lord Himself. I
am just His maidservant. You must immediately go and
surrender unto Him and pray for His mercy.”
Auspicious Marriage
descended across all of Navadvip. However, some time after
the marriage, when Nimai Pandit went on a trip to east Bengal
along with His students, on the banks of the river Padma, He
took a very long time to return to His wife. Shrimati
Laksmipriya could not bear the agony of separation from Her
Lord anymore, and departed from this material world. Mother
Sachi grieved a lot over this loss. Therefore, in order to please
His mother, Shri Gaurahari agreed to her proposal for marrying
Shrimati Vishnupriya, daughter of the scholar Shri Sanatan
Mishra, a devotee of Lord Vishnu and a pious man. There
were huge celebrations, and all the expenses were covered by
the fortunate Shri Buddhimanta Khan.
He was unable to speak for a while. The Lord then asked him
again, causing the astrologer to regain his senses, and he, thus
replied “In Your previous birth you were the Absolute Godhead
with all opulence, and the shelter of the whole world. The
form which you had in previous birth, is same as that of your
present appearance. Lord Nityanand is also one of your forms,
but one cannot judge that very easily.” The Lord laughed and
told Him, “You do not know anything. I was a cowherd boy in
my last birth. I appeared in the house of a cowherd man, and
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
I used to go to graze cows as their caretaker. With such good
deeds, I have now appeared in the house of a Brahmin.”
Then that astrologer said, “I saw this. But I was surprised to see
your opulence in that cowherd form. I see that form (Shri
Krishna) and this form (Shri Gauranga) as one and the same.
Sometimes, I do see some difference. This is all due to your
potency (Maya). Whosoever you may be, I offer my respectful
obeisances unto you.” Lord Mahaprabhu was pleased and He
bestowed His mercy upon him.
Lord Mahaprabhu revealed the purpose of his Gaya visit by
telling Shrila Ishvar Puri-pad, “The moment I had an audience
with you, my journey became successful. One is rescued and
liberated, if one has offered oblations (after his death) to his
descendents, etc. at a holy place (Tirtha), but merely by your
audience, numerous forefathers are liberated. Thus there is
nothing as holy as you. You even purify the holy places, thus I
am surrendering my body unto you. Out of your causeless
mercy, please liberate me and shower me with the love for the
Lotus feet of Shri Krishna and enable me to taste His mellows.”
By this, Mahaprabhu is illustrating that associating with
devotees, is actually the foremost fruit of a visit to a holy place.
If someone is not fortunate to have an audience with the
spiritual master, he will not be able to understand the taste of
surrendering unto the spiritual master, nor the taste of serving
the Supreme Lord. Charity, meditation, taking a bath in holy
rivers, offering oblations to forefathers, standard prayers, etc.
are required until we develop a strong interest in topics relating
to Shri Krishna, which can be achieved by associating with
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
One day, at a secluded place, when Lord Gauranga was
meditating on His worshipable mantra, He suddenly began
calling out loudly, “Hey Krishna! Where are you? Krishna re!
Baap re! Lord of my life, Hari! Where are you hiding after
stealing my heart?” Thus Nimai began to cry out of ecstasy.
Nimai Pandit, who is otherwise very calm, began to roll on
the ground and cried loudly. His accompanying students tried
to pacify Him, but Nimai said, “All of you go home, I am not
going to live any more. I have decided to go to Mathura, where
I will get my Lord Shri Krishna Chandra, Who is my life.”
After that He started running towards Mathura and calling
upon Krishna! Where is Krishna? After few moments, there
was a crackling sound from the sky and a voice said, “O greatest
among Brahmins! Please do not go to Mathura now. The time
has not yet come for you to renounce household life. For some
time You have to preach the Love of Godhead at the place of
your appearance.” Having lost Himself in divine rapture,
Mahaprabhu regained consciousness and returned to His place
of stay. He took permission from Shrila Ishvar Puri-pad and
then started for Navadvip along with His students.
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
was the house of Shrivas Pandit. That is why Shrivas - Angan
(Shrivas’s house) is famous as ‘Sankirtan Rasasthali’ (place of
congregational chanting and dancing), until this very day.
Mahaprabhu exhibited all of His potencies amongst His many
devotees at this place. There He gave lectures, sang, danced
and exhibited various symptoms of love of Godhead. Since
He was performing the pastimes of a devotee, there were a
few problems, which were resolved accordingly.
Hussein Shah reigned over Bengal between 1493 and 1519 AD.
During that time he invaded Orissa and his forces tortured
and killed many people. These activities disturbed his ministers,
in particular Dabir Khasa and Sakar Mallika (They became
Rupa Goswami and Sanatan Goswami after surrendering unto
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu). When Hussein Shah invaded
Orissa, he destroyed all the temples over there. In Bengal, the
governor of Navadvip, Cleric Sirajuddin (Chanda Kazi)
strongly objected to the ‘Sankirtan movement’ of Mahaprabhu.
He even broke the clay drum (Mridanga) of the devotees when
they were performing Sankirtan, and warned them that if they
would continue with such activities in his area, he would
arrange for a severe punishment for them.
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
The Lord snatches from His devotees in order to eat
When Shrivas noticed all the items at his doorstep the next
morning, he wasn’t at all bothered by it. Instead, he began to
laugh and told people, ‘I am a devotee of shakti (Durga), and
here is the evidence.’ Gentlemen were not happy with such
a development. They knew this to be a deed of blasphemers.
They collectively removed all the items from there and
washed the place with cow dung. On the other hand, Gopal
Chapal had committed an offence against a pure devotee of
Lord, and as a result he became sick and had an attack of
leprosy. His body began to decay. He was scared and was in
pain. One day he approached Mahaprabhu on the banks of
Ganges and begged for His mercy. But that most merciful
Lord Mahaprabhu scolded him and said, “O sinner! You were
envious of my devotee, you tried to blaspheme him. I will
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
ensure that not only in this birth, but in many millions of
births, insects will feed upon you.” After accepting the
renounced order of Life, when Mahaprabhu came to a place
called ‘Aparadha Bhanjan Pata’ (the place of rescuing from
offences) from Nilachal, Gopal Chapal fell at the feet of
the Lord and begged for His mercy again. The Lord gave
him a clue. The clue was, ‘If you want to get rid of all pains,
approach Shrivas, against whom you had committed an
offence. By his blessings, you will be rescued.’
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
ecstatic moods of Rukmini (Princess of Vidarbha), when she
accepted Lord Krishna as her husband after hearing about
His features, qualities, courage, etc. from the visitors who had
come to her palace. She was afraid of marrying Shishupal,
thus she was morose and wept quietly, and simultaneously she
wrote a letter to Shri Krishna. When Mahaprabhu was
exhibiting that part, He began to cry like Rukmini as He
Himself was feeling exactly like Rukmini. His tears were falling
on the ground and He was writing with His finger. With a
voice full of ecstatic feeling of Love for Krishna, He began to
recite the verses of Rukmini’s letter. All devotees were jubilant
to see and hear such a wonderful pastime. Thus ended the
first part of the play.
Just as hundred rupees is the sum total of one, two, ten, fifty,
etc. rupees, so similarly Lord Krishna has 64 qualities. When
He descended as Lord Chaitanya in this fortunate Kali-yuga,
He revealed Himself to His devotees in whichever form His
devotee wanted to see Him. Out of causeless mercy, Lord
Chaitanya revealed His various forms to a few, just like Shrivas
saw Him as Ishvar, Murari Gupta saw Him as Varaha as well as
in His four handed form, Lord Nityanand saw Him as six-
handed form, Shri Advaita Acharya saw His Virata form (the
form revealed at Kurukshetra), the scholar astrologer saw the
form of the Supreme Lord, Chand Kazi saw His Narasimha
form. He distributed love of Godhead even to animals such as
lions, bears, elephants, deer, and also to trees, plants etc., while
on the way through Jharikhanda in His later pastimes.
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
Mahaprabhu decides to renounce the world
Shri Keshav Bharati said, “You are the Supreme Lord, you are
omnipresent, whatever You will ask of me, I will honour that
request. I can not act independently.” Then Keshav Bharati
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
left for Katwa city, and later, Mahaprabhu also went to Katwa
in order to accept the renounced order of life. Shri Nityanand,
Shri Chandrashekhar and Shri Mukunda Datta, participated
and performed all the necessary ritualistic ceremonies for the
Mahaprabhu is tricked
of Vedanta, and as a result, he had run out of any emotions
for Godhead. His heart had dried up from the false arguments
he upheld in debating others. On the pretext of hearing the
explanation of Vedanta from him, and after expanding on
Sarvabhaum’s lofty dissertion, something which Sarvabhaum
had thought to be impossible, Lord Mahaprabhu totally
changed his mindset and finally showed him His four handed
Narayan form, and also His own two–armed form as
Shyamasundar, holding flute in His hand. Sarvabhaum
immediately offered obeisances and with folded hands he
offered his prayers. By the mercy of Lord Chaitanya, his heart
became compassionate. He, who once considered liberation
from material life (Mukti) as the ultimate goal, now rejected it
completely. He now chanted Krishna’s name and relished the
taste of the Name.
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
renunciates. In this way He returned to Nilachal after
bestowing His mercy on the devotees, and preaching to the
sinners, yogis, and offenders of southern India.
(The word baul is synonym of batul i.e. mad. The word aul is
synonym of akul or desperate)
This verse means, “Please tell the One who is mad in ecstatic
love of Godhead as a cowherd damsel, tell Him that people
are now also ecstatic in love for Godhead. There is no place
left where we can sell rice (love for Godhead) through our
shop of distributing love for Godhead. Tell Him that Aul
(Advaita Acharya) is not into materialistic worldly desires. Tell
that madman (Mahaprabhu), that this madman (Advaita
Acharya) has said like this. By this Shri Acharya meant that
the purpose of Mahaprabhu’s descent was served. Now, the
Lord may do whatever He himself desires.
The Mercy of Lord Chaitanya under any
Just think about it! Is there any soul who did not receive His
mercy? Whether one was sinner, offender, pious, poorest
among poor, richest among rich, Brahmachari, begger, atheist
or devotee, lady or vamp, cobbler or barber, tailor or animal
killer, man or demigod, animal or bird, tree or plant, and
whether in mother’s womb, child, elderly or young; the Lord
blessed them all and bestowed His mercy upon everyone.
Later on, the same boy ‘Puri Das’ (Kavi Karëapür) grew up to
write works such as ‘Chaitanya Chandrodaya Nataka’, ‘Anand
Vrindavana Champu’, ‘Gaura-gannodesha Dipika’,
‘Krishnagannodesha Dipika’, ‘Keshavashtaka’, ‘Brihad-
gannodesha Dipika’, ‘Alankara Kaustubha’, ‘Chaitanya
Charitamrita Mahakavya’, ‘Krishnaika Kaumudi’, ‘Krishna
Chaitanya Sahasra-nama’, Arya-sataka, and a number of other
One day, when Shri Puri Das was seven years old, his father
Sivanand Sen took him to Mahaprabhu and tried to get him
to offer his obeisances unto the Lord. Mahaprabhu asked the
boy to speak out ‘Krishna, Krishna.’ Mahaprabhu tried a
number of times, but not even once did the boy utter Krishna’s
name. The boy’s father tried to have him say it as well, but to
no avail.
Mahaprabhu’s Mercy
Here is another incident of direct mercy:
When Puri Das composed and recited this new verse everybody
was astonished, and they were pleased to learn that the special
mercy of Lord Chaitanya (which can make the impossible
possible), the mercy that is desired by Brahma and other
Demigods, had been bestowed on this boy since his childhood.
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
floor. Later on, Mahaprabhu gave her betel nuts and its leaves
which were tasted by the Lord Himself.
Mahaprabhu’s Mercy
Ramanand Ray – blessed when he matured
During the days when the elder son of Shri Bhavanand Ray,
Shri Ramanand Ray, was Governor of Rajamahendri
(Southern Orissa) which was under the rule of King
Prataparudra, he one day met the all-attractive Shri
Mahaprabhu on the banks of Godavari. Riding a palanquin
while being accompanied by scholarly Brahmins and few
persons blowing on trumpets, Ramanand Ray was going for a
dip in Godavari when he saw Lord Mahaprabhu. He was at
once attracted to the Lord, at first glance. He was lost in the
beauty of Lord Chaitanya and offered his obeisances to this
unparalleled renunciate. The Lord immediately embraced him.
A current ran through the body of Ray. He requested
Mahaprabhu to stay for 5 to 7 days. The Lord agreed, and had
him express in detail the actual means and ends of human life,
as well as the glories of the Shri Radha’s love for the Absolute
God-head. Later on, Mahaprabhu, out of His causeless mercy,
revealed His Mahabhav-Rasaraja form (form in which Radha
and Krishna are together) to him, thereby showing Him His
actual identity.
By the order of the Lord, Ramanand Ray left all his kingly
duties behind and moved to Nilachal, near the Lord. When
the Lord would feel deep pangs of separation from Krishna,
Ramanand Ray along with Svarup Damodar would console
and satisfy Him by reciting the devotional songs and other
verses. Ray Ramanand is a pure devotee, scholar, and a devotee
with the taste of highest love of Godhead, etc. During the last
12 years of Mahaprabhu on earth, only he and Svarup
Damodar accompanied the Lord.
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
Rupa and Shri Sanatan respectively, when they passed their
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
other than Krishna. He felt ashamed that he tried to establish
himself in front of Lord, and he began to cry. He fell unto the
lotus feet of the Lord and surrendered unto Him by accepting
himself (Sarvabhaum) as an offender and a sinner.
Mahaprabhu desired to bestow His special mercy upon him.
Thus, Mahaprabhu revealed His four-handed form of Narayan
to him, and then Mahaprabhu revealed His Shyamasundar
form holding the flute in His hands, to him. In this way,
Mahaprabhu bestowed His mercy on the scholar of Puri
kingdom and atheist debater. That is why, Shrila Krishna Das
Kaviraj Goswami offers his prayers unto Lord Mahaprabhu as
naumi taà gauracandraà yaù
särvabhaumaà sarva-bhümä
bhakti-bhümänam äcarat
(Chaitanya Charitamrta Madhya 6.1)
Mahaprabhu’s Mercy
Shridhar used to loudly chant the name of Lord Hari
throughout the night. Most merciful Lord Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu used to purchase flowers from banana trees, stem
of banana tree, banana, etc. from the shop of Shridhar daily.
However, Lord used to quarrel daily with him for few moments
citing some reason or other. On certain occasion, finding no
reason to quarrel, Lord would pick up a vegetable, pay 50% of
the amount and begin moving. Then Shridhar would stand
up and snatch the vegetable from the hands of Lord. Thus
the quarrel, snatching and leg pulling between the two went
on and on.
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
the back of the Lord a huge umbrella was formed by the hoods
of serpents. Sanak, Narad and Shukadev were offering prayers
with folded hands unto the Lord. By seeing all this Shridhar
became ecstatic and he lost external consciousness due to
Mahaprabhu’s Mercy
Blessing a pure soul – a Brahmin which drank only
Like others, the Brahmin did not say any bad word about
Mahaprabhu or His devotees. Because of that, Mahaprabhu
blessed him soon after. He did so by calling upon that bachelor
Brahmin and by placing His Lotus Feet on his head and by
blessing him.
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
Jagai and Madhai – blessing rascals
Mahaprabhu’s Mercy
The prince had a habit of moving his neck and looking above
again and again, and therefore, Gopinath told the prince
mockingly, “My horses neither move their neck nor look up
again and again, thus their price should not be so low.” The
prince stood there, furious after listening to the ridicule, thus
he blasphemed Gopinath by making false allegations about
Gopinath to the king. He told the king, “This Gopinath is not
willing to pay us a single penny, and he will run away in
disguise.” King Prataparudra answered, “Do whatever you see
fit.” By this he meant, adopt any means to get back the money
from him. Instead, the prince made him climb on a platform
and is now planning to push him in a hole filled with swords.
(Lord! now may you please save him).”
When the devotees of the Lord, like Shri Svarup and others
requested the Lord, “Lord! the whole family of Ramanand Ray
is in your service. Now that they are in danger, You should
not shun them at this difficult time.” Mahaprabhu then angrily
replied, “Then you want to order me to go to the king. Do you
all desire that I should go and beg from the king? The worth
of a Brahmin or renunciate begging for alms is only 5 ganda
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
(=10 kaudi = 6 new coins), so who will give them 2 lac kahana,
even if they beg for them?”
Mahaprabhu’s Mercy
Here, the Lord asked the people, “When soldiers arrested
Vaninath, what was he doing?” The people told Mahaprabhu,
“He was chanting on his fingers without fear, ‘Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare’. When he counted hundred, he drew
a line on his body.” The Lord was pleased to hear this. Who
can understand the ways and means of the Lord’s mercy? (the
Lord expressed an outward disinterest for Gopinath, but out
of His causeless mercy, internally He motivated Harichandan
and sent him to the King, thereby arranging for the release of
Gopinath. Simultaneously the Lord arranged to exhibit the
genuineness and dedication for the devotional process of
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
placed His hand on Amogh’s chest and said, “Amogh, why
you have arranged for envy to stay in your heart, where Lord
should be staying?” By placing His hand on the chest of
Amogh, Mahaprabhu granted him the right to chant the holy
name of Hari. By hearing the sweet words of Mahaprabhu,
and by receiving His touch, Amogh got up and began chanting
‘Krishna – Krishna’ and danced. Mahaprabhu laughed with
pleasure by observing the result of the mercy He had bestowed
upon Amogh, who was by then exhibiting various signs of
transcendental love for Godhead in his body. Amogh got better
again and became a devotee.
Mahaprabhu’s Mercy
stop chanting the name of Lord Hari, after a Muslim cleric
ordered him to stop. Due to his refusal, that cleric ordered
him to be beaten by a hunter, till death. (Since Haridas Thakur
was a Muslim, by birth).
When the soldiers were hitting him along with the hunter,
they repeatedly told him, “We will leave you alone, and the
cleric will pardon you if you will stop chanting Krishna’s name.
To that he replied (and we should follow this):
Mahaprabhu’s Mercy
have only a glimpse of your devotion in me), Thus my Lord!
Please fulfil my desire. Now it is a bit late, so please proceed to
Your place of stay for other pastimes. Please grant me Your
audience tomorrow, while returning from Lord Jagannath
temple.” The Lord embraced Shri Haridas and went towards
the sea for a dip. The next day, the Lord along with His
devotees went to have an audience with Lord Jagannath and
then quickly went to meet Shri Haridas. He stood there in
front of him. Shri Haridas offered his respects to Lord and
other devotees. Shri Mahaprabhu asked him, “Prabhu! How
are you?”. He replied, ‘All Your mercy’. Then Mahaprabhu
began Maha-Sankirtana in the courtyard. Shri Vakreshvar
began dancing and Shri Svarup Goswami and other devotees
began to perform Sankirtan and dance around Shri Haridas.
The Lord glorified Shri Haridas to Shri Ramanand Ray and
Shri Sarvabhaum Bhattacharya.
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
lifted the body of Shri Haridas and began dancing in the
courtyard. Experiencing Mahaprabhu’s ecstasy, all devotees
joined Him in dancing and chanting. After some time,
Mahaprabhu took the body of Shri Haridas towards the sea.
After some time, everybody forgot about the dog and moved
forward enthusiastically to meet Mahaprabhu, and finally met
Him in Nilachal. There, Mahaprabhu took all of the devotees
for an audience with Lord Jagannath and then sat together to
relish the Prasadam. Then the Lord sent everybody to his or
her place of stay. Next morning, when all devotees came to
Mahaprabhu, they saw the same dog (which was lost on the
way), sitting at some distance from the Lord. The Lord was
feeding him coconut Prasadam and was smiling.
Simultaneously He was saying ‘Say Shri Krishna – Rama – Hari’
to the dog. That dog was eating coconut Prasadam and was
uttering ‘Krishna – Krishna’. Everybody was astonished to see
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
Mahaprabhu blesses carnivorous animals, such as tigers
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
Shri Shikshashtaka
(Composed by Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu)
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
“O Supreme Lord! I have no desire to attain wealth, manpower
or erudition (desire for deceitful Trivarga— worldly piety,
money and lust or even to merge oneself with the Impersonal
Formless Brahma, i.e. ‘Mukti’— salvation, which is more
deceitful). My only prayer is to get causeless one-pointed
devotion to You.”
Shri Shikshastaka
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Mercy
Words of Supreme Lord