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Çré Pavitropana Ekädaçé Issue no: 240 16th August 2024

The History of Pradyumna

The History of Pradyumna How does the Absolute Truth manifest?
Srila Sukadeva Gosvami Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura

The Real Cupid

His Divine Grace Glories of Lord Sankarshana
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
Issue no 240, Page — 2 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä

was in fact Cupid’s renowned wife, Rati. While

The History of Pradyumna waiting for her husband to obtain a new bodyhis
Srila Sukadeva Gosvami previous one having been burnt upshe had been
assigned by Shambara to prepare vegetables
Shukadeva Gosvami said: Kamadeva [Cu-pid], and rice. Mayavati understood that this infant
an expansion of Vasudeva, had previously been was actually Kamadeva, and thus she began to
burned to ashes by Rudra’s anger. Now, to obtain feel love for Him. After a short time, this son of
a new body, he merged back into the body of Lord
Vasudeva. He took birth in the womb of Vaidarbhi KrishnaPradyumnaattained His full youth. He
from the seed of Lord Krishna and received the enchanted all women who gazed upon Him.
name Pradyumna. In no respect was He inferior My dear King, with a bashful smile and raised
to His father. The demon Shambara, who could eyebrows, Mayavati exhibited various gestures of
assume any form he desired, kidnapped the infant conjugal attraction as she lovingly approached her
before He was even ten days old. Understanding husband, whose eyes were broad like the petals of
Pradyumna to be his enemy, Shambara threw a lotus, whose arms were very long and who was
Him into the sea and then returned home. A the most beautiful of men. Lord Pradyumna told
powerful fish swallowed Pradyumna, and this her, “O mother, your attitude has changed. You
fish, along with others, was caught in a huge net are overstepping the proper feelings of a mother
and seized by fishermen. The fishermen presented and behaving like a lover.”
that extraordinary fish to Shambara, who had his [Rati said:] You are the son of Lord Narayana
cooks bring it to the kitchen, where they began and were kidnapped from Your parents’ home
cutting it up with a butcher knife. by Shambara. I, Rati, am Your legitimate wife,
Seeing a male child in the belly of the fish, O master, because You are Cupid. That demon,
the cooks gave the infant to Mayavati, who was Shambara, threw You into the sea when You were
astonished. Narada Muni then appeared and ex- not even ten days old, and a fish swallowed You.
plained to her everything about the child’s birth Then in this very place we recovered You from the
and His entering the fish’s abdomen. Mayavati fish’s abdomen, O master. Now kill this dreadful

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nityaà bhägavata-sevayä Issue no 240, Page—3
Shambara, Your formidable enemy. Although he His charming lotus face adorned with a pleasing
knows hundreds of magic spells, You can defeat smile, His fine ornaments and His thick, curly
him with bewildering magic and other techniques. blue hair. Thus the women became bashful and
Your poor mother, having lost her son, cries for hid themselves here and there. Gradually, from
You like a kurari bird. She is overwhelmed with the slight differences between His appearance
love for her child, just like a cow that has lost its and Krishna’s, the ladies realized He was not the
calf. Lord. Delighted and astonished, they approached
Shukadeva Gosvami continued: Speaking Pradyumna and His consort, who was a jewel
thus, Mayavati gave to the great soul Pradyumna among women. Seeing Pradyumna, sweetvoiced,
the mystic knowledge called mahä-mäyä, which dark-eyed Rukmini remembered her lost son, and
vanquishes all other deluding spells. Pradyumna her breasts became moist out of affection.
approached Shambara and called him to battle, [Srimati Rukmini devi said:] Who is this lo-
hurling intolerable insults at him to foment a con- tus-eyed jewel among men? What man’s son is
flict. Offended by these harsh words, Shambara He, and what woman carried Him in her womb?
became as agitated as a kicked snake. He came And who is this woman He has taken as His wife?
out, club in hand, his eyes red with rage. Shambara If my lost son, who was kidnapped from the ma-
whirled his club swiftly about and then hurled ternity room, were still alive somewhere, He would
it at the wise Pradyumna, producing a sound as be of the same age and appearance as this young
sharp as a thunder crack. As Shambara’s club came man. But how is it that this young man so much
flying toward Him, Lord Pradyumna knocked it resembles my own Lord, Krishna, the wielder of
away with His own. Then, O King, Pradyumna Sharanga, in His bodily form and His limbs, in His
angrily threw His club at the enemy. Resorting to gait and the tone of His voice, and in His smiling
the black magic of the Daityas taught to him by glance? Yes, He must be the same child I bore in
Maya Danava, Shambara suddenly appeared in my womb, since I feel great affection for Him and
the sky and released a downpour of weapons upon my left arm is quivering.
Krishna’s son. Harassed by this rain of weapons, As Queen Rukmini conjectured in this way, Lord
Lord Raukmineya, the greatly powerful warrior, Krishna, the son of Devaki, arrived on the scene
made use of the mystic science called mahä-mäyä, with Vasudeva and Devaki. Although Lord Janar-
which was created from the mode of goodness dana knew perfectly well what had transpired,
and which could defeat all other mystic power. He remained silent. The sage Narada, however,
The demon then unleashed hundreds of mystic explained everything, beginning with Shambara’s
weapons belonging to the Guhyakas, Gandharvas, kidnapping of the child. When the women of
Pishachas, Uragas and Rakshasas, but Lord Karsh- Lord Krishna’s palace heard this most amazing
ni, Pradyumna, struck them all down. Drawing account, they joyfully greeted Pradyumna, who
His sharp-edged sword, Pradyumna forcefully cut had been lost for many years but who had now
off Shambara’s head, complete with red mustache, returned as if from the dead. Devaki, Vasudeva,
helmet and earrings. As the residents of the higher Krishna, Balarama and all the women of the palace,
planets showered Pradyumna with flowers and especially Queen Rukmini, embraced the young
chanted His praises, His wife appeared in the sky couple and rejoiced. Hearing that lost Pradyumna
and transported Him through the heavens, back had come home, the residents of Dvaraka declared,
to the city of Dvaraka. “Ah, providence has allowed this child to return as
O King, Lord Pradyumna and His wife resembled if from death!” It is not astonishing that the palace
a cloud accompanied by lightning as they descend- women, who should have felt maternal affection
ed from the sky into the inner quarters of Krishna’s for Pradyumna, privately felt ecstatic attraction for
most excellent palace, which were crowded with Him as if He were their own Lord. After all, the son
lovely women. The women of the palace thought exactly resembled His father. Indeed, Pradyum-
He was Lord Krishna when they saw His dark-blue na was a perfect reflection of the beauty of Lord
complexion the color of a rain cloud, His yellow Krishna, the shelter of the goddess of fortune, and
silk garments, His long arms and red-tinged eyes, appeared before their eyes as Cupid Himself. Since

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Issue no 240, Page — 4 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä
Top left 4
even those on the level of His mother felt conjugal times along with His plenary expansions, namely
attraction for Him, then what to speak of how Sankarshana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha, and
other women felt when they saw Him? therefore each and every one of Them can be
addressed as the Personality of Godhead...."
— Çrémad-Bhägavatam (Bhägavata Puräëa) » Canto 10: The Summum According to Srila Shridhara Svami, Pradyumna
Bonum » Chapter 55 » Verses 1–40 » Translations by Disciples of His Divine took birth from the womb of Rukmini before
Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Sri Krishna's marriage to Jambavati and the
Lord's other marriages took place. Subsequently,
The Real Cupid Pradyumna returned from Shambara's palace. But
His Divine Grace before Shukadeva Gosvami tells of Krishna's pas-
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada times with His other wives, he will narrate the en-
tire story of Pradyumna for the sake of continuity.
In his Kåñëa-sandarbha (Anuccheda 87), Srila Srila Shridhara Svami further notes that Kamade-
Jiva Gosvami cites the following verse of the va, or Cupid, now appearing within Pradyumna, is
Gopäla-täpané Upaniñad (2.40) to prove that the a portion of Vasudeva because he is manifest from
Pradyumna who is the son of Krishna and Ruk- the element citta, consciousness, which is presided
mini is the same Pradyumna who is a member over by Vasudeva, and also because he (Cupid) is
of Lord Krishna's eternal fourfold plenary expan- the cause of material generation. As the Lord states
sion, the catur-vyüha: in the Bhagavad-gétä (10.28), prajanaç cäsmi kan-
darpaù: "Of progenitors I am Kandarpa [Cupid]."
yaträsau saàsthitaù kåñëas
— Çrémad-Bhägavatam (Bhägavata Puräëa) » Canto 10: The Summum
tribhiù çaktyä samähitaù
Bonum » Chapter 55 » Verse: 2 » Purport by Disciples of His Divine Grace A. C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
rukmiëyä sahito vibhuù

"There [in Dvaraka] the almighty Lord Krishna How does the Absolute Truth manifest?
resides in the company of His three plenary ex- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
pansions Balarama, Aniruddha and Pradyumna
and His potency Rukmini." The Kåñëa-sandarbha The Absolute Truth manifests in five ways:
goes on to explain, with reference to the present as parä tattva, vyüha, vaibhava, antaryämé, and
verse of the Çrémad-Bhägavatam, that "the Cu- arcä. Each of these is the worshipable Lord.
pid whom Rudra burned up with his anger is Apart from these manifestations, everything
a demigod subordinate to Indra. This demigod and everyone else is in the servant category. The
Cupid is a partial manifestation of the prototype Lord accepts offerings from His servants, and
Cupid, Pradyumna, who is a plenary expansion each of these five manifestations of the Lord
of Vasudeva. The demigod Cupid, being unable reciprocates with His own servants. There is no
to attain a new body on his own, entered within meaning to being dominant if there is no ser-
the body of Pradyumna. Otherwise Cupid would vant to dominate. Therefore each manifestation
have had to remain in a perpetual state of disem- of the Absolute Truth has His own servants.
bodiment, a result of Rudra's having incinerated When one begins Deity worship, one uses
him with his anger." particular ingredients. Then one worships the
In his English rendering of the Çrémad-Bhägava- Supersoul in the mind. Then, one worships the
tam (1.14.30 purport), Srila Prabhupada confirms Lord’s vaibhava incarnations. For example, one
the absolute status of Pradyumna, Lord Krishna's may worship Lord Rama. Sri Rama appeared with
first son: "Pradyumna and Aniruddha are also His servants, especially Hanuman and Sugriva.
expansions of the Personality of Godhead, and One should worship the vaibhava incarnations
thus They are also viñëu-tattva. At Dvaraka Lord only as They appear before Their servants. After
Vasudeva is engaged in His transcendental pas-

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nityaà bhägavata-sevayä Issue no 240, Page—5
worshiping the vaibhava manifestation, one wor-
ships the vyühas. There are four vyühas, namely jéve säkçät nähi täte guru caitya-rüpe,
Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna, and Anirud- çikçä-guru haya kåñëa-mahänta-svarüpe
dha. Ultimately one comes to the worship of the
parä-tattva, Krishna. To climb from the bottom of "Since one cannot visually experience the presence
a hill to the top, we must go uphill step by step. In of the Supersoul, He appears before us as a liberated
our journey toward parä-tattva Krishna, we will devotee. Such a spiritual master is none other than
find that worshiping the arcä will help us. There- Krishna Himself." (Caitanya-caritämåta Ädi 1.58)
fore çästra states:
antaryämééçvarera ei réti haye,
yena janma-çataiù pürvaà,väsudevaù samärcita bähire nä kahe, vastu prakäçe hådaye
tan-mukhe hari-nämäni, sadä tiçöhanti bhärata
"The Supersoul within everyone’s heart speaks
"O descendant of Bharata, the holy names not externally but from within. He instructs the
of Lord Vishnu are always vibrating in the devotees in all respects, and that is His way of
mouth of one who has previously worshiped instruction." (Caitanya-caritämåta Madhya 6.83)
Vasudeva perfectly for hundreds of lifetimes." The vaibhava incarnations like Sri Rama speak
Immanent, pure, unalloyed conscience is called with, instruct, and guide the jivas, ascertain-
antaryämé or caitya-guru, the Supersoul. The ing what is for their benefit and what is not.
antaryämé is an internal entity. Because we have The vyuhas’ activities are of a different nature.
forgotten Krishna, we have come to this mate- The supreme Absolute Truth, parä-tattva, mani-
rial world, far from our eternal home. We are fests in four ways, but one can only understand
meant to return. The first aid on our journey this science by the Lord’s mercy. Çästra states:
is Deity worship, then awareness of and focus
on the antaryämé, then worship of the vaibhava éçvarera kåpä-leça haya ta’ yähäre
incarnations, then worship of the vyüha forms, sei ta’ éçvara-tattva jänibäre pare
and finally, full consciousness of the parä-tattva.
Even after worshiping the Supreme Lord for many "If one receives but a tiny bit of the Lord’s favor
births a materialist cannot make the kind of advance- by dint of devotional service, he can under-
ment made by those who associate directly with stand the nature of the Supreme Personality of
guru and the Vaishnavas, hearing hari-kathä from Godhead." (Caitanya-caritämåta Madhya 6.83)
them. The fortune we receive by faithfully hearing We think that the Lord’s Deity is inani-
about Krishna from the most merciful spiritual mate; but He is not a product of matter. He
master and the Vaishnavas cannot be achieved even
if the Deity form mercifully reveals Himself to us.
The Supersoul does not always speak to us directly. !! Sri Sri Nitai Gaurchandra Jayati !!
Çästra states: ISKCON
Bhägavata Mahävidyalaya
çikñä-guruke ta’ jäni kåñëera svarüpa, is a branch of
antaryämé, bhakta-çreñöha ei dui rüpa International Society for Krishna Consciousness
Founder-Acarya: His Divine Grace
A.C. BhaktiVedanta Swami Prabhupada
"One should know the instructing spiritual mas-
ter to be the Personality of Krishna. Lord Krishna Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of
His Divine Grace
manifests Himself as the Supersoul and as the A.C. Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupada
greatest devotee of the Lord." (Caitanya-caritämåta
Ädi 1.47) ©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International.
©All the paintings are copyrights of their respective

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Issue no 240, Page — 6 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä
is sat-cit-änanda. Sri Gaurangadeva said: mälé haïä kare sei béja äropaëa,
çravaëa-kértana-jale karaye secana
éçvarera çré-vigraha sac-cid-änandäkära,
se-vigrahe kaha sattva-guëera vikära "Out of many millions of wandering living enti-
ties, one who is very fortunate gets an opportunity
"The transcendental form of the Supreme Per- to associate with a bona fide spiritual master by
sonality of Godhead is complete in eternity, the grace of Krishna. By the mercy of both Krishna
cognizance, and bliss. However, you describe and the spiritual master, such a person receives
this transcendental form as a product of material the seed of the creeper of devotional service."
goodness." (Caitanya-caritämåta Madhya 6.166) When a person receives the seed of devotional ser-
vice, he should take care of it by becoming a gar-
çré-vigraha ye nä mäne, sei ta’ päçaëòé, dener and sowing the seed in his heart. If he waters
adäçya aspäçya, sei haya yama-daëòé the seed gradually by the process of çravaëa and kér-
tana [hearing and chanting], the seed will begin to
One who does not accept the transcendental sprout. (Caitanya-caritämåta Madhya 19.151-152)
form of the Lord is certainly an agnostic. Such It used to be that when the spiritual master glo-
a person should be neither seen nor touched. rified Krishna everyone listened. Nowadays it is
Indeed, he is subject to be punished by Ya- just the opposite. Professional reciters sit on their
maraja. (Caitanya-caritämåta Madhya 6.167) guru’s asanas to glorify Krishna without ever hav-
Elsewhere in çästra it is stated: ing become disciples. A real disciple should first
learn what understanding his spiritual has and
pratimä naha tumi säkçät vrajendra-nandana how he worships Krishna. It is stated:
vipra lägi’ kara tumi akärya-karaëa
oà ajïäna-timirändhasya, jïänäïjana-çaläkayä
"My dear Lord, You are not a statue; You cakçur unmélitaà yenam tasmai çré-gurave namaù
are directly the son of Maharaja Nanda. Now,
for the sake of the old brähmaëa, You can do "I was born in the darkest ignorance, and my spiri-
something You have never done before." (Cai- tual master opened my eyes with the torch of knowl-
tanya-caritämåta Madhya 5.96) The spiritual edge. I offer my respectful obeisances unto him."
master helps us as the intermediary so that there When the cataract of our material eyes is removed,
will be a guide between the Deity, the worship, we are free from foreign conception. Don’t think
and the worshiper. Otherwise, if the worshiper that pretense when approaching a spiritual master
is not self-realized or if he lacks knowledge of the will give you perfection. It would be foolish to
Deity form, his worship will turn into the idol think that you have gained a coconut just because
worship of children. We do not need idol wor- you are standing under a coconut tree. You have
ship; we have a great need to worship the Lord. to climb the tree, pick the coconut from the tree-
The Deity is defined as that form that is offered top, and break its shell. Then only can you take
worship. The Deity is nondifferent from the Lord. advantage of the coconut and drink its water.
For our benefit the Supreme Lord manifests in the You should also not think that performing bhajana
Deity. Ordinary people think the Deity only an idol under the guidance of guru and the Vaishnavas
because He cannot walk and cannot take initia- and practicing mystic yoga are synonymous. If de-
tive. This is their illusion. If they learn to associate votion is absent from a process, it is useless. If we
with pure devotees, their illusion can be removed. simply live comfortably while studying Vedänta
Cultivation of the Absolute Truth depends heav- and logic, we will not make advancement. Even
ily on hearing and chanting. That is why the if we become geniuses in logic and Vedänta, we
çästra states: will not go to Vaikuntha. The only path to spiritual
fortune is to perform hari-bhajana while in the
brahmäëòa bhramite kona bhägyavän jéva, shelter of a bona fide guru’s lotus feet.
guru-kåñëa-prasäde päya bhakti-latä-béja

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nityaà bhägavata-sevayä Issue no 240, Page—7
— Amåta Väëé: Nectar of Instructions of Immortality » His Divine Grace the most enchanting, equally powerful and opulent
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada » Compiled by Sripada Lord Sankarshana, who is adored with chamaras
Bhakti Mayukha Bhagavat Maharaja » Adapted and Published by Ishvara and an umbrella and surrounded by associates.
Das » Translated from Bengali by Bhumipati Das Is it not wonderful that even Shiva accepts San-
karshana as his worshipable Lord? In Shivaloka,
Narada Muni watches the most opulent Shiva
Glories of Lord Sankarshana become absorbed while chanting and dancing in
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura the mood of a devotee as he worships Lord Sankar-
shana. Although Shiva is the lord of the universe,
Sri Shukadeva Gosvami glorifies Sankarshana he accepts the mood of a servant and eternally
before Pariksit Maharaja in the Çrémad Bhäga- worships the thousand-headed Shesha with love.”
vatam (5.25.1) as follows: “Lord Ananta is the In his description of the lila-avataras in the La-
predominating Deity of the material mode of ghu-bhägavatämåta (Pürva 87-88) Srila Rupa
ignorance as well as the false ego of all condi- Gosvami writes: “He who is the second expansion
tioned souls. When a conditioned living being of the catur-vyüha in Goloka is known as Sankar-
thinks, 'I am the enjoyer, and this world is shana. He merges with Shesha, who supports all
meant to be enjoyed by me,' this conception universes, and then appears as Lord Balarama, a
of life is dictated to him by Sankarshana. Thus lélä-avatära. Shesha has two forms—one supports
the mundane conditioned soul thinks himself all universes, and one serves as the bed for the
the Supreme Lord.” See also Shridhar Svami’s Vishnu incarnations. The former Shesha is the
Bhävärtha-dépikä commentary on this verse. In empowered incarnation of Sankarshana and is
the Çrémad Bhägavatam (10.2.13) the Supreme therefore also known as Sankarshana.”
Lord says to Yogamäyä: “The son of Rohini In the description on the präbhava and vaibhava
will also be celebrated as Sankarshana because features of the Lord in the Laghu-bhägavatämåta
of being sent from the womb of Devaki to the (Pürva 62) it is stated: “Lord Ananta, the plenary
womb of Rohini.” portion of Sri Baladeva who holds the universes on
In the Çrémad Bhägavatam (5.17.16) it is said: His hoods, resides in Patalaloka. This Sankarshana
“In Ilävåta-varña, Lord Shiva is always encircled recited Çrémad Bhägavatam to the brahmanas and
by ten billion maidservants of Goddess Durga, sages headed by the four Kumaras. His neck is
who minister to him. The quadruple expansion beautified with a forest flower garland, His hoods
of the Supreme Lord is composed of Vasudeva, are decorated with brightly shining jewels, He is
Pradyumna, Aniruddha, and Sankarshana. dressed in blue garments, and He holds a plow, club,
Sankarshana, the fourth expansion, is certainly and trident in His hands.” Again, in the description
transcendental, but because his activities of de- on the catur-vyüha expansions of the Lord in the
struction in the material world are in the mode Laghu-bhägavatämåta (Pürva 167), it is stated: “As
of ignorance, He is known as tämasé, the Lord’s the second expansion of the catur-vyüha, Sri San-
form in the mode of ignorance. Lord Shiva karshana is the viläsa-vigraha of Vasudeva, the first
knows that Sankarshana is the original cause of expansion of the catur-vyüha. Since He is the reser-
his own existence, and thus he always meditates voir of all living entities, He is also known as jéva.”
upon Him in trance by chanting the following
mantra.” The mantra chanted by Lord Shiva —Çré Caitanya-bhägavata, Ädi-khaëòa, 1.21 » Çréla Våndävana däsa Öhäkura
is found in Çrémad Bhägavatam (5.17.17-24). The vyäsa-avatära of Caitanya-lélä » With English Translation of the Gauòéya-
Srila Madhvacharya writes in his commentary bhäñya Commentary and Chapter Summaries of His Divine Grace Oà Viñëupäda
on Çrémad Bhägavatam (5.17.17): “In Ilävå- Paramahaàsa Parivräjakäcärya Çré Çrémad Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Gosvämé
ta-varña, the Lord is worshiped by Lord Shiva, Maharaja » Translated by Bhumipati Das
who is considerate to the jévas and dependent
on the Supersoul.”
In the Båhad-bhägavatämåta (1.2.97-98, 1.3.1,
and 2.3.66) it is stated: “Lord Shiva worships

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