Solubility of Organic Compounds: Answers To Questions
Solubility of Organic Compounds: Answers To Questions
Solubility of Organic Compounds: Answers To Questions
1 (2019) P a g e |1
1. Account for the solutes dissolved in the given solvent by identifying the intermolecular forces of attraction
Hexane was not included in the table below since it is an inert compound.
[1] Silberberg, M. In Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change; McGraw-Hill Companies, 2009; pp
2. Write the balanced equations involved for solutes that dissolved with the given solvent. Draw the organic
compounds using bond-line structures.
phenol and NaOH: C6H5OH+ NaOH→ C6H5ONa + H2O
[2] Lehman, J. W. Operational Organic Chemistry: A Problem-solving Approach to the Laboratory Course, 4th ed.;
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009.
[3] Carter, J. The Effect of PH on Ethanol Preserved Muscle Tissue. Collection F 2009, 23 (1-2), 36–45.
[4] Diethyl ether ethanol. (accessed Aug
21, 2019).
3. Determine the best solvent to differentiate the following pairs of compounds based on their predicted solubility.
CH3NH2 and CH3(CH2)5NH2 = H2O
phenol and CH3(CH2)5COOH = NaHCO3
p-xylene and benzaldehyde = H2SO4
chloroform and tert-butanol = H2SO4
glucose and n-butanol = diethyl ether
[5] Fieser, L. F.; Williamson, K. L. Organic Experiments, 7th ed.; D.C. Heath, 1992; pp 574.