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Peshawar Basin

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Stratigraphy of Peshawar Basin


Age Formation
Carboniferous Jaffar Kandao Formation
Devonian Nowshehra Formation
Devonian Panjpir Formation
Devonian Missri Banda Quartzite
Cambrian Ambar Formation

Pre-Cambrian Tanawal Formation
1. Ambar Formation
 Pogue and Hussain 1986, introduce the name
 Stauffer 1968, include these rocks in Nowshehra Formation
 Martin et al 1962, Kala Limestone and Dolomite
Type Locality/Section
 Pogue and Hussain 1986, suggest Ambar village at (340 03’ 02’’ N; 720 24’ 46’’ E) as
type locality/section
 Predominantly Dolomite, dolomitic limestone, calcareous quartzite and subordinate
argillite and conglomerate
 Chert in the form of veinlets, nodules and stringers is found at few places.
 Dolomite contains algal lamination and poorly developed stromatolites
 Chingalai area, however,base represents by conglomerate containing pebbles and cobbles
of quartzite and dolomite in quartzitic matrix
 Well distributed in Peshawar and Swabi areas
 Thickness at type locality/section 425m
 Between Turlandai and Mian Dheri 165m
 Unfossiliferous except for microscopic shell debris
 Given by Pogue and Hussain as Cambrian by law of superposition
 Lower: at swabi area, unconformable with Tanawal Formation, at Peshawar covered
by Alluvium
 Upper: unconformable with Missir Banda Quartzite
2. Missir Banda Quartzite
 Stauffer 1968, introduces the term
 Martin et al 1962, Swabi Quartzite and Chamla Quartzite in respected areas
Type Locality
 Missri Banda (340 01’ 02’’ N; 720 06’ 05’’ E), 10km NE of Nowshehra town
 Pogue and Hussain 1986, define lithology as
 quartzite; light grey to pinkish grey, fine to medium grained, quartz and feldspar in
siliceous and calcareous matrix, cross bedding, ripple marks, gradded bedding are common
features of the formation
 In some parts; worm burrows are present
 A dark grey, thinnly laminated argillite is commonly assocaited in the upper part of the
 At the base there is a conglomeratic bed; having rounded to subrounded cobbles and
pebbles of quartzite and dolomite in calcareous quartzitic matrix
 Well distributed in Turlandai and Swabi areas
 Thickness measures 300m
 Conodonts, corals has been found
 Early-Middle Ordovician
 Lower: unconformable with Ambar Formation
 Upper: unconformable with Panjpir Formation
3. Panjpir Formation
 Pogue and Hussain 1986, introduces the term Panjpir Formation
 Stauffer 1968, Kandar Phyllite
 Martin et al 1962, Swabi Shale and Chamla Shale

Type Locality
 Pogue and Hussain 1986, suggested type locality near Panjpir Village (340 05’ 32’’ N;
720 29’ 49’’ E), 4km SE of Swabi town

 Pogue and Hussain 1986, suggested that formation dominantly contains, argillite and
phyllite with interbeds of limestone, meta siltstone as well as calcareous quartzite
 Rocks are generally dark grey to greenish grey, silty, fissile and chloritic
 Upper part of formation is characterized by interbedded argillite and limestone

 Crinoids, conodonts etc

 Early-Middle Silurian

 Lower: unconformable with Missri Banda Quartzite
 Upper: conformable with Nowshehra Formation
4. Nowshehra Formation
 Teichert and Stauffer 1965, introduces the term, to describe
first reef in Pakistan near Nowshehra
 Nowshehra formation also include Pirsabaq Formation

Type Locality
 Stauffer 1965, designated the type locality 5km east of
Nowshehra on Nowshehra-Risalpur Road

 Mainly composed of limestone and dolomite, has been divided
into three units;
 1. Reef Core
 2. Carbonate containing reef breccia or fossil debris
 3. Carbonate containing few or no fossils

 1. Reef Core
 Highly fossiliferous at type locality, contains 40% fevostid corals, other
includes brachiopods, cephalopods, the fossils decreases towards
western extent, reef core has been dominated by pink dolomite
 2. Carbonate containing reef breccia or fossil debris
 Stauffer 1968, divides it into
 a. crinoidal banks; composed of crinoids ossicles, in part of
stem section contains 10 ossicles, few brachiopods,
cephalopods are associated

 b. carbonate with dominant reef breccia or fossil debris;

composed of limestone, dolomite, commonly interbedded
and lenticular, the most common fossils are crinoidal
ossicles, with stromatoporides, gastropods, brachipods, and

 c. carbonate with subordinate reef breccia or fossil debris;

as above but fossils content are less than 1/4th by volume,
carbonate consists of pale red, light grey, fine to medium
grained dolomite with pockets of breccia, lenses of fossils
 3. Carbonate containing few or no fossils
 Consists of pale red, light grey, fine to medium grained dolomite and
contain few corals (favosited), brachiopods, crinoids

 E-W striking ridges, 20km scattered outcrops within the
peshawar basin

 Brachiopods, cephalopods, corals; rugose, favosite, gastropods

 Early Devonian

 Lower: conformable with Panjpir Formation

 Upper: unconformable with Jafar Kandao Formation

5. Jafar Kandao Formation
 Hussain et al 1991, introduces the name
 Martin et al 1962, upper part of Swabi Shale
Type Locality
 Jafar Kandao section, designated as type locality, along Machai Canal; 5km
SE of Rustam at (340 18’ 40’’ N; 720 17’ 56’’ E)
 Pogue et al 1992, define the lithology as; argillite with subordinate interbeds
of limestone, argillaceous quartzite and conglomerate
 Based on distinct lithology formation is divided into
 1. lower unit; argillite with lenses of limestone, argillaceous quartzite and
 2. middle unit; interbedded by argillite, calcareous quartzite and sandy limestone
 3. upper unit; argillite with lenses of argillaceous quartzite and conglomerate

 Carboniferous
 Lower: unoconformable with Nowshehra Formation
 Upper: unconformable with green schists of Peshawar Plain Alkaline Igneous

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