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Stowage Factors

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Stowage Factors

for all kindsof merchandise

Compiledby Capt.O. Stahlbaum
l s B N 3 - 9 2 3 1 9 03 5 - 2
DM 14,50incl.VAT

K.O. StorckVerlag
7 . D-2OO0
Stahltwiete Hamburg50 Tel.(040)85 32 92-31 Fax(040)85077 58
Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars
perton perton

acacia bark bags 3.06/3.20 13
E. Afr. bales,
press. 1.56 55
acetate butyl/ethyl drums 1.81 65
acetateof lime bags 2.26 80
acetone drums 1.7811.92 63/68 comb. liquid
acetyldehyde d rums 1.98 70 i n f l .l i q u i d
acetylsalicic banels 2.2612.55 80/90 aspirine
acid barrels 1.421.70 50/60 cor. liquid
acid aceticglacial barrels 1.53 54 cor. liquid
The followingList of Merchandisewith stowagefactors in cubic feet acid acetic glacial demi
john 1.90 67
and cubic metresper ton (= 1016kg = 2240lbs)allowingfor broken
acid boric barrels 2.0912.26 74t80
stowage where necessary,and notes on stowageof same, is up to acid boric bags 1.27 45
date and also includes items for sweet oil, bulk shipmentsof ore, acid carbolic drums 1.2711.42 45t50
cooling/refrigeratingcargo, containers,on standardgeneralcargo- acid citric crystals drums 1.92 68
containerships and automobile-bulkcarriers. acid citric crystals boxes 1.33 47
acid citric compound drums 3.07 110
Stowage & segregationto IMDG-Code acid formic carboy 1.4712.21 52178 corr caustic liq.
acid hydrochloric carboy 2.26 80 very corr.
f u m i n gl i q .
For the informationcontainedin this bookletgatheredoverthe years acid nitric carboy 2.04 72 very con. liq.
we are indebtedto ship's captains,stevedoringinspectorsand firms
acid phosphoric carboy 1.36 48 slightlycorro-
n Hamburg,all of long experience.Thougheveryeffort has beenma- stve
:e to checkand countercheckthe data,the publisherscan acceptno acid phosphoric banels 1.19 42
-=sconsibilitFy .u r t h e rs u g g e s t i o n os r a d v i c ew i l l b e w e l c o m e p, l e a s e acid picric boxes 2.43 86 very explosive
write to the editors. acid salicylic barrels 3.11 110
Merchandise m3 Cubfeetoarticulars Merchandise m3 Cub feet particulars
perton perton per ton per ton

acid sulphuric drums 0.85/0.99 30/35 verycorrosive

bleaching aluminiumscrap 1.42 50
on oecK alumite 0.99 35
acid sulphuric carboy 1.64 58 ammoniaanhydrous cly. 1.2511.47 44152 liquefiedgas -
acid tannic barrels 7.92 280 suffocating
acid tartaric boxes 1.50 53 underdeck
acid tartaric casks 1.70 60 ammonraaqua drums 1.70 60
alcoholgeneral barrels 1.7012.2660/80 ammoniumbicarbon. banels 1.7612.04 62172
alcoholamyl drums 1.70 60 comb. liq. dan- ammoniumbichrom banels 1.70 60 oxy.mat. poison
gerous vapours ammoniumbromide kegs 0.74 26
alcoholbutyl drums 1.98 70 comp. liq. darF ammoniumcarbonate drums 1.42 50 caustic
gerous Yapours ammoniumchloride barrels 1.7012.12 60175
alcoholethyl drums 1.98 70 infl. liq. ammoniumchloride bags 1.64 58
alcoholmethyl drums 1.98 70 infl. liq. poiso ammoniumnitrate drums 1.5612.72 55/96 oxy. mat. dange-
nous rous in case of
alcohol rectified drums 1.81 65 fire
alfalfa meal bags 3.34 118 ammoniumnitrate barrels 1.42 50
atoes cases 1.58/1.70 56/60 stow away from ammoniumnitrate bags 1.64 58
dry goods ammoniumphosphate barrels 1.64 58
aloes mats 1.58 56 ammoniumphosphate bags 1.42 50
almonds-shelled cases 1.98 70 good dunnage ammoniumsulphate barrels 1.64 58 not with cemenl
protect from scories or galv.
moisture iron odorous
almonds-shelled bags 1.84n.98 65/70 ammoniumsulphate bags 1.2211.64 43/58
almonds-unshelled bags 2.5513.1190/110 anchovymeal in
almonds bales 3.11 110 pellets bulk 1.53/1.61 54157
almonds nogs- andalusite pockets 0.84 30
heads 3.40 120 a n i l i no i l drums 1.53 54 pois.stow.away
alum casKs, from bleaching
kegs '1.64 58 powder
moisture anillinedyes 1.84/1.98 65t70
aluminasulphate drums 1.42 50 a n i l l i n es a l t s 1.6411.76 ffi162
aluminasulphate barrels 1.70 60 aniseed bags 3.40 120
a l u m i n i u mc h l o r i d e barrels 1.33n.53 47t54 antimony ore Africa bulk - 0.85 30
a l u m i n i u mc h l o r i d e carboy 2.12 75 antimonyore bags 0.5710.62 20122
aluminiumextrusion antimonyore drums 0.79/0.91 28132
rods 0.571t0.8424t30
a l u m i n i u mf o i l cases 3.01 108
a l u m i n i u mi n g o t s 0.51/0.65
Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars
perton perton perron perron

apatit concentrate, asphaltCuracao drums 1.33 47

Kohla bulk 0.57 20 assafetida bags 1.42 50 nauseating
apothecariesware, vary 1.98t2.26 70tw smellstow away
applesAustralia from foodstuffs
and New Zealand cases 2.55t2.63 90/93 assafetida cases 1.19 42
Argentine cases 2.41 85 auto accessories cases 2.28
apples boxes 2.55 90 automobiles unboxed 400 fuel and oil to
apples barrels 2.69 95 see also motor cars be emptied
apricotkernels bags 1.70 60 automobiles boxed 7.92 28O
apricot paste barrels 1.42 50
areca nuts bags 1.70 60 B
afiac casKs 2.26 80 liquordistilled bacon barrels 1.98 70
from rice bacon cases 1.8111.87 64/66
arrowroot bags 1.56 55 dry stowage baggage personal
arrowrool boxes 1.98 70 effects 2.83 100
arrowroot barrels 2.04 72 bagging bales 4.05 143 stow awayfrom
arrowrootflour bags 1.56/1.70 55/60 oil,turpentine
arsenrc drums 0.72 zb balsa wood 9.06 320
arsenitesodium drums 1.'12 40 bamboo bundles 8.77 310
asbestos V.R.A. bags 1.56 55 bamboosplit bundles 2.46 87
asbestosCandG35 bags 2.41 bananas bunches 3.68 130
asbestosCandG35 f ibre 2.55 90 barbed wire rolls 0.99 QA

asbestos cement bags 1.81 65 barbed wire 1.42 50

asbestos pipes loose 2.51 90 oarges see appendix
asbestos rock bags 1.58 56 barilla 1.19 42
asbestos fibre bags 2.55 90 bariumcarbonate barrels 1.70 60
asbestos sheets- bariumcarbonate bags 0.85/1.13 30/40
loose 1.27 40t45 bariumchloride barrels 1 . 1 3 40
asbestos sheets loose 1.67 60 bariumchloride bags 1.42t1.92 50/68
asbestos sheets crates 2.51 90 barium nitrate barrels 1.O2 36 oxy.mat- poison
ashes casks 1.30/1.50 46/53 bariumperoxide drums 0.85 30 oxy.mar.
asphalt rock drums 1.33 47 bariumsulohate barrels 1.13t1.70 40/60 (blancfixe)
asphaltrock bags 1.58 56 barjari bags 1.58 56
asphaltCuracao bulk 1.56/1.70 55/60 holds to be bark dust bags 1.95 70
lined bark mangrove bales 2.41t2.69 85/95 stow away from
Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars Merchandise ms Cubfeet particulars
perton perlon perton perton

bark oak bales ffit70 bedsteads cases or 2.2612.83 80/100
bark wattle bales 2.97!3.40 10r5t120 crales
bark wattle pressed bales 1.56 55 beef extract Africa cases 1.53 54
bark kina bales 3.68 130 beef powder Africa 1.36t1.47 48152
barkley bags 1.67/1.81 60/65 beef barrels 1.76t1.84 62165
basic slag bags 0.93 33 notwithsulph. beef corned cases 1.22 43
of ammonia oeer hoes- 1.98 70
basilsAustralia,N.Z. cases 5.09 180t2 heads
baths, loose crates 2.5512.83 90/100 Deer casks 1.58/1.64 56/58
baths nested 2.26 80 Deer cases 1.27 45
batteries crates 1.12 40 bees wax cases 21212.83 75/100 stowawayfrom
battery scrap, USA bulk 0.91 32 boilers
bauxite bulk 0.85/0.93 30/33 oees wax bags 1.7012.2660/80
beans bags 1.58/1.70 56/60 dry stowage beetroot pulp (dried) bags 3.96/4.53140/160
awayfromoil, beetroot pulp bags 5.66/6.232001220
turpentine beniseed bags 1.4711.5852156
beans bulk 1.42t1.58 50/56 benzine bulk 1.1911.2242143
beans soya bags 1.70 60 benzine cases 1.7011.7660/62
USA-Philadelphia b u l k 1.37 48,5 alsosee benzine drums 2.55 90 infl.liq.
soyabeans benzol drums 1.92 68 infl.liq.
beans horse bags 1.76t1.84 62j65 bicarbonateof soda bags 1.4711.7052160 dry stowage
beans horse bulk 1.4711.56 52t55 bichromatesodium drums 1.25 45
beans, haricot bags 1.92 68 bags 1.67 60
beans, haricot bulk 1.42 bicycles crates 4.81/5.661701200
beans Africa bags 1.70t1.84 60/65 bicycles parts crates 14.72 520
beans Madagascar 1.58/1.70 56/60 billets 0.51 18
beans,Soya 1.58/1.64 56/58 bindertwine bales 1.70 60
beans Rangoon bags 1.76 62 biscuits cases 3.40 12O
beansSicily bags .70 55/60
1.56/1 biscuits cartons 2.97 105
beans New Zealand bags 1.3611.42 48/50 bismuth boxes 2.26 80
beans, Kidney bags 2.78 100 bisophenol big bags 1.1511.20 40143
bales 1.67 60 big bags 1.40 50
beans,Canned cartons 1.39/1.53 50/55 onpallets
beans,Velvet bags 1.67 60 , b i t u m i n o u ss o l u t i o n drums 1.67 60
beans,Meal bags 1.67 60 blacking cases 1.56/1.70 55/60
blackwood 1.87 66
blastingcaps cases 1.76 62 highexplosive
Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars Merchandise m3 Cubfeetoarticulars
perton perton perton perton

blastingpowder kegs 1.56 55 high explosive bran maize bags 2.55 90

blooms 0.23 8 bran wheat bags 3.01 109
bleachingpowder barrels 2.26 B0 stow on deck or brandy casks 2j2 75
isolated.fumes brandy cases 1.58 56
dry stowage brandy,bottled cases 1.56i1.61 55t57
blood-dried oags 1.25t2.49 44t88 brass 1.13/1.56 40/55
'1.6 0.56 20
bloodmeal oags 57 brass ashes drums
46 kg brassware 1.7012.12 60i75
bone ash casks 1.98 70 bricks bulk 0.57 20 use straw be-
bone manure,best 1.50 53 tween layers
bone meal,calcined bulk 3.00 106 bricksfire bulk 0.7110.85 25t30
bones-crushed bags 1.70 OU bricksfire cases 0.85/0.93 30/33
bones-crushedAustr. bags 1.98 70 briquettes 0.99/1.13 35140 lose 1-3% in
bones-crushed bags 2.55 90 weight in tropi.
Riv.-Plate cal climates
bones loose z-zo 80 bristles 2.2613.1'l 80/110
bone manure bags 2.04 72 brushware 2.41t2.69 85/95 varies conside-
bone meal Calcutta bags 1.56 55 tends to rot the rably
oags buchu bark bales 7.7818.07275t285
bone meal bags 1.42 50 buckets nests 2.41 85
books cases 1.42t1.70 50/60 buckwheat bulk 1 . 5 3 / 1 . 6 54t57
boots cases 2.26t2.55 80/90 bulbs cases 2.4112.55 85/90 stow in a cool
boots and shoes bags prace
1.84/1.98 65/70
boots and shoes casks 2.55t3.11 90/110 bulbs bags 2.2612.41 80/85
boracic acid casks 1.87 66 burlap bales 1.36/1.64 48/58 danger spon-
borate of lime bags 1.47 52 taneouscomb.
dry stowage
borax bags 1.27 45 dry stowage butter cases 1.4711.56 5255 stow in a cool
bottles, Pepsi-Cola ptace
bags 1.95 70
bottles, empty bales 2.4'U2.55 85/90 butter kegs 1.7611.84 62t65
bottles, empty crares 1.98t2.41 70t85
boxwood 1.56/1.84 55/65 butter cartons 1.50 53
bran USA bags 3.54 125 dry stowage
bran Australia baos 2.55 90
bran Riv.Plate ba6s 2.83t3.11 100/100
bran rice ba6s 2.83 100
bran rice India ilfk 1.76t1.84 62t65

Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars
perton perton perton perton

c cardamons
cases 2.6012.72 92196
pck. 2.2612.41 80/85 keep f lat
containers bundles 4.74 170
caroets rolls 2'2613'00 80/108
calcium acetate bags 1.76 bz slightlycorro- carbets bales 3.40/3.96 120fi40
sive carnarina bags 1.9812.04 70172
calcium arsenate drums 2s4 104 porson car tyres 3.7514.75 153/165
calciumcarbide drums 1.13 40 infl. mat. cartridges-revolver box 0.48 17 expl. mat.
calc. carbideresidue 0.70/0.8425t30 cartridges-rifle box 0.54 19
calcium carbonate kegs 1.78 63 (chalk-lime cartridges-shotgun box 0.85 30
stone) cased meats Argentine 1.4711.64 52158
calcium chloride drums 1.36 48 oxy. mal. casein barrels 1.84 65
calcium chloride bags 1.2712.2645/80 casein lactic bags 1.9512.23 70180
calciumchloride cases 2.55 90 casein RiverPlate bags 218 77
calc. chlor.flaked drums 1.27 45 cashewnut bags 218 77
calc. chlor.granular drums 1.27 45 'l'1.32 400
casks empty palm oil
campeche wood 3.40t4.25120t150 casks 50-gall.oil 9.34 330
campnor cases 1.30 46 do not stow casks beer 8.49/9.06 300/320
near tea cassava root bags 2.70 95
camphorChina,Japan cases 1.92 68 cassia cases 3.68 130 stow away from
camohorIndia cases 1.56 55 lea
camphor synthetic cases 2.26 80 cassia fistula b u n d l . 3.68 130
camwood Africa cases 2.32 82 castor seeds Dags 1.98t2.1270175
Canada balsam casks 1.56 55 cattle feed oags 2.01 73
candles cases 1.58 56 stow in a cool cattle yeas bags 1.41t1.55 50/55
prace o r u m s 2.04 72 corr.liq.
cannedgoods cartons 1.1211.39 40/50 caustic potash
caustic soda o r u m s 0.71 25 corr.liq.
canvas bales 1.3311.42 47t50
'1.81 cedarslats cases 2.12t2.26 75180
caraway seeds bags 64 drums 1.7012.0460172 infl.self.comb.
carbon activated drums 2.5512.97 90/105 celluloidfibre
celluloidfibre carlons 14.15 500
carbon bisulphide drums 1.25 44 i n f l .l i q .
cases 2.32 82
carbon charcoal bags 4.1014.53145/160 celluloidacetate
celluloidacetate Dags 4.10 145
carbon dioxide cyl. 0.93 33 infl. gas
cases 1.70 60
carbon tetrachloride drums 1.02 36 poison c e l l u l o i df i l m
cellulose units 1.56t1 .70 55/60
carbonicacid, gas cylind. i.34 48 Sweden
carbon black cartons 4.09 147 cemenl CASKS 1.0211.1036/39 stow awayfrom

14 15
Merchandise m3 Cub feet particulars Merchandise m3 CubfeetParticulars
per ton per ton perton Perton

cement big bag 1.00 35/36 chlorideof lime drums 1.4211.8 50/56 bleachingpow-
cement bags 0.85 30 oer
cement paper chlorideof potash barrels 1.422.21 50178
bags 0.7410.79 26t28 chlorideof potash bags 1.53 54
cereats cartons 6.79 240 chloride of potash casks 1.58 56
chaff bags 4.95 175 chlorideof potash drums 1.27 45
chain drums 0.67 24 chlorine cvl. 0.85 30 non infl. gas
chalk barrels 1.22 43 chloroform diums 1.27 45 anaetheticva-
chalk bags 1.13 40 pours
chalk bulk 1.05 37 chocolate cases 1.84 65 stow in a cool
chalk,burned bags 21 kg 1.16 41 prace
charcoal wood bags 6.37 225 infl.sold chromecharge 0.3410.42 1215
cheese Australia crates 1.56/1.98 55t70 chromeore Africa bulk 0.43/0.48 15117
cheese Edam boxes 1.92 68 stow in a cool chromeshavings 1.98/2.09 70174
ptace chromiumoxide barrels 1.50 53
cheese River Plate boxes 1.56 55 cnussum bales 2.6912.83 95/100
cheese camembert boxes 2.26 80 cider casks 1.84 65
chicken, Frozen Pieces cartons 2.78 100 cider cases 1.56/1.70 55/60
chicle cases 1.5611.70 55/60 cigarettes cartons 3.68 130
chicory bags 1.70 60 on oallets
chilliesE. Afr. bags 2.77 98 cigars cases 5.09 180
chilliesW. Afr. bags 3.40 120 cinchonabark bales 3.8214.25135/150
chilliesZanzibar bags 3.17 112 hydraulic
china root bags 2.83 100 pressed 2.12 75
china ware France cases 4.2515.66't50t2co crnnamon bales 3.68/4.10 130/145 stow away from
china ware Jaoan cases 3.51 124 foodstuffs
china clay casks 1.4711.70 52t60 cisterns, nested 1.70 60
china clay bags 1.1611.22 41t43 cisterns, not nested 2.8313.40100/120
c h i n ac l a y bulk 1.13 40 cray bags 0.84/1.39 30/50
chilesaltpetre bags 0.9111.02 32136 sodiumnitrate cray bulk 0.70/0.84 25130
oxy.mal. clover seed bags 1.421.47 50152
verydangerous cloves bags 2.8313.11100/110 stow away from
in caseof fire foodstuffs
chiretta bales 4.47 158 cloves E. Afr. bags 3.40 120
chlorateof potash drums 1.2711.42 45150 expl. cloves 3.7514.00133/145
chlorateof potash cases 1.19 42 cloth goods cases 2.2612.41 80/85

Merchandise m3 Cub feet particulars Merchandise m3 Cub feet particulars
per ton per ton per ton per ton

coal/anthracitelarge 1.27 45 coffee Brazil bags 1.76 62 stanchions&

Duff, Dross bulk 1.20 43 iron covered
Grains bulk 1.25 45 with burlaD
Peas bulk 1.28 46 coffee Costa Rica bags 1.92 68
Beans bulk 1.28 46 coffee Guatemala bags 1.87 66
Small & LargeNuts bulk 1.31 47 coffee India bags 1.98 70
Cobbles bulk 1.39 50 coir yarn bales 5.38/5.94 190/210
coal Austr. bulk 1.22t1.33 43t47 coir yarn well pressed bales 2.55/3.68 90/130
coal Japan 1.27t1.33 45t47 coke foundry 2.1212.41 75185 good surface
coal Newcastle, ventilation
Druham unscreened 1.27t1.36 45t48 coKe gas 2.4112.69 85/95 will absorb moi-
coal Poland-Danzig bulk 1.%t1.44 48t51 sture up to
coal Scotch 1.30/1.39046/49 20% of its
coal tar barrels 1.56/1.64 55/58 i n f l .l i q . weight
coal tar, pitch USSR b ul k 1.33/'t.56 47t55 coke tyne 2.97t3.'11105/110
coal USA bulk 1.30t1.42 46t50 collodion o r u m s 1.7011.84 60/65 infl. liq.
coal Welsh bulk 1.19t1.27 42t45 surface ventila- Golombo root bags 3.17t3.40 1121120
tion concentrates bulk 0.48 17
cobalt oags 0.34 12 confectionery cases 1.56/1.84 55/65
cobalt bulk 0.57 20 container Kgs empty
cochineal 1.47 52 5,3 feet long 350 2121282 generalcargo ship
cocksfootAustralia,NZ sacks, 105,93cu. ft. 1831212 containership
dressed 3.68/3.96130/140 7 feet long 425 3391452 generalcargo ship
cocksfootAustralia,NZ sacks, 176,55cu. ft. 2941339 container shiP
undr. 4.53/5.38160/190 7,9 feet long 750 462/ 616 generalcargo ship
cocoa bags 2.26t2.41 80/85 dry stowage, 275,41cu. tt. 4001462 container shiP
wellventilated 9 feet long 900 696/ 928 generalcargo ship
coco fibre bales 1.22t2.97 43/105 353,14cu. ft. 604/ 696 container shiP
coconutswith husks oags 3.11t4.'t0
110/145 20 feet long 1460t16471 192012560 generalcargo ship
coconutswith husks bulk 2.83/3.96.r00/140 1059,30cu. ft, 1800 166411920 containershiP
coconut butter cases 1.56/1.64 55/58 35 feet long 2600 357014760 generalcargo ship
coconut husks bags 3.40 120 2083,88cu. ft. Kgsempty 3094/3570 containership
coconuts bulk 3.96 140 40 feet long 2534t2585t 3840/5120 general cargo shiP
coffee Afr. oags 1.98 70 dry stowage 2118,60cu. ft. 3493/4000 3328/3840 containership

Merchandise m3 Cub feet oarticulars Merchandise m3 Cub feet oarticulars
per ton per ton per ton per ton

copal bags 215 76 cork Spain bales 5.66/6.372001225

copper acetate barrels 2.55 90 pors. cork granulated bales 6.37t6.792251240
copper carbonate barrels 2.26 80 corks, Crown Corks cartons 2.23 80
copperoxide barrels 0.85 30 pots. corn flour bags 1.56 55
copperoxide drums 0.62 22 corn USA bulk 1.39/1.70 49/60
copper sulfate barrels 1.53 54 pois. corn gluten pelletsUSAbulk 1.53t1.73 55162 m o i s t u r1e1 %
copper ingots 0.2210.28 8/10
copperelectrolytie corn,Sorghum bags 1.53/1.56 55/56
0.43/0.90 15t32 cartons 1.39 50
copper wire bars '12 corn, Sweet
0.34 bags 0.57/0.68 20124
copper matte W. Afr. bulk corundum
0.51 18 bales 3.ffit4.251301150
copper matte S. Afr. bulk cotton Austr.
0.40 14 bales 2.8313.11 100/110
copper sheets 0.34 cotton Congo
12 bales 1.92t2.04 68t72
copper concentrate: cotton Egyptian
cotton lndian bales 1.70t1.84 60/65
USA bulk 0.44 15,7 cotton Sudan bales 2.55t2.83 90/100
Blister ingots 0.5 18 1.ut3.54 65/125
Billets pieces cotton seed
0.139 5 cotton seed oil Cake bags 2.12t2.26 75180
Cakes pieces 0.139 5
copper cathodes cotton Syria and bales 2.83t3.401001120
bdls. 0.50 18
copper concentrate Turkey
bulk 0.45 16 bales 3.11/3.401101120
Residue cotton USA
drums 0.72 26 bales 4.95/6.37175t225
copra pellets cotton waste
bulk 1.78 63 bales 3.57 126
copra W. Afr. cotton lint
bags 3.11 110 5.7017.00195/250
copra S. Afr. cotton yarn canons
bags 2.55 90 1.47t1.53 52154
copra Manila bags cowgrass Australia, NZ sacks
1.9812.26 70180 bags 1.42t1.70 50/60
copra cowrie shells
bulk 2.3512.77 83/98 cases 1.58 56
coprachips bulk crabmeat Japan
1.58,11.7 56/60 max. 14o/o 1.84 65
crayfish S. Afr.
moisture crayfish carlons 1.53 55
copra-extractpellets bulk 1.5811.7 56/60 max. 14oh 40
crayfish frozen cases 1.12
moisture crayfish meal bags 1.67 60
copra-pellets bulk 1.58,11.7 56/60 max. 14o/o
creosote CASKS 1.Ut1.70 58/60 stow away from
moisture foodstuffs
cordials cases 1.2711.6 45/55 37
corianderplant creosote bulk 1.05 comb. liq.
2.41 85 bales 110/180
corianderseed Calcutta 3.54/3.68 125/130
crin vegetal
cropsAustralia, bales 1.90 67
cork Algeria bales 7.36 260
crucibles 2.55t2.83 90i100
cummin bags 2.04 72

20 21
Merchandise m3 Cub feet particulars Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars
per ton per ton per ton perron

cummin seed 1251130

curranls cases 1.39 49 unit of 4 gallonsoccupies 1.15c.f. per drum 0,03
curry powoer cartons 2.01 72 unit of 8 gallonsoccupies 2.14c.t. per drum 0,06
custard powder cartons 1.95 70 unit of 40 gallonsoccupies 8.40c.f. per drum 0,24
cutch cases 1.56 55 mangrove
ex- unit of 55 gallonsoccupies14.85c.f. per drum 0,37
tract. unit of 60 gallonsoccupies15.17c.f. per drum 0,43
cutch bags 1.84/1.98 65t70 unit of 65 gallonsoccupies17.50c.f. per drum 0,49
cutlery cases 1.56/1.70 55/60 duck pressed bales 1.36 48/50
cyanide drums 1.19 42 pors. dye-woodMexico 1.84 65/70
cycles packed in dynamite cases 1.25 44147 highexpl.
millboards 15.6 550
cylindersempty 1.13 40
earthenware crates 1.84/1.9865/70
D earthenpipes loose 1.50/1.7053/60
earthenwashbasins 2.2612.4180/85
dairymeal oags 1.67 60 ebonywood 1.53 54 heavy,black-
dammar cases 1.56 55 resinfromE. wood
India E.C. Feed bags 1.53/1.98 55t70
oammar bags 1.56/1.70 55/60 eggs cases 2.83 100 stow awayfrom
dateswet cases 1.13 40 stowas wet ooorouscargo
cargo l i q u i de g g s canned 1.67/1.81 60/65
datesdry cases 1.30 46 egg purp cartons 1.67 ou
datesbaskets 1.27 45 shell eggs cartons 4.47 160
dehydrated 3.40 120 eggs yoke dried cases 1.9212.09 68174 stow away from
dhall Dags 1.4211.47 50t52 ooorous cargo
disinfectantsliq. cases 1.42 50 eggs Austr. crates 2.43 86 stow away from
disinfectantspouder cases 1.56/1.70 55i60 timber,spices,
dividivi bags 2.83t3.40 100/120 potatoes,vege-
djarak kernels bags 2.12 75 tables fruit
djati wood 1.42 50 eggs China crates 2.8912.97102t105
dried fruits cases 1.3011.42 46/50 eggs Denmark boxes 2.97 105
electriccable rolls 0.85 30
lift equipment cases Varies Varies

Merchandise m3 Cubfeet particulars Merchandise m3 Cubfeetoarticulars
perton perton perton perton

electro lytic Ferro:

manganese drums(pallets)0.51 18 Silicon drums 0.84 30
emerystone bulk and Silicon bulk 0.70 25
bags Chrome bulk 0.42 15
0.51/0.57 18t20
espartograss Algeria bales 3.11/3.96110/140 liableto spon- Manganese bulk 0.70/0.84 25t30
Ianeous com- Kuanite bulk 0.70/0.84 25t30
bustion Fluospar bulk 0.56 20
esparto grass Spain bales 3.68 130 Kyenite bulk 0.80/0.84 29t30
esparto grass Tripolis bales 2.83/3.68 100/130 Pytophilite bulk 0.84 JU

esparto grass Tunis bales 3.40i3.96 1201140deckcargoto fibre bales 5.38/5.94 190/210liableto spon-
be covered
essences cartons'1.22 44
ether drums 1.76 62 i n f l .l i q . fibre well pressed bales 2.55/3.68 90/130
ether boxes 2.38 84 infl. liq. figs cases 1.42 50
ethyl acetate drums 1.53/1.8154164 infl. liq. figs bags 1.4211.47 50t52
ethyl acetate boxes 1.922.38 68/84 infl. liq. filters cartons 5.01 181
ethyl chloride boxes 3.68 130 i n f l .l i q . f ish cases 2.69 95
eucalyptuslogs 1.53 55 fish canned cases 1.5611.42 55/50
eucalyptusoil drums 1.39 4n fish (cured) barrels 1.701'1.84 60/65
eucryptide(ore) 0.71 25 fish frozen cartons 1.6212.01 58t72
expanded metal bundles1.84/1.9865t70 fish loosetunny 2.01 72
expanded metal crates 2.1212.2675/80 fish manure 1.84 65
explosives cases 2.51 90 f ishmeal bags 1.7011.84 60/65
f ishmeal bulk 1.6112.07 57t73
fishmeal,anchory bulk .61 54157 mealpellets
F fishmeal,ordinary bags 1.67/1.81 60/65
feathers 6.37/8.49 225l3OOstow awayfrom fishmeal,white bags 2.23 80
fish oil cases 1.4411.50 51/53
feed, chicken/pig bags 1.39 50 fish salted barrels 1.2711.42 45/50
feldspar bags flax bales African 2.5512.83 90/100
and flax Austr. undumPed bales 3.82 135
flax baltic unpressed bales 4.39 155 stowawaYfrom
bulk 0.85 30 copra,woolor
felt rolls 1.56 55 oilyarticles
fennel seed 2.72 96
ferric chloride drums 1.36 48 flax codula Russia 2.83 100
flax New York 3.06 108

24 25
Merchandise m3 Cubfeetoarticulars Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars
perton perton per lon perlon

flax waste bales 160 liableto heat fruit:

stow away from onions boxes 2.2112.26 7Bl80
corn lumber oranges boxes 2.0412.41 7285
apples oranges Afr. boxes 1.56 55
flour,corn (maize) bags 1.62 58 oranges cases
flour 200 lbs. bags 1.58 56 24 kg 2.5 92
flour 100 lbs. bags 1.30n.36 46148 oranges canons
flour Austr. bags 1.4711.50 52153 16,5kg 2.4
f l o u rE n g l a n d bags 1.4211.56 50/55 pears cartons 2.23 81
flour Triest bags 1.4711.50 52153 pears cases 2.52 89
f lourspar bags 0.68 24 pineapples cases 2.26 80
f luxphalt barrels 1.811'l.87 64/66 pineapples cases
fondant cases 1.20 43 26 kg 3.2 114
formalin .1.64
barrels 58 combustibleliq. pineapples crates 1.92 68
pungenodour prunes boxes 1.47 52
formalin drums 1.1311.27 40145 raisins boxes 1.1311.42 40/50
fruit: raisinscanned boxes 1.42 50
appres cartons 3.15 115 fruitjuice barrels 1.95 70
bananas crates 5.77 204 fruitjuice cartons 1.53 55
oananas bunches 3.5713.68126i130 fruitpulp cartons 1.4211.56 50/55
currants boxes 1.42 50 fruitsquash cases 1.45 52
figs boxes 1.1311.42 40/50 fruitsquash cartons 1.53/1.73 55t62
figs bags 1.27 45 f urniture cases 3.11/3.68110/130
grapefruits cases 1.84 65 furs cases in seperate
grapes casks 2.60 92 rooms
grapes boxes 1.98 70 f u e lo i l bulk 1 . 1 0 / 1 . 1 6 39/41
grapes,bunch of cases fuel patent 0.99/1.13 35i40
10 kg 2.6 91 fustic 1.84/1.98 65170
grapes,bunch of barrels
30 kg 2.713.5 951125
lemons cartons 3.25 115
lemons boxes 2.41 85
lemons cases
38 kg 2.4 84
melons boxes 2.26 80
metons cases
18 kg 2.4 85

Merchandise m3 Cub feet particulars Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars
per ton per ton perton perton

G grue Dags 1.42t2.'t2 50175 stow away from

galanpal bags 2.69 95 Asiatic glue cases 1.30/1.56 46/55
gallnuts bags 2.4913.03 88/107 tanning,good glue sheets 2.94 104
ventilationtan- glycerine orums 1.70 60
n i n gi n h o t goldslagAfrica Dags 0.37t0.43 13/15
weather grain
givingoff a barley bulk 1.4711.56 52155
thick fluid stow barley Dags 1.70t1.76 60162
on 3" of saw- barley-C1 bulk 1.4811.51 53154
dust barley-C2 bulk 1.56/1.59 56157
gama B.M.C. bags 1.28 46 barley-C3 bulk 1.67t1"70 60/61
gama Technical drumss2k 1,81 65 buckwheat bulk 1.42 50
gama Technical drums120k 1.39 50 buckwheat oags 1.84 65
gambier bags 2.83/3.11 100/1
10 cafir corn (sorghum) bags 1.42 50
game crates 2.04 IZ marze Dags 1.47t1.56 52155
garlic cartons 1.59 57 maize E. Afr. bags 1.53/1.64 54/58
garnet bags 0.5710.71 20t25 maizeCongo Dags 1.6411.70 58/60
gates loose 5.57 201 maizeRiv.Plate bulk 1.36t1.47 48152
gelatine 3.40/5.94 120t210 maize E. Afr. bulk 1.42t1.47 50152
germ meal bags 1.76/1.81 64/65 maizeCongo bulk 1.56/1.58 55/56
ghee cases or half maize Calcutta bags 1.70 60
cases 1.56/1.61 55t57 maize S. Afr. oags 1.42t1.70 50i60
gtn cases 1.56/1.70 55/60 maizeS. Afr. bulk 1.42t1.50 50/53
grnger cases 2.26 80 maizeKibbled bulk 1.45/1.53 5255
glass bottles crates 2.41 85 maizeWD1 bulk 1.34 48
glass plates cases 1.4211.98 50170 stowon edge maizeWD2 bulk 1.36 49
and athward- maizeYF1 bulk 1.28 46
ship OAIS bulk 1.87/1.89 67168
glass mirrors cases 1.81 64 oats clipped oags 2"0412.12 7275
glass window cases 1.27 45 oats unclipped bags 2.3812.43 84/86
grass-ware cases 2.2612.83 80/100 oats clippedRiv.Pl. b u l k 1.84t1.92 65/68
glimmer barrels 1.7 60 oats unclipped bulk 2j21226 75180
glucose barrels 1.56 55 oats uncliPPed
glucose cases 1.27 AE
Riv.Pl. bulk 2.04t2.12 72175

28 29
Merchandise m3 Cubfeetoarticulars Merchandise m3 Cub feetparticulars
perton perton per Ion perlon

grain grits bags 1.53 55

oats Austr. bulk 1.98 70 groundnutsshelledAf r. bags 1.78 63 stow in cool,
oats Calcutta bulk 1.98 70 well ventilated
oats Calcutta bags 2j2 75 prace
oats New Zealand bags 1.84/1.98 65/70 g r o u n d n u t s u n s h e l l e db a g s 3.40 120
rye bulk 1.3611.47 48/52 groundnutsunshelled bulk 2.97t3.11105/110
rye bags 1.50/1.56 53/55 groundnutexpeller bulk 1.62t1.95 57169
wheat bags 1.36/1.50 48/53 oroundnutextractions bulk 1.47t1.56 52155
wheat bulk 1.2711.42 45t50 iroundnut oil cake bags 1.96t2.12 70175
wheat red w. USA- groundnutoil drums 1.67t1.74 60/62
Norfolk bulk 1.27 45 guano bulk 1.1911.25 42144 neverstow with
Baltimore bulk 1.27 45 foodstuff or ni-
wheat winter No 2 trate of soda
USA-Philadelphiab u l k 1.27 45 guano bags 1.96 70
Canada-Quebec b u l k 1.27 45 guano oags 1.68 60
wheat Austr. bags 1.47 52 gum cases 1.56 55 liableto spon-
wheat Bahia Bl. bags 1.2711.42 45/50 taneous com-
wheat Calcutta bags 1.36 48 bustion
wheat E. Afr. bags 1.421.50 50/53 gum bags .70 55/60
wheat New Zealand bags 1.4411.50 51/53 gunnies bales 1.98 70
wheat Montreal bags 1.2711.33 45t47 Bangladesh
wheat Vancouver bulk 1.2511.39 44t49 gunpowoer cases .56 50/55
wheat Austr. bulk 1.2711.39 45t49 gypsum Dags 1.27t1.36 45148 dry stowage
wheat Bl. Sea bulk 1.1911.27 42t45
gram India 1.47 52
gramophonerecords cartons 1.59 H
grapes casks 2.60 92 hair ord. pressed bales 5.66/7.08 2001250
grapespirit drums 1.56/1.70 55/60 hair oressed bales 3.68/4.10 130/145
graphite bulk 0.57i0.99 20t35 hair pressed N. Zeal. bales 5.24 185
graphite bags 0.9911.27 35t45 hair oressedRiv.Pl. bales 4.2514.53150/160
grass seed bags 1.4211.47 50t52 hair pressedcattle bales 3.57 126
grating cast iron bundles 0.67 24 hair goat greasy bales 2.55 90
gravel bulk 0.65 23 hair horse pressed bales 3.96/4.53 140/160
grenadellawood Afr. 't.33 9.91/10.19350/360
47 hair horse unpressed bales
grindstones 1.27 45 to be stowed hair rabbit bales 5.94 210
on edge hams barrels 1.90/1.98 67170
hardboard crales 1.81t2.83 65/102
hardware cases 1.70/1.98 60/70

Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars Merchandise m3 CubfeetParticulars
perton perton perton Perton

harrow discs bundles 0.84 30 hoofs baos 3.68 130

hay pressed bales 3.5414.251251150free circulation noney cades 1.4211.47 50152
of air honey barrels 1.27 45
hemp Manila bales 2.69 95 dunnagebe- nops bales 7.08/8.49 250/300
tween hemp nops baqs 7.78 275
and wool horns baqs 3.4014.25120/150
hemp Calcutta bales 1.98/2.55 70/90 horns uutr 2.6912.83 95/100
hemp Afr. small bales 2.2612.41 80/85 to be loaded in hose oxyacetelene b u n d l e s3 . 1 0 11.1
dry condition
hemp Afr. large bales 2.5513.40 901120 liableto spont. I
hemp Mombasa bales 2.5512.83 90/100 ice powder
' cases
hemp N. Zealand bales 2.5513.40 90t120 25'75k9 2.112.8 74199
hemp Russia bales 2.2613.40 80t120 ilmenite PaperDags 0.61 22
henbane bales 3.40 120 indigo Kegs 2.41 85
'l.70 cases 1 . 7 3 61
herring fresh barrels 60 indigo
herring salted barrels 1.27 45 ink casKs 1.56/1 .70 55/60
herringtinned cases 1.87 oo ink cases 2.1212.4175185
HessianburlapCalc. bales 1.42 50 to be loaded in innards Dags 2.4 85
dry condition insecticidePowder canons 1.76 62 Pors.
Hessianjute Calc. bales 1.3611.42 ,A/50 iron anqle Pieces 0 . 3 1 11
hibiskusflowers iron anlle bundles 0.43 15
Port Sudan bags 5.06 179 iron bars 0.40 14
hides dried W. Afr. bales 4.25 150 iron bar bulk 0.79 28
hides dried Capetown bales 4.53 160 iron bar scraP loose 0.84/1.39 30/50
hides dried B. Aires bales 7.08 250 iron bar Pipes loose 2.51 91
hides dried loose 5.09i7.08 180/250 iron battery scraP USA 0.90 32
hides salted loose 1.27 45 keep free from iron bolts Dags 0.5710.7120125
metal parts and iron bundlesscraPUSA 1.04 37
oak dunnage iron corr.galv.sheets 1.02 36
hides salted bundles 1.421.70 50/60 iron pig 0.34/0.43 12115
hollow-ware 2.26t2.55 B0/90 iron plates 0.34 12
hominychop bags 1.76t1.92 6268 iron fine scraPUSA 1.16 41
hominychop yellow bags 1.50 54 iron heavy scrap 0.5711.1320140
hominychop white oags 1.78 OJ iron light scrap 1.2711.5645t55

Merchandise m3 Cubfeet particulars Merchandise m3 Cub feet Particulars
perton perton per ton Perlon

iron ore, Barajamda bulk

iron ore Canada-Sorel bulk
1.90/2.30 67t81 K
0.74 26 bulk 0.99/1.05 35/37 keep perfectlY
(titanium) kainit
iron ore USSR-Poti bulk o.74 26 baqs 1.08/1.13 38/40
(manganese) kainit
kaolin(chinaclaY) bads 1.16t1.22 41143
iron ore Mauritania- casks 1.3611.47 48152
Port Etienne kaolin(chinaclaY)
bulk 0.82 29 kaolin(chinaclay) bulk 1.13 40
iron ore Sierra bales 3.54/5.1 125/180
Leone-Pepel kapok
bulk 0.74 26 kapok Brasil bales 3.68 130
iron ore Philippine bales 3.68 130
lslands-Masinloch kapok Java
kapok India bales 3.6814.25130/150
(chrom.) bulk 0.71 25 1,812 64171
g 1'-1'8" kapok lndia bulk
bulk 0.82 29 bales 5.0415.24178/185
iron oxide bags 1.10 39 karakulskins
Kerosene drums 1.81 64 comb. liq.
iron oxide barrels 1.42 50
iron sulfate kittool fibre 2.5512.83 90i100
barrels 1.47 52 drums 1.81/1.95 65170
tronware 1.70/1.9860/70 kogasin (sasol)
isinglass kolanutsAfrica baqs
- 1.84/1.98 65/70
cases 2.55t2.83 90/100 1.33/1.42 47150
isinglass bales 2.69 95 k o r t i eI n d i a
ivory loose 0.85/1.36 30/48 stow awayfrom kraftliners
Finland bales/ 2.4512.60 88/94
oil,acids reels
ixtle Mexico bales 2.55 90
USA reels 2.2012.40 79186

jams cartons and kegs and
cases 1.1311.42 40/50 casks 2.8313.40 100/120
jarrah wood logs 0.85/1.08 30/38 hardwood will barrels 1.921.98 68/70 to be stowecl
sink below waterline
jelly cartons 1.70 61 cases 1.56/1.64 55/58
jerked beef 1.6/,t1.76 58t62 pails 2.12 75
jowari bags 1.58/1.64 56/58 tierces 1.921.98 68/70
jute Calcutta bales 1.61i1.98 57t70 liableto spt. drums 1.36/1.84 48/65
combustion casks 1.42 50 poisonous
lead acetate
jute bales 1.9812.26 70t80 barrels 1.19 42
lead acetate
juniperberries bags 3.57 126 stow away from drums 1.13 40
lead acetate
foodstuff tea, drums 2.89 102 pois.
lead arsenate
flour lead nitrite barrels 0.76 27 oxydiing mate-

u 35
Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticurars Cub feet particulars
Merchandise m3
perton perton per ton per ton

lead pig Austr. 0.31 11 locust beans bags 2.04 72 well ventilated
lead pig Afr. v.zJ B
lead pipes locust beans bulk 2.3812.55 84/90
0.40t0.71 14t25 logs oak 2.26 80
leadwhite barrels 0.82 29 logs mahagonyHondur. 0.76 27
leather rolls 5.66/6.37 200t225
logs mahagonySpain 1.25 44
leather bales 2.5512.83 90/100
logs mahagonysquare 0.85 30
leatherAustralia,NZ bales 2.5512.83 90/100
logwoodWest Indies bundles 2.69 95
leatherAustralia,NZ trusses 3.96 140 lubricatinggrease drums 1.70 60
leatherbelting 2.26 BO lubricatinggrease barrels 1.92 68
leather dressed cases 2.83/3.68 100/130
leathertanned lubricatingoil drums 1.47 52
boxes 3.68 130 70
Argentina l u b r i c a t i no
gi l barrels 1.98
leaves laurel lubricatingoil cases 1.4211.47 50t52
bales 5.38 190 dry stowage .78 61/63
l u b r i c a t i no
gi l casks 1.7311
well ventilated lucernemeal bags 2.9713.26105/115
teavessenna bales 3.4014.25120t150
lemon peel lucerneseed bags 1.7611.92 6268
casks 1.84 65 2.23 80
lentils bags luprns
1.42 48/50 stow in a venti.
lated place
lily bulbs Bermuda
pallets 0.99/1.13 35t40 M
2.26 80 cases 2.97 105
lime bags 1 . 1 3 / 1 . 1 9 40142 dry stowage macaronl
l i m ej u i c e mace 2.35 B3
cases 1.56 55 2j22.26 75t80
linoleum madder bales
1.56/1.84 55/65
linseedArgentine bags 1.6411.70 58/60 well dunnaged madder Mediter-
ranean bales 2.69 95
and ventilated magnesiumacetate barrels 1.44 cl
liableto heat magnesiumborate barrels 2.49 8B
linseedAustralia bags 1.7011.78 60/63
linseedAfr. magnesiumcarbonate bags 4.81 170
bags 1.8411.92 65/68 1.56 55
linseedCalcutta bags 1.6111.70 57t60 magnesiumchloride drums
linseedBombay magnesiumchloride bags 1.47 52
bags 1.56/1.61 55t57 2.32 82
linseedKarachi bags 1.67 magnesiumhydroxide cases
59 magnesitefine bulk 0.45 16
linseedN. Zealand bags 1.7011.78 60/63
linseed magnesitecoarse bulk 0.7110.85 25t30
bulk 1.56/1.58 55/56 shifting boards 60
linseedcake magnesiteklinker bulk 1.70
bags 1.2711.42 45150 liable to heat 35/36
liquoriceroot magnestte big bap 1.00
bales 2.69 95
ilquors cartons 2.5512.85 92t103 maizegrits 1.70 60
on pallets maizemeal bags 1.7611.81 6264
lobster case maizestarch 1.6411.76 58162
cartons 1.7/2.0 60t70

Merchandise m3 Cub feetDarticulars Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars
perton perton perton perton

maizestarch M4 & M5 bags 1.56 56 4.81/5.38170/190

maize starch Kibbledbags 9lk 1.53 55 rolls 3.54/3.681251130
maize starch YF1 1.23t1.29 44t46 9.06 320
matting coco fibre
maizegermpellets bags 1.67 60 bags 3.34 118 dry stowage
meal Alfalfa
malt tanks 2.01 71 welldunnaged
mamona bags 2.26 80 castor seed andventilated
manchestergoods cases ano bags 1.67 60
meal dairy
bales 2.2612.8 80/84 meal castorseed bags 1.84 65
manganese(ferro) drums 0.67 24 bags 1.56/1.84 55/65
meal cottonseed
manganese(electro) drums 0.51 18 bags 2j2 75
manganesedioxide barrels 0.76 27 bags 2.04t2j2 7275 damagedby
meal coconut
manganesedioxide bags 0.68 24 moistureand
manganoussulfate bags 1.64 58 taint
manganoussulfate boxes 2.83 100 bags 1.69n.84 60/65
meal fish Peru
mandioca starch bags 1.84/1.98 65170 dry stowage bulk 1.61/2.06 57173
meal fish Peru
manico meal 2.55t2.69 90/95 meal fish Peru Pellets 1.5211.6154157
maniocflour Afr. bags 1.53/1.64 54/58 dry stowage 1.70 60
meal liver Riv. Pl. bags
maniocflour Brasil bags 1.73 61 dry stowage bags 2.26 80
meal locust beans
manioc root bags 2.2612.41 80/85 meal soyabeans bags 1.421156 50/55
manure,manufactured 1.19 42 bags 1.70t2.41 60/85
meal sunflowerArg.
manureNew Zealand 1.42t1.47 50t52 meat, beef, New
manure phosphate bags 1.%11.42 48150 2.55t2.69 90/95
marble blocks 0.40/0.45 14116 keep clear of crates 1.70 60
meat boned
oil, grease meat, calves carcase 2.60 92
marble (loose) 0.45 16 canons 1.54 55
meat, canned
marble slabs 0.57 20 to be stowed bales
meat dried
on edge 60-70kg 1.98 70
marganne cases 1.53/1.64 54/58 95/98
meat frozen oacked 2.6912.77
margarine kegs 1.7611.84 62165 meat, mixed cross
margaflne tubs 1.84/1.98 65/70 2.55 90
hinds etc. Australia
marjoran plant bales 6.51 230 hung 3.40/3.681201130
meat ouarters
man manure bags and 2.97t3.11105i110
meat mutton N. Zeal.
bulk 0.79/0.85 28130 meat mutton Riv. Plate 3.26 115
marrow casks 1.92 68 3.45 122
meat lamb
matches cases 2.83/3.40 10Ol12O infl. in tween. 2.46 87
meat pigs
deck meat, pork cartons 1.27 46

38 39
Merchandise m3 Cub feet particulars Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars
per ton per ton perton perton

meat preservedNZ cases 2.1212.j8 75177 minerals

meat preservedRiv. Pl. cases 1.4711.64 S2lSg asbestos Capetown bags 1.98 70
meat salt barrels 1.47 52 asbestos Beira bags 1.5612.41 55/85
meat,sundries bags 2.86 101 asbestos E. Afr. bags 2.2612.55 80/90
medicines cases 2.5512.69 g0i95 asbestos rock bags 1.58 56
metal, expanded bundles 1.84/1.98 65/70 corundumCalc. bags 1.10/1.19 39142
metal, expanded crates 2.1212.26 75190 corundumS. Afr. bags 1.42 50
metal polish cases 1.8611.70 55/60 graphite(plumbago) bags 0.93 33 stow away from
methylatedspirits drums 1.9S 70 oil and cargo
metal (scrap) 0.5710.85 2Ot3O damaged by
methylacetone drums 1.70 60 i n f l .l i q . dust
methylchloride cyl. 1.2711.58 4StS6 i n f l .g a s graphite(plumbago) barrels 1.30/1.58 46/56
methylsalicylate cases 1.27 45 mineralwater cases 1.98 70
mercuric chloride cases 0.68 24 pois. mohair, not pressed oags 7.36 260
mercury f lask 0.14 5 pots. mohair packing 2.97t4.25105/150
mica barrels 1.6411.76 59162 molasses bulk 0.79 28 loss of weight
mlca cases 1.3611.42 48/50 as much as
mica Brazil cases 1.58 56 protect from 10% on long
salt water voyage
mica India cases 1.08 3g molasses casks 1.7011.84 60/65
mica W. Afr. cases 1]O 60 molasses nogs-
mica splittings cases 0.93/1.19 33t42 head 1.84 65
mica waste Africa bags 1.4211.56 b0/S5 molasses concentratedbaskets 0.99 35
microlite ore bags 0.57 20 monasiteoil drums 1.39 50
milk condensed cases 1.27 45 mother-of-oearlshells cases 1.2711.36 45148
milk New Zeal.dried cases 1.95 69 mother-of-pearlshells bags 1.56/1.70 55/60
milk New. Zealand motor car oarts cases 1.9812.26 70180
evap.tins cases 1.70 60
milk powder cases 1.47 52
milk powder Riv. Plate cases 2.26 80
mill balls drums 0.56 20
millet seed bags 1.36t1.41 4BtS2
mimosa bark unpressedbales 2.65 96

Merchandise m3 Cub feet particulars m3 Cub feet Particulars
per ton per ton Merchandise
per ton per ton

mowrah flowers 1.19 42

mowrah seed bags 1.7611.8462t65
mustard seed nitrate of soda barrels 1.19 42
1.76 62 0.74 26
myrobolans packets1.9812.0470t72 nitrateof soda bulk
myrobolans nitrate of potash bags 0.96/1.08 34/38 saltpetresolub-
bags 2.0712.1273175 usedin tanning le in water.
& dying stow away from
myrobolansCalc. bags 1.70 60 no specialsto- oil, grease
wage 1.02 36
nitrate of potash bulk
novoboard cartons 1.67 60
nurmegs cases 1.7612.26 62180
nutmegs bags 2.97 105
nuts almonds (see almonds) stow in a cool
dry well ventila-
ted place, away
from dry or di-
licate goods
nutsareca bags 1.4211.70 50/60
nutsBrazil bags 2.69 95
N nutsCalabar bags 1.98 70
nutscashew bags 2j2 75 heating may re-
nails bags 0.71 25 sult moisture,
nails kegs 0.99 2E
stow away from
naphta cases 1.53/1.56 54i55 infl. liq. guano or bone
naphtalineflakes cases 2.2612.35 80/83 inf l. dust
naphtalinecrude bags 1.87 66 infl. 140
nuts coconuts bags 3.96
naval stores
groundnuts (seegroundnuts)
(clothingetc.) 2.32t2.43 82t86 69
hazelnutkernels baos 1.95
naval stores
ivory nuts ba6s 1.47t1.81 52t64
(ordnance),averages 1.4?J1.84 50/65 60
kola nuts bags 1.70
nestum cartons 4.18 150 75
kola nuts W. Afr. bags 2.12
niger seed bags 1.81 64
nitrateof ammonia bags 1.64 EE dangerousin kola nuts
Centr.America Dags 1.22 43
case of fire 1.7811.92 63/68
nitrate of soda palm kernels bags
bags 0.99 Q4 oxy. mat. chili 1.64 58
palm kernels bulk
saltpetre,dan- Dags 2.2012.40 79t86
gerousin case pistachio,nuts
walnuts cases 2.18t2.35 77183
of f ireor impreg-
natingjute bags

42 43
Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars Merchandise m3 CubfeetParticulars
perton perton perton perton

o oil
casks 1.7311.78 61/63
ocnre bags 1.1311.42 40150 lubricating barrels 1.98 70
oak logs,cut in planks 1.3611.42 48/50 lubricating cases 1.4211.47 50t52
oak staves American 1.42t1
.56 50/55 olive drums 1.42 50
oak staves olive barrels 1.70 60
Russian-Black Sea 1.56/1
.84 55/65 palm casks 1.76 62
oaKum bales 3.11 110 palm W. Afr. drums 1.98 70
oats (seegrain) not to be sto- palmkernel drums 1.70 60
wed over maize peanut drums 1.58 56
oatmeal bags 1.84 65 petroleum drums 1.8412.04 65172
oil petroleum cases .70 56/60
almonds drums 1.421.47 50152 rapeseeo drums 1.58 56
aniseed drums 2.12 75 soyaoeans drums 1.47 52
oil in bottles baskets 2.2612.55 80/90 soyabeans cases .42 48/50
campnor drums 1.56 b ul k 1.10 ?o
55 soya0eans
castor drums 1.7O 60 sperm drums 1.6411.76 58t62
caslor barrels 2.26 80 sunflower drums 1.67 59
coconul barrels 1.70/1.98 60/70 sunflowercakes bags 2.26 BO
coconul casks 1.8111.87 64/66 vegetable casks 1.8111.87 64/66
coconut drums 1.56 55 oil cake liableto spt.
cod liver drums 1.42 50 heatingkeep
corn drums 1.67 59 cottonseed bags 1.8112.15 64176 dry and well
cottonseed drums 1.70 60 ventilated
cottonseed bulk 1.13 40 coconut bags 2.2112.26 78/80
o i l i n s m a l ld r u m s 1.42t1.56 50/55 linseed bags 1.36/1.70 48160
oil in drums of about oilcake bulk 1 . 3 / 1 . 8 4 46/65
5 cwt. each 1.70t1.84 60/65 olives casks 1.98 70
fish barrels 1.58/1.64 56/58 olives barrels 1.50/1.84 53/65
fish cases 1.4411.50 51/53 ontons cases 2.21 78 stow loosely,
groundnut drums 1.67 60 good ventilation
lemon cases 2.2612.75 80/97 onlons cartons 2.45 88 throw off moi-
linseed casks 1.7311.81 61164 sture.Dunnage
linseed drums 1.61 57 orangepeel bales 4.25 150
lubricating drums 1.61 57 orangepeelin brine 0,5pipe 1 . 2 2 43

Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars Merchandise m3 Cubfeet Particulars
perton perton perton perton

oilcloth(rolls) 1.78/1.98 63t70 oxide:

oteo tierces and red bags 1.22 44
barrels 1.7611.84 62t65 reo drums 1.53/1.81 55/65
onions Egyptian bags 2.4112.55 85/90 ztnc bags 1.22 44
orchilla bales 2.2612.97 80/105 oysrers barrels 1.7611.81 62t64
orea 1 2 4 47
antimonyAustr. bulk 0.57 20 P
antimonyAfr. bags 0.85 30 paddy bags 1.84/1.98 65/70
bauxite bulk 0.85/0.93 30/33 paint drums 0.62 22 stow on end
chrome S. Afr. bags 0.43 15 gradeCW and paint kegs 0.65/0.71 23t25
mantca palm fibre bags 2.43 86
chromeS. Afr. 20 grade SAI and palm fibre bales 5.66 200
Dyke A palm kernels bags 1.7811.92 63/68 liable to heat
copper bulk 0.4310.57 15120 and sweat
copper concentrates bags 0.65 23 palm kernelsexpeller bulk 1.80 64
corundum bulk 0.62/0.68 22124 oalm kernels bulk 1.64
corundum bags 1.27 45 paper rolls 2.6012.83 92/100 use no hooks
galena bulk 0.3710.40 13114 paper cases 1.56/1.61 55t57
lead bags 0.3710.45 13/16 paperbales bales 1.25 45
lead bulk 0.3710.40 13114 paper fluting reels 3.34/3.62 120t131
lithium bulk 0.71 25 papernewsprint reels 1.67/1.96 60/70
manganese bulk 0.48 17 paper kraft reels 2.7913.001 0 1 / 1 0
pyrite bulk 0.85/0.99 30/35 paperprinting reels(63.5k) 1.95 70
schellite bags 0.74 26 paperpacking bales 1.64/1.98 58170
sillimanite bulk 0.7210.84 26130 paper sacks bundles 2.2313.6 80/110
silver bulk 0.71 25 oaraffin wax cartons 1.2 42
tin bags 0.51/0.62 18122 oaraffinwax bales 1.30/1.36 46148 cool stowage
tungsten bulk 0.74 26 parquetfooringAfrica bundles 1.10 39
uranium bags 0.4810.54 17119 patent fuels 0.99/1.13 35i40 loose in 1-370
vanadium bags 0.65 23 in weight in tro-
vermiculite bulk 1.39 50 pical climates
zinc bags 0.5710.68 20124 oeanutbutter cartons 1.67 60
zinc concentrate bulk 0.43 15 peanut meal bags 212 75
peanuts unpeeled bulk 313.7 105/130
peas bags 1.4211'56 50/55
oeas canned cartons 1.45 52
Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars
perton perton perton perton

plywood crates 2.41 85

peas Japan,China, pockwood 1.42 50
India bags 1.36t1
.47 48t52 poles wood-telephone bundles2.5i3.00 90/106
peat bales pollard (bran and
48 kg 5.7 202 meal mixed)
peel-citrus cases 1.67 60 Argentine 2.6912.83 95/100
pelts Australia,New 't
Riv. Plate,averages .87t1.92 66/68
Zealand 1.70t2.26 60/80 Continent,averages 2.41t2.55 85/90
pepper bags 2.38t2.83 84/100 Africa 2.6912.97 95/105
perfumery cases 2.12t2.41 75t85 poonac (see oi cake coconut)
petfood cartons 1.54 55 poppyseedCalcutta 1.9812.04 70172
oetrol bulk 1.36 48 potatoes barrels 2.26 B0 requiregood
petrol cases 1.61/1.7057/60 ventilation
pharma ceutical preps cases 1.67 60 potatoes Dags 2.1212.30 75183 in cold weather
phosphate bags 1.27t1.30 45t46 dangerof
phosphateN. Afr. bulk 0.65/0.85 23t30 not with galv. froste bite
rron potatoespaletised
phosphateof lime oags 1.19t1.27 42t45 1.00x1.20x.1.90
phosphateof lime barrels 1.70 60 1.06to 2.2 77
pranos CASES 1.84/1.98 65t70 potatoes cases 1.98 70
piassavaW. Afr. bundles 4.25 150 potatoes bulk 1.42t1 .56 50/55
piassavaBahia bales 3.06/3.26108/115 potatoesflour Dags 1.70 60
pigiron bulk 0.28 10 potatoes starch oags 1.73 61
prpes roose 2.51 90 potassiumcarbonate casks 1.87 66 slightlycaustic.
pipes cast iron 'r.50
loose 1.48 53 ootassiumcarbonate cases 53
pipes cast iron toose 1.59 57 ootassiumchlorate barrels 1.44 51 oxy. mat. expl.
pipes iron 1,42t1.70 50/60 ootassiumchlorate casks 1.56 55
pitch barrels 1.27t1.36 45t48 stow away trom potassiumchloride bags 1.30 46
engines& potassiumcyanide cases 1.58 56 pors.
boiler potassiumcyanide drums 1.56 55
pitch bulk 1.36 48 potassiumferrocyanidebanels 2.8 84 pots.
pitprops 1.70t1.78 60/63 potassiumhydroxide drums 2.04 72 cor. liq.
ploughs cases 1.25 45 potassiumnitrate bags 0.96/1.08 34/38 cor. solid
ploughsdiscs bundles 0.9811.12 35/40 ootassiumnitrate bulk 1.02 36
ploughsdiscs bags 3.06 110 potassiumpermangan.drums 1.08 38 oxy. mat.
plumbago bags 0.93 33 see minerals potassiumsulphate bulk 1.26 45
graphite poultry cases
40 kg 2.1 74
poultry, frozen crates 1.84t2.12 65t75

Merchandise m3 Gubfeetoarticulars Merchandise m3 Cub feet particulars
perton perton per ton per ton

bags 1.62
cartons 1.79
preservesfish fruit cases 1.4211.70 50/60 crates 2.0912.15 74176
preservedmeats, rabbits
rabbits frozen Austr. crates 2.1512.32 76t82
Argentine cases 1.4711.64 5?l58 rabbits New Zealand crates 1.9212.04 68t72
preservesmeat Austr. cases 212 75 cases 1.701'l.84 60/65
rabbits New Zealand
New Zealand cases 1.3611.47 48152 rabbitskins bales 6.79 240
preseryesmeat Riv. Pl. cases 1.4711.64 52t58 bales 2.8312.97100/105
prunes,dried casks '1.58 56 raffia bundles 3.1113.261 1 0 / 1 1 5
prunes,dried cases 1.47 52 bales 5.24 185
raffia W. Afr.
putp crates 1.53 55 2.3212.43 8286 liable to sPt.
pulp board rags presseo bales
bundles 0.95/1.11 34140 combustion
pulp flock bundles 3.4013.621231131 bales 3.96 140
rags unpressed
pulpwood logs 3.40t4.25 120t150 0.34/0.51 1218 stow fore and
purse crates 1.81 65 afl.
pumicestone bags 3.1713.261121115 railwaytires 1.42 50
pumicestone barrels 4.10 145 1.61/1.76 57t62
pumicestonepowder rape seeo
bags 1.2711.56 45/55 if wet by rain
pumicestonepowder resin,synthetic
USA cartons 1.40 50 will become
lepari bags 2.21 78 drums 1.50 53 badly marked
pyrethrumflowers bales 2.2612.41 80/85 bales 3.96/4.53 140/160
pyrite rattansplit
bulk 0.85/0.99 30/35 throw off sparks rayon purp bales 2.0912.23 75/80
if struck with redwood logs 1.8112.26 64/80
steel reeos bales 5.66 200
o restn bags 1.90 67 will melt if hea-
resin E. India cases 1.64 58
quebrachocut 1.42t1.70 50/60 good logs bags 2.55 on
quebrachocut resin E. India
1.9812.41 70t85 bad logs resinCongo bags 1.78 bJ
quebrachoextract bags 2.26 80 cases 1.90 67
resin kauri
atomizedlArgentina resin kauri bags 1.56
quinine cases 4.70 166 bags 3.34 118
quininebark resin Manila 't.50
bales 3.68/4.10 130/145 retorts, loose 53
q u i n i n es u l p h a t e cases 3.17 112 1.76 62
rhea fibre bales

50 51
Merchandise m3 Cub feet particurars Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars
per ton per ton perton perton

rhubarbpowder bags 3.00 106

rice Brazil oags t.co 55
rice Saigon Dags 1.44 51
rice Burma saddlery cases 2.26 80
oags 33/1.36 47t48 safes 1.42t1.70 50/60
rice Rio Grande bags 47 52 safflower bales 1.84 65
rice meal oags 7611.81 62t64 safflower cases 1.64 58
rice unpolished bags 84/1.98 65t70 saffron 1.98 70
ricebranpellets bulk 1.47t1.7 52160 max. 14o/o sago bags 1.61/1.98 57170 dry stowage
moisture sago boxes 1.53 54
roofingfelt rolls 1.5. 53 sago casks 1.70 60
rope nemp coils 3.68 130 sago flour bags 1.7011.76 60162
rope tarred coils 2.8312.97100/105 salt bags 1.05/1.13 37140 mast or burlap
rope coir coils 4.25 150 to protect
rubber scrap drums 2.79 101 againstdirect
rubbersolution drums 1.95 70 contact with
rubber Brazil cases 1.84 65 cool dry sto- iron
wage salt bulk 0.99/1.13 35140
rubber Java cases 1.64 58 heat causes de- big bags 1.05/1.15 37141
teriorationmoi- qr llnotra bags 0.96/1.08 34/38 pot. nitrate
sture causes saltpetre bulk 1.02 36
mold and mas- sano 0.57 20
singof contents sand,vitreous bulk 0.65/0.71 23125
rubberSingapore cases 1.42 AA
sapan wooo 2.89 102
rubber guard against sardines cases 1.0811.22 38143
Cylon bales 1.84 65 dust getting in-
Penang schist cases 1.81 64
bales 1.98 70 to rubber scones bags 0.93 33 n o tw i t hs u l p h .
rubberW. Africa bales 1.84 65 amm.
rubber tyres bales 3.68t4.25 130/150 scrap,iron/steel loose 0.80/1.25 28144
rum casks 1.9812.04 70t72 scrap, copper loose 0.50/0.75 18127
rum cases 1.7011.81 60/64 seal oil casks 1.56/1.61 55157
rutile bags 0.70 25 seeds
rye bags 1.45 52 alfalfa . oags 1.61 all seedsre-
aniseed oags 3.40 't20
beni oags 1.47t'\.58 52156

52 53
Merchandise m3 Cub feet particulars Merchandise m3 Cubfeet particulars
per ton per ton perton perlon

seeds sun flower Odessa bulk 2.32t2.43 8?J86

bird oags 1.70 60 sun flower USA 2.32 82
canary bags 1.421.70 50/60 seagrass bales 6.79t7.36 2401260
caraway oags 1.70t1.81 60/64 semetin bags 1.70t1.81 60/64
castor oags 1.98t2.26 70t80 semolina bags 1.64t1.70 58/60
cerery bags 2.15 76 senna leaves bales 3.40/3.68 1201130 stow away from
clover oags 1.421.84 50/65 greasy gooos
coriander Dags 3.54/3.68125t130 shale 1.56 55
corianderArg. bags 1.98 70 shark fins bags 1.67/1.95 60/70
cotton oags 2.26 80 sharps New Zealand 1.84 65
cotton Afr. oags 2.41t2.55 85/90 sheep dip drums 1.42J1.50 50/53
cotton bulk 1.84 65 sheelitiAfrica bags 0.74 26
cummtn oags 3.54/3.68125t130 sheepskinsArg. bales 2.49 88
fennel oags 2.72 96 sheepskinsUruguay bales 2.83 100
grass bags 1.42t1.70 50/60 sheeoskinsAfr. bales 3.11/3.96110/140
nemp bags 1.921.98 68/70 sheeoskinsNew bales/
jowari 1.36t1.47 48t52 Zealanddumped bags 4.53 160
linseedArg. bags 1.64t1.70 58/60 sheeoskinsNew
linseed Calc. bags 2j2 75 Zealandand Austr.
linseed Riv. Plate bulk 1.42t1.56 50/55 undumoed bales 4.25 150
linseed bulk 1.56/1.58 55/56 sheepskinspressed bales 2.26 80
millet bags 1.47t1.ffi 52t55 shells abalone bags 3.90 141
millet bulk 1.27t1.44 45t51 sheflssmall cases 1.1911.27 4245
mustard oags 1.70 60 shells farge cases 1.2711.36 45148
Niger 1.81 64 shellac cases 2.41 85 infl. liquid.
poppy Ind. oags 1.98t2.04 70t72 shells bags 1.70/1.98 60/70
rape oags 1.64t1.76 58t62 shingle 0.68 24
seeds, safflower bulk 1.92t2.1568t76 shooks bundles 2.5512.69 90/95
USA shovels packag. 2.55 90
salextract pellets bulk 1.6411.76 58162 siennaearth bag 1.67 59
seradilla bags 1.67 60 silicon,ferro drums 1.31 47
sesameInd. bags 1.7011.92 60/68 silicium,metallic big bags 1.27 45
sesame Afr- bags '1.84/1.98 silk
65/70 bales 3.26/3.68115/130
sorgnum bags 1.42 50 silk, raw bales 3.11/3.401101120
sugar beet bulk 3.71 131 silk cases 2.9713.26105/115
sun flower
sun flower Afr.
s i l k ,C h i n a
cartons 3.2513.55
sun flowerArg. bulk 2j2 75

u 55 ili
Merchandise m3 Cub feet particulars Merchandise m3 Cub feet particulars
per ton per ton per ton per ton

sorghum bulk 1.67 60

simsim bags 1.84/1.98 65/70 soya beans bulk 1.58/1.64 56/58
sisal bales 2.2612.41 80/85 soya beans Rio Grandebulk 1.50 53
skins goat bales 2.69 95 soya bean meal bags 1.4211.84 50/65
skins karakul bales 6.96 250 spelter-ingots 0.28 10
skins rabbit bales 2.49 88 sponges pressed bales 4.53 160
slates loose 0.57 20 starch cases 2j21226 75180 drystowage
slates, roof cases 0.68 24 starch casks 2.41 85
sleeperssteel 0.62 22 wooden slee- stationery cases 1.84/1.98 65170
pers to be sto- steam slack
'1.3611.44 48151
wed on a bed USA-Newport-N. bulk
of sawdust per stearine casks 1.84 65
sleeper steel
sleepers iron 1.05 37 MP Plates 11 0.296
soap boxes 1.421.56 50/55 HRS Hot RolledSheets 18 0.502
soap toilet '1.9812.26 HSP Hot RolledSheets,
boxes 70180
sooa bags 1.70/1.98 60170 stow away from Pickledand Oiled 16 0.447
iron or galvani- HC Hot RolledSheets
zed goods in Coil 18 0.502
soda casks 1.84 65 HCP Hot RolledSheet
sooa b i g b a g s1 . 1 0 39 in Coil, Pickled
soda ash light bags 1.84 65 bags with crops and Oiled 18 0.502
soda E. Afr. bags 1.1311.27 40145 CRS Cold RolledSheets 19 0.54
soda bicarbonate kegs 1.53 54 CC Cold Rolled Sheet
soda caustic drums 0.71 25 in Coil 18 0.502
sodium GS GalvanisedSheets 20 0.56
acetate drums 1.76 62 GC GalvanisedProfile
cyanide drums 1.0511.42 37150 pots. Sheets 18 0.502
ferrocyanide cases 1.42 50 pors. TP Tinolate 16 0.447
nitrate bags 0.99 35 oxy. mal. very TPC Tinolaatin Rolle 20 0.56
case of fire
nitrate bulk 0.74 26
perborate drums 1.92 68
phosphate barrels 1.98 70
silicofluoride bags 0.79 28
sulfate casks 0.71 25

56 i
Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars
perton perton per lon perlon

sugar Calcutta bags 1.25 44

sugar Mauritius bags 1.30t1.42 46i50
steel sugar Java bags 1.3611.4248/50
MH HeavyMill 12 0.335 sugar candy cases 1.56 55
Billets,Sections& sulphateof potash bags 1.22 43 give off a dust
Bars damagingother
1-Section 40 1.12 cargo
Channels 42 1.17 sulphateof soda bags 1.22 43 after dischg.
Angles 16 0.447 a m m .s u l p .
Flats 15 0.418 holds to be
Rounds 18 0.502 washedout. Not
ML L i g h tM i l l with cement,
Sections and Bars as basic slag galv.
aoove tron
ReinforcingBars 14 0.390 sulphateof ammonia bags 1.221.64 43/58 readilyignited
MT Window Section 16 0.447 sulphateof ammonia bulk 1.19t1.27 42145 by sparks
MF FencingPosts 16 0.447 sulphur bulk 1.08/1.1338/40
StrainingPosts 15 0.418 sulphur cases 1.27 45
Droppers 16 0.447 sulphur Kegs 1.42t1.56 50/55 cor. liq. fuming
MR Wire Rod 65 1.81 s ul p h u r bags 1.22 43
steel,mounting bundles 0.85 30 s u l p h u r i ca c i d jars 1.67 59
stones 0.40/0.48 14117 sultanas cases 1.53 54
stones,pavement bulk 0,54 19 sumac Dags 2.04 72
strawbraid cases 8.21 290 no other cargo sumac bales 3.11/3.541101125
on top sumac leaves bales 4.25 150
strip iron 0.48t0.71 17125 sumac leaves bags 1.76/1.98 62170
strip steel 0.57 20 sunflower Dags 1.98/3.07 701110
strontium carbonate barrels 2j8 77 sunflowerexpeller oags 2.79 100
strontiumnitrate barrels 0.62 22 oxy. mat. expl. sunfloweroil drums 1.96 70
sugar cases 1.27 45 sunflowermeal bags 1.67 60
sugar casks 1.81 64 sunflower seed bulk 1.81/1.9565170
sugarbrownAfr. bags 1.13 40 superphoshate Dags 1.1311.4240i50 stow away from
sugarwhiteAfr. bags 1.27 45 foodstuffs
sugaryellowAfr. bags 1.19 42 superphosphatetriple bulk 1.33/1.04 47137
sugarAustr. bags 1.1911.27 42145 superphosphate triPle
sugarBrazil bags 1.36 48 casablanca bulk 1.5 53
suqarCuba bags 1.2711
.33 45147 superphosphate,
sugarCuba bulk 1,3011,32 46147 triple,Tampa bulk 1.0511.2237143
Germany b i g b a g s 1. 1 5 41

Merchandise m3 eub feetparticulars Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars
perton perton perton perton

superphosphate, tea China chests 2.83 100

triple bulk 1.33 47 max. teaChina 0,5chests 3 . 1 1 100
sweetbreads boxes and tea Ceylon cases 2.83t2.97100/105
crates 1.56/1.70 55/60 teak wood rogs 2.26 80
synthetics bales 3.4 120 telephonepoles wood 2.26t3.40 801120
syrup casks 1.7011.84 60/65 textiles,Macao
cotton cartons 6.00/9.00 2151320
silk cartons 7.00/10.0 2481355
T synthetics cartons 5.00/7.00 1771248
talc powder bags 0.85 30 dry stowage tiles roofing crates 2.41 85
talc powder barrels 1.53 54 tiles roofing loose 1.42 50
tallow casks 1.9812.26 7Ol8O stowawayfrom tiles fire clay crates 1.4211.47 50152
engines timber,Penang bdls. 3.40 120
tallow hogs- timber,USA bdls. 3.54 126
heads 2.1212.41 75185 ash 1.4411.50 51/53
tamarinds cases 1.13/1.36 40148 beech 1.44t1.50 51/53
tamarinds casks 1.58 56 birch 1.7011.78 60i63
tanningextract casks '1.5611.42 1.42 50
55/50 djati
tantalite 0.57 20 etm 1.76t1.84 62165
tapioca bags 1.58/1.64 56/58 fi r 2.21t2.32 78t82
tapioca cases 1.56 55 greenheart 0.96/1.02 34/36
tapioca pellets bulk 1.58/1.64 56/58 max. 14ok cedar slats 2j2226 75t80
moisture jarrah 0.79/0.85 28t30
tapiokapellets, larch 2.21t2.32 78t82
branded bulk 1.4211.56 50/55 managony 1.08t1 .27 38/45
tapioka pellets, oak Afr. 1.30 46
native bulk 1.5611.70 55/60 oak America 1.22 43
tar barrels 1.58/1.64 56/58 oak England 1.16 41
tdr Stockholm barrels 1.53 54 oak Centr.Europe 1.42 50
Iares bags 1.47 52 oak green 1.02 36
tares bulk 1.36 48 pitch pine 1.92t2.07 68/73
tavola bags 1.3611
.47 48152 spruce 2.26t2.8 80/84
tea Afr. chests 2.5512.69 90/95 stow away from teak 1.13/1.3040t46
tea,India chests 2.0412.1272175 odorousand walnut green 1.08/1 .13 38/40
tea, Chittagong chests 3.2613.401151120moist goods walnut dried 1.56/1 .64 55/58
tin ingots 0.2010.28 7110
tin concentrates bags 0.39 14
tinned goods cartons 1.39/1.67 50/60
tin plates cases 0.71 25

60 61
Merchandise m3 Cub feet oarticulars Merchandise m3 Cub feet particulars
per ton per ton per ton per ton

tierah wood Morocco

2.69t3.11 95/110
cartons 8.91 321
tobacco Afr. bales 3.40 120 dry stowage urea bags 2.12 75
good ventilation
tobacco Afr.
tobacco Afr.
cases 3.11
110 V
odor of tobacco
heads 4.81 170 will damage valonea bags 2.6912.83 95/100
tobacco,Argentina bales 3.68 130 foodstuff vatonea bulk 2.55 90
tobacco Calcutta bales 2.12 75 vanilla cases 1.9212.04 68172
tobacco Cavalla bales 3.48 123 varnish cases 1.56 55
tobacco Japan bales 2j2 75 varnish drums 1.47 52
tobacco Sumatra bales 2.8313.40 100t120 vaseline cases 1.73 61
tobacco Turkey bales 4.53 160 vegetables cartons 1.56 56
toilet requisites vermicelli cases 3.11 110
(earthenware) 1.98t2.12 70t75 vermiculite bags 1.3611.47 48152
tomatoes cases 2.04 72 vrnegar cases 1.56 55
tortoiseshell cases 4.30 152 vinegar barrels 1.7011.76 60162
tow Afr. bales 4.1014.39145/155
tow N. Zealand
tow (dumped)
bales 4.53 160 w
New Zealand bales 6.79 240 watches cases 4.25 150
towels cotton cases 4.25 150 wattle extract bags 1.2711.42 45/50 dry stowage
towels linen cases 2 Al
124 wattle bark bags 2.9713.40105/120
tungoil drums 1.67 60 wattle bark pressed 1.56 55
t u r n i pc h i p s bags wattle poles loose 2.52 90
20 kg 5.95 210 wattle poles logs bundles 3.36 120
turpentine barrels 1.76 62 stow away from water fresh 1.02 36
goods damaged water salt 0.99 35
by taint wax, synthetics cargo 212 75
turpentine drums 1.56 55 on pallets
turmeric bags 2j2 75 wax emulsion drums 1.81 65
twine bundles 2.2612.32 80182 weed killingcompound drums 1.53 55
tyres pneumatic 3.68t4.25 130/150 whalemeat meal bags 2.23 80
typewriters cases 1.8412.12 65/75 whale oil drums 1.81/1.95 65/70
wheat bags 1.39/1.67 50/60
whisky cases 1.6411.76 58162


Merchandise m3 Cub feet particulars Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars
per ton per ton perton perton

whisky hogs- wood deal Scotch 2.03 72

heads 1.87 oo wood elm, Canadian 1.40 49.8
whisky barrels 1.76 62 wood elm, English 1.81 64
white homingchop wood fir, Douglas | .oo 59
Af rica bags 1.2211.78 43/63 wood fir, larch 1.98 70
whitening casks 1.2711.42 45/50 wood fir, spruce 1.81 64
wine cases 1.9812"26 70/80 wood greenheart 0.89 31.5
wine barrels 1.70/1.98 60/70 wood hornbeam 1.34 47.6
wine lees bags 1.70 60 wood iron 0.89 Jt.3
window glass cases 2.04 72 wood jungle 1.11 39.3
wire-barbed rolls 1.13 40 wood lime 1.81 64
wire rolls iron 0.71 25 wood mahagonyHonduras 1.81 64
wire rolls iron 1.4211.70 50/60 wood mahagonySpanish 1.24 44
wire fencing rolls 5.66 200 wood maple 1.49 53
wire netting rolls 3.26 115 wood oak, African 1.01 36
wire-rope coils 0.84 30 wood oak, American,white 1.29 45.7
weldednetting rolls 4.53 160 wood oak, American,red 1.19 4Z.Z
wolfram bags 0.5710.68 20t24 wood oak, English 1.21 43
wood pulp dry bales 1.56/1.64 55/58 wood pine,Scotch 1.54 54.6
wood pulp wet bales 1.50/1.56 53/55 wood pine, red 1.86 66
wood ash 1.31 46.6 wood pine,longleaf 1.50 53.3
wood balsa 9.06 320 wood pine,shortleaf 1.66 59
wood beech 1.3.t 40.o wood pine,loblolly 1.66 59
wood birch 1.40 49,8 wood pine,Norwegian 1.86 66
wood campeche 3.4014.25120t150 wood pine,pitch 1.66 59
wood cedar 1.7012.26 60/80 wood pine,westernwhite 2.26 80
wood cedarAmerican 1.81 64 wood pine,northernwhite 2.34 83
wood cedar Lebanon 2.11 74.6 wood pine,yellow 1.98 70
wood cedarW-lndies 1.34 47.6 wood pine,white 2.11 74.6
wood chestnut
wood cork
I wood red Californian,green
wood red Californian,dry
wood cotton black, green 1.37 48.7 wooo sycamore 1.71 60.5
wood cotton dry 2.64 93.3 wood teak African 1.05 37.3
wood cypress 2.34 83 wood teak Burma 1.17 41.5
wood deal Christiana 1.47 52 wood, Penang bdls. 2.83 100
wood deal English 2.17 77

64 65 1
Merchandise m3 Cubfeet particulars Merchandise m3 Cubfeetparticulars
perton perton perton perton

wool E. Afr. pressed bales 2.3212.55 82190 not to be sto-

wedon top of
or withoutplan- zinc dust drums 0.70 25
king nor above zinc ingots E. Afr. 0.23 8
maizeor other zinc slabs E. Afr. 0.23 8
cargolikelyto zinc chloride drums 0.88 31 oxy.mat.
heatthrowoff zinc oxide barrels 1.7012.8360/100
moisture zinc sulfate barrels 1.30/1.70 46/60
wool, S. Afr. pressed bales 4.67 165 zinc sulfate bags 1.70 OU
wool, S. Afr. unpressed 5.09 180 zinc concentrates bulk 0.43 15
wool, S. Afr. greasy bales 5.38 190 zircon bags 0.70 25
wool, Austr.undumpedbales 6.79 240
wool, Austr.dumped bales 3.40t4.33120t153
wool, greasy, scoured bales 3.40 120
wool, Beirutdumped bales 2.92 103
wool, Mediterranean
half pressedand
corded 5.66 200
wool, N. Zealanddum-
ped greasy bales 2.60 92
wool, N. Zealandund.
greasy bales 4.87 172
wool, Patagonian 0.76/0.85 27t30
wool, Spain pressed bales 3.68 130
wool, Spain unpressed bales 6.00 212
wool, scoured bales 6.13 220
wool, topes bales 4.46 160
wool, mohair bales 4.47 161

yeast food drums 1.70 61

66 67

& Capacity 4 cubic melerdry cargocontainer
Generalremarks S o e c i cf a t i o n
1 A br. kg 30480 outsideL = 12,192m O u t s i d eC u b i c
outsideW = 2,438m Measurement: 5 . 2 1c u . m .( 1 8 4c u . f t . )
outsideH = 2,438m I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 3.82 cu.m. (135cu.ft.)
1AA br. kg 30480 outsideH = 2,591m Cargo Capacity: 4083kg (9000lbs.)
1 B br. kg 25400 outsideL = 9 , 1 2 5m T a r eW e i g h t : 454 kg (1000lbs.)
outsideW = 2,438m
outsideH = 2,438m outside inside
1BB br. kg 25400 outsideH = 2,591m Length: 1.30m (4.25ft.) 1.18m (3.87ft.)
1 C br. kg 20320 outsideL = 6,058m width: 1.90m (6.25ft.) 1.80m (5.91ft.)
outsideW = 2.438m Height: 2 . 1 0m ( 6 . 8 9f t . ) 1 . 8 8m ( 6 . 1 7f t . )
outsideH = 2,438m
= 2,591m height width
I Utr br. kg 20320 outsideH
= 2,991m D o o rS i z e : 1.76m (5.77ft.) 1.40m (4.59ft.)
1 D br. kg 10160 outsideL
outsideW - 2,438m
outside H = 2,438m
I E br.kg 7110 outsideL = 1,968m
outsideW = 2,438m
outside H = 2,438m
1 F br. kg 5080 outside L = 1,460m
outsideW = 2,438m
outside H = 2,438m

A l l o w a n c e L e n g t=h- 3 m m , W i d t h = - 5 m m , H e i g h t- - 5 m m
' 5 m m
- 6mm

- Tare weight and insidecapacitymay vary slightly- different

- Stowage - loss:
bales . * 15-20ok
light-weightbags.. - 10o
l i g h t - w e i g ht ti n . . . . - 5-10%
h e a v y - w e i tgi hn t. . . . . . . . . . - 20fo
general cargoes = 25%

68 69
8 cubic meter dry cargo conlainer 10 cubic meterdry cargocontainer
Soecification Specification

O u t s i d eC u b i c O u t s i d eC u b i c
Measurement: 10.33cu.m. (365cu.ft.) Measurement: 1 1 . 6c u . m .( 4 1 0c u . f t . )
I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 8.35ccu.m. (295cu.ft.) I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 9.7 cu.m. (345cu.ft.)
Cargo Capacity: 5 0 8 0k g ( 1 1 2 0 0l b s . ) Cargo Capacity: 6350kg (12104lbs.)
T a r eW e i g h t : 8 1 7 k g ( 1 8 0 0l b s . ) Tare Weight: 860 kg (1896lbs.)

outside inside outside inside

Length: 2.60m (8.50ft.) 2.48m (8.14ft.) Lengih: 2.595m (8.51ft.) 2.492m (8.18ft.)
width: 1.90m (6.25ft.) 1.80nr (5.91ft.) \,vidth: 2.143m (7.03ft.) 2.058 m (6.75ft.)
Height: 2.10 m (6.89ft.) 1 . 8 8m ( 6 . 1 7f t . ) Height: 2.090m (6.86ft.) 1.905m (6.25ft.)
height width height width
D o o rS i z e : 1.76m (5.77tt.l 1.40m (4.59ft.) D o o rS i z e :
Rear 1.9 m (6.23ft.) 2.058 m (6.75ft.)

I cubic meter dry cargo container


20 ft. steel flat with removable sides (4 ft. high) - open top
O u t s i d eC u b i c
Measurement: 1 0 . 1c u . m .( 3 5 7c u . f t . ) Soecification
I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 8.01cu.m. (283cu.ft.)
Cargo Capacity: 5443kg (12000lbs.) Outside Cubic
Tare Weight: 800 kg (1764lbs.) 17.7 cu.m. (625 cu.ft.)
I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 13.3cu.m. (470cu.ft.)
outside inside MaximumGross Weight: 27329ks (60250lbs.)
Length: 2.40 m (7.87tI.) 2.26 m (7.41ft.) Cargo Capacity: 25002k9 (55120lbs.)
width: 2.10 m (6.89ft.) 1.99m (6.53ft.) Tare Weight: 2327k9(5130lbs.)
Height: 2.01 m (6.59ft.) 1.79m (5.87ft.)
outside inside
height width Length: 6.05 m ('19.85ft.) 5.91 m (19.39ft.)
D o o rS i z e : width: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.32 m (7.61tt.l
Rear 1.75m (5.74ft.) 1.a0m (4.59ft.) Height: 1.20m (3.94ft.) 0.97 m (3.18ft.)

70 71
20 ft. steel collapsible llal with 4 ft. high ends 20 ft. collapsible steel llat (8 ll. high) - collapsible superstructure
S o e c i ifc a t i o n Soecification

O u t s i d eC u b i c O u t s i d eC u b i c
Measurement: 18.0cu.m. (636cu.ft.) Measurement: 3 6 . 0 8c u . m .( 1 2 7 4c u J L )
I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 1 2 . 3c u . m .( 4 3 4c u . f t . ) I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 2 8 . 5 0c u . m .( 1 0 0 6c u . f t . )
Cargo Capacity: 20015kg (4a133lbs.) C a r g oC a p a c i t y : 2 0 0 1 5k g ( 4 4 1 3 3l b s . )
Tare Weight: 1829kg (4033lbs.) Tare Weight: 1829kg (4033lbs.)
outside inside outside inside
Length: 6 06 m (19.00ft.) 5.85 m (19.19ft.) Length: 6.06 m (19.88ft.) 5.85m (19.19ft.)
width: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.26 m (7.42 tt;1 width: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.26 m (7.42 tt.l
Height: 1.21m (4.00ft.) 0.93 m (3.05ft.)- Height: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 215 m (7.04tt.)
* M e a s u r e du n d e r n e a t h
cross bar

20 ft. steel collapsible llal (4 ft. high) - with lwo rows ot steel side
rails and steel end panels 20 tl. steel collapsible flat with sleel side and end rails
Specification Soecification

Outside Cubic O u t s i d eC u b i c
Measurement: cu.m. (637cu.ft.) Measurement: 2 6 . 0c u . m .( 1 2 7 0c u . f t . )
lnside Cubic Capacity: 12.3cu.m. (435cu.ft.) I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 2 8 . 4c u . m .( 1 0 0 3c u . f t . )
Cargo Capacity: 21844kg (48166lbs.). Gross Weight: 21865kg (48160lbs.)
Tare Weight: 1524 kg (3360lbs.) Cargo Capacity: 1e170kg (42224)tbs.)
Tare Weight: 2695 kg (5936lbs.)
outside inside
Length: 6.06 m (19.88ft.) 5.85 m (19.21ft.) outside inside
width: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.26 m (7.42 tL''1 Length: 6.06 m (19.87ft.) 5.85 m (19.19ft.)
Height: 1.22m (4.00lt.) 0.93 m (3.04ft.)- width: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.26 m (7.42tt.J
" Measuredbeneath Height: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.15 m (7.04ft.)*
. Measuredunderneathbar
lower rail

72 73
20 ft. collapsible coil carrier flat with side and end rails 20 ft, aluminiumdry cargo container
Soecification Soecif ication

O u t s i d eC u b i c O u t s i d eC u b i c
Measurement: 36.08cu.m. (1274cu.tt.l Measurement: 3 6 . 0c u . m .( 1 2 7 3c u . f t . )
I n s i d eC u b i c I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 3 1 . 4c u . m .( 1 1 0 9c u . l t . )
Capacity: 27.5 cu.m. (970cu.ft.)" C a r g oC a p a c i t y : 18400kg (40570lbs.)
T a r eW e i g h t : 1920kg 4230lbs.)
poinl loading distributed loading
Cargo Capacity: 18458kg (40656lbs.)22017 ko (48496lbs.) oulside inside
Tare Weight: 3407 kg (7504lbs.) 3407 kg (7504lbs.) Length: 6.05 m (19.87ft.) 5.92 m (19.43ft.)
t.. width: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.36 m (7.74 lt.'1
outside inside Height: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.25 m (7.38 ft.)
Length: 6 06 m (19.88ft.) 5.92m (19.42ft.) height widlh
width: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.29m (7.50ft.)
Height: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.04 m (6.69ft.)' D o o rS i z e : 2.16 m (7.07ft.) 2 29 m (7.51ft.)
* Measuredbeneath
cross bar 20 fi. ISO FRP-plywood
20 ft. steeldry cargo container
Soecification O u t s i d eC u b i c
f\4easurement: 36.0cu.m. (1273cu.ft.)
I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 3 1 . 3c u . m .( 1 1 0 5c u . f t . )
O u t s i d eC u b i c Cargo Capacity: 18290ks (40323lbs.)
Measurement: 3 6 . 0c u . m .( 1 2 7 0c u . f t . ) Tare Weight: 2030 kg (4475lbs.)
I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 3 1 . 0c u . m .( 1 0 9 4c u . f t . )
Cargo Capacity: 18140kg (39998lbs.) outside inside
Tare Weight: 2180ks (4807lbs.) Length: 6.06 m ('19.88ft.) 5.91 m (19.38ft.)
outside inside width: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.34 m (7.68ft.)
Height: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.27 m (7.44tt.\
Length: 6.05 m (19.84ft.) 5.90 m (19.35ft.)
width: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.35 m (7.71tt.) heiEht width
Height: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.24 m (7.35tr.) D o o rS i z e : 2.16 m (7.08ft.) 2.34m (7.68ft.)
Note: Due to its plywood sandwich elements this container has
height width high insulating quality compared with ordinary aluminumor steel
D o o rS i z e : 2.13 m (6.99ft.) 2.31 m (7.58ft.) containers

20 fl. open top steel container -TlR- 20 ft. steel open side container
Soecification S p e ci fi c a t i on

O u t s i d eC u b i c O u t s i d eC u b i c
M e a s ur e m e n t : 3 6 . , |c u . m .( 1 2 7 3c u . f t . ) ',,1easu rement: 3 6 . 1c u . n r ( . 1 2 7 c3u f t )
I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 29.4cu.m. (1037cu.ft.) I n s i d eC u b i cC a p a c i t y : 2 9 . 4c u m . ( 1 0 3 8c u . l t)
C a r g oC a p a c i t y : 18130kg (39971lbs.) O a r g oC a p a c i t y : .17800 (392as
kg lbs )
TareWelght: 2190kg (4829lbs.) T a r eW e i g h t : 2520kg (ss57lbs.)
outside inside oulside inside
Length: 6.06 m (19.88ft.) 5.89 m (19.32ft.) Length: 6 . 0 6m ( 1 98 8 f t . ) 5 9 2 m ( 1 94 2 f t )
width: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.32 m (7.61tt.) wrdth: 2 . 4 4m ( 8 0 0 f t ) 2 3 4 m ( 7 6 8f t . )
Height: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.15 m (7.00ft.) Height: 2.44 m (8 00 ft,) 2 12 m (6 96 ft )
height width
height width
DoorSize: 2.03 m (6.66ft.) 2.29 m (7.51tt.) D o o rS i z e : 2 . 1 0m ( 6 . 8 9f t . ) 2 2 8 m ( 7 . 4 8t t \

20 fl. steelcontainerwith removablesteelroof - ISO standards-

20 ft. steel side door container
S p e c i cf a t i o n
Sc e c i fi c a t i o n
O u t s i d eC u b i c
M e a s ur e m e n t : 3 6 . 0c u . m .( ' 1 2 7 c3 u . f t . ) O u t s i d eC u b i c
Inside Cubic Capacity: 2 9 . 6c u . m .( 1 0 5 0c u . f t . ) Measurement: 3 5 9 0 c u . m .( 1 2 6 7c u . f t . )
Cargo Capacity: 17879kg (39382lbs.) I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 3 0 . 2c u . m .( . 1 0 6
TareWeight: 2460 kg (5418lbs.) C a r g oC a p a c i t y : 1 8 3 2 0k g ( 4 0 3 9 1I b s . )
outside inside T a r eW e i g h t : 2000kg (4409lbs.)
Length: 6.06 m (19.88ft.) 5.BBm (19.23ft.) oulside inside
width: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.31 m (7.58ft.)
Height: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.18 m (7.15ft.) Length: 6 . 0 5m ( 1 9 . 8 5f t . ) 5 8 6 m ( 1 92 3 f t )
widrh: 2 . 4 4m ( 8 . 0 0f t ) 2 3 1 m ( 7 . 5 8f t )
heighl width Height: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.23m (7.32tt.)
D o o rS i z e : 2.13 m (6.99ft.) 2.30 m (7.54ft.)
D o o rS i z e : height width
length width Rear 2 . 1 9m ( 7 . 1 9f t . ) 2 2 9 m ( 7 . 5 0f t . )
R o o fO p e n i n g : 5.63 m (18.47ft.) 2.30m (7.54ft.) Side 2 . 1 0m ( 6 . 8 9f t . ) 2 . s 0m ( 8 . 2 0f t )

20 ft. tank container-TlR- 30 ft. sleel side door conlainer
Specification S p e c iifc a t i o n

Outside Cubic O u t s i d eC u b i c
Measurement: 3 6 . 1c u . m (. 1 2 7 3
cu.ft.) l,4easu rement: 5 4 . 3c u . m .( 1 9 1 7c u . f t . )
Inside Cubic Capacity: 23 cu.m.(8'12 cu.ft.) l n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 45.5 cu.m. ('1606cu.ft.)
a^-^^ ^^^^^i+.,.
Cargo Capacity:Weight 23000kg (50640lbs.) vdr vv vdPdurLy. 22460kg (49524lbs.)
Volume 2300ltr (6070US Gal) T a r eW e i g h t : 2940 ks (6482lbs.)
Tare Weight: 2600kg (5750lbs.)
outside inside
outside Length: 9.13m (29.96ft.) 8.95 m (29.33ft.)
Length: 6.06m (19.88ft.) wicth: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.31 m (7.58ft.)
wi.dth: 2 . 4 4 m (8.00ft.) i l e i gh t : 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.20 m (7.22 tt.)
Height: 2.44 m (8.00ft.)
D o o rS i z e : height width
Rear 2.16 m (7.07fI.) 2.30 m (7.55ft.)
20 fl. sleel semi-insulated/venlilatedcontainer S .l e 2.00 m (6.56ft.) 1.70m (5.58ft.)

O u t s i d eC u b i c 30 tt. steel tilt container

Measurement: 36.0 cu.m. (1272cu.tt.) S p e c iifc a t i o n
Inside Cubic Capacity: 28.6cu.m. (10'10cu.ft.)
Cargo Capacity: 17730kg (39100lbs.)
Tare Weight: 2590 kg (5700lbs.) O u t s i d eC u b i c
l,'leasurement: 5 4 . 4c u . m .( 1 9 1 7c u . f t . )
outside inside l n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 4 2 . 8c u . m .( 1 5 1 5c u . f t . )
Length: 6.06 m (19.88ft.) 5.82 m (19.10ft.) C a r g oC a p a c i t y : 21900kg (48290lbs.)
width: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.24 m (7.35 tI.) T a r eW e i g h t : s500 kg (7717lbs.)
Height: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.19 m (7.19ft.)
oulside inside
height width Length: 9.13 m (29.95ft.) 8.96 m (29.40ft.)
Door Size: 2.13 m (6.99ft.) 2.24 m (7.35 tt.) width: 2.411m (8.00ft.) 2.31 m (7.58ft.)
Insulation: 50.8 mm (2 in.) Polyurethane{oam Height: 2.44 r;r (8.00ft.) 2.07 m (6.80ft.)
Lining 4 . 8 m m ( 0 . 1 8i n . ) P l y w o o d
Vent Door 4 front and 4 rear height width
228 x 381 mm (9 x15 in.) D o o rS i z e : 2.29 m (7.50ft.) 2.29 m (7.50ft.)

78 79
40 ft. open top steel container -TlR- l|{)tt. aluminiumdry van
Soecification Soecification

O u t s i d eC u b i c O u t s i d eC u b i c
Measurement: 77 cu.m. (2719cu.ft.) l,!easurement: 72.5 cu.m. (2560cu.ft.)
I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 64 cu.m. (2260cu.ft.) I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 64.0 cu.m. (2260cu.ft.)
Cargo Capacity: 26293k9 (57976ibs.) C a r g oC a p a c i t y : 27980kg (61680lbs.)
TareWeight: 4187kg (9232 lbs.) Tare Weight: 2500kg (5512lbs.)
outside inside
Length: 12.19m (40.0ft.) 12.06m (39.56ft.)
Length: 12.19m (39.99ft.) 11.99m (39.34ft.)
width: 2.43 m (8.0 ft.) 2.35 m (7.71tt.)
Height: 2.59 m (8.5 ft.) 2.35 m (7.71ft.) wrdth: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.29 m (7.51 tr.)
Height: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.35 m (7.71ft.)
height widlh
D o o rS i z e : 2.s2 m (7.61fi.) 2.32 m (7.61ft.) height width
D o o rS i z e : 2.16 m (7.09ft.) 2.26 m (7.4'l tt.)

40 ft, aluminiumdry cargo gooseneckconlainer tfo ft. steeldry cargo gooseneckcontainer

Soecification S o e c i cf a t i o n

O u t s i d eC u b i c O u t s i d eC u b i c
M e a s ur e m e n t : 77.0 cu.m. (2720cujt.) Measurement: 77.Acu.m. (2720cu.tt.)
I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 6 1 . 7c u . m .( 2 1 7 9c u . f t . ) I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 67.2 cu.m. (2375cu.ft.)
var vu
vdPdurLy. 27438kg (60500lbs.) Cargo Capacity: 26680kg (58829lbs.)
Taro Weight: 3038kg (6700lbs.) TareWeight: 3800 kg (8379lbs.)

outside inside* outside inside

Length: 12.19m (40.00ft.) 12.06m (39.57ft.) Length: 12.19m (40.00 ft.) 12.02m (39.44 ft.)
width: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.15 m (7.08ft.) width: 2.44m (8.00ft.) 2.34m (7.68ft.)
Height: 2.59 m (8.50ft.) 2.38 m (7.83ft.) Height: 2.59m (8.50ft.) 2.38m (7.81ft.)
height width height width
DoorSize: 2.30 m (7.54ft.) 2.50 m (8.20ft.) D o o rS i z e : 2.26 m (7.41tt.) 2.31m (7.57ft.)
- with linings
exteriorpost 8 ft. 6 in.high
exterior post 8 ft. 6 in.high

40 ft. sleel dry cargo container rl{)tt. tunnel refrigeraled conlainer
Specification S p e c iifc a t i o n

Outside Cubic O u t s i d eC u b i c
Measurement: 72.6 cu.m. (2547cu.It.) l.leasurement: 77.0 cu.m. (2720 cu.lt.)
I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 62.9cu.m. (2208cu.ft.) U n o b s i r u c t e dI n s i d e
Cargo Capacity: 26652kg (58800lbs.) C u b i cC a p a c i t y : 56.6cu.m. (1998cu.ft.)
TareWeight: 3830 kg (8400lbs.) Cargo Capacity: 25526kg (56284lbs.) with full fuel tank
25810kg (56900lbs.) without fuel
outside inside Tare Weight: 4909kg (10910lbs.) with fuel
4672kg (10300lbs.) without fuel
Length: 1 2 . 1 9m 1 2 . 0 6m Gross Weight: 30508 kg (67200lbs.)
width: 2.44m (8.00ft.) 2.35 m (7.71tt.l
Height: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.22 m (7.26 tt.) oulside inside
Length: 12.19m (39.67ft.) '10.96 (35.9s
m ft.)
height width width: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.26 m (7.41tt.)
D o o rS i z e : 2.13 m (7.0ft.) 2.29 m (7.5 lt.) Height: 2.59 m (8.50ft.) 2.23 m (7.31 tt.)
height width
D o o rO p e n i n g 2.14 m (7.02'tt.) 2.25 m (7.38ft.)
40 ft. sleel side door conlainer i ns ul a t i o n 0.08 m (3 in.) Polyurethane
Soecification L ning CorrugatedFiberglass
Vent Doors 1 Front,1 Rear TIR approved
Floor 0.06m (2.25in.) Cross Flow "T"
O u t s i d eC u b i c Circulation A i r R e t u r nB u l k h e a dS i n g l eF i n g e rD u c t
Measurement: 72.5 cu.m. (2560cu.ft.) ContainerHeatGain Rating24.2kg Calories(96 BTU)/hourper oC (F)
I n s i d eC u b i c C a p a c i t y : 6 1 . 7c u . m .( 2 1 7 9c u . f t . )
Cargo Capacity: 27070kg (s9678lbs.) RefrigerationUnit RecessedNose Mounted,single piece,
Tare Weight: 2930ks (6460lbs.) s e l f c o n t a i n e dd i e s e le l e c t r i cc o o l i n g /
h e a t i n gu n i t
outside Defrost Automatic
Length: Rating at 37.70C (',|00F) 4662kg Calories(18500BTU)/hr.
12.19m (40.00ft.) 11.99m (39.34ft.)
width: Ambient per 17.74C(0oF)evap. return air
2.44m (8.00ft.) 2.31 m (7.58ft.)
Height: 2.44 m (8.00ft.) 2.23 m (7.32 ft.\ 9198 kg Calories(36500BTU)/hr.
per 1.6oC(35oF)evap. return air
Electric Motor 15 Horse Power
D o o rS i z e : height width Controls 31 Day RecordThermometer/Thermostat
Rear 2.19 m (7.19ft.) 2.29m (7.50ft.) Temp. Rang,e -28.9oCto 26.7oC(-20oFto 80oF)
Side 2.10 m (6.89ft.) 2.50 m (8.20ft.) Fuel Tank 322 Liters (85 U.S. Gallons)

82 83
12m.(40')G.P.container. List of Merchandise with stowage factors in ton : 1000 kg
Min.interiordimension: = 12010x 2 330x2270 e3B0]r
LxWxH(l) per cubic meter
L = Length -
W = Width ( d a s h ) i n t h e c o l u m n , , m o i s t u r e, q ' u "m e a n s : n o i n f o r m a t i o n
H = Height in door
I = Internalheight F g;res- ore shipments t/rns Moistureo/o

Max.grossmass: 30480kg Agadir-Bov-Skoor 1 , 9- 2 , 8 5,3 - 5,8

Max.Tare: 3 900kg- A _gJl o m e r a t - s i n t e r 1,6 0,8
Min.Payload: 26 500kg A f c m e l oL u m p 2 9,5
Min.CubicCapacity: 66,6m3 A 3 a r r o b oL u m p 2 O,B
3 600 and 3 900 kg dependingon materialsused in A geria-BIende 2,2 7,5 - 't0
construction. A .g e r i a - l r o nO r e a n t i m o n a t eo b t a i n e d
by flotation 2,5
6m. (20')G.P.container. A -:e: a (GALENA)-Leadobtained
Min. interior dimensions:5 900 x 2330x 2 270 (2 580) = L x W x H (l) by flotation 2,9-4 6 - 9
Max. gross mass: 20 320kg t i = . a - Z i n cO r e 2-2,7 2 - 11,5
Max.Tare: 2200k9' : ^ : = ' a - Z i n cS u l p h i d eB l e n d eo b t a i n e d
Min. Payload: 1 81 2 0k g by flotation 2,2- 2,9
Min.CubicCapacity: 32,7m3 ,q:elstadt (mine Karl) 1,7 f-ro
*Variesbetween1 700 and 2200 .A::'rapa-Mn.-Lump 2,5 5,5
kg dependingon materialsused in
A-ewaybay-copperconcentrate 1 . 6 /.18 618o/o
Angola-Fe 2 - 4
Australia-Copper Ore 2,0- 2,3 B-10
6m. (20')Reefercontainer.Minimum interior dimensions: Australia-LeadOre 2-3 5-15
Length: 5 750mm Capacity: Australia-Nickel Ore 2 10-12
Width: 2 260 mm Max.gross Mass: 20 320 kg A:.rstralia-Pyritic Cinders 1,8 12-13
Doorwidth: 2 260mm Max.Tare: 2 900 kg A u s t r a l i a - Z i nO
cre 2 4 - 7
Height: 2235mm Min. Payload: 17 42okg
Door height: 2 215mm Min.Cub.capacity: 29,0m3
Barajandairon ore 1,9-2,3
Barbeka-Ore 2
6m. (20')Fruit Containers: Bauxit-Lump 1,8
MinimumInteriordimensions: Beceka-Mn.-Lump (Congo) 2,3 o-u
Beceka-Mn.-Fines 1 A - 2 5-7
Length: 5 770mm Capacity: ,) 4 - 5
Width: 2 300mm Max.gross Mass: 20321kg 22 0,3
B e e s h o e kL u m p
Height: 2275mm Max.Tare: 2 800 kg Belgian Flotation-Oxides I,O 3-10
Doorwidth: 2 300 mm Min.Payload: 17 520kg
Doorheight: 2215mm Bellary-Fe 2,7 0,5-2
Min.Cub.capacity: 30,2m3 2,5 1,7
Dimensionsand capacitiesof opentop, open sideand reducedheight
containersare obtainablefrom the containerOoerator.

? .
F i g u r e s - / o r es h i p m e n t s t./m3 M o i s t u r e9 i ,c<- r,ro <hinmonlq tm3 Moisture%

'-'' z4a-Zrnc 1,8-2,2 4-11

Bellary-lnd. 2,7 0,5-1 Ore
' , . ^ a C a - Z ' , nOc r e C o n t a i n i n gS il v e r 2 5,8
s e a s o n3 : e- r |- [ , a k e - Cnoc e n t r a l e 2,1 3-5
Bilbao-Spar t'l Pellets 2,5 1
Bilbao-rubio-ore 2 1 ia:: nga-Fines 2 5
B o l i d e nO x i d e s 1,7 I /,f, !a:s nga-Lump ?. 3,5
B o m i - H i lLl u m p 3,1 0 , 5- 1 , 4 : : -- ' o - B oIi v a r - r . o . m . 2,8 7 -9
B o m i - H il l- b l a s tf u r n a c e 27 0 , 5- 1 , 5 l : " o - 8 ol i v ar - F i n e s 2,6 10
Bomi-Hill-Fines 3 3 -5 3 : : r o N e g r oN o r t e P e l l e t s 2 1
Bomi-Hill-Concentrate 24 Fines 2,3 6
B o m i - H i l0l - 6 2,3 3-5 :- a'co-Pyrites 2,2 9,7
B o m v u - R i d g re. o . m . 2,3 A 4 l- .i Fe.-Lump 3,1
B o n g R a n g eC o n c e n t r a t e 2,6 5,7 :' e Fe.-Fines 28
BongRange-Pellets 2 , q i ' e - Z i n cO r e 2-2,1 4-B
B o u r c h i b ar . o . m . 22 10,8 C: -akry-r.o.m. 2,5 11,8
Brasi!-ore 2,8 !: -:kry-Fines 2,1 15
Brasil washed-oreRio 27 3,4 1:;cer slag 1.1
,7 --, -,il 2,5 0 , 8- 1 , 9
Brasil-Rio-ore t,c - \) : agner-Fe-Lump 't,B
B r a s i l i a nF e - L u m p 3,2 0 , 5- 1 , 5 I -::-Wagner-Fines 3,8
B r a s i l i a n0 - 6 2,7 3-5 l : : : - W a g n e r0 - 6 1,8 4
Brasilian-Fines-Rio 1,9 .iq : - :na-Lump 2,5 3-5
Brasilian-M n.-Ore 1,8 C ,p r - u s - C o p pO e rr e 1 , 5- 2 , 8 8 , 5- 1 2
Brown iron stone 1,8 C T p r u s - C o p p ePrr e c i p i t a t e s 1,8 15
Briltener-ore-r.o.m. 1,7 ; Cyprus-Pyrites 2,8 3,5
Cyprus-Oxides 1,7 18
Canada-ChalcoPyrite I
C a n a d a - C o p p eNr i c k e l 2,6 9,6 )am me-Concentrate 2,1
C a n a d a - C o p p eOr r e 2 - 2 A 4-12 D a n n e m o r aA - L u m p u,c- I
Canada-lron Ore Magnetite 2,7* 3,3 7-10 l a n n e m o r aB - L u m p a o n 7
C a n a d a - l r o nO r e P e l l e tF e e d J t' Dannemora-mixed-ore 2t
C a n a d a - l r o nO r e S i n t e rF e e d 3 4,6 Dielette-Lump I,C o,u
Canada-LeadOre 2-3,5 5 - 11 DjerissaFe-Lump 3 - 6
Canada-LeadSilver Ore
C a n a d a - N i c k eOl r e C o p p e r
, A
1,7 i
Canada-Pyrites 8 D o m i n i c a n - F e - L u mI p ,o
Canada-SilverLead Ore 11,5 Dominican-0-6 2,5
D o m i n i c a n - F e - L u lml lp 'P,

86 87
F i g u r e s - / o r es h i p m e n t s t/m3 Moisture% I - roq- nra ah inmpnlc tm3 M o i s t u r e%

Dominican-0-4 2
Drehofen-Mud 1,9 3 : a - M n . - 3 0 / 3 o2 ' o 1,9
D u i s b u r g eP
r urpur-ore 3: a-Fe 2,2 4-6
2 rg,s M o n s u n s e a s o7n- 1 0
D u n g u nF e - F i n e s 2
3: a-mixeC-ore 2,3
E c h t eL u m p 1,7 3 : a M a n g a n i f e r o u s - r . o .1m2.0 i oM n . 2,5 t,s
Echte Fines 1,5 3: Jsworthy-Lump 2,2 eo
El Pao-r.o.m. 2,3 3,4 3:'Jsworthy-Fines 2 4
F'Derik-Lump-siliz. 2 3 - i n g e s b e r gG R 1 2,4 0,8
1,8 3 - d r g e s b e r gG R 2 2,5 1,2
F ' D e r i k - b l a sFt u r n a c e z,o 1
F'Derik-Fines 2 1 2,6
3 ' i n g e s b e r gG R 3 2,6 1,4
F i nl a n d - l l m , e n i t e 2,3 3-7
a-:nnacharn Finac 3,3 3,4
F i n l a n d - L e aO d re 2,8 8,6
3 ' a : r d - L a h o u - L u m p - MAn . 2,5 6,5
Finland-Oxides 3 - a ^d - L a h o u - F i n e s - M n . 2,6 8,3
1,7 11,1
3':ece-Blende 2,2 7-12
Finland-PelletsBreeze lron 660/o 2
Finland-Pyrites 3 ' : : c e - l r o n P y r i t eF l o t a t i o nC o n c e n -
2,5 8,4
trate containsS 45-48o/o I - t l
F I or i d a - P e b b l e s - P h o s p h . 1,8
3 ' = e c e ( G A L E N A ) - L e aSdu l p h i d eF l o t a.2,2
Folldal-Oxides 1,7 17,1 tion concentrate Pb. cnt.
Forsterbruch-M ud 1,3
52-65olo a 1 1
Fosdalen-Concentrate 2,5 7 3 ' : e c e - Z i n c S u l p h i d eB l e n d e F l o t a t i o n
France-Fluorspar 1,6 10 Concentrate Zn. Content
Franco Belga-rustspar 2,1 1
32 50-54o/o 2,2 I - t l
FLisseberg-Lump-grate lu-t 3'cote lsland-Mn.-Lump 2,2 7
3 J a t e m a l a - L e aadn d Z i n c C a l c i n e s
Geislingen-Lump I,t mixed 1,8 5
Ge i s l i n g e n - F i n e s I,O
Gellivare-D - al o u z e - F i n e s 2,3 4,4

.r, I
Gellivare-Mulm 2,7 :alouze-Lump 2,1 | ,.t
Gellivare-A-Concentrate 2,8 :i amersley-Fines 21 4,6
Geyer 1,5 iamersley-Lump 2,3 1 A

- l o t a z e l - M n . - L u mHpl ,2 0,9
Ghana-Mn.-Lump 2,3 4 - 5
Ghana-Mn.-Fines 2 6-B
Gichtstaub 1,5 ICkerberg-Fines 2,5 3
Goa-Mn.-46148 o/o 2,2 z - 4
Id k e r b e r g - L u m p ? 1 1
M o n s u n s e a s o7n - 1 0 lmini-Mn. 2,4
l n d i a - l r o nO r e P e l l e t s 2,3- 2,6 2-3

88 6V
= g u r e s -o r e s h i p m e n t s t ,m , Moisture%
Figures-/oreshipments t/m3 Moisture

lnd.-Mn.46/48olo 2,3 2-4 -c raCor-non-Bessemer 2,3 8 - 9

India-Goa-Pellets I ron Ore 2,3-2,6 2-4 " 3 r a C o r - r . o . m . - 4o,/5oM n . 2,3 11
l r a n - C h r o m eO r e 2,5 0,6 ' : J e a n n i n eC o n c e n t r a t e 2,3
Itabira-Fines 2,6 3-6 3rgo-ore-Lump 2A 1,5
Itabira-Lump 3,1 0 , 8- 1 , 3 -engeder-P-ore
1,8 5,9
Itabira-Pellets 2 1 22 2
Itabira-Rubbles 2,7 1-2 -c ia:hla-Mn.Lumo-L5 2,2 i

Itabira SinterfeedA 1,8 4,3 -c hathla-Mn.-Lump-L7 2,3 1

Itabira SinterfeedB 1,9 6 t.raimbergetA 2 , 9- 3,1 1
t.la inbergetA Concentrate 2 , 8- 3,1 6,7
Josefa-Spar 2,2 0,50 t " l a i m b e r g eAt F i n e s 2 , 8- 3,1 1,8
l.r3'rnbergetB Fines 2,7- 3,1 3
Kalavassos-Oxides 1,7 10 t.rarberget D 2 , 9- 3,1 1,1
1- ro
Kanada Flotations < a L r a ' n b e r g e tD F i n e s 2 , 7- 3 1,9
Kanada-Mangan 2,5 Ua rberget Pellets 2 , 3- 2,4 1,5
Kanada-Oxides 1,7 3-10 r.r: -rberget Pellets/MPB1 2,1- 2,2 2,0
Kantorp-Concentrate 2,5 B t t: Tberget Pellets/MP83 2,O- 2,1 2,0
Kettara-Lump 2,2 3,6 \f a'natwan-Mn.-Lump 2,3 2,2
Klippenflos-Fines 1 7 a-f lfar gan-slag 1,8 4- 6
K l i p p e nlfo s - L um p 1,7 1,5 lf aeo-River-Fines 2,1 1 0- 1 1
Knob Lake Pellets 2,1 1,3 Llano-River-Lu mp 2,2 7-10
K o o l a nl s l a n d - r . o . n . 2,3 2,9 Maoava-Fines 2,2 5,3
Koolyanobbing-Fines 2,3 5 l.tapava-r.o.m. 2,3 0,8
KovdorskyConcentrate 2,1 3 t'apava-rubble 2,5 3
K i r u n aB 3,2- 3,4 1 lJarampaConcentrate 2,2
K i r u n aB F i n e s 3 , 1- 3 , 3 J f,{arampaFines
K i r u n aC 3,2- 3,4 llarampaLump t1
K i r u n aD 1 , q - 4 2 lrla rcona-Concentrate 2,7 5
K i r u n aD X 2,9- 3,2 !,larcona-FinesHG 2,2 5,5
K i r u n aD Z 2,9- 3,2 l,larcona-LumD 2,8
K i r u n aD F i n e s 2,9- 3,1 2 Marcona-Pellets 2 0,4
K i r u n aD 7 2,3- 2,5 1,5 It,larcona-ru bbles 2,5 1,5
K i r u n aP e l l e t s 2-2,1 1 f,'larem ma-Oxides 1,7 17,5
Krivoi Rog-Concentrate 2,4 o l lvlarokkan-Mn. 2,3
K r i v o iR o g - L u m p 2,2 3,5 M a r o u e s a d or . o . m . 1,7 11,8

90 91
F i g u r e s - / o r es h i p m e n t s ti m3 Moisture% t'm3 M o i s t u r e%

Marta-Fines 1,8 8,9 rr:-*ay-MagnetiteTaconite65 0/oFe 2,2 6,5

Marta-Lump 2,2 7,2 rr: -Aay-Pyrites 2,2- 2,7 3,7 - 9,8
Martin-slag 2 tr':-a ay-PyritesFlotation )a 5,4-8
Mauritania-lronOre Tadazit J 2 \:-rtray-Sulphide 2,5 1 q - o
't4 rr 3r-il/ay-Su
Minette (Lothringen)Fines 1,5 lphUr 2,2 - 2,5 3-9,6
1,8 rr t.rYay-Syenitt
Minette (Lothringen)Lump 12,1 1,3 2
Moanda-Mn.-Fines 2,5 11-13 Ore 2-2,5 5 - 11,5
Moanda-Mn.-Lump 2,2 7-9 \! c3rg-ore-Lump 2,6 1
Mo-i-Rana-Pellets 2 1,3
Montecatini-Oxides 1,7 13,6 3 e"egorskyConcentrate 2,2 2,6
Monte-Tumbi2 Lump 2,8 1 - 2 3 3.st-Lump
2,5 z2
Monte-Tumbi3 Lump 2,8 I 1,8
Mt.-Newman-Lump 2,3 1,4 3-:rza-r.o.m. 2 5-7
Mt.-Newman-r.o.m. 2,1 J

Mud (Drehofen) 1,9 3e ^e:-919-l-grnp 1,8 q l

Mud (Forsterbruch) 1,3 - ::'s:e.g-Ore-Lump 2,4 1

Mutucca-Fines 2,2 e l ::---Copper Ore 2,3 o
Mutucca-Lump 2,3 2,1 ::---i-ead Ore 2,6 a
> rprnes-Pyrites 2,4 - 2,6 B - 9
=* rp:nes-ZincOre 2-2,1 8 - 9
Navarette-Fines 2,8 2,5 =cna-Fines 1,9
Navarette-Lump 2,3 1 =o11a-Lump 2,8
New Oriental-Mn.-Lumo 2,2 0,7 :crlugal-Oxides 1,8 o-zu
Nica.ragua-Copper Ore 2,4 5,5 r:'ti-Mn.-ore 29 6 - 7
N i c a r a g u a - C o p p eOrr e S u l p h i d e 2 6,7 : J : ' p U fd r y 1,9 o - z u
N i m b aR u n - o fm i n e 2,4 7 3:rpur wet 2,1 3-20
N i m b aw a s h e dF i n e s 2,4 B >yrit-Oxides I ' l 3-20
N i m b aw a s h e dL u m p 2,3 7,5 qaposa
N i m b aP e l f e t s 2 2 1,8
Norberg-Lump 2,5 0,3 iaposa-0-6 2
Norway-CopperOre 2-2.5 7-12 iasenerz 1,7
Norway-llmenite 2,5-2,7 3-8 Rector-r.o.m. 2,7 1 )
I'Jorway-lron Ore Magnetite 2,5 4-12 Rekefjord-Concentrate 2,3
2,8 7,5 Rennluppen 3,8
Norway-lronOre Slig
R i f1 L u m p 2,9 ', - z,s
Norway-LeadOre 2,5 8,3
Norway-Magnetite 2 , 1- 3 5-8 Rif2 Fines 2,6 4- 5

92 93
F i g u r e s - / o r es h i p m e n t s t/m3 Moisture% FEUres-ore shipments t/m3 lr4oisture

Roedsand-Concentrate 2,1 6,6 S:- berg-Lump 3 0,6

R o u g eL u m p 2,1 3,5 Si- pa 2,5 0,5
Russian-Oxides 1,8 14 Srapoavaara D 2,8- 3,1 1,9
RustsDar-Fines 2,1 S r ? ! g d v d d r aD F i n e s 2,7- 3,1 5
Rustspar-Lump 2,2 Sreden-lron Ore Slig 60 o/o 2 8
Rustspar-0-6 2 - Sr eden-Oxides-Flotation 1,5 o-zu
'13,4 Srl'Africa-LeadOre 2 o
SalzgitterConcentratewet 2,2
San lsidro-r.o.m. 2,5 6
3,,J varanger-Concentrate 2,1- 2,3 c,c - /,c
27 S.,rvaranger-Pellets 2 1,2
San Juan Concentrate
San Juan ConcentrateSD 2,2 4,9 -azadit
2,7 2,6 1,5
San NicolasConcentrate
2,5 0,6
-3"iper-ore 2,2 t6
Santa Fe-Lump
1,5 3 - 20
St. Bel-Oxides -:S
Sandur-Manga nore 32-34o/ o
2,1 1-2 -]-lrJvaara
39-40o/o 2,2 1-2 -a'-
AB 3,1 1
Sandur-Manganore e {
1,8 -vaara C1 r.o.m. 1,1
SantanderFines 21,5 T:.- :vaara C2 r.o.m.
S a n t a n d e rL u m p 2,2 8,5 3,2 0,8
Tc- luvaaraC2 Fines 2,8 2,5
Seriohos-Fines 1,7 17,4 ?c,.llluvaaraBC Fines
Siegerldnder-Rustspar 22 2,5 4,4
To';lluvaara Concentrate 2 5,3
Sinai-Manganore 38-40o/o 2,5
S i n t e rF i n e sw e t 2,2 2,2 6-7
Tu!'key Fe 2,5 1
S i n t e r( P o r tW a l s u m ) 1 , 5- 1 , 6
Sinter (Steelnew installation) 1,8 Urandi-Mn.46-48olo 2,6
Sinter (Thomasnew installation) 1,5 !SA-Copper Ore 2,5 :
Sinter (Thomasold installation) 1,8 ..ISA-CopperPrecipitates 1,8
S i e r r aM e n e r aF i n e s 2 1 5 dSSR-lron Ore 58-61 fe 2,8 1- 11
Silver Bay-Pellets 2,2 1,5 USSR-Apatite 28 oloP 1,8 0,5-2
Slagsand t,3 i.iSSR-IronOre "A" 2,5 2-B
S'Africa-Fe.-65o/o 3,1 ! S S R - I r o nO r e " B C H " 2 8-16
S'Africa-Manganore38-40o/o 2,5 0,50 USSR-Iron Ore "K" 1,8 2-8
1- ro
StdllbergA-LUmp 2,9 0,4 iJSSR-LeadOre 60 o/o Pb 4,2
St6llberg-SC- 24 USSR-Manganic Concentrate49-53Mn. 2,5
Stordoe-Oxides 1,7 5 , 5- 1 0 USSR-PyriteFlotation47,1oloS 2,5 2-6
Storr-mine 2,4 USSR-TitanicOre 61 o/oTi 2,8 4 - 7
Strassa-Pellets 2,3 1,5 USSR-ZincQre 40 oloZn 2,3 7-12

94 95
Figures-/oreshipments t/ml Moisture% Sp-weighl solidification shippeddischarging
at 15oC pointCo t e m p .C o t e m p .C o
VenezuelaFe (Cerro Bolivar) 2,6
VenezuelaFe G-6 2,2 @€- :: :iv 0.936-0.952 41 to 47 45 55
VenezuelaManganore 2,1 0.890-0.893 32 to 34 35 50
i:;€ - o l. lcelandic0.9120 34 30
Vivaldi-Lump 1,8 1,2 - _10 _.1
Vivaldi-Fe-Fines 2,5 4 :E::: 3 0.950_0.974 to B
Vivaldi rubbleore 2,4 0,8- '1,50 :::: ri 0.919-0.937 14to 25 zc 55
Vivero-Fe 2,4 : : : : : - s e e do i l 0.917-0.931 1to 10 1 5t o 2 0 3 2
0.924-0.932 -151o -27
Wabana 2,7 0.917-0.930
2,3 0.930-0.935 -161o -27
Wabana rubbleore -:3S3eS '1.200-1
Walzensinter 2,6 .450 below 38 viscous 40
0 . 8 9 4 - 0 . 8 9 5- 6 t o - 1 2
- - - . - j ^ ^ + ^ i l

Watush-Pellets 1,9
2,4 0.921-0.947 26 to 40 SOto SS 50
0.925-0.935 19 Io 24 zc 55
2,1 '11,2 0 . 9 11 - 0 . 9 2 5 - 2 t o * 3
0.914-0.922 22Io 32 ?A En
0.910-0.917 0
E-F i:s.i nil 0.910-0.917 0
Bulk shipments |I0r:::?n Oll 0 . 9 2 2 - 0 . 9 3 4- 8 t o - 1 8
and burnt ore vary
Contentsof moisturein ore, concentrates r--' : *er oil J.920-0.927-16 to -18
lF:: I I 3 . 9 1 4 - 0 . 9 3 1- 1 0
duringand afterproduction
and are dependent
a) production (season)
b) storage (kind and duration)
c) shipment(moisteningpossible)
Especially with concentrates and burnt ore moisture mav
i n c r e a s eb y u p t o 1 8 % .
During sea transport controls of moistureare necessary.

96 97
cooling/refrigerating temp relativ moisture recommendationsfor generalcargo,container,ro.ro'ships
r- GeneralIntroductionto the IMDG-Codeappliesto all classesand
appres +1'-+3,5' C 85-90 % s-rs:ances and should be observedfor every shipment.
34-38 F -
+1.1 90-95 %
52-53 F
chanterelIes +1'-+2'C 85-90 % S-CI'/AGE: all dangerousgoods shouldbe stowed in such a way
34-35,8 F that they are surveyableand accessibleat all times,
eggs, frozen -16'C 85% especiallyfor f ire'fighting.
3,2 F
e g g s ,s h e l l o"-+0,5'c 75-85 o/o
32-33 F erai ;196*) = minimumdistanceof 3 metres(10feet)
grapefruits +7"-+12'C 85-90 % :trarated from.) - differentholds T/D's - LH.
45-54 F hatchwayand accessmust be resistentto li"
grapes,bunch of 0'c B5-90 % quids and fire.
32F -!43tW
, nripe +9'-+14" C 85-90 % o-6:udinally from.) = interveningcompletecompartment/hold.
npe +1'-+4" c - see Cefinitions
34-39 F
m e a t ,c h i l l e d -0,5"--1,2'C
31-30 F
meat, frozen -18" C
-0,4 F
oranges o'-+3'c 85-90 %
32-38 F
peaches +1,5'-+3'C 85-90 %
35-37,5 F
pears, green -0,5"-+1,1" C 90-95 %
31-34 F
pineapples,green + 10"-+15" C 85-90 %
50-59 F
ripe +4"-+6" c
39-43 F
tomatoes,green +4'-+14" C
39-57,5 F
ripe +2"-+4" C
36-39 F

98 99
I 5.1 .16 Segrogationtable

The following table shows the generalrequirementsfor segregationbetween the various class6
ot dangerousgoods,

\::e Vertical lines represent Deck resistentto liquidand fire
4 t 4 4 2 4

Explosrves 'Aray
lrom:" Effectivelysegre-
Exp osives =-.=: so that incompatible
+,:.:: :annot interact dange-
a:,:: ' ^ the event of an acci-
Flammable gases 2.1

i Nonloxic, non-flammable
-r-: :-: may be carriedin the
P o i s o n o u sg a s e s 2.3 tra-€ :ompartment or hold or
ar -cl( provideda minimum
Flammable liquids 3
lliEr:a.tal separation of 3 me-
Flammab e solids 4.1 res :roJected vertically is ob-
SpgTgleo!sly combustible lEir€d.

when wet
'S€parated lrom:" In different
:.3r9artments or holds when
=c*ed under deck. Provided
x 1 3 2
a- ,ntervening deck is resistant

lnfectious substances 6 2 r l x 3 3
:: Irre and liquid,a verticalse-
:a.ation, i.e. in different com- %
Corosives 8
x 3 t x 2
:a(ments, may be acceptedas
+cuivalent to this segregation.
=3r "on deck" stowage,this se- ".4
Miscellaneous dangerous
"l I ;'egation means a separation
!l 3,' a distanceof at least6 me-
Numbers and symbols relare to the tollowing terms as detrned in this section
:'es horizontally.
by a complete compartment or hold from"
- "Separated
longitudinalty by an intervening complete compartment or hold from"
The segregation, il any, is shown in the individuai schedutes
See subsection 5.3 ol the intoduction to class 1 for segregataon withrn ctass 1

100 101
"Separated by complete compartment or hold from:" Means either a
verticalor a horizontalseparation.lf the intervening
decksare not resi-
IDG-Code Label
stant to fire and liquid,then only a longitudinalseparation,i.e.by an G E N E R A LI N T R O D U C T I O N
interveningcomplete compartmentor hold, is acceptable.For "on
deck" stowage,this segregationmeansa separation,by a distanceof
at least12 metreshorizontally. The samedistancehas to be appliedif lld ild illusirations
"on deck" and the other

i i
one packageis stowed one in an uppercom-

% ropropnate
' r D
drvrsron numDer
'and compatibility group are to be placed in this location,

lppropriate compatibility group is to be placed in this location,e.g. G.1

% Exolosive subsidiarv risk label for self reactive substances in

class 4.1 and organic peroxides wath explosive propenies.
Refer to paragraph 1.4 of the introduction to class 4.1 and
paragraph 1.5 of the introduction to class 5.2.
NOTE:One of the two decks must be resistant to Iire and liquid.
"Separatedlongitudinallyby an interveningcomplete )
hold from:" Verticalseparationalonedoes not meetthis requirement.

Betweena package"under deck" and one "on deck" a minimumdi-
stanceof 24 metresincludinga completecompartmentmust be main-
For "on deck" stowage,this segregationmeans
tained longitudinally.
a separationby a distanceof at least24 metreslongitudinally. ((
o-r**nu., )l


% '
loods of class I in division

compatibilitv group S. no label is required Each package should be

102 103
Label -Code Label

,,f.. ../
S.hpl€ display ot UN number on transpon unils lsee 7.4 4)
-Z [gl ^\ ,/ @\
\ t' \t1l7r' F\ I . T E B N A T I V E1


Locationof class nunrber
Locationol UN number


, / . \
Location of class numbel
Location of UN number

- seelMDG.Code
CLASS1.1t1.2t1.5 23
*ofn'l 1.4t2.1I4.1| 4.3t6.1 17II
separatedfrom-) 2.1t2.2t2.3t6.1
separatedlongitudinallyfrom-) 2.1t2.2t2.3t red from') 1. 1 t 1. 2 t 1. 3t 1. 4t 1. 5t -
4.1t4.2t4.3 5.1t5.2t6.2t7 t8
5.115.2 G€ri:93 by a hold from.) o-z
o. Uo.z sara:€o longitudinallyfrom") 1.1t1.2t1.3t1.5t6.2
Grrss 3
CLASS1.3 a|,a. ''c.n') 2.2t4.1t4.3
separatedfrom.) 2.3t6.1t8I7 qa-a:€d from-) 1.4I 2.1I2.3I4.2I5.1I5.217
separatedby a hold from.) 4.1t4.2t6.1t8 sa-?-ql by a hOldfrOm.) 6.2
Separatedlongitudinallyfrom.) 2.1I2.2t2.3I 3I 4.2I 4"3 Ga-a:€-i longitudinallyfrom.) 1.1t1.211.311.5
6.1t6.2t8 a 4ss 4.1
3i2-,'iom') 2j I2.2t2.3t4.2t4.3i5.1IB
CLASS 1.4 s€caratedfrom.) 1.4t2.113t4.2t4.3t5.1I
away from.) 2.2t2.3 5.2t7t8
separatedfrom.) 2.1t2.2t2.3t3t secaratedby a hold from-) |.Jto.z
4.1t4.2t4.3t7 seoaratedlongitudinally.) 1.1t1.2t1.5t6.2

CLASS 2.1 See definations

away from-) 4.1t8
separatedfrom.) 1.41314.2t5.1t5.2t7
separatedlongitudinallyf rom.) 1 . 1 t | . 2 t 1 . 3. 5t 1t

away from.) 1.4t2"1 t3t4.1I 4.2t4.3t
separatedfrom.) 1 . 1I 1 . 211. 31t . 41t . 5| 2 . 1I 3
4.2t4.3t5.1I 5.2t6.2t7tB
separatedby a hold from.) 6.2
separatedlongitudinallyfrom-) 1 . 1 t .12 t 1. 3 t 1 . 5

.) See definations

106 107
- seeIMDG.Gode
CLASS 4.2 62
away from.) 2.2t4.1t4.3t6.1t8 o. l
separatedfrom.) 1.4I2.1I2.3I3I5.1I5.2I7 2.2r2.3t4.3
separatedby a hold from-) 1.3t6.2 ":11 5l a hold from.) 3t4.1I4.2t5.1t5.2t7 t8
separatedlongitudinally.) 1.1t1.2t1.3t1.5 longitudinally") 1 . 1 1 1 ..2311.114 t 1

away from-) 2.2t3t4.2t8 *l'n') 2.2t2.3t5.1
separatedfrom.) 1.4t2.1t2.3t4.2t5.11 !ca-=:eC from") 1.1I1.2t1.3t1.4t1.5t2.1| 3
5.2t6.2t7 4.1t4.2t4.3t5.218
separatedby a hold from-) 6.2 =az:?c by a hold from-) o.z
separatedlongitudinally.) 1.1t1.2t1.3t1.5
qrss I
GLASS5.1 --l--)
3r 2.1t2.2t4.1t4.2t4.3
away from") 4.1t6.1t7 1.3I1.4I2.1| 2.3| 3I4.2t4.3
separatedfrom.) 1.4I2.1|3t4.2I4.3I5.2t 5.1t5.217
7t8 :3J by a hold from.) t.JIO.Z
separatedby a hold from-) 6.2 :ed longitudinally.) 1.1t1.2t1.3t1.5
separatedlongitudinally.) 1 . 1 t 1 . 2 t 1..53 t 1
CLASS 5.2 -a-ated by a hold from.) 1.-1.5t6.2
away from.) 2.2t6.1
separatedfrom.) 1.41
2.1I2.3t3t4.1I4.2t ' S€€ detinations
separatedby a hold from.) 6.2
separatedlongitudinally.) 1.111.211
away from-) 2.1t2.2t4.1t4.2t4.3
separatedfrom.) 1.1t1.2t1.3t1.4t1.51
3I4.2t4.3I5.1I5.2I 7I8
separatedby a hold.) 1.3t6.2
separatedlongitudinally.) 1.1t1.2t1.3t1.5

') See definations

108 109
for "LimitedQuantities"
Stowage+ Segregation m deck only
Dangerous goods transported according to these speciai requirements shou d be packaged only in
rnner packagings placed in suitable outer packagings that would be capable of meeting the requiremenrs
33':"lr -rentionedguide is for practicalhandy use only.Anyhow,
lor packaging group lll. The total gross weight of a package should not exceed 30 kg and should, r,: aa lext of the IMDG-Codeis compulsory.On deckonly hereis
in no case, exceed that permitted in the individual schedules for the substances concerned.
-: 1r Amdt. 24-1986IMDG-Code.

r8 . 5 Different dangerous goods in limited quantities may be packaged in the same outer packaging, provlded = 3 : = - r , ' , r d u ae
l n t r i e so n I M D G - C o d p
ea o e s .
the segregation requirements ol the individual schedules are laken into account and the goods wrll
not interact dangerously in the event ot leakage.

18 . 6 The segregation requirements of section 1 5 are not applicable for packagings contarnrng dangerous El Class 1
goods in limited q0antires. -€ -,1 ',dual IMDG'Code

Packagesofdangerousgoodstransportedinaccordancewiththesespeca req!rrenrentsnesdnot
be labelled but should, unless otherwise provided, be marked either wtrh the proper sh pping name
3 Class 2
ornamesor"dangerousgoodsinlimitedquantrtiesofclass/classes.-.'.Thedescnpton dangerous
ilf- 1038x 1064 1589 1954x 2037x 2198 2548
goods in limited quantities of class/classes ..." should be regarded as the proper shrpp ng name of
r 'M0 '1612 1955x 2188 2199 2600
tne consrgnment. ilfi 1067 .
.M1 1069 1660 1960x 2189 2202 2676
G '1703
18 . 8 In addition to the requirements
the words
"limited quantity"
for documentation specified 1nsection I ol this ceneral lntroduction,
should be included on the dangerous goods dec aration together with
re :045 1071 1961x 2190 2204 2901
the descriotion of the shiDment. 1M8 1073x 1705 1966x 2191 2417 3057
1050 1076 1749 1967x 2192 2418 3070
18.9 Dangerous goods in limited quantities thal are packaged and distributed tor pufposes of personal 1053 1 0 7 8 x 1859 1968x 2194 2420
care or for household use are turther exempted from marking of the p.oper shipping name on the
packagrng. 1057x 1079 1911 1972x 2195 2421
G2 1 0 6 2 x 1581 1912 1975 2196 2451
lfi=E 1063 1582 1953x 1977x 2157 2534

fO Class 3
":' 2029 2335x 2375x 2411x 2480 2484 2605
--3a x 2251 2353 2395 2437 2481 2485 2749
'5Z3e 2284x 2354x 2396x 2477 2482 2486
-rO8 2333x 2360x 2404x 2478 2483 2603x

]IO Class 4.1

'310 1348 1517 2557 2952 2973 3034 3039
'324 1353 1571 2852 2953 3030 3035 3040
'334x 1354 2304 2878 2955 3031x 3036 3041
'337 1355 2448 2925 2956 3032x 3037 3042
'344 1356 2556 2951x 2972 3033 3038 3043

110 111
Stowedon deckonly m deck

IMO Class 4.2

1366 1380 1855 2003 2008 2445 2845 3050 q.ss 8
1369x 1383 1928 2004 2009 2447 2846 3051 1767 1790 1B0B 1832 2308 2577
1370 1386x 1932 2005 2217x 2545 2870 3052 -:44 1769 1791x 1809 1834 2434 2692
1374x 1854 2002 2006 2221 2546 3049 3053 '747 1770 1792 1810 1836 2435 2751
1375 '?52 1771 1796 1816 1837 2438 2920
trE '753 1777 1798 1817 1838 2442 2986
"7U 1780 1799 1818 1898 2443 2987
trT - '755 1781 1800 1826 1906 2444
IMO Class 4.3 '758
1183 1391 1410 1415 1422 1428 2257 2835 1784 1801 1827 1939 2502
1423 't429 2604 2965 '762
1242 1407 1411 1420 1786 1802 1828 2030 2508
1414 1421 1427 2010 2805 2988 '163 1787 1803 1829 2031 2513
1295 1409
'-65 1788 1804 1830 2032 2571
'766 1789 1806 1831 2218 2576
IMO Class 5.1
1495x 1745 1748x 2014 2426 2626
1510 1746 1873 2015 2495 Ctsss 9

of thisclasshaveto be stowed"on deckonly"
all substances

IMO Class 6.1

1051 1583 1613 1672 1698 1738 2075 2487
1259 1594 1614 1693 1699 1886 2O7Bx 2488
1541 1595 1647 1694 1700 lBBg 2206x 2550
1545 1600 1649x 1695 1701 1892 2232 2646
1569 1610 1670 1697 1704 1994 2249x 2785

IMO Class 6.2


112 113
1532 Table of segregation ot containeB on boord contoinor !hiD!

G 9 - i
{ < i
E =s; si
l--=-- l' !he structural differences of such ships from conventional ships, section 17
-.- ::-j -:
wral or additional provisions and recommendations concerning the carriage ol
.- *,e'.!s goods on roll on/roll off ships.
_ a i_, saged lhat the provisions ol this Code relating to the conditions
ol carriage on board
. . -=; . :::-,eFlronal ship as recommended by the Code should be adapted to roll,on/roll-off ships.

--E 'a
9 I owing paragraphs are therefore intended to give alternative recommendations to
6 2i ts6i =: :ete the safe lranspod on board roll-on/roll-offships.

,.:-. :_+.gers and other unauthorized persons should be excluded from any vehicle deck except
i , <
-_::. special circumstancesand in the presenceof an authorized crew member. lf they cannot
9 I
o q :r :rcluded, dangerous goods should not be shipped on such a vehicle oecK.
! ls;
3 a 6
l s i
9 - -:s containing dangerous goods should be suitable in all respectsfor the voyage proposed.
should be examined externally for damage, signs of leakage or sifting of contents. Any
9 a - _ - ':und to be damaged, leaking or sifting should not be acceptedfor shipment.
9 iE6- : i
a r.rI€bility

q 9 -_: -ecommendations
- 2* of this section should be considered in conjundion with the loadino
:F:? :_: discharge of dangerous goods by means of vehicles,trailers or if, for exampte, contarner;
r_5 other receptaclesare loaded by means of tork-lift trucks, etc.

E,^ Dr{inhions
< i
l =
H <
I 4oll'on.rcll-off ship means a ship which has one or more decks either closed or open, not
"6rmatly subdivided in any way and generally running the entire length o{ the ship, in which
-3. -ooods(packed or in bulk, in/on rail/road cars, vehicles lincluding tankers),trailers, containers,
callets, demountable or ponable tanks or in/on similar stowage units or other receptacles)can
t ' ce loaded and unloaded normally in a horizontal direction.

9S3 n * a >
,E, r ,i l
: b ; E t; p" q3d;qd {raos.s!,^Ndoso.!v
Vehicle means any road or rail vehicle permanently attached to an under{rame and wheels. or
:hassis and wheels, which is loaded, stowed and discharged as a unir carryrng oangerous
3 4. " ; E
Atri5 " Eoods. lt should also include trailers and similar mobile units, except those solely for the
l * ii purpose of loading and unloading.
t ;:- ll ,- e.
I e3e . ,\ZAZE For the purpose oI this section, the letm container for the carriage of dangerous goods

i il
- F ? g
.:3<fi; ncludes road or rail demountable containers, rigid or collapsible having a net weight of more
rhan 400k9, portable tanks, pressure vessels and any receptacles having a capacity of 450
l T l .t, : litres or more.

=i z ll F I a a
Unlt means any vehicle, container, pallet, demountable or ponable tank or other receptacle
iE "' ll e ., I isE?a FFEiF!; which is loaded, stowed and discharged separatelyas one Diece.

8g a

l l ; ,l _llt_* i E - -

114 115

Closed type uni\ means a unit in which dangerous goods are totally enclosed by sufficiently
::_ta nrng dangerous substances should be stowed in accordance with the requkements
boundaries such as a container, a demountable or portable tank or a vehicle. Units with labrac
or tops are not closed type units for the purposes of this section,
_Jerous goods rn
:-: ^:l a container or v€hrcle should be in accordance w th the requLements
Open vehicle deck is a deck or pan of a deck so ventilated by the free access of aI that no
.' rhrs General Intoduction.
ventilationis required for the safe operation of the ship.

:: ^ .J: -.:, 'ements for unrts containlng dangerous substances should be in accordance wlth those
11. 3 . 7 Closed vehicle deck s a deck or pad of a deck without the free access of air so that addiiional
. : :: r _ e seerhefe in this Code except that substances ol classes 3.1 and 3.2 should only be carr ed
is requied.
: ::a_ ::a(, or on closed vehicle decks under conditrons which are sat sfactory to the competent
17 . 3 . 8 "on "
On weather deck,lot the purposes of thas section, is equivalent to the deck stowage as
by this Code. _ ':
:: : oft ships may carry dangerous substances in conventional stowage areas other than the
lt 4 Marking, lab6lling and placarding :_ : : :ecks, .e. cargo holds and/or w€ather decks. The requirements for thrs type oi stowage should
:i - rrqp ance with the provisions laid down n the individual classes.
17.4.1 For marking, labelling and placarding requirem€nts applicable to roll-on/roll off tfaffic see
"on '
7 and 8. : :- ::.: Js goods required to be catried deck only should not be cariied on closed vehicle decks,
: -- -., be carried on open vehicle decks when authorized by the competent authority.
17.5 G6nerrl handling
::-;:.ous goods which have to be segregated from each other should not be stowed in the same
1 1. 5 . 1 Closing arrangements for rhe openings betw6en the vehicle deck and machinery and - - ' -:wevef, dangerous goods which should be segregated from each other may be carried
spaces should be such as to avoid the possibility of flammable, toxic or other danoerous ' _-: same contarner or vehlcle with the approval of the competent authorty. In such cases an

entering such spaces. Such openings should be permanently closed when the cargo is on ; :, . : ent standard of safety must be maintained.

11.5.2 Where dangerous goods are catrred and where there is a possibility of llammable vapours
:p-;tgailon of units on boatd roll on/rcll'off ships
released, electrical afiangements rn the vehicle deck should be such as to preclude the
of explosion. :;:-rements in this respect can be found in section l5 of this General Introductron,
17 . 5 . 3 Certain dangerous goods a16 required be stowed in a mechanically ventilat€d space". When
goods are caried on a c osed vehicle deck, this deck should be mechanically ventilated. Yehicle packing and cedification

t7.5.4 Mechanicaliy operated temperature controlled containers or vehicles should not be allowed to :..(ages containing dangerous substances and any other goods should be tightly packed within
their refrigeration or heatang unit during the voyage on closed vehicle decks. :_e vehicle or adequately braced and secured. The packages shou d be packed in such a way that
:_e.e will be a minrmum likelihood of damage to fittlngs during tanspodation.
Electrically operated tempefature controllod containers or vehicles should not be allowed to run
refrigeration or heating unit during the voyage on closed vehicle decks when dangerous goods J5en a dangerous goods consignment forms only pan of the load of a vehicle, lt should preferably
to release llammable gases or vapours afe stow€d in the same space, unless ihe unit is of a :e packed so as to be accessible.
safe type and should be such as to preclud€ the possibility of explosaon.
-he requirements set out in section 9 with respect to documentation of packaged dangerous goods
1J . 5 . 5 The master of a roll'onroll-off goods on vehicle decks should ensure
ship carrying dangerous
during the,oading and discharging operation and during the voyage regular inspections of these
are made by a competent person in order to achieve early detection of anv hazard. The load caryrng poftion of the vehrcles rnto whrch dangerous goods are to be packed should be
examined visually lor damage and rf lhere is evidence of mat€rial damage, it should not be packed.
Empty units not gas{ree or conbining empty packagings not 96sjree should comply with the
applicable to units filled with their previous product. relevant labels (placards) should be removed before packing a vehicle.

17 . 6 Stowago and segBgation' Packages should be examrned and any lound to be damaged, leaking or sifting shoold not be packed
Into a vehicle. Care should be taken to see that excessive water, snow, ice or foreign mattef adhering
17.6.1 On vehicie decks, units containing dangerous goods should be stowed in such a wav that thev to packages should be removed before packrng into a vehicle.
accesslble at all times, €sp€cially for fire'fighting.
Those responsible for the packing of dangerous goods into a vehicle should provide a
cedifying that thrs has been properly carried out and embodying the following provisions:
Units and Other Entiries in Ships other than Cellular Container Ships, and A.533(1 3) ol j 7 November The vehicle was clean, dry and apparently fit to.ecerve goods.
on Elements to be Taken into Account when Considering the Safe Stowage aod Securing of Cargo Units
lf the consignments include goods of class 1, divisron 1 I of 1 2, the vehicle is structurally
Vehicles in Shios.
serviceable as defined in 5.4.1 of the introductron to class 1.

116 117

_G ol transporl units on board ro-ro ships

No incompatible substances have been packed into the vehicle. T t ryFton

All packages have been properly packed in the vehicle and secured.
The vehicle and the packages are properly marked and labelled.
i> =i
"= a:
I 0

When solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) asused for cooling purposos, the vehacle is externally markcat
k! 3 j

The dangerous goods declaration required in accordance with subsection 9.4 of section 9 ot
the General Introduction to the lntertational Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) h6 ti i :: ,i6
F> ;5
iE E
been received for each dangerous goods consrgnment packed in the vehicle. i z ? ?s kg ig
Unless otherwise is the case in accordance with the provisions o{ 17.6.7.

t99 3
?E:6 a$x
e functions ol the documents required in 1 7.7.3 and 17.7.7 above may be incorporatod into a I
s r n g lt e o
d o c ru m e n t ; i f n o t , i t m a y b e d e s i r a b l e t o a t r a c h r h e s e d o c u m e n t s o n e t o t h e o t h e r . t f t h e e a
^ :
t = r t : {
?Ei l 1 sj 5 : E9 q

lctions are incorporated into a single docomenl, e,g, a dangerous goods declaration, a shipping r> O:
te, etc., the inclusion of a phrase such as
is declafed that the packing of the vehicles has been - i x d
< : ki' ieZ
I n v ooduction
ductio to the IMDG Code" may suffice.

tt.t.8 T h e r sspecial
p e c i a dangerous goods lisl or manifest {requiredby regulation 5_3 of chapter Vll of the
i :
a : J 9
: 9 tr
- ; :> Q
I n t e rrnational
n a t i o n i Conventionfor
the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended)and/ora cargo plan sh@ld r 2 F >
i n d i ccate
a t e cclearly those vehicles in which dangerousgoods are loadedand their location aboard the ?: < :

ship. The k
above regulation,should also be shown in rhe list, manifest and/or cargo plan.
s r q
@ E X ig-. ??s5 E
"-= e
1 7 8 tilation
Veotilation t = 9[o9
::;i 'irEg
- r 3 6 6 g ;
178.1 provrsions
The p rovisi concerningventilationthat are set out in variousplacesin thjs Code should be taken
to refer to t I
be interpreted to require ventilation into the vehicle or unit.
: J t r
s a

1 7 . 82 )n, for any reason, it is necessary to open the doors of a vehicle or unit, the nature ol the contenb qE E
and the possrbrlily that leakage may have caosed an unsafe concentration of toxic or flammabie _ : f l F > F> -rE -
v a p oruurrss,, o tr h a v e p r o d u c e d a n o x y g e n e n r i c h e d o r d e p l e t e d a t m o s p h e r e , s h o u l d b e c o n s i d e r e d . l f

z 6
I1 .9 T e f r p €,€rature
rature goods
controlled dangerous
ii pa :; E <
B = B<
I7 I 1 S o l i d ccaa r b o nn d i o x i d e 6 r y i c e ) o r l i q u i d n i t r o g e n m a V o n t y b e u * d for cooting purposes for cetain 3
d a n g e]rroouuss g (o o d s s h i p p e d i n c l o s e d { y p e cargo units in cases of emergencjes, or as a back{p for
t h e p) f l m a r y i re f r j g e r a n t s o u r c e , W i t h t h e a p p r o v a l o f t h o c o m p e t e n t a u t h o r i t i e s o f t h e c o u n t r y o f o r i g i n i
and the couT ntry of destination, solid carbon dioxide or liquid nitrogen may also be used for shod E 5
sea voyages, r.e those in the course of which the ship is not more than 200 miles trom a poft or a . : iz!
; 9,
s E r;f
p l a c ee i n w h i c h t h e p a s s e n g e r s a n d t h e c r e w c o u l d b e p l a c e d i n s a f e t y , a n d w h i c h o o n o r e x c e e o
E i< :g :E O E
6 0 0 m i lleess i n l e n g t h b e t w e e n t h e l a s r p o n o f c a l l i n t h e c o u n t r y i n w h i c h a v o y a g e b e g i n s a n d t h e F U N R
f i n a i pon
pon o olI ddestrnation,
r In this case, the carder mu$ be informed in writing ot the amount of refrigerant a- 3 + e E F29
t o b er c a r ri eedd f o r t h e v o y a g e . T h e a m o u n t o t r e f r l g e r a n t s h o u l d b e s u t f i c i e n t f o r t h e d u r a r i o n o f t h e
w n o tlee v o yyaagqe , w r t h a m a r g i n t o c a t e r f o r a l l f o r e s e e a b l e d e l a y s .

118 11 9
OF CAPACITY cubic feet in cubic metres

Cubic Cubic Cubic Cubic U.S. U.K.

Metre Litre In c h Foot Yard Gall Gall a ^ n? 0,06 0 , 0 9 1 0 , 1 1 1 0 0, ,1147 0,20 0 , 2 3 u t l o
l Cubic l\4etre= 1 000,0061 027,1 35,3165 1,308
02 264,186 220,216
t 0 , 3 4 0 , 3 7 i 0 , 4 0 1 0 , 403, 4 5 0 , 4 8 0 , 5 1 0 , 5 4
t 0,62 0 , 6 8 | 0 , 7 1 0 , 74 0,76 o t 7 9 0 , 8 2
t Litre = 0,00100 1 61,0271 0,03532 0,00131 0.26419 0,22022 I o a1 n q A l n q o 1,02 rru) 1 , 0 8 1 , 10
1 C u b i cI n c h = 0,00002 0,01639 0,00058 0,00002 0,00433 0,00361 - , : l r l o 1 1 q 1,22 t,l) | ttt/
1 ?n 1 ?q

I a i a
1,50 1 rt:9 l , oI 1t64 1,67
1 Cubic Foot = 0,02832 28,3167 1724,@ 0,03704 7,4aO51 6,23549 0 1 7 ?
'1 7R
1, E 1 | 1 , 6 4 1 t B 7 1 q n t,)z | ,)J
Yard = 0,76455 764,554 46 656,0 27,000
0 1 201,974 168,358 ?t . : 8 2 , 0 1 2 , O 4 2 , 0 7 2 , a e| 2 1 2 z t t ) 2t"|8 ata I
1 U . S .G a l l o n = 0,00379 3,78543 231,0000,13368 0.00495 0,83270
D ,26 2,29 2t38 2,41 2 , 4 3 2 , 4 6 2 , 4 9 2 , 5 2
U.K.Gallon = 0,00455 4,54596 277,413 0,160
s a,av 2 , 6 6| 2 , 6 9 2 , 7 2 2 , 75 2,80
37 0.00594 1,200
1 0 0c u b i c f e e t : 2 , 8 3 1 6 7c u b i c m e t r e s

tons of 40 cubic feet in cubic metres

oc oF oc oF
500 0 1 , 13 2,27 3,40 4,53
11 3 0
r0 ri: 12,46 14,72
400 1040 100 50" n 22$5 23,78 24,92 27,18
:T ?t qR Jtrrt I JOtZ+ 37,38
350 950 50 41"
30" 860 00 320
,t0 45,30 45,44 47,57 48,70 49,83
250 770 -50 230 5{' 58,90 60,03 A1 1A

el 67,96 Aq oq 70t22 72 , 4 9
70 80,41 82,68 R? R1

a) 90,61 91,'i4 a) A7 94,O1 95,14

90 10 1 , 9 3 103,07 104t20 105,33 106,46

english inches in metres

metres in english feet and inches

120 121

0 o' 0" J J b t 9'10' 1 3 '1 " :-t: equivalentTonnagevalues, for any weight, in Long, Short and
t0 3 21 0 J O I 3 9 4 428 4 51 1 ::ns The value (in pounds avoirdupois)of each Ton is: - Long. (or
20 6 5 7 6 81 1 7 2 2 7 5 6 7 8 9 s' 2240 lbs.; Short 2000 lbs.; Metric (1000kilograms)2204 6 lbs.
30 qR r,
101 9 105 0 108 3 111 7
40 t j t 5 134 6 1 3 71 0 111 1 144 4
50 164 'l 167 4 't70
7 1 7 31 1 177 2 Metric Tons Short
Short Tons Metric
60 1 9 61 0 200 2 .UJ ) zub 6 210 0
70 229 8 23211 236 3 239 6 24? 9 1.02 1 0,98 1 0,9
1 1,1
80 tot o 265 9 269 0 272 4 zt 5 r 2.03 2 1,97 2 z ztz
90 295'3" 296'7" 30'l 0 " 305' 1 " JUd 5 3.04 3 2,96 3 2,7
4.m 4 3,94 4 3,6 4 4,4
5,08 5 4,92 5 4,5
6.09 6 5,90 6 5,4 o o,o
7,1 7 6,88 7 6,3 7 7,7
0 to f 19' 8" 23' 0" 26' 3' 29' 6" : 8,2 I 7,87 8 7,2 I
o o
l0 9,3 9 8,86 9 8,2
1 9 3 5 2 6 s 5 9 6 2 4 .: 'r0
10,2 9,84 10 9,1 10 11,0
20 8 2 0 8 5 4 8 8 7 9 11 0 9 5 2 I 20,3 20 19,7 20 18,1 20 22,O
30 1 1 41 0 1 1 81 121 5 124 I 1 2 71 1 :f 30,4 30 29,5 30 27,2 30 33,1
40 147 8 1 5 01 1 154 2 157 6 150 9 a: 40,6 40 39,4 40 36,3 40 44,1
50 180 5 183 9 187 0 190 4 193 7 i 50,8 50 49,2 50 45,4 50 55,1
60 z t 5 5 216 6 2 1 91 0 223 1 226 5 :.
.: 60,9 60 59,1 60 54,4 60 66,1
70 7'1,1 70 68,9 70 63,5 70 77,2
246 1 ?.49 4 252 I 2 5 51 1 259 2
80 27811 282 2 285 5 288 9 292 0
{ 81,3 80 78,7 80 72,6 80 88,2

90 315'0"
- 91,4 90 88,6 90 81,6 90 99,2
J t t 6 J I O J 321' 6" 324'10" 't: 101,6 100 98,4 100 90,7 100 110,2
'196,8 181,4 200 220,5
ZT 203,2 200 200
englishfeet in metres u 304,8 300 295,3 JUU Zl Z,Z 300 330,6
!.7 406,4 400 393,7 400 362,9 400 440,9
ir: 508,1 500 492,'l 500 453,6 500 551,2
5:r: 609,6 600 590,5 600 544,3 600 66'r,4
-I 700 771,6
0 0,00 0 , 3 0 10 , 6 1 0,91 1,2211,52 1 , 8 3 2 , 1 3 12 , 4 4 2 , 74 711,2 700 688,9 700 635,0
3CC 812,8 800 787,4 800 725,7 800 881,8
t0 ?n4 3 , 3 5 13 , 5 6 3tg6 4,27| 4,57 4 , 8 8 s , 18 i 5 , 4 5 , 7 9
20 a 1a tr 914,4 900 885,8 900 816,5 900 992,'r
6,4016,71 7 t01 7,3217,62 7 , 9 2 8 , 2 3 18 , s 3 8,84 f,:a 1 016,1 1 000 944,2 1000 907,2 1 000 't 102,3
30 9,14 1 0 , 0 610,3611O,67 1 0 1 9 71 1 , 2 8 1 1 1 , 5181 , 8 9 s 2 032,1 2 000 1 968,4 2 000 18'14,4 2 000 2204,6
40 1) 10 1 ? 1 1 13,41
113,7 2 1 4 , O 1 4 , 3 3 1 1 1 ,14,93
63 l:c 3 048,2 3 000 2952,6 3 000 2721,5 3 000 3 306,9
50 15,2415,5411 t o r t S 16,46116,7 6 1 7 , O 71 7, 3 7 1 1, 6
7s 17,98 ]I 4 064,2 4 000 3 936,8 4 000 3 624,7 4 000 4 409,2
60 18,291 8 , 5 9 1 1 8 19,2O , 1 9, 5 11 1 9, 8 1 2 0 t 1 20,42120,73 21,O3
g 5 080,3 5 000 4921,1 5 000 4 535,9 5 000 5 511,6
70 2 1, 3 4 2 1, 6 4 1 2 1 1 22,25 22,55 23,1 23,47123,77 24,08 m 6 096,3 6 000 5 905,3 6 000 5 443,1 6 000 6 613,9
7 112,4 7 000 6 889,5 7 000 6 350,3 7 000 7 716,2
80 24,3824,69124,99 25,3025,60125,91 26,21 26,52126,82 27,13

90 n 8128,4 8 000 7 873,7 8 000 7 257,4 I 000 I 818,5

27,4327,74128p428,3 29,26 29,57129,87 30,'|7 :c|"1 9 1 4 4 , 5 I 000 8 857,9 9 000 I 164,6 I 000 9 920,8
:r_a 1 0 1 6 0 , 5 10 000 9842,1 10 000 9 071,8 r 0 000 1't 023,1
S a l i n i t ya n d d r a u g h t a d i u s t m e n tt a b l e

Ft. 2 " 2 , 5 3" 5" 7" B" 1,5' 9 " 9.5 1 0 "

1000 zi:,'.0 3 , 0i"u 4,0 i.s 6,0 t ; i"o

:'- rp rp 10,(
10 0 1 l o 2 , 4 3,4 4 , 3 4,t 6,2 7 , 2 7 , 7 4,2 8 , 6 o t O A
1002 1 , 8 2 , 3 2 , 8 3 , 2 3 , 7 4 , 1 4 , t 6,0 6,4 6,9 7,8 8,3 8,7 9,2
1003 1 , 8 2 , 2 2 , e 4,O 4 , t 4,8 o.o 7,O 7 , 9 8,4 A R
1004 1 , 7 z,a 2,9 3,4 a a A6 5 , 9 6,3 7,'l 8,0 8,4
1005 1 , 6 t i 2 , 4 2 , 8 3 , 2 4,( 4 , 4 4 , 8 5,2 5 , 6 6,0 6,4 6,8 7 , 2 8,0
1006 l o 2 , 3 2 , 6 3,0 3 , 4 3 , t 4,2 4,9 5,4 6,0 o , o 6,8
1007 1 , 5 1 n 2,2 2 , 5 2 , 9 4 , O 4,3 5,4 6,8
a 7 4,4 4 , 4 4 , 8 q A
1008 1 , 4 1 , 72,C 2 , 73,0 3,t 6,2 6,8
1009 1 2 1 0 2,3 9 A 4 , 2 4 , 5 4 , 8 5 , 2 5,4 6,0 6,4
10 1 0 1 , 2 1 q 1 , 8 2 A 2,7 J,O 3,9 4,4 6,0
1 0 11 1 , 1 1 , 4 1 , 1 2,0 ) t 2,5 t t 3,0 3,4 3 , 6 3,9 4 2 4,5 4,6
't012 1 F 1 , 82,4 z,J 2,( 2,9 3 , 13,4 3,6 4 , 2 4 , 4 4 , 7 4,9 5 , 2
1 0 1 3 1 , 0 1 , 2 1 , 4 1 , 7l o 2,' , o 3 , 4 3 , 6 3 , 8 4 , 0 4 , 3 4 , 6 4,8
1014 t 6 1,8
1 , 1 I , C 't,4 2,t 2,4 z , a t a 3,0 L i 4,4
1015 n a 1,0 1 , 6 1 , 8 2,( 2,4 2 , 6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4 3 , 6 4,O
10'16 0,9 1 f t a 1 6 1 t 2,O 2,3 t 7 3,0 3,4 3 , 6
1 0 17 u , o 0 , 8 I , C 1 , 1 1,4 1,( 1 A t o 2,O 2 , 6 2 , 7 t a 3,0
1018 ' l,r
o , 7 0,€ 1 , 0 1 , 1 I Q
1 , 7 1 A 2,O 2,2 2,4 2 , 5 2 , 7 2,8
1019 u . o o , 7 0,8 1 n 1 , 0 1 , i 1 , 4 I , O 1 , 7 1 , 8 t o 2,O 2,2
10 2 0 0,4 o , 7 0,8 o q 1,( 1,1 l l 1,4 1,6 1,7 l o 2,O
1021 0,3 0,4 0 , 6 0 , 6 0 , 7 0,t no 1,0 1 , 1 t e 1,4 I,O
1022 c , 2 o,4 0,4 0,5 0,( o,7 o,70,8 0,8 0,9 1 , 0 1,0 1,1
10 2 3 c , 2 n 2 0 , 3 0 , 3 0,4 O,r o,4 0,5 0 , 6 0 , 6 0 , 6 o,7 o , 7 0 , 8 0 , 8
1024 , 1 0 , 1 0 , 1 0 , 1 o,2 n t
' 1 0 2 5 c0,0 o,2 o,2 0,3 0 , 3 0,3 0,4 o,4 o , 4
0,0 0 , c 0,0 0,00,0 0,( 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0

1026 ),1 0 , 1 t 1 0 , 1 0 , 2 o,2 o,2 0 , 3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0 , 3 o,4 o,4 0,4
1027 ),2 o , 2 ) , 2 0,3 0 , 4 ),, n L 0,6 0,6 u , o 0 , 7 o,7 0,8 0,8
1028 ),2 0 , 3 ) , 4 o,4 l,( o,7 o,70,8 0,8 0,9
'1,0 1 , 0 1 n t n ' 1, 1
' 1002390 o,4 t q 0 , 6 0,6 o , 7 ),{ o o 1,11 t 'I 1, J, 6 1 , 7 1 , 8 1 0
),4 o , 7 0,8 0,9 1 , ( 1 , 1 I Q
1 , 4 't,8 2,O
10 3 1 0,6 ),7 0 , 8 1 , 01 , 1 1,4 1 A 1 , 7 2,O 2 2 2,3 2,4
1032 J.b o.7 1 , O1 . 1 t 1 1 , 71 q 2,O 2,2 2,4 2,7 ' A

The last 7 rows of figures denote a negativeadjustment requiringan

increase of freeboard - or decrease of draught - by dmount stated.

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^- :oero Gofahr^, rtAr

K O Slorck Venag
- Fax (040)89 77 58
na:i* : Z@ nahDlfg 50 lel. (04) 85 32 92'31
Stowage Factors
Using this quick returence guide alongside ]|.s (EtgEE gDod3 b.nE ts.
the ship's cargo otficer can peparc stffage PaG tptt-t d fiitay
Each class of hazardouscargo is clearly lad out 6 m sgg- 6 a re ffi
table showingsegregationfrom other clas. AbrEse tc 6 a ffit t grc J@-
tions for that class and a list of special prffiubqE b spcctd 3E!lE filE 5! -J\
number The guide is cross-reterenced to the bEsa ltG Cc Frr tI 126- + 4E


iiiiri ffi"}iir.l
r i rl l r | i l r l i l i l l i l r i i l r i l i l r r l i l 1 r i i l q i l i l l i l i l llirlilil l1l irlli l | l i l r ] i ll ri lli l l i l i l l i l i l 1 i l i l 1 i l i l 1 i l i l l |
3 t , 5 6 7 8 I 10 1t 12 13 11


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