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States: Court " of For All

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suRErrj O} ltrIExnAL HtvEiuE


o:50 P;4,
necon--os MG T. D lV I SION
September 5, 20'18

Revenue Mermrorandum circutan tt,o. 75- 20l8

Subject: The Mlandlatory Statutory Requirenrent and Function of a
Letten of Authority .

To All lnternal Revenue Officers anrd Others Concerned

This Circular is being issuerd to highlight the d,cctrinal rule enunciated by the
Supreme Court in the case o1' " Medicard Philippine$, lnc. vs. Commissioner of
lnternal Revenue" (G.R' No. 22?-743, 05 Aprtl 2017) 'rn the mandatory statutory
requirement of a Letter of Authority (LOA), for the guidance of all concerned,
particularly internal revenLle officerrs tasked with assessment and collection functions
and review of disputed assessments.

The judicial ruling , invol<ing a specific statutory' mandate, states that no

assessments can be issued or no assessment functions or proceedings can be dcne
without the prior approval and authorization of the Cornmissioner of lnternal Revenue
(ClR) or his duly authorized re;rresentative, through an LOA. The concept of an LOA
is therefore clear arrd unequiv,cc;il . Any tax: assessrnent issued without an LOA is a
violation of the taxpayer's right to due process and is therefore "inescapably void."

The Court further emphatioally clarified that :

1. The circumstances contemplated under Section 6 of the National

lnternal revenue Code (NIRC) , as amended, "where the taxpayer
may be assessed through best evidence obtainable , inventory-
taking or surveillance, among others, l'ratre nothing to do with the
LOA. These erre simpiy methods of exarnirring the taxpayer in order
to arrive at the correct amount of taxes. llence unless undertaken by
the CIR hims;eli' or his duly authrorizecl representatives, other tax
agents nray rrot validly conduct any of ttrese kinds of examinations
without prior authoritY."

2. A Letter Notice (LN) "is entirely different and serves a different

purpose than an LOA'. lt is not founcl in.the NIRC and is not an
authority to conduct an audit or examinertion of the taxpayer leading
to the issuance of deficiency assessments . Due process demands
that after an LI\ has served its puroose , the revenue officer should
ha,re properl!' s,ecureC an LO,A hefore proceeding with the further
examination atnd assessment of taxpiayer.


con13y13V anO to encourage due

To help forestall any unnecessary inv exanri.er or revenue officer initiating
judiciar pronou.c,3rrents,
functio.s without an LoA shall
observance of the be
tax assessments ti purr"rm.ing ,r*utt*"ni
subject to approprrate administratirre

hereby repeated , '*1"0*O
tr accordingly'

give tnis'iircular as wide
publicitli as possible'

/ ffi
i:trrsnRR. DULAY
Cornmlssioner of lnternal Revenue
t' 019397
cuREru ot" lNr E!!11 lFv-ryb
b"60 F h'
sEP o 5,2018

[econ'bi Mor. otvtstox

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