Experiment:04 Cam Jump Analysis: Kinematics and Dynamics Lab Manual (ME406ES)
Experiment:04 Cam Jump Analysis: Kinematics and Dynamics Lab Manual (ME406ES)
Experiment:04 Cam Jump Analysis: Kinematics and Dynamics Lab Manual (ME406ES)
Jump Phenomenon:
rigid follower train. Roth art states that jump will not occur in high
speed systems if at least two full cycles of vibration occur during
the positive acceleration time-interval of the motion. If a smaller
number of cycles exist during this period then, he states, the
system should be investigated mathematically to determine if jump
exists. This condition can be expressed by the equation:-
l = length of spring
Where Bl is the angle through which the cam rotates during positive
acceleration period. This figure can probably be reduced slightly for
appreciable amounts of damping.
Spring loses compression when jump begins and is carried in
motion with the mass. The resulting motion now gets rather
complicated because the mass, too, must be redistributed.
Probably a good first approximation could be obtained by
concentrating a portion of the mass at the bottom of spring and
treating the motion as a system of two degrees of freedom. It must
be noted, through that the system will vibrate at a new frequency
after jump begins and then analysis of the motion using the old
frequency after jump begins and that an analysis of the motion
using the old frequency is not a true description of the motion.
Spring K2 losses its compression whenever X exceeds by the
amount K2 was initially compressed during assembly. Thus to set
up a criteria for jump, it is necessary to calculate the
precompression of K2.
The machine is a motorized unit consisting of a cam shaft driven by a
D.C. motor. The shaft runs in a double ball bearing. At the free
end of the cam shaft a cam can be easily mounted. The follower is
properly guided in bushes and the type of the follower can be
changed to suit the cam under test. A graduated circular protractor
is fitted coaxial with the shaft and a dial gauge can be fitted to note
the follower displacement for the angle of cam rotation. A spring is
used to provide controlling force to the follower system. Weights on
the follower rod can be adjusted as per the requirements. The
arrangement of speed regulation is provided.
Types of Cams
1. Elliptical cam
2. Eccentric cam
3. Snail cam
Type of Followers
1. Roller follower
2. Mushroom follower
Types Of Follower.
a. Knife edged.. These are not often used due to the rapid rate of
wear of the knife edge. This design
design produces a considerable side
thrust between the follower and the guide.
b. Roller Follower.. The roller follower has the advantage that the
sliding motion between cam and follower is largely replaced by a
rolling motion. Note that sliding is not entirely eliminated
eliminated since
the inertia of the roller prevents it from responding
instantaneously to the change of angular velocity required by the
varying peripheral speed of the cam. This type of follower also
produces a considerable side thrust.
c. Flat or Mushroom Follower.
Fo . These have the advantage that the
only side thrust is that due to friction between the contact
surfaces of cam and follower. The relative motion is one of sliding
but it may be possible to reduce this by off setting the axis of the
follower as shownn in the diagram. This results in the the follower
revolving under the influence of the cam.
d. Flat faced Follower.
Follower. These are really an example of the
mushroom follower and are used where space is limited. The
most obvious example being automobile engines.
Compression Springs
One spring is provided. The (approx.) stiffness is 4 Kg/cm
The unit is provided with the push rod in the two bush bearings. The
same push rod is to be used for the flat face and roller follower. The
unit is dissembled, for any reason while assembling following
precautions should be taken.
1) The horizontality of the upper and lower glands should be
checked by a spirit level.
2) The supporting pillars should be properly tightened with the lock
nuts provided.
1. Selected a suitable cam and follower combination.
2. Fix the cam on the driving shaft by seeing the rotation of the
3. Fix the follower on push rod and properly tighten the check nut,
such that knife-edge of follower (or axis of roller in case of roller
follower) is parallel to axis of camshaft.
4. Check the upper dial to show zero without any error.
5. Rotate the cam at different angle by using handle and note down
the approximate dial gauge reading.
6. Give required initial compression to the spring. In order that initial
compression is not lost during operation, the check nut is to be
tightened against spring seat.
7. See that the knob of dimmer stat is at zero position
8. Plot the cam profile by using dial gauge reading and angle of cam
9. Repeat the experiment by plotting different cam with different
10.Finally plot graph of follower weight and jump speed
Following experiments can be conducted using this machine:
1.To Plot X-O (follower displacement Vs. Angle of cam rotation)
curve for different cam follower pairs. The X-O plot can be used to
find out the velocity and acceleration of the follower system.
For this experiment rotate the system manually for taking reading,
arrange the set up. The exact profile of the cam can be obtained by
taking observations.
X Vs. O. where X – displacement of the follower from reference
initial position which is readied by dial gauge and O = angle of cam
rotation with reference from axis of symmetry chosen. By
differentiating the X-O curve once or twice, the velocity and
acceleration curves can be plotted for the follower and cam under
study. Finally switch on the motor and visual observation of
behaviour can be seen.
2. Speed:-To observe the phenomenon of jump by naked eye. When
jump occurs the follower pounds on the cam surface giving a good
thumping sound.
Upward inertia force = Downward retaining force
= +
This is the equilibrium of force equation when the jump will just
W = follower weight (Assembly)
S = spring force
ω = angular velocity of cam.
r = distance according to the geometry of cam.
3. To study the effect of follower assembly weight on the jump speed
when the spring force is kept constant. To study this effect keep the
initial spring compression at a certain level and observe jump speed
for different follower weights by adding them successively and plot
the graph of follower weights Vs. Jump speed.
( + )
4. This relation shows that as the follower weight increases the
jump speed goes on decreases
Tabular column
For Elliptical Cam with mushroom follower
Angle gaug
Dial gauge
Angle in in e
degrees deg readi
s (div)
rees ngs
0 190
10 200
20 210
30 220
40 230
50 240
60 250
70 260
80 270
90 280
100 290
110 300
120 310
130 320
140 330
150 340
160 350
170 360
350 1020
340 30
330 800 40
320 50
310 600 60
300 400 70
290 200 80
280 0 90 cam
270 100
260 110
250 120
240 130
230 140
220 150
200190 160
350800 1020
340 30
330 600 40
320 50
310 400 60
300 70
290 200 80
280 0 90 cam
270 100
260 110
250 120
240 130
230 140
220 150
200190 160
Angle gaug
Dial gauge
Angle in in e
degrees deg readi
s (div)
rees ngs
0 180
10 190
20 200
30 210
40 220
50 230
60 240
70 250
80 260
90 270
100 280
110 290
120 300
130 310
140 320
150 330
160 340
170 350
180 360
800 10 20
340 30
330 40
320 600 50
310 400 60
300 70
290 200 80
280 0 90 cam
270 100
260 110
250 120
240 130
230 140
220 150
210200 160
190 180170
Angle gaug
Dial gauge
Angle in in e
degrees deg readi
gs (div)
rees ngs
0 180
10 190
20 200
30 210
40 220
50 230
60 240
70 250
80 260
90 270
100 280
110 290
120 300
130 310
140 320
150 330
160 340
170 350
180 360
3501000 10 20
340 30
330 800 40
320 50
310 600 60
300 400 70
290 200 80
280 0 90 cam
270 100
260 110
250 120
240 130
230 140
220 150
210200 160
190 180170
Angle gaug
Dial gauge
Angle in in e
degrees deg readi
gs (div)
rees ngs
0 190
10 200
20 210
30 220
40 230
50 240
60 250
70 260
80 270
90 280
100 290
110 300
120 310
130 320
140 330
150 340
160 350
170 360
3501000 10 20
340 30
330 800 40
320 50
310 600 60
300 400 70
290 200 80
280 0 90 cam
270 100
260 110
250 120
240 130
230 140
220 150
210200 170160
190 180
3501000 10 20
340 30
330 800 40
320 50
310 600 60
300 400 70
290 200 80
280 0 90 cam
270 100
260 110
250 120
240 130
230 140
220 150
210200 170160
190 180
9.Do not handle the machine without proper precaution.
10.Do not run the cam motor with high speed.
While assembling following precautions should be taken.
a. The horizontally of the upper and lower glans should be checked
by a spirit level.
b. The supporting pillars should be properly tightened with the lock
nuts provided.
c. Lubrication It is imperative, that to minimize the sliding forces at
the bearing surfaces, lubrication is a must. Before starting,
continuous supply of oil should beprovided. The cam is to be
lubricated by oil before starting.
1.Types of Cams
2.Types Of Follower.
1. The exact cam profile of the cam can be obtained by taking observation θ
(cam.rotation)(followerdisplacement) .