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Sourdough Completion Practical

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An investigation into the effect of flour type on the rate of yeast

respiration. Completion

Student Identification_______________________

This assessment provides opportunities for you to demonstrate your ability to:
 work collaboratively to conduct a biological investigation in which you manipulate apparatus, obtain,
record and display data and make appropriate observations
 display the findings appropriately and effectively
 systematically evaluate the data and observations from the investigation and form relevant

Description of assessment
This is a ‘completion’ type practical in which you use the procedure provided. You must write a hypothesis,
purpose and variables at the beginning of your report, complete the safety assessment, teamwork review,
results, discussion and conclusion. You will work in pairs to complete the practical, but you need to
individually record your results and write your report. The graphs for your report must be hand drawn.

Assessment conditions
In this assessment, the practical task will be conducted under direct supervision. The practical report will
then be completed in your own time. Assessment of skills in individual and collaborative work will be made
during the practical.
The report should be a maximum of 1000 words if written, or a maximum of 6 minutes for an oral
presentation, or the equivalent in multimodal form.
Only the following sections of the report are included in the word count:
• introduction
• analysis of results
• evaluation of procedures
• conclusion and justification.

The learning requirements summarise the knowledge, skills, and understanding that students are expected to develop
and demonstrate through their learning in Stage 1 Biology.
In this subject, students are expected to:
1. apply science inquiry skills to deconstruct a problem and design and conduct biological investigations, using
appropriate procedures and safe, ethical working practices
2. obtain, record, represent, analyse, and interpret the results of biological investigations
3. evaluate procedures and results, and analyse evidence to formulate and justify conclusions
4. develop and apply knowledge and understanding of biological concepts in new and familiar contexts
5. explore and understand science as a human endeavour
6. communicate knowledge and understanding of biological concepts, using appropriate terms, conventions, and
Performance Standards for Summative Practical

IAE1 Deconstructs and Deconstructs and Deconstructs and Prepares the outline Identifies a simple
designs a logical, designs a well- designs a considered of a deconstruction deconstruction and
coherent, and considered and clear and generally clear and biological procedure for a
detailed biological biological biological investigation biological
investigation. investigation. investigation. investigation.

IAE2 Obtains, records, Obtains, records, Obtains, records, Obtains, records, Attempts to record
and represents data, and represents data, and represents data, and represents data, and represent some
using appropriate using appropriate using generally using conventions data, with limited
conventions and conventions and appropriate and formats accuracy or
formats accurately formats mostly conventions and inconsistently, with effectiveness.
and highly accurately and formats with some occasional accuracy
effectively. effectively. errors but generally and effectiveness.
accurately and
IAE3 Systematically Logically analyses Undertakes some Describes data and Attempts to describe
analyses and and interprets data analysis and undertakes some results and/or
interprets data and and evidence to interpretation of data basic interpretation interpret data to
evidence to formulate suitable and evidence to to formulate a basic formulate a basic
formulate logical conclusions with formulate generally conclusion. conclusion.
conclusions with reasonable appropriate
detailed justification. conclusions with
justification. some justification.
IAE4 Critically and Logically evaluates Evaluates Attempts to evaluate Acknowledges that
logically evaluates procedures and their procedures and procedures or procedures affect
procedures and their effect on data some of their effect suggest an effect on data.
effect on data. on data. data.
KA1 Demonstrates deep Demonstrates some Demonstrates Demonstrates some Demonstrates
and broad depth and breadth of knowledge and basic knowledge and limited recognition
knowledge and knowledge and understanding of a partial and awareness of
understanding of a understanding of a general range of understanding of biological concepts.
range of biological range of biological biological concepts. biological concepts.
concepts. concepts.

KA4 Communicates Communicates Communicates Communicates basic Attempts to

knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and biological communicate
understanding of understanding of understanding of information, using information about
biology coherently, biology mostly biology generally some appropriate biology
with highly effective coherently, with effectively, using terms, conventions,
use of appropriate effective use of some appropriate and/or
terms, conventions, appropriate terms, terms, conventions, representations.
and representations. conventions, and and representations.
Section Intended Student Learnings Performance

Practical Skills  How well does the student follow instructions and manipulate apparatus?
 How well does the student implement organised and safe procedures? IAE1
 Does the student include a safety assessment?
 How effectively does the student work in a group?
 How well does the student work independently and remain focussed?
 How well does the student demonstrate initiative?
Introduction  Does the student introduce the topic by providing relevant background KA1
 Does the student state a suitable purpose? IAE1
 Does the student state a well-worded hypothesis? Must link the IV to the DV
 Does the student identify and distinguish between the independent and
dependent variables? Must include units and values of IV tested
 Does the student identify factors that need to be held constant? Must explain
how and why using scientific terminology
 Are there any uncontrolled variables evident? Explain why they are not
Procedure  Does the student describe a detailed procedure (in paste tense if a completion IAE1
practical) including steps in procedure, sample size, repetition and control?
Results  How well does the student construct tables using appropriate conventions?
 How well does the student construct graphs using appropriate conventions? IAE2
 How well does the student record and use measurements to an appropriate
number of significant figures?
 Does the student provide sample calculations?
Discussion  How clearly does the student describe the trend/pattern of results? Include data
 How well does the student interpret and explain the results in relation to the IAE3
theory? Must use reference material and relevant biological terminology
 How well does the student identify and explain sources of uncertainty by
explaining sources of random error and systematic errors in the procedure used
and their potential effects on the data? Improvements can be suggested here. IAE4
 How well does the student identify and explain the effect of sources of
uncertainty by explaining the potential effect of a factor not kept constant/hard
to keep constant.
 How well does the student evaluate the procedure by discussing the precision,
reliability and accuracy of the results?
Conclusion  How clearly does the student formulate a conclusion including reference to the IAE3
scientific principle studied?
 Does the student refer to the hypothesis?
 Is the validity and quality of the data evaluated or any limitations?
Communication  How well is the report structured?
 How well does the student communicate knowledge? KA4
 How well does the student use appropriate biological terms, conventions,
formulae and equations?
 How well does the student acknowledge source information used?

Effect of flour type on sourdough respiration

All organisms need nutrients to survive. Sourdough is a dough made of flour and water; containing a
Lactobacillus culture in symbiotic combination with yeast. Sourdough cultures require to be ‘fed’ regularly
and are often fed with flour. Sourdough uses the nutrients within the flour and creates energy by a
process called cellular respiration.
Cells breakdown glucose through cellular respiration and as a result CO2, energy and water are released.
This experiment is to see which type of flour the sourdough culture prefers.

 Sourdough culture
 Spatula
 Weighing Scales
 Tupperware container
 Different types of flour (rice, wholegrain, rye, corn, white,
chickpea, buckwheat)
 Sticky labels
 Plastic brewing airlock
 Distilled water

1. Tare Tupperware container on scales.
2. Add 20 grams of sour dough culture.
3. Tare scales again, then add 20 grams of flour.
4. Tare scales again and add 20mls of water.
5. Mix in well and then weigh the containers. Record weight and flour type.
Label the container with total weight.
6. Apply the brewing airlock and carefully fill water halfway up the airlock.
7. Place in the water bath and leave for two days.

Flour Type Initial weight Final Weight Net loss of CO2

Rice Flour
Wholegrain Flour
Rye Flour
Corn Flour
White Flour
Chickpea Flour
Buckwheat Flour
No Flour
Airlock Only
Location and date of activity Sourdough Completion Practical
Name of teacher/technician Andrew Ayliffe
Activity type Technician procedure Teacher demonstration Student activity – Student year group
Physics and general equipment Type of hazard Controls and other measures
Relevant signage
Radiation ionising laser
Glassware: Beakers, Glass Stirring rods. Perspex safety shield
Electrical Sharps container
Thermal Glassware free from cracks or chips
Projectiles Safety glasses
Sharps Thermally insulated gloves
Other – Other –

Chemicals used and produced Type of hazard Controls and other measures
Limit quantity/concentration
Explosive Acute toxicity Perspex safety shield
Ventilation: natural/exhaust
Fume cupboard
Flammable Health hazards
Safety glasses
Laboratory coat/apron
Oxidising Chronic health Gloves: latex/nitrile/neoprene/PVC
Safety shower
Gases under Other –
pressure Environmental

Corrosive Other –
Biological/geological materials Type of hazard Controls and other measures
Sourdough Culture Biohazard Disinfectant
Flour Dust/aerosols Sharps container
Water Sharps Dust mask
Safety glasses
Manual handling
Other –
Other –
Waste produced Waste disposal procedure
Pre-treatment of waste –
Sink with water –
Regular waste –
Licenced hazardous waste company –
Other –
Standard Operating Procedures
I have read the relevant Standard Operating Procedure.
I am experienced/trained in using all the equipment listed.
All chemicals used and produced are approved for use.
I have read the current SDSs for all hazardous chemicals used and produced.
I am aware of safety guidelines for using all chemicals, materials and equipment.
I will follow local guidelines for waste disposal (water authority, local council, EPA).
I am aware of first aid procedures if required.
Other comments:
Risks not significant now and not likely to increase.
Risks significant but effectively controlled at the moment.
Risks significant and not adequately controlled at the moment.
Uncertain about risks; more detailed assessment required.
Assessment carried out by: Signature: Andrew Ayliffe Date:
Andrew Ayliffe

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