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Task 11 - SHE Investigation Sustainability

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Stage 2 Chemistry – Assessment Type 1: Investigations Folio Task 011

Science as a Human Endeavour Investigation – Sustainability

This task has a focus on science as a human endeavour; how science interacts with society. The
SHE focus of this investigation is how chemical knowledge has been used to design sustainable
practices (Application and Limitation).

Select and explore a recent discovery, innovation, issue, or advancement in which chemical
knowledge has been used to design sustainable practices.
Examples include carbon capture and storage, photovoltaic cell research, and use of desalination
to boost potable water supplies.
Select, analyse and synthesise information from different sources to:
 explain the science relevant to the focus of your investigation
 show its connections to key science as a human endeavour concepts

Prepare a scientific report, which must include the use of scientific terminology and:
 an introduction to identify the focus of the investigation and the key concept(s) of
science as a human endeavour that it links to
 relevant chemistry concepts or background
 an explanation of how the focus of the investigation illustrates the interaction
between science and society, including a discussion of the potential impact of the
focus of the investigation, e.g. further development, effect on quality of life,
environmental implications, economic impact, intrinsic interest
 a conclusion
 citations and referencing.
The report, which can be in a format of your choice, should be a maximum of 1500 words
if written, or a maximum of 10 minutes for an oral presentation, or the equivalent in
multimodal form.

Ref: A734685 Page 1 of 2

© SACE Board of South Australia 2018, updated January 2019
Performance Standards for Stage 2 Chemistry


Critically deconstructs a problem Logically deconstructs a problem Deconstructs a problem and Prepares a basic deconstruction Attempts a simple
1 and designs a logical, coherent, and designs a well-considered designs a considered and of a problem and an outline of a deconstruction of a problem and
and detailed chemistry and clear chemistry generally clear chemistry chemistry investigation. a procedure for a chemistry
investigation. investigation. investigation.
2 Obtains records, and represents Obtains, records, and represents Obtains, records, and represents Obtains, records, and represents
Attempts to record and
data using appropriate data using appropriate data using generally appropriate data using conventions and
represent some data with
conventions and formats conventions and formats mostly conventions and formats with formats inconsistently, with
limited accuracy or effectiveness.
Investigation, accurately and highly effectively. accurately and effectively. some errors but generally occasional accuracy and
Analysis and accurately and effectively. effectiveness.
Systematically analyses and Logically analyses and interprets Attempts to describe results
Evaluation interprets data and evidence to data and evidence to formulate Undertakes some analysis and Describes data and undertakes
3 some basic interpretation to and/or interpret data to
formulate logical conclusions suitable conclusions with interpretation of data and formulate a basic conclusion.
with detailed justification. reasonable justification. evidence to formulate generally formulate a basic conclusion.
appropriate conclusions with Acknowledges that procedures
Critically and logically evaluates Logically evaluates procedures some justification. Attempts to evaluate procedures affect data.
procedures and their effects on and their effects on data. or suggest an effect on data.
4 data. Evaluates procedures and some
of their effects on data.

Demonstrates deep and broad Demonstrates some depth and Demonstrates knowledge and Demonstrates some basic Demonstrates some limited
1 knowledge and understanding of breadth of knowledge and understanding of a general range knowledge and partial recognition and awareness of
a range of chemical concepts. understanding of a range of of chemical concepts. understanding of chemical chemical concepts.
chemical concepts. concepts.
Applies chemical concepts highly
effectively in new and familiar Applies chemical concepts Applies chemical concepts Applies some chemical concepts Attempts to apply chemical
contexts. mostly effectively in new and generally effectively in new or in familiar contexts. concepts in familiar contexts.
2 familiar contexts.
familiar contexts. Attempts to explore and identify
Critically explores and Partially explores and recognises
Explores and understands an aspect of the interaction
Knowledge and understands in depth the Logically explores and
aspects of the interaction
aspects of the interaction
between science and society.
Application 3 interaction between science and understands in some depth the between science and society.
society. interaction between science and between science and society.
society. Communicates basic chemical Attempts to communicate
Communicates knowledge and Communicates knowledge and information, using some information about chemistry.
understanding of chemistry Communicates knowledge and understanding of chemistry appropriate terms, conventions,
coherently with highly effective understanding of chemistry generally effectively using some and/or representations.
4 use of appropriate terms, mostly coherently with effective appropriate terms, conventions,
conventions and use of appropriate terms, and representations.
representations. conventions, and

Ref: A734685 Page 2 of 2

© SACE Board of South Australia 2018, updated January 2019

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