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Assissment Critique

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Tobacco is an agricultural product derived from the leaves of several species of Nicotina
Plants. When combined with nicotina tartrate, tobacco becomes one of the most commonly
abound recreational drugs Nicotine, a naturally occurring stimulant in tobacco, can be
poisonous if taken in sufficiently high doses, which is not the amount of nicotine absorbed by
tobacco use.

Nicotine is an addictive substance that makes the use feel alert st first, then relaxed with
continued se. (Gately, Lain 2004, 2003)

Smoking is an issue that affects countries worldwide. While the extent to which smoking is
viewed as a negative health behavior may vary across different nations, it remains an issue
regardless of how it is perceived by different societies. The United States has taken numerous
measures, ranging from changes in national policy surrounding youth cigarette access to
changes in media campaigns, in attempts to eliminate the use of tobacco produce among
teenagers. Approximately 90% of smokers begin smoking prior to the age of 18. In efforts to
reduce the total number of smokers and negative effects smocking has on society, it is
necessary to reduce the number of youth and adolescents who begin smoking.


“A Study to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on smoking hazards in

terms of knowledge among adolescent boys in a selected colleges at Rajkot.”


1. To assess the level of knowledge regarding smoking hazards among college students

2. To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on smoking hazards

3. To find out the association between pretest knowledge score with there
selected demographic variables


HI: There will be significant difference between the pretest and posttest level of
knowledge scores among adolescents regarding smoking hazards.
H2: There will be significant association between pre- test levels of knowledge scores of
adolescents with their selected demographic variables.


Is a problem The problem is This study The study can be
“A Study to evaluate sufficiently sufficiently statement done for youth
the effectiveness of delimited in scope limited. doesn’t show generation.
structured teaching without being the type of
program on smoking trivial? study.
hazards in terms of
knowledge among Is the problem The problem is
adolescent boys in a significant and significant to
selected colleges at relevant to nursing as it is
Rajkot.” nursing related to smoking

REVIEW OF THE Is the literature The literature Review of literature

LITERATURE review organized review is related the study can
to demonstrate organized to be added. Articles
the progressive demonstrate the report can also be
development of progressive added to the review
ideas through development of of literature. It gave
previous research ideas through only few related
previous research research.
done on the social
media addiction.

Does the The literature

literature review review provide
provide rationale rationale and
and direction for direction for the
the study? study.

Is a clear and Clear and concise

concise summary summary of the
of the current current empirical
empirical and and theoretical
theoretical knowledge in the
knowledge in the area of study
area of study present
Is the framework Framework of the
STUDY presented with study not provided.
FRAMEWORK clarity?
Would another
framework fit
more logically
with the study?
RESEARCH Are the objective The objectives are They have objective
OBJECTIVES Or hypothesis concisely to assess the
QUESTION OR expressed clearly. expressed knowledge and also
HYPOTHESIS mentioned

Is the objective or The objectives are The

hypothesis logically linked to hypothesis
logically linked to research purpose. mentioned are
the research the null &
purpose? research

VARIABLES Are the variables Yes most of the None of The independent
of the concept variables of the independent variables such as
identified in the concept are and health status, any
work? identified in work dependent illness should be
variables are included and
included in dependent should
Are the variables the also be included.
clearly defined? framework

RELIABILITY 1) Tool reliable The tool is found The tool is validated

reliable by experts &
reliability checked
by test-retest

2) Which The questionnaire

method is is prepared&test-
used to check retest method is
the reliability? used to check the
INCLUSION & Is inclusion & None of They must have
EXCLUSION Exclusion criteria Inclusion & mentioned inclusion
CRITERIA mentioned in Exclusion and exclusion
study? criteria criteria in the study.
mentioned in
the study.
PILOT STUDY Dose the pilot They did not
study explores mention pilot
and test the study.
research element.

SAMPLE Is the target The population in They can The study can be
POPULATION AND population to the study is the 60 select more done on youth as the
SETTING which the finding adolescent boys. sample for the study is affected or
will be generally purpose of bias may form.
defined? generalization

Is the sampling The individual

method adequate consent was taken
to produce a before the data
sample that is collection.
preventive of the The permission
study population? was taken through
the proper
channel form the
relevant authority.

Is the setting used They have .

in the study mention the area
typical of clinical of study, as
setting? selected colleges
of Rajkot

DATA Is the data Data collection

COLLECTION collection process process is not clearly
clearly described? described.

Are the data Questionnaire was

collection used to gather
methods ethical? data.
Prior concern was
taken before the
data collection.
DATA ANALYSIS Are data analysis Analysis Tables and figures
procedure clearly procedure is are used to synthesis
described? clearly described. and emphasis the
Data was analyzed finding.
by assessing mean
scores &
significance of
difference of
means by‘t-test’

Are the results The results are

presented in
presented in an
way? understandable
way by using
various types of
tables, graphs,
charts etc.

INTERPRETATION All the findings The findings All the significant

OF FINDING discussed in discussed in finding is explained.
relation to each relation to each The study was
objective, objective and limited for specific
question or hypothesis. group only i.e. for
hypothesis? adolescent boys.

Are significant Significant

findings findings explained

Does the Conclusion fit the In the analysis

conclusion fit the result of analysis researcher did
result of analysis? not identify
Did the researcher important
identify important study
study limitations? limitation.
LIMITATION Limitation is the Here not
all area specified mention
in limitation. limitation in
the study.

The main conclusion from this presents study is that respondents studding in college of
Rajkot, were improper knowledge regarding smoking hazards. A continuous study packages
and close monitoring, legislation and good attitude are essential for controlling the smoking

In all demographic factors the test statistic < table value with non-significant at 0.05 level.
The result shows that there is no relationship between any of the demographic variables with
their pre-test post-test knowledge score.

Journal of Nursing and health science (IOSR-JNHS)

Volume No: 7

Issue No: July-August 2018

Author: Ms. JyotikiranGaikwad

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