Geotechnical Site Investigation (CE 829) : Instructor
Geotechnical Site Investigation (CE 829) : Instructor
Geotechnical Site Investigation (CE 829) : Instructor
18/09/2019 1 18/09/2019 / Dr. Tariq Bajwa
• Examples
o appropriate case records of field failures and a site investigation should be planned to provide the correct
values required.
18/09/2019 / Dr. Tariq BajwaFigure: Information and activity flow chart for geotechnical site investigation 18/09/2019 / Dr. Tariq Bajwa
The development of the geological model • Familiarity with soil mechanics principles – computational methods to solve
engineering problems
Planning of GSI The identification and evaluation of hazards Calculations of earth pressure
Slope stability
The geotechnical design of the project Bearing capacity
• Understanding of geology – built up of sound appreciation of the site geology • Similitude – develop model– best to the field conditions and design parameters to tackle GP
settlement, earth pressure, slope stability and seepage) hazards lurking in the • 'Good' geotechnical design is where you put the wrong parameters into the wrong analysis
background which could trap the unwary? and get the right answer!
Examples: The collapse of an existing retaining wall due to abnormal rainfall, or the • This is because in good design we assess how wrong our parameter determinations are
failure of a nearby slope, or ground deformations due to the presence of an underground and how wrong our analyses are and make a compensating correction based on
undetected void could have serious consequences.
18/09/2019 / Dr. Tariq Bajwa 18/09/2019 / Dr. Tariq Bajwa
• All potential hazards should be considered so that the site investigation will
o Develop a cynical pessimistic approach
identify such problems at an early stage. Starting a risk register at the outset is the
key to best practice
• Never forget Murphy's Law:
• The site investigation should be specifically designed for each individual job.
• 'If something can go wrong, it will!' (this law has other names!).
• Check and cross check everything. • The days of a standard site investigation of two boreholes to a depth of 10 m, with
U100 samples at depth intervals of 1·5 m in clays and Standard Penetration Tests
• Take nothing for granted. (SPTs) at depth intervals of 1·5 m in granular soils are long over!
Key elements in the planning of investigation: o Borehole layout and spacing – key principles:
The desk study and walk over survey to a depth below the elevation of the pile tips
Geotechnical hazards and risk management Figure: Typical borehole layouts for (a) a large
Parameters determination: classic and modern methods warehouse and (b) a multistorey block of flats
18/09/2019 / Dr. Tariq Bajwa 18/09/2019 / Dr. Tariq Bajwa
Key elements in the planning of boreholes and spacing o Bore hole layout and spacing – key principles:
Guidance from some of the case records
The nature of project
• If the layout of the structures has not been decided at the time of carrying out the site investigation, an evenly spaced • For extensive area, more than one line necessary
grid of boreholes may be adopted • Terminated bore holes only reaching a competent stratum
foundation loading. • It is good practice to extend some boreholes 3 m to 6 m into rock to check the
Figure: Suggested borehole layout for
• It is common for boreholes to be taken down to a depth of 1·5B or 2B below the elevation of a foundation of breadth B depth of weathering and the possible existence of a boulder.
investigating a landslip
18/09/2019 / Dr. Tariq Bajwa 18/09/2019 / Dr. Tariq Bajwa
Physical work, testing and reporting carried out as required under a separate
contract by a Contractor, chosen by selective tendering.
demonstrate cost accountability through the tendering
System I process.
Figure: Progressive increase in information building up the geological model during the course Figure: Progressive increase in information building up the geological model during the course
18/09/2019 / Dr. Tariq Bajwa of a site investigation, after Fookes (1997) – walk-over survey (superimposed on basic 18/09/2019 / Dr. Tariq Bajwa of a site investigation, after Fookes (1997) – supplementary ground investigation
geology) (superimposed on basic geology)
Tower Clock
Figure: Progressive increase in information building up the geological model during the course
18/09/2019 / Dr. Tariq Bajwa of a site investigation, after Fookes (1997) – geophysical survey (superimposed on basic Figure: Location map of House of Commons Car Park 18/09/2019 / Dr. Tariq Bajwa
Figure: Progressive increase in information building up the geological model during the course Figure: Location plan for boreholes, House of Commons car park
18/09/2019 / Dr. Tariq Bajwa of a site investigation, after Fookes (1997) – main ground investigation (superimposed on 18/09/2019 / Dr. Tariq Bajwa
basic geology)
Casagrande standpipe
UU triaxial tests • The thorough site investigation, the finite element analysis and the comprehensive monitoring
and piezometers
programme all contributed to the successful completion of this complex and sensitive civil
• Oedometer tests
– compressibility engineering project
• Finite element
analysis • An important point to note is that the design parameters adopted were not those resulting from
the site investigation but were based on field measurements of the deformations of the ground
Figure: Soil profile and properties, House of Commons car park 18/09/2019 / Dr. Tariq Bajwa 18/09/2019 / Dr. Tariq Bajwa
• the proposed car park there existed a layer of
London Clay containing partings of fine sand
and silt up to 10 mm thick and at 50 mm spacing
near the top of the layer
• The finding of this layer had very important Proposed parking base
implications on the design of the foundations
and retaining walls since the relatively high
horizontal permeability could give rise to high
water pressures beneath the excavation leading
to hydraulic uplift and possible base failure .
• the presence of the sand layers could lead to
difficulties in the construction of the piles,
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