My Child Care: Host Family Profile
My Child Care: Host Family Profile
My Child Care: Host Family Profile
My Child Care
1. My Needs
Select the type(s) of child care you have used in the past: Au Pair
Why are you considering Au Pair child care? Our contract has expired and our Au Pair is going home.
Describe a typical day with your family: A typical day is predictable, AuPair works Monday-Friday 8-5 while Pete
(How your Au Pair will work with your daily schedule) and Liz work.
How many hours of child care do you need:
Daily: 9
Weekly: 45
What skills will your Au Pair need to perform their child care
Driving: Yes
Describe how often your Au Pair will drive and the road and traffic Driving is great, but its easy to walk to a lot of activities with Jake.
conditions they can expect:
Swimming: No
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If Yes, answer all applicable questions:
Describe how often your Au Pair will swim and the swimming You dont need to swim, but we have a pool/gym membership in case you
environment such as a public pool or lake: would like to swim.
OPTIONAL: Cooking No
What’s most important to you when it comes to child care? Caring; looking out for the child and the family.
OPTIONAL: When would you like your Au Pair to arrive? Month: 2
Year: 2020
2. Children
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Jacob Bruinsma
1. Identity
OPTIONAL: Nickname:
Gender: Male
Birthday: 9/5/2017
2. Special Care
Does this child require special care? No
If you answered Yes, complete this section. If No, continue to next section:
Select the type(s) of special care:
Describe the extent of care needed and how it may impact your Au Pair:
3. Additional Information
OPTIONAL: Select your child's interest and hobbies: Art; Baseball/Softball; Dance; Gymnastics; Jogging/Running; Literature;
Music-Listening; Music-Singing; Pets; Quilting; Reading; Socializing with
Friends; Sports; Swimming
OPTIONAL: Is your child adopted or a multiple birth:
OPTIONAL: Describe your child’s personality: Happy and content. He loves to sleep.
My Au Pair
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OPTIONAL: Au Pair’s Language(s):
We want the following languages... Spanish
OPTIONAL: This is a: Requirement
• OPTIONAL: Please explain: We would like to continue Jacob's exposure to Spanish and we would like for
you to speak with Jacob primarily in Spanish.
OPTIONAL: Please explain: A younger adult seems fitting for this kind of task and how we understand
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OPTIONAL: Au Pair’s Gender: Female
2. Family
Besides English, what languages are spoken in your home? No other languages
OPTIONAL: Briefly describe your neighborhood for your potential Au We live in an historic neighborhood with lots of tall trees and homes from the
Pair: Victorian revivalist era. We are within a couple of blocks of 2 parks, childrens
museum, transportation, medical and education. Very safe location, lots of
walking and biking.
OPTIONAL: How close are you to churches, shopping, entertainment, Walking distance to churches, shopping, entertainment and more. For what is
etc.? not in reach there is a bus stop at end of street. Minimum/base charge to take
an Uber to anything Downtown.
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What type(s) of public transportation are available in your local area? Bus;Train;Taxi / Ride Share
Will your Au Pair have access to a car for personal use? Limited access
How do you plan to contribute to your Au Pair’s cultural experiences We really enjoyed finding out what Alejandra & Valeria liked to do and found
and success in the United States? activities to tie in to their preferences. We'd love to take you to sandy Lake
Michigan beach, go fishing, go to festivals, breweries. We drove both to
Chicago 2x.
3. Family
OPTIONAL: How might the religion(s) practiced in your home impact your Au We do not expect you to be religious or participate with us in any way.
How does your family like to spend leisure time? Any favorite City life, local recreation, exercise, go to the beach.
OPTIONAL: What is the sexual orientation of the Host Parents? Straight / Heterosexual
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Do you have frequent overnight guests in your home? No
• If Yes, explain who, the relation, and the frequency:
Do you have any guests (adults and children) that visit regularly or for No
extended periods of time? (two weeks or more full time)
• If Yes, please explain:
1. Contact Information
Billing Address:
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315 Paris SE Grand Rapids MI 49503 (616) 706-2736
Mailing Address:
2. Au Pair
What backup child care do you have for unexpected lapses? Neighborhood network, community association.
Who is responsible for child care when the Au Pair is off-duty? Parents.
Are there children who are not a family member that your Au Pair will No
regularly interact with?
• If Yes, who and in what capacity?
All Au Pairs must attend classes taught through an accredited Over 15 institutions of higher education exist close by. Hosts are well
post-secondary academic institution (college/university). connected in the art, music, and nonprofit world, and will take pleasure in
finding a good fit for the student.
Which airport do you prefer for your Au Pair's arrival? MI, Grand Rapids (GRR)
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Which airport is your second choice for airport arrival? Detroit
Has your family had any incidents of domestic violence that were No
reported to the police or social service agencies?
• If Yes, please explain:
Does anyone in your home take recreational drugs, Illegal drugs or Never
legal drugs outside of prescribed use?
• If more frequently than never, please explain:
3. Parent Information
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Full Name Relation Primary Contact Lives in Home Host Parent
Elizabeth Bruinsma Mom Yes Yes
Pete Bruinsma Dad Yes Yes
2. Contact Information
OPTIONAL: 2nd email:
Mobile: 616-706-2736
OPTIONAL: Preferred method of contact: Email
OPTIONAL: Best time(s) of day to contact you:
Will you be the primary contact for day-to-day matters?
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If Yes, complete section below:
Approximately when do you leave home for work and return home from Usually work from home Mon-Fri 7:30-4:30
work? (If you work from home specify your start/finish time):
Describe the frequency and duration of any personal or work-related A few days once/month by myself (Pete stays)
overnight travel:
Occupation: Architecture
Company name: tbd
OPTIONAL: Company address: tbd
OPTIONAL: Company phone: tbd
OPTIONAL: Company email:
4. Additional Information
Are you a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident? Yes
• If “No,” please explain:
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Pete Bruinsma Host Parent: Yes
1. Identity
OPTIONAL: Preferred name to be called by:
What is your relationship to the children? Dad
Do you live full-time in the home? Yes
Do you need a username/password to manage your account in the Go Yes
Au Pair Community?
2. Contact Information
OPTIONAL: 2nd email:
Mobile: 6162935731
OPTIONAL: Preferred method of contact: Email
OPTIONAL: Best time(s) of day to contact you:
Will you be the primary contact for day-to-day matters?
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Company name: Grand River Realty
OPTIONAL: Company address: 330 Fuller Ave NE Grand Rapids MI 49503
OPTIONAL: Company phone: 616-389-0881
OPTIONAL: Company email:
4. Additional Information
Are you a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident? Yes
• If “No,” please explain:
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Caption: family
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Caption: AuPair event, Dia de los muertos
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Caption: liz and jacob
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Caption: We spend a lot of time on the front porch
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Caption: AuPair event, Dia de los muertos
Family Home
Caption: This is our house.
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Caption: jake at hoover dam
Caption: Pete, Liz, Jake, and Mayor Rosalynn Bliss at Brewery Vivant.
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Caption: Vale, Liz and friend Ben brewing beer in garage
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Caption: Letter from 2018 Au Pair Valeria Vaca Lopez
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Caption: We spend a lot of time on the front porch
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We are very glad to have you consider our family for 2020! We look forward to having a friendship with you as well as a professional relationship.
Elizabeth and I very much enjoy living in downtown Grand Rapids Michigan, and we hope you do too. This is a safe city with friendly people. This is not a huge
city, but it is mid-sized. We are a 3 hour Amtrak train ride or car ride away from Chicago, a 30 minute drive from Lake Michigan. We enjoy eating, going out,
nature, water, sand, and being active. Liz likes to read, cook, sew and she is nice to talk to. I like listening to music, going to concerts, playing sports, and taking
Jake swimming.
Jacob (Jake) is a happy boy, and we know we got lucky with him when we hear stories of other babies. He is a little mischievous, full of energy and love. He also
loves to sleep. Since his first day home he slept through the night in his own bed and own room. He eats a wide variety of foods. He is able to entertain himself but
enjoys attention. Jake knows when he is being funny, which is funny for us. He needs somebody to teach him and challenge him, and have fun with him.
We have a big house, your bedroom and bathroom will be in the back of the home down a hallway, while our bedroom and Jake's bedroom are in the front. You
have a little extra separation and privacy with this arrangement.
This year our winter is projected to be mild. Usually Spring comes quickly in April, Michigan summers are the very best! Fall season is great with lots of color. You
will find lots to do with hiking, camping, water, a lot of people come from Chicago to vacation in Michigan. Grand Rapids has a few places to dance and you'll find a
lot of festivals and events to attend.
Finally, we've found that there are several other Au Pairs in Grand Rapids Michigan that come from South and Central America. It seems that the group has
regular meet-ups that might help you feel more at home while you are away. We've had some events at our home for the group, but they often go out for coffee or
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Tab Status
AP Initials: {{*Int_es_:signer1:initials}}
HF Initials: {{*Int_es_:signer2:initials}}
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The following pages below could be incomplete.
The following pages below could be filled out at any time during the
matching process.
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151 East 6100 South, Suite 200
CHILD CARE SERVICES Murray, Utah 84107
801.255.7722 801.255.7782 fax
This Child Care Services Agreement is between __Bruinsma, Pete & Elizabeth____________________ (“Host
and (“Au Pair”) from the country of (collectively “Parties” and individually “Party”) for a cultural experience and child care
services sponsored by Go Au Pair Operations, LLC (“Go Au Pair”) through the US Department of State (“DOS”) Au Pair
Visitor Program (“Au Pair Program”). Each Party warrants they have read and understand the DOS’ Au Pair Program goal to
increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and other countries through an educational and
cultural exchange so the Au Pair can return home to share their experiences with others in their home country.
This Child Care Services Agreement and the below items (collectively the “Child Care Agreement”) document the agreement
of the Parties’ responsibilities, work schedule, and living arrangements to be followed during the term of the Au Pair Program:
1. United States Department of State (“DOS”) Regulations on the Au Pair Visitor Exchange Program in Title 22 CFR 62
(“DOS Regulations”), specifically 22 CFR 62.31 – Defines the regulations the Au Pair and Host Family must follow to
participate in the Au Pair Program.
2. Au Pair and Host Family Orientation (“Orientation”) is to be completed within the first two weeks of the Au Pair’s arrival
and is conducted by the Go Au Pair Local Area Representative (“LAR”) with the Parties and all adults living in the home.
The Orientation will be signed by the Host Family, Au Pair, and any other adult living in the home.
3. Go Au Pair Mediation Policy (“Mediation Policy”) - This policy describes the steps to be followed if issues arise during the
Au Pair Program.
4. Hours & Wages Log - The Au Pair will record the hours worked and wages paid. When accurate, the Host Family and
Au Pair will initial the log.
5. Medical Consent Form - If the Host Family requests the Au Pair to perform any Layman Treatment and the Au Pair
accepts, this form must be signed by both the Host Family and Au Pair.
This Child Care Agreement is effective on the date both Party sign it and continues to the end date on the Au Pair’s Form DS-
2019 or until the Au Pair leaves the United States, whichever is later (“Placement End Date”). The Parties acknowledge: the
Au Pair is not an employee, independent contractor, or agent of Go Au Pair; the Au Pair is an employee of the Host Family;
the Host Family is solely responsible to supervise all Child Care Services performed by the Au Pair. (Reg. 62.2; 62.31.e.5;
1. Work Schedule
The work schedule (“Work Schedule”) on the next page describes the activities, duties, and hours each day in the week. The
work schedule may be periodically modified by mutual agreement. The Parties agree the Au Pair will not work more than 10
hours a day or 45 hours a week (30 hours per week for an EduCare Au Pair) and the Au Pair will receive a minimum of one
and one half days off a week in addition to one complete weekend off a month. (Reg. 62.31.c.2; 62.31.j.2-3)
None None 0
None None 0
These are preferred a few days a week weather permitting, but not necessarily required
Walks & Exercise Yes
every day.
Driving / transport – to / trom
Driving / transport – to / from Activities are mostly walking, but driving is an option too. We are close to the zoo,
activities childrens museum, parks and playgroups.
Preparing children meals Yes
Cleaning up after child(ren)
Washing child(ren) dishes Yes
Pick-up child(ren) areas (play
area, bedroom, children Yes
Making child(ren) beds Yes
Laundry of child(ren) clothes Yes
Vacuuming / Dusting
child(ren) rooms
Bathing child(ren) Yes
Changing infant diapers No
Being home when children
absent from school (illness, No
vacation, etc)
Infant’s Name: Age: Comments for infants (children under 2 years old)
Jacob 2 Bruinsma
• The Host Family will reimburse the Au Pair for all reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred in the performance of Child
Care Services provided they are approved by the Host Family and receipts are provided when requested.
• The Host Family will pay for the Au Pair’s education costs and in pursuant to section 3.5, either to the Au Pair or directly
to the secondary institution.
• The Au Pair is responsible for all other personal costs.
• At the current time, the Au Pair stipend is not subject to withholding tax or FUTA (See the IRS link -
• The Au Pair is responsible for all income taxes paid under this Child Care Agreement.
• Should this Child Care Agreement be terminated, all vacation pay and education tuition allowances will be pro-rated
using the number of weeks the Au Pair lived with the Host Family over a 50-week year.
3.2 The Au Pair will prepare a hardcopy weekly log of the hours worked by day, stipend paid, vacation days used, and
educational financial contributions made (“Hours & Wages Log”). The Parties agree to review the information, and when
correct, approve with initials. If there are any discrepancies or missed initials lasting more than 14 days, any Party will notify
the LAR and Headquarters in writing to mediate any open points. (Reg. 62.31.j.1-4)
3.3 The Au Pair will be responsible for paying his/her routine personal costs, some of which the Host Family may pay in
advance. The Host Family will provide the Au Pair with written, itemized statements of these costs for which the Au Pair will
reimburse the Host Family. The reimbursable costs (“Reimbursable Costs”) are listed below; additional costs need to be
agreed to in advance.
3.4 The Host Family agrees to provide the Au Pair two (2) weeks paid vacation at the Au Pair’s normal weekly stipend
each year at a mutually determined time following Au Pair’s arrival. The Au Pair will accrue vacation pay on a pro rata basis
in the Vacation / Education Table attached. Optionally, paid holiday(s) are described below. Go Au Pair recommends these
be offered as part of the cultural experience. (Reg. 62.31.j.4)
3. ____ 4. ______
3.5 The Au Pair is required to register and attend classes to complete at least six semester credit hours (12 semester
credit hours for an EduCare Au Pair) in a formal educational setting offered at an accredited post-secondary institution during
a 12 month Au Pair Program. The Au Pair is required to provide supporting documentation for the education credits to Go Au
Pair. The Host Family agrees to facilitate the enrollment and attendance of the Au Pair in the academic program by providing
adequate time and transportation to attend classes. The Host Family agrees to provide the Au Pair the amount specified
below for tuition/costs. The Au Pair will accrue tuition costs on a pro rata basis in the Vacation / Education Table attached
(Reg. 61.31.c.3; 61.31.k.1)
What Amenities
Nice big room, separate Nice big room, separate staircase,
Describe the Au are provided in the
staircase, separate hallway. separate hallway.
Pair’s bedroom Au Pair’s
Driving Required for child Yes Will your Au Pair have Limited access
care: access to a car for
personal use?
Home Area Type: City - midsize Vehicle Used Shared
5.2 If the Au Pair does not have access to a car, the Host Family will provide suitable, safe transportation between the
Host Family’s residence and the educational institution and the LAR Cultural Events.
Au Pair Visitor(s)
We would like for you to have fun and be content. Please let us know in advance about visitors. We have
We rarely have anything to say about social or after play dates sometimes with other Au Pairs.
work activities.
We would like for you to have fun and be content. Please let us know in advance about visitors. We have
We rarely have anything to say about social or after play dates sometimes with other Au Pairs.
work activities.
8.6 For an Au Pair to participate in the extension program as defined in the DOS regulations, the extension application
and documentation verifying the educational requirements must be submitted 51 days before the Au Pair’s Form DS-2019
8.7 The Parties agree to use reasonable efforts to ensure the Au Pair leaves the United States by the End Date plus the
30 day grace period (“Grace Period”). If the Au Pair does not leave the United States before the end of the Grace Period, Au
Pair is at risk of penalties dictated by federal law. (Reg 62.13.c.1 ) The Parties further acknowledge that Go Au Pair cannot
support nor sponsor the Au Pair for a change of visa status or visa program.
8.8 The Parties agree the use of recording device (“Recording Device”), including but not limited to a “nanny cam”, shall
be limited to the purpose of evaluating the Au Pair’s performance with the child(ren) in the Au Pair’s care, and shall be limited
to common areas of the home, in which the Au Pair provides Child Care Services. Recording Devices shall not be used in
any area of the Host Family’s home in which an Au Pair has reasonable expectation of privacy, including but not limited to
bathrooms and bedroom used by the Au Pair.
Recording Devices
Will the Host Family be using one or more Recording Devices in the home? No
9. Insurance
Go Au Pair provides the Au Pair with basic accident and illness insurance coverage which ends on the End Date.
• Upgraded coverage is recommended and available for purchase by the Host Family or Au Pair through Go Au Pair for
a one-time annual fee
• Coverage for the Grace Period is available for an additional cost and is highly recommended.
13.5 Outstanding charges for the Au Pair’s personal expenses as defined in this Child Care Agreement may be deducted
from his or her final paycheck. The Au Pair may have a financial obligation to the Host Family if the final paycheck does not
cover outstanding charges.
13.6 The Host Family agrees pay to the Au Pair vacation pay and tuition allowance based on the number of weeks used in
the placement and shown on Vacation / Education Table attached. Vacation pay and education allowance are accrued
weekly. The Weekly prorate amounts are calculated by dividing the total amounts due to the Current Au Pair in the
placement by the number of weeks in the placements less 2 weeks.
• Vacation pay – the Current Au Pair must be paid at least the minimum allocated amount shown.
• Education allowance – The Current Au Pair is owed additional education allowance if, the number of credit hours and
tuition costs after any refund from the institutions (“Tuition Costs Spent”), fall below the allocated amounts in the
Vacation / Education Table. The amount to be paid is the lower of:
a.) the tuition costs in the Vacation/Education Table for prorated Tuition Cost less the Tuition Costs Spent or
b.) the number of credit hours below the amounts in the Vacation / Education Table times the dollar cost / credit.
• The Current Au Pair is required to provide supporting documentation for the education credits.
• Go Au Pair will provide a record of the Placement Start Date and end dates of this placement (“Placement Completion
Worksheet”). We and the Current Au Pair must complete and sign the Placement Completion Worksheet to mutually
confirm the status of payments for pro-rata vacation and tuition, stipend, and any other open issues including debts
owed or other property to be returned.
13.7 The Parties must complete and sign the Placement Completion Worksheet to confirm the status of payments for pro-
rata vacation and tuition, stipend, and any other open issues including debts owed or other property to be returned.
13.8 If the Au Pair terminates this Child Care Agreement within the first 90 days of arriving at the Host Family’s home, then
the Au Pair must reimburse Go Au Pair for his or her airfare cost as below. Go Au Pair will then return the reimbursed airfare
to the Host Family in the form of a credit or refund, absent the Host Family violating the Au Pair Program regulations as
determined by Go Au Pair.
• Between 0 to 60 days at 100% of his or her airfare cost
• Between 61 to 90 days of arrival at 50% of his or her airfare cost
14.2 The terms and conditions of this Child Care Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the State of Utah. The
Parties agree that any dispute among them that is not settled informally will be submitted to binding arbitration, to be
conducted in substantial accordance with the rules of American Arbitration Association by a single arbitrator. The identity of
the arbitrator will be decided by mutual agreement, with the arbitrator’s fee to be shared equally between the Host Family and
Au Pair. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and cannot be appealed. If the Parties cannot agree on an arbitrator then
the AAA will appoint one. By signing this Child Care Services Agreement, the Parties waive their right to have any claim
against the other heard in any court by a judge or jury, although each Party retains the right to have a court enforce an
arbitration award in accordance with the law.
14.3 If any of the terms or conditions of this Child Care Agreement are found to be illegal, invalid, or otherwise
unenforceable, such term shall not affect the remaining terms and conditions of this Child Care Agreement, and such term or
condition shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary in the arbitrator’s opinion to render such term or condition
enforceable, preserving to the fullest permissible extent the intent and agreements of the parties.
14.4 This Child Care Agreement may be signed in counterparts and may be delivered by facsimile signature or electronic
signature under the provisions of the US ESIGN Act. A facsimile or electronic signature shall be considered the same as an
14.5 The Parties each acknowledge this Child Care Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between them related to the
Au Pair Program, and neither has relied on any warranties or representations other than set forth. This Child Care
Agreement may be modified or amended only by the mutual written agreement of the Parties.
14.6 The Parties agree changes in the DOS Regulations and DOS formal guidelines governing the Au Pair Program
supersede and amend any portion of this Child Care Agreement.
15. Definitions
15.1 “Special Care” means individuals (child or adult) identified by the Host Family with special health care needs
(“CSHCN”) as “those who have or are at increased risk for a chronic physical, development, behavior, or emotional condition
and who also require health and related services of a type or amount beyond that required by children generally” using the
US Department of Health & Human Service (DOHHS). This could include without limitation any of the following areas:
breathing, swallowing/digestion/metabolism, blood circulation, chronic pain, hearing even with corrective devices, seeing even
with corrective devices, taking care of self, coordination/moving around, learning/understanding/paying attention,
speaking/communicating, making/keeping friends, and behavior.
Each Party warrants that all the information given to the other Party is true, accurate and complete. Each Party has
thoroughly reviewed the other Party’s application and personally interviewed the other Party by telephone, or the
equivalent, in English at least two times prior to entering into this Child Care Agreement. Each Party warrants it has
carefully reviewed the terms and conditions outlined herein and agrees to abide by them as acknowledged by his or
her signature below. (62.31.e.7)
This Medical Consent Form (“Medical Consent”) gives the Au Pair permission to administer Layman Treatment(s) to the child named in the
manner described. This Medical Consent Form is agreed to by the host family (“Host Family”) and the au pair (“Au Pair”) if both are signed
below (collectively “Parties”). The Au Pair is not required to sign this Medical Consent and perform these tasks.
Child Care Service Agreement prevails if there are any conflicts. Summary points include below:
1. This Medical Consent is an attachment to the Child Care Services Agreement previously signed by both Parties.
2. Submit the signed Medical Consent to Go Au Pair Headquarters within 24 hours of signing and before the Au Pair performs the
requested tasks.
3. Both Parties understand that the Au Pair shall not be responsible for Special Treatments.
4. Both Parties agree the Host Family will supervise and fully train the Au Pair before performing any steps. The Host Family is
solely responsible for acts or omissions of the Au Pair.
5. Both Parties agree the named Parent(s) below are the parent or legal guardian for the child named in this consent form.
6. Both Parties understand the Au Pair has permission to provide basic first aid for the child named and to take the appropriate measures
including contacting emergency medical services and arranging transportation to the nearest medical facility to receive the appropriate
level of care as determined by qualified medical professionals.
7. Both Parties understand the Au Pair will attempt to contact, as defined below, the parent or legal guardian specified in the event the
child is injured or ill.
8. Go Au Pair and its representatives have no involvement with Layman Treatment and have no Liabilities in connection with
Layman Treatment for any intentional, unintentional, negligent or gross negligent acts or omissions by the Au Pair or the Host
Name of Child: Medication 1:
Jacob Dosage & Administration Instructions:
Date of Birth: Special Instructions:
9/5/2017 Storage Instructions:
Medical Condition(s) or Concern: Possible Side Effects:
Signs or Symptoms to note:
Allergies of any type: Medication 2:
Layman’s Treatment? Dosage & Administration Instructions:
No Special Instructions:
Storage Instructions:
Physician(s) for treating medical condition (if applicable) Possible Side Effects:
Name 1: Medication 3:
Phone Number 1: Dosage & Administration Instructions:
Name 2: Special Instructions:
Phone Number 2: Storage Instructions:
Possible Side Effects:
Pharmacy(ies) where medication was filled:
Store/Location 1:
Phone Number 1:
Store/Location 2:
Phone Number 2: