Handouts Ngec 9
Handouts Ngec 9
Handouts Ngec 9
I. Overview of environmental Science - Use their digestive secretions to chemically breakdown
Environment – the total of our surroundings dead organic matter, including animal wastes in the
- Includes living things, non- living things, built external environment.
environment, social relationships and institutions
Environmental Science is the study of: II. ABIOTIC COMPONENTS:
- How the natural world works 1. Sunlight – light energy is the primary source of
- How the environment affects humans and vice versa energy in nearly all ecosystems
The fundamental insight of environmental science - energy used by the green plants in photosynthesis by
is that we are part of the natural world. which plants gather energy from sunlight and use this
Components of Environmental Science energy to make carbohydrates from atmospheric
1. Atmospheric Science - deals with the study of the carbon dioxide and water.
atmosphere, its processes, the effects other systems
have on the atmosphere, and the effects of the Photoperiodism – the response of plants to day and
atmosphere on these other systems. Covers also night.
meteorology, climatology and aeronomy.
2. Ecology – study of the relationship between organisms
and their environment.
2. Water – universal solvent and the basis of all life on
our planet.
Came from Greek words “oikos” means family of
- Covers more than ¾ of the earth’s surface
households and “logy” means study.
- 97% are salt water
3. Environmental Chemistry – study of the chemical
- 3% are freshwater and 2% of it are in solid form found
changes in the environment.
in ice caps and glaciers
4. Geosciences – study of the earth’s crust that includes
- 1% of the earth’s water in a form useable to humans
environmental soil science and volcanic phenomena
and land animals.
and in some classifications cover hydrology like
Group of plants according to their water needs:
ECOLOGY and ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 1. Hydrophytes – water loving plants
2. Mesophytes – moderate water loving plants
3. Epiphytes - get their water from the air such as
Difference between ecology and environmental science:
*Environmental science incorporates many elements of orchids
4. Xerophytes – plants loving dry condition
earth and life sciences to understand various natural
5. Halophytes – saltwater – loving plants such as
*Ecology focused on how organism interacts with each
other and with their immediate surroundings.
3. Temperature - measure of hotness or coldness of a
Ecosystems: body
Ecosystem – refers to an interacting group of and the - Environmental temperature is an important abiotic
organisms in a given environment. factor because of its effect on metabolism
- A unit of interrelationships between and among living - Temperature above 50°C destroy the enzymes of most
things and non-living things. organisms.
Homeostasis –steady state condition of the environment
where living things respond and adopt to non- living Types of individuals based on body temperature:
conditions. 1. Poikilotherm – vernacular cold- blooded
Ex. Reptiles, fishes and amphibians
2. Homeotherms – warm- blooded animals
Components of the ecosystems: Ex. Mammals and birds
I.Biotic – includes all the living things present in the Homeotherms – animals capable of temperature regulation
ecosystem. within a given range.
Ex. Bacteria, protists, algae, fungi, plants and animals.
Corrective Mechanisms in Temperature control:
Autotrophs- require only inorganic nutrients and an outside Increased sweating – corrective response aimed to reduce
energy source to produce organic nutrients for their own use the temperature of the organisms.
and indirectly for all the other members of the ecosystem.
- Producers because they produce energy Vasodilation – corrective response where the blood vessels
Ex. Algae – contain chlorophyll and carry on photosynthesis close to the skin surface become more dilated
in freshwater and marine habitat - There is a larger surface area for heat to be lost of the
- Photosynthesizing organisms suspended in water external environment from the blood vessels carrying
Trees – photosynthesizers on land overheated blood
Vasoconstriction – occurs when temperature in an
Heterotrophs – need a performed source of organic organism drop. The blood vessels become constricted so
nutrients that minimal heat loss occurs.
- Consumers
Herbivores – are animals that graze directly on plants Effect of temperature in plants:
or algae - To manipulate and influence the flowering plants.
Carnivores- feed on other animals Thermoperiod – daily temperature change
Omnivores- feed on both plants and animals
Scavengers – feed on dead remains of animals and also 4. Wind – refers to the horizontal movement of the air
on plants that have recently begun to decompose. that tend to equalize lateral difference in temperature
Detritus – is a term that refers to organic remains in and pressure.
the water and soil that are in the final stage of - Parallel to the eatrh’s surface
decomposition. - Blows from areas of high pressure to low pressure
Bumpy air – effect of vertically moving air Condensation of water vapor precipitation that
Monsoons – are large-sclale seasonal wind falls to the Earth’s surface providing needed fresh
water for plants and animals
June-October - southwest monsoon (habagat) –abundant Helps warm the earth’s atmosphere through the
rainfall and extensive cloud at the western section of the greenhouse effect
Carbon dioxide – increased by over 35% in the last 300
November to February - northeast monsoon in the years
Philippines (amihan) at the eastern section of the country - Human caused increased in its concentration has
strengthened the greenhouse effect and has
Philippines have a year –round tropical climate contributed to global warming over the last 100 years
1. Domestic wastes - produced by the households EFFECTS OF WATER POLLUTION:
- Pollutes our drinking water
70 % of the water pollutants - Threatens our health
- Decrease the value of our property
Includes food leftover, animal and human manure, - Destroy commercial and game fish
fruit peelings - Contaminates jellyfish and pushes up seafood
2. Biological pollutants – Living organisms with - Poisons water flow and other domestic
negative effects in the environment structures
- Degrade the quality of our total environment
Includes coliform bacteria, janitor fish and water
-is a phenomenon wherein there is an unusual
3. Plastics and styrofoam – made from petroleum discoloration in a body of water specially the ocean
and CFC, non-biodegradable and had caused Cause by the proliferation of alga or algal bloom
clogging of waterways and canals. also known as dinoflagellates that contain pigments
ranging from red, yellow or brown
It destroyed crops, clogged irrigation channels and
TYPES OF HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOM had left the Boac River virtually dead
Do not produce toxins but utilize the dissolved
oxygen thus killing the fish - caused lost of 1.8 million worth of marine and
Produce potent toxins associated with different freshwater life
types of gastro intestinal illnesses like:
- Paralytic shellfish poisoning - residents near the Boac river has been positive for
- Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning copper and zinc within their blood.
- Amnesic shellfish poisoning
- Ciguatera fish poisoning Philippines has the longest coastline in the world
3rd type of algal bloom is those algal species that Country’s inland waters – 421 rivers, 79 natural
are non-toxic to humand but harmful to fish and lakes and more than 50 000 sq. m of water
invertebrates by damaging or clogging their gills reservoir where 50 rivers are considered dead
EFFECTS OF RED TIDE - most of them are positive for nitrates and
Health Impact – paralytic shellfish poisoning phosphates that have caused algal bloom
developes from eating mollusk containing
dinoflgellates that contain a neurotoxin known as
Industrial Eco-watch
Economic impact – decline in the demand of
fishery products Tap watch
Environmental Impact – extent of water
pollution Beach Eco-watch
Government action against red tide:
Created National Red Tide Task Force (NRTTF) to Sagip Pasig Movement
monitor toxic red tide occurences in the Phil. to
inform the public of the possible illnesses and Critical thinking questions:
death caused by the toxin.
Do you think that Pasig River can still be
OIL SPILL – type of pollution wherein oil recovered?
(petroleum) is released in a body of water mostly in
seas and ocean due to leaks from ships during the What are the different method of solving oil spill?
transport Explain the effect of red tide and oil spill to nearby
coastal communities?
Effects of oil spills: Explain how janitor fish and water lilies become
- Can kill fishes and other aquatic resources biological pollutants.
- Reduces insulating ability in marine mammals APPLICATION
like sea lions and seals. Oil coats their fur and Visit a body of water in your area or school. Be able
reduces their insulation abilities causing body to list the common pollutants that you can find and
temperature to change. give the possible effects of these to the inhabitants
- Thin film on top of water limits light of the water and the community?
penetration into the waters affecting SOLID WASTE POLLUTION
photosynthesis of plants and planktons. SOLID WASTE – any unwanted material that is
- Poison coral polyps in reef neither liquid nor gas
- 27 000 km of coral reefs in tha Phil. - causes of
deterioration are cyanide fishing and muro-ami Different types or classifications of solid waste:
methods Municipal wastes – are those coming from
- Worst oil spill in the phil.: On august 11, 2006 households
- MV Solar I sinks in the water of Guimaras Island
- Carrying petron oil about 2.4 million li. Of oil to Industrial wastes – from factories
Toxic and hazardous waste – from hospitals and
421 rivers in the Phil.
50 rivers considered biologically dead including
Pasig River because they are made into dumping ZERO WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
sites of the different industries.
System aims to achieve zero waste from its source
Sagip Ilog Programs – 19 priority rivers identified
by the EMB that needs with water quality criteria 1. Reduce – cut waste disposal and handling cost
set by the DENR
- reduce packaging materials, avoid practices that
MARCH 24, 1996 – Marcopper Mine’s Pit Drainage produce toxicity
leaked in one of the major rivers in Marinduque is
the most fatal mining accident that happened - maintain durable products.
2. Reuse – finding alternative use of materials we waste management program that will ensure public
usually consider as junk. health and the environment
PHILIPPINE EFFORTS TO SOLVE SOLID WASTE 6. The Water Code of the Philippines (P.D. No.
1.Accelerated Compositing Technology 1067) - revised and consolidated the laws
(Bioreactor) – aerobic degradation of solid wastes governing the ownership, appropriation,
inside fabricated reactor to a level suitable for utilization, exploitation, development,
organic fertilizer conservation and protection of water resources