Vocabulary Journal: A Substance Used For Sticking Objects or Materials Together
Vocabulary Journal: A Substance Used For Sticking Objects or Materials Together
Vocabulary Journal: A Substance Used For Sticking Objects or Materials Together
PANG A sudden feeling of mental or emotional distress Ache; Agony Comfort; Pleasure She could never have believed she could
or longing: have felt such a pang.
DISCERN To distinguish mentally; recognize as distinct or Observe; Overlook; Neglect Maturity is the ability to discern the
different; discriminate: Determine ignorant without discussing them.
TEMPERAMENT The combination of mental, physical, and Attitude; Inability Not every dog has the temperament to be
emotional traits of a person; natural mentality a service dog.
INHALANTS A medicine, allergen, or other substance that Analgesic Stimulant For consumption he provided an
is inhaled. inhalant.
SUSCEPTIBLE Accessible or especially liable or subject to some Prone; Accessible Unlikely; Resistant A very small portion of the land is
influence, mood, agency, etc. susceptible of cultivation.
ADHESIVES a substance used for sticking objects or materials Sticky; Viscous Loose; Separable This was an adhesive, and used some
together; years after stamps were in use.
URGED To push or force along; impel with force or vigor: Approved; Pushed Discouraged; She urged Eudora to share her apartment
Prohibited for the night.
INCOHERENT Without logical or meaningful connection; Disconnected; Connected; Evelyn made some incoherent response.
disjointed; rambling: Disordered Understandable