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Ego DM

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Repression → involuntary recall painful or unpleasant thoughts or Forgetting sexual abuse from your
feelings cause they are automatically & involuntarily childhood due to the trauma and
pushed into one’s unconsciousness. anxiety.
Conversion → transferring of mental conflict or emotional anxiety A soldier experiences sudden blindness
into physical symptom to release tension. after witnessing his best friend dying
from a
grenade blast.
Identification → unconsciously, people use it to identify with the Saying that a famous singer is a friend
personality and traits of another. To preserve one’s ego of yours might make you admired and
or self. Mimics/simulates external behavior , like so cause you to feel better about your
fashion & fads. other problems.
Sublimation → re-channeling of consciously intolerable or Socially Sublimating your aggressive impulses
Unacceptable Behaviors  or impulses into personally or toward a career as a boxer; becoming
socially acceptable. Modify the issue, problem is still a surgeon because of your desire to
present and connected. cut; lifting weights to release 'pent up'
Rationalization → most common ego DM. Unconsciously used to justify Saying "I have the right to cheat on
ideas, actions and/or feelings with good acceptable the exam because the lessons weren't
reasons or explanation. Irrational/illogical excuses to well explained" is a basic example of
escape responsibility. rationalization.
Displacement → mechanism that serves to transfer feelings such as Slamming a door instead of hitting as
frustration, hostility or anxiety from one idea, person person, yelling at your spouse after an
or object to another. argument with your boss.
Splitting → viewing others or situations as either all good or all Patients with personality disorders
bad. Failure to integrate the positive and negative often idealize themselves fantastically
qualities in oneself. and grandiosely, only to harshly
devalue, hate, and even harm
themselves when they fail or are
otherwise frustrated.
Regression → return to earlier stage of behavior when stress Sitting in a corner and crying after
creates problems at the present stage of development. hearing bad news; throwing a temper
tantrum when you don't get your way.
Intellectualization → the act of transferring emotional concerns into the “Dear John” Letter the groom is trying
intellectual sphere. Exaggeration of intellect. Person to figure out with his roommate why
uses reasoning as a means to avoid confrontation. his fiancée changed her mind – to
avoid confronting her.
Denial → emotional conflict is blocked from the conscious Denying that your physician's
mind, and the individual cannot recognize its existence. diagnosis of cancer is correct and
seeking a second opinion.


Suppression → voluntarily exclusion consciousness of those ideas, Voluntary forgetfulness or “I rather not
feelings, and situations that are creating conflict and talk about it, right now!”.
causing discomfort.
Dissociation → separation of any group of mental or behavioural A woman raped found wandering a
processes from the rest of the individual’s busy highway – traumatic amnesia.
consciousness or identity.
Symbolization → an object, idea, or act represents another through Engagement ring symbol of love;
some common aspect and carries the emotional feeling phobias.
associated with the other.
Introjection → attributing to oneself the good qualities of another. Acting & dressing like Jesus Christ
Incorporate feelings & emotions, values & beliefs, traits
and personality. “ingestion, internalization”
Compensation → the act of making up for a real or imagined An unattractive girl became a very
deficiency with a specific behavior. Conscious or good tennis player.
unconscious. Problem is not connected.
Projection → unconscious denial of unacceptable feelings and Blaming others for own faults.
emotions in oneself while attributing them to others. “scapegoat”
Restitution/Undoing → negation of previous consciously intolerable action Sending flowers after embarrassing
or experience to reduce or alleviate feelings of guilt. her in public.
Reaction-Formation → person exaggerates or overdevelops certain actions Student hating her CI may act very
by displaying exactly the opposite behavior, attitude, courteously towards her.
or feeling from what he or she normally would show in
a given situation. OVERCOMPENSATION. Conscious
intent often altruistic. Procrastinate.
Fixation → Permanent or persistence into later life of interests Chain smokers, alcoholics = oral
and behavior patterns appropriate to fixation.
an early age. Without stressors.
Acting-Out → unconscious wish turned into reality. Molested child→ wants to be
comforted→ becomes psychologist =
Fantasy → conscious distortion of conscious wishes and needs Imagining yourself beating up your
to obtain gratification and satisfaction. boss with a chair after he's shouted at
you is you fantasizing to help make
you feel better.

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