Defense Mechanism
Defense Mechanism
Defense Mechanism
11. Rationalization Excusing own behavior Student blames failure on teacher being
to avoid guilt, mean.
responsibility, conflict,
anxiety, or loss of self- Man says he beats his wife because she
respect doesn’t listen to him.
12. Reaction Acting the opposite of Woman who never wanted to have children
formation what one thinks or feels becomes a supermom.
13. Regression Moving back to a A 5-year-old asks for a bottle when new
previous developmental baby brother is being fed.
stage to feel safe or
have needs met Man pouts like a 4-year-old if he is not the
center of his girlfriend’s attention.
14. Repression Excluding emotionally Woman has no memory of the mugging she
painful or anxiety- suffered yesterday.
provoking thoughts and
feelings from conscious Woman has no memory before age 7, when
awareness she was removed from abusive parents.
15. Resistance Overt or covert Nurse is too busy with tasks to spend time
antagonism toward talking to a dying patient.
remembering or
processing anxiety- Person attends court-ordered treatment for
producing information alcoholism but refuses to participate.
16. Sublimation Substituting a socially Person who has quit smoking sucks on hard
acceptable activity for candy when the urge to smoke arises.
an impulse that is
unacceptable Person goes for a 15-minute walk when
tempted to eat junk food.
17. Substitution Replacing the desired Woman who would like to have her own
gratification with one children opens a day care center.
that is more readily
18. Suppression Conscious exclusion of Student decides not to think about a
unacceptable thoughts parent’s illness to study for a test.
and feelings from
conscious awareness Woman tells a friend she cannot think about
her son’s death right now.
19. Undoing Exhibiting acceptable Person who cheats on a spouse brings the
behavior to make up for spouse a bouquet of roses.
or negate unacceptable
behavior Man who is ruthless in business donates
large amounts of money to charity