Risk Factors For Acute Compartment Syndrome of The Leg Associated With Tibial Diaphyseal Fractures in Adults
Risk Factors For Acute Compartment Syndrome of The Leg Associated With Tibial Diaphyseal Fractures in Adults
Risk Factors For Acute Compartment Syndrome of The Leg Associated With Tibial Diaphyseal Fractures in Adults
DOI 10.1007/s10195-014-0330-y
Received: 19 April 2014 / Accepted: 25 November 2014 / Published online: 28 December 2014
The Author(s) 2014. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com
G. Pereira
University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire, Clifford Bridge
Road, Coventry CV2 2DX, UK
e-mail: GPer11@aol.com
M. Menon
Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Alberta,
10150-121 Street, Edmonton, AB T5N 1K4, Canada e-
mail: mattmenon@hotmail.com
186 J Orthopaed Traumatol (2015) 16:185–192
J Orthopaed Traumatol (2015) 16:185–192 187
Table 1 Characteristics of the patients included in the study Age mean 33.08 (±12.8)
N (1,125) % Gender Male 66 76
Female 21 24
Age mean 41.32 (±17.2)
Gender Male 772 69 Skin Closed 66 75.86
Female 353 31 Open 21 24.14
Trauma type Single injury 662 58.84 Fracture classification Proximal/3 11 12.64
Multiple injury 179 15.91 Middle/3 43 49.43
Multiple system trauma 284 25.24 Distal/3 25 28.74
Extensive 8 9.2
Side of tibia Right 553 49.16
fracture Left 572 50.84 Clinical signs and Severe pain 31 35.23
symptoms Paresthesia 7 7.95
Skin Close fracture 776 68.98
Motor weakness 4 4.55
Open fracture 349 31.02
Unconscious 6 6.82
Fracture Proximal/3 147 13.07 Pain and paresthesia 17 19.32
classification Middle/3 632 69.24 Pain and paresthesia and motor 14 15.91
Distal/3 265 23.56 weakness
Extensive 81 7.2 Paresthesia ? motor weakness 8 9.09
Pressure 1 1.14
Mechanism of Fall 399 35.47
fracture Pedestrian vs motor vehicle 305 27.11 Mechanism of injury Fall 26 29.89
accident Pedestrian vs motor vehicle 22 25.29
Motorcycle accident 188 16.71 Motor accident 19 21.84
Twisting injury 80 7.11 Twisting injury 6 6.9
Direct blow 72 6.4 Blow 6 6.9
Crushing injury 40 3.56 Crushing injury 5 5.75
Bicycle accident 23 2.04 Motorized accident 2 2.3
Motorized accident 18 1.6 Bicycle 1 1.15
188 J Orthopaed Traumatol (2015) 16:185–192
df = 1,123, P \ 0.0001). The mean age of those patients In this study we did not find a significant relationship
who developed ACS was 33.08 (±12.8), which was much between type of fracture (open vs closed), anatomical site
lower than the mean age of patients who did not develop of tibia fracture, type of trauma, fixation method, or
ACS (42.01 ± 17.3) and this difference was statistically mechanism of injury and development of ACS. Although
significant (P \ 0.001). Of the 1,125 tibial fractures, 772 the relative risk of development of ACS was lower among
were in males and 353 in females. Sixty-six out of 772 patients with open fractures (RR = 0.76; 95 %CI: 0.52–
men (8.55 %) and 21 out of 353 women (5.95 %) 1.12), this relationship was not statistically significant (v2
developed ACS. Male gender was found to be a risk factor = 2.0884; df = 1; P = 0.148). Among both groups, the
for development of ACS (RR = 1.11; 95 %CI: 0.98–1.26) distribution of the ISS was heavily influenced by the
but this risk was not statistically significant (Pearson’s v2 = number of subjects with ISS 9. No difference could be
2.2971, df = 1, P = 0.130) (Table 3). found between these groups though.
J Orthopaed Traumatol (2015) 16:185–192 189
The number of tibial fractures admitted to our hospital Table 4 Summary of studies on ACS in tibial diaphyseal fractures
decreased over the 14-year period of observation. How- Author Number of Number of Incidence
ever, the incidence of ACS following tibial fractures did subjects ACS (%)
not show a significant decline (Fig. 1).
DeLee (open) [38] 104 6 6
A retrospective review of the charts showed that 7 % of
patients with ACS had an altered level of con-sciousness. Blick SS [24] 198 18 9
The clinical features in the awake patients with ACS McQueen (open) [33] 67 1 1.5
included increasing pain in 70 %, paresthesia in 52 %, McQueen [23] 1,349 59 4.3
motor weakness in 29 % and tense swelling of the calf in 1 Mullett H [34] 626 17 2.7
%. Thirty-five percent of patients with ACS had pain as Ogunlusi JD [39] 52 3 5.7
their only symptom, 8 % had only paras-thesia, 4 % had Park S [21] 173 14 8
only motor weakness and 1 % had only tense calf. Wind T [26] 626 34 5.4
This study 1,125 87 7.7
Out of 87 patients with ACS, 23 patients underwent
fasciotomy at the time of fracture fixation, while 64
patients received fasciotomy as a second surgical pro- Discussion
cedure after initial fixation. The mean time interval
between occurrence of tibia fracture and fasciotomy was Over the last four decades, much research has been pub-
30.10 (±23.72) h. The mean time interval between sur- lished with regards to the pathophysiology [7–11], diag-
gical fixation of fracture and fasciotomy was 16.27 (22.58) nosis [12–14], monitoring [13–15], and treatment of ACS
h. The mean length of hospitalization of those patients who [16–20]. However, there is little literature regarding the
developed ACS was 14.88 (±11.80) days, which was epidemiology of lower leg ACS and its associated risks
higher than the mean length of hospitalization of patients factors [21, 22].
who did not develop ACS (12.26 ± 10.28) and this This epidemiological study on lower leg ACS is a ret-
difference was statistically significant (P = 0.03). rospective cohort study, but we believe that the data
quality is good, as the data was entered prospectively by
Using an intra-compartmental pressure monitoring the treating surgeons themselves and the data base was
instrument, compartment pressures were measured in 60 man-aged by a dedicated research staff. Our results are
out of 87 patients with ACS and 92 % had an absolute com-pared with other studies in Table 4.
reading of greater than 30 mmHg. This raised intra-com- Acute compartment syndrome from any cause occurs
partmental pressure occurred in the anterior compartment most commonly in the lower leg and most often follows a
in 87 %, lateral compartment in 35 % and posterior com- fracture of the tibia. McQueen et al. [23] reported in their
partments in 37 % of cases. All patients with ACS have epidemiological study that 36 % of all compartment syn-
positive intra-operative findings. dromes occurred in association with a tibial shaft fracture.
190 J Orthopaed Traumatol (2015) 16:185–192
They found that the occurrence of ACS following tibial is likely to occur at a lower compartment pressure when
fractures was 4.3 %. In North America, the prevalence has the diastolic is lower: causing a lowered perfusion pressure
been reported in the range of 5.4–11 % [24–26]. There has (DP) [13]. In addition, polytrauma patients are often
been no other epidemiological study on compartment aggressively resuscitated with high volumes of fluid that
syndromes in a particular population. can then enter the extravascular space in injured com-
In our study, over a 14-year period, we found that the partments and increases the intra-compartmental pressure.
average incidence of ACS in tibial fractures was 7.73 %. In This was not seen in our study. In the study by Park et al.,
spite of significant improvement in management of frac-tures the arterial blood pressure of patients at admission was
and their related complications during recent years, the recorded and the authors found no correlation between
incidence of ACS following tibial fracture is not sig-nificantly hypotension and the incidence of ACS.
reduced. This is likely to be multifactorial. One reason could Although there is a risk of ACS with any type of tibia
be the increased trend to internally fix tibial shaft fractures in fracture, an open fracture is anecdotally considered to have
more recent times. In addition, continuous improvement in the de facto decompressed the compartments, and is therefore
survivability of patients with multiple injuries might lead to a unlikely to cause an ACS. The auto decompression phe-
larger number of patients surviving with ACS when they may nomenon that occurs with a high-grade open tibia fracture
have died before. is hypothesized to cause an effect similar to a fasciotomy
The popular belief is that ACS is more likely to occur in [23, 27]. Our study showed that ACS is just as likely to
young males. In our study we found that women were just occur in open fractures as it is in closed fractures. These
as likely as men to get ACS following their tibial fractures. results are similar to those found by Park et al. [21].
However, we also found that ACS occurred more readily We looked at the site of the fracture as a potential risk
in younger patients. This we think is due to younger people factor because the tibial shaft has various muscle attach-ments
having larger muscle bulk within a tight fascia with very and varying bulk of muscle at different levels. The gastro-
little room to expand before the intra-compartmental soleus complex is bulkier more proximally than distally.
pressure rises. Park et al. [21] also found age as a risk There is also less muscle and more tendinous structures more
factor. They suggested that the young male is not only distally. If one considers that ACS can occur from bleeding
likely to have a larger muscle bulk, but the fascia and the alone, (as opposed to ischemic swell-ing), then it should be
inter-muscular septa are likely to be thicker, due to a larger more common in more proximal fractures. In contrast, the
collagen content. This can cause the pressure to rise peroneus tertius, whose muscle belly is alongside the distal
rapidly within a compartment with a small increase in third of the tibia, has a single arterial supply. It is conceivable
volume. We would agree with their hypothesis; however, that any fractures in the distal third of the tibia, which might
we did not find a higher incidence of ACS in males. damage the only blood supply to the muscle could cause
Therefore, we do not assume gender to be risk factor for ischemia, capillary leak and swelling followed by ACS. In
ACS following tibial fracture. this study, we could not show that the site of the fracture
Many physicians believe that high-energy trauma should made any difference to the occurrence of ACS. Fractures that
be a risk factor for ACS. The perceived wisdom is that the are more extensive along the length of the bone suggest a
soft tissue damage that occurs with a high energy transfer is higher energy transfer. Similar to our findings for mechanism
likely to produce more necrosis, hypoxia, lactic acidosis, of injury, we did not find any correlation between ‘extensive’
capillary leak and more interstitial fluid collection, leading to fractures and ACS.
swelling of the compartment. However, this was not borne out There are reports confirming a significant correlation
in our study. This observation is similar to what Court-Brown between intramedullary nailing and ACS development [29–
et al. [27] reported. 34]. These reports argue that: (1) the incidence of ACS in
There is no doubt that multiple injuries that affect a open reduction and internal fixation is likely to be lower due
number of anatomical sites have a profound effect on the to the pari passu decompression of the compartment and
homeostasis of the body and the ensuing ‘‘chemical evacuation of the fracture haematoma; (2) intramed-ullary
storm’’: systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) nailing is known to increase the compartment pres-sures
vs compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome during reaming as well as insertion of the nail; and
(CARS) and endothelial damage is linked with occurrence (3) the position of the limb during the procedure has shown
of ACS [28]. However, ACS could be both one of the to change the compartment pressures. Patients put on
triggering factors for SIRS or indeed an effect of the traction tables with traction applied to the limb during
endothelial damage and subsequent capillary leak. We nailing have raised intra-compartmental pressures [35]. In
assumed that those patients with a higher ISS score were this study we did not find a significantly higher rate of
more likely to get ACS. Polytrauma patients with high ISS ACS development in those who were treated by
scores are likely to be hypotensive and, theoretically, ACS intramedullary nailing, though.
J Orthopaed Traumatol (2015) 16:185–192 191
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