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A Comprehensive Pharmacognostic Report On Valerian

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ISSN: 0975-8232

IJPSR (2010), Vol. 1, Issue 7 (Review Article)

Received on 03 May, 2010; received in revised form 14 June, 2010; accepted 21 June, 2010


Muktika Sharma , U. K. Jain *, Ajay Patel and Nilesh Gupta

Department of Pharmacy, Bhopal Institute of Technology and Science, Suveesha Vidyanagar,

Bhojpur Road, Bangrasia, Bhopal (MP) India

Herbalism is a traditional medicine practice based on the
utilization of plants and plant extracts. In herbalism ‘Valerian’
is a boon medicine for several ailments. Valerian (Valerian
Herbalism, officinalis) is a naturally occurring Ayurvedic medicine widely
Valerian, grown in the temperate zones of Europe, North America and
Insomnia, Asia and is a safe herbal supplement indicated in various
Effectiveness, ailments, chief being for the symptoms associated with
Side-effects, difficulty in sleeping. It improves subjective experiences of
Cost Efficiency sleep when taken nightly over one- to two-week periods.
Although the adverse effect profile and tolerability of this
herb are excellent, long-term safety studies are lacking. Due
Correspondence to author:
to the this limitations and inconsistent results in currently
Dr. U. K. Jain published clinical trials, further research is needed to clarify
Department of Pharmacy, the efficacy and side effect profile of valerian, especially in
Bhopal Institute of Technology regard to long-term therapy. In present investigation, the
and Science, Suveesha medicinally important herbal drug Valerian is reviewed for
Vidyanagar, Bhojpur Road, various taxonomical aspects including botanical authenticity,
Bangrasia, Bhopal (MP) India
historical backgrounds, description, existing common names,
medicinally important species, going through cultivation,
Email: ukjain65@gmail.com
commerce, regulation to phytochemical description,
pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, adverse drug
reactions, toxicology, contraindications and safety aspects of
Valerian. This paper also intends to motivate and accelerate
pharmaceutical research on Valerian for development of
convenient, effective and Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS)

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ISSN: 0975-8232

INTRODUCTION: Herbalism is a traditional valerian for insomnia in the second century AD.
medicine-practice based on the utilization of From the sixteenth century onward, this herb
plants and plant extracts. Conventionally, it is became popular as a sedative in Europe (and
also referred as botanical medicine, medical later in United States). Scientific studies on
herbalism, herbal medicine, herbology, and valerian in humans began in the 1970s, leading
phytotherapy. In written evidence, the study of to its approval as a sleep aid by Germany's
herbs dates back over 5,000 years to the Commission E in 1985. However, the scientific
Sumerians, who described well-established evidence showing that valerian really works
medicinal uses for various plants. Ancient remains incomplete. As with most herbs, we
Egyptian medicine of 1000 B. C. are known to are not exactly sure which ingredients in
have used garlic, opium, castor oil, coriander, valerian are most important. Early research
mint, indigo, and other herbs for medicine and focused on a group of chemicals known as
the Old Testament also mentions herb use and alepotriates, but they are no longer considered
cultivation, including mandrake, vetch, appropriate. A constituent called valerenic acid
caraway, wheat, barley, and rye. Indian has also undergone study, but its role is far
Ayurveda medicine has used herbs such as from clear. Another substance in valerian,
turmeric possibly as early as 1900 B. C. The called linarin, has also attracted research
Sushruta Samhita attributed to Sushruta in the interest 4-8.
6th century B. C. also describes 700 medicinal
plants, 64 preparations from mineral sources, Valerian got its name from the Latin
and 57 preparations based on animal sources. word for "well-being" Valerian was best known
In this line of herbalism ‘Valerian’ is a boon to ancient classical authors as a diuretic and
medicine towards treating several ailments and treatment for menstrual difficulties. The Greek
diseases. This manuscript provides basic physician Galen used it for epilepsy in children
information about a traditional and useful herb and adults. An Italian nobleman, Fabio Colonna,
known as “Valerian” for its flavour, scent or born in 1567, suffered from epilepsy and found
potential therapeutic properties. Galen's reference. He took valerian himself and
claimed it completely restored his health.
The name valerian was probably derived Colonna's experience stimulated interest in the
from the Latin word “valere” meaning to be plant as a sedative; use of valerian to relieve
healthy or strong. Other accounts ascribe its spasms and induce sleep evolved in the
name to the Roman emperor Publius Licinius seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Valerian
Valerianus, who reigned in the 3rd century. was an official remedy in the United States
Two other ancient names are “nard” and “phu”. Pharmacopoeia from 1820 to 1936 1-2, 9.
“Nard” is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning Valerian root's popularity as a sedative herb
“strong smell” and “phu” or “fu” refers to the seems to be increasing along with the stresses
usual exclamation of disgust that attends the of modern life. For at least 500 years, Valerian
experience of smelling the dried root 1-3. More root has been among the most popular
than 200 plant species belong to the genus remedies in the United States and Europe. In
Valeriana, but the one most frequently used as Europe, valerian root is now approved by
an herb is Valeriana officinalis. The root is used Germany's Commission for restlessness and
for medicinal purpose. Galen recommended sleeping disorders 10-11.
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Why Valerian is still used today? Valerian is activity and represent one source for reliable
commonly recommended for the mild information to support product choice 18. By
treatment for occasional insomnia. However, the 18th century, valerian was widely used as a
evidence from the best positive study on sedative and to treat nervous disorders
valerian suggests that it is only useful when associated with a “restless” digestive tract as
taken over an extended period of time for well as the “vapors” in women. Other common
chronic sleep disorders. Like other treatments uses included the treatment of headaches,
used for insomnia, valerian has also been anxiety, palpitations, high blood pressure,
proposed as a treatment for anxiety, but there irritable or spastic bowel, menstrual cramps,
is no reliable evidence as yet that it is effective. epilepsy and childhood behavior problems and
Finally, valerian is sometimes suggested as a learning disabilities.
treatment for a nervous stomach; however, as
of yet, there is no supporting scientific evidence During World War I, valerian was used
for this use 12-15. Valerian has been used as a to prevent and treat shell shock in frontline
sleep aid for over 1,000 years. Its ability to help troops, and it was used during World War II to
relax the central nervous system, promote help calm civilians subjected to air raids.
feelings of calm, decrease levels of anxiety and Valerian was listed as a sleep aid and anxiolytic
stress, and enhance sleep are known to millions on the US national formulary until the 1940’s. It
the world over. Unlike some prescription sleep fell into disuse as more potent sedative-
aids, valerian is not known to cause morning hypnotic pharmacologic agents became
grogginess and is non-addictive. available 19-21. Valerian is often used in
combination with other sedative herbs such as
Use of valerian as a sedative and anti- chamomile, lemon balm, passion flower, St.
anxiety treatment has been reported for more John’s wort, hawthorn berries and hops. Some
than 2,000 years. For example, in the 2nd consumers combine it with melatonin. In 1998,
Century AD, Galen recommended valerian as a valerian was the 10th most popular herbal
treatment for insomnia. Related species have remedy sold in the United States 22.
been used in traditional Chinese and Indian
Ayurvedic medicine. Preparations for use on Scientific and frequently used Names: Valerian
the skin have been used to treat sores and is also commonly described as Capon’s tail,
acne, and valerian by mouth has been used for cat’s love, common valerian, English valerian,
other conditions such as digestive problems, fragrant valerian, garden heliotrope, German
flatulence (gas), congestive heart failure, valerian, great wild valerian, heliotrope, Indian
urinary tract disorders, and angina (chest pain) valerian, setewale, setwall, valerian, valeriana,
. As with most herbal products available valeriana radix, vandal root, Vermont valerian,
in the world, valerian root extracts are not wild valerian, Baldrianwurzel (Germam),
regulated for quality or consistency. Self- Balderbrackenwurzel (German), Katzenwurzel
governing testing laboratories (such as (German), racine de valeriane (France) 23. It is
www.consumerlab.com) generally use valeric also known by names viz: Amantilla, All-Heal,
acid content as a marker for pharmacologic Baldrian, Baldrianwurzel, Belgium Valerian,

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Common Valerian, Fragrant Valerian, Garden Most Suited Habitat for Valerian: Valerian is
Heliotrope, Garden Valerian, Indian Valerian, native to Europe and Asia and has naturalized
Mexican Valerian, Pacific Valerian, Valeriana in eastern North America. This tall perennial
Officinalis, Valeriana rhizome, Valerianae radix, prefers moist woodlands; it has been
Valeriane, American Valerian, cat’s love, Cat’s extensively cultivated in northern Europe. Most
Valerian, St. George’s herb, Setwall, Ka-no-ko- of the European supply is grown in Holland. It is
so, Katzenwurzel, kesso root, Kissokon, Vandal cultivated in low lying, damp sandy humus with
Root, valerian, all-heal, garden heliotrope, lime fertilizer. It is harvested in the late fall and
Setwall, phu, baldrianwurzel, Valerian edulis; dried. Valerian is primarily found in Europe and
Valeriana Jatamansil, synonym Valeriana Northern Asian and naturally prefers damp
Wallichii; Valeriana Officinalis; Valerian fields, but also grow in more dry places.
sitchensis 18-23. Valerian is an erect perennial herb. Valerian
roots consist of may white coloured erect root
Major Therapeutic Species of Valerian: The stocks or rhizomes.
genus contains over 250 species, with many
more subspecies. Valeriana officinalis is the In spring, every plant forms one hollow
species used in Europe. V. edulis is used in stem. The leaves are arranged in pairs and
Mexico and V. wallichii is used in India. V. edulis consist of six to ten leaflets. During midsummer
contains substantially higher concentrations of the valerian plant starts to bloom. The flowers
valepotriates (up to 8%), which have mutagenic are white to pink with a very unique but rather
properties in vitro 24. V. fauriei is used in pleasant smell. The roots and other parts have
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Japanese a more strange and foetid smell. Cats do like
medicine. V. capensis is used in African this smell very much and enjoy to rub there
traditional medicine 9. Valeriana Jatamansil is noise against the valerian plant or dried roots.
yet another therapeutic species of Valerian 13-17,
. Cultivation of Valerian: Valerian plants are
available from some garden centres in the
Description of Valerian Plant: The part of the prairies and they can be transplanted into well
plant used medicinally is the root or rhizome. fertilized moisture-retentive soil. Alternatively,
The rhizome is light grayish brown, about the the plants can be grown from seed or
size of a finger joint, bearing many rootlets. The propagated by splitting established plants in
fresh root has no odor, while the dried root spring or fall. When growing plants from seed,
smells distinctly unpleasant, akin to old gym the beginner should be aware that germination
socks, due to isovaleric acid. The plant itself is is unpredictable and often slow. The seeds
50 to 150 cm tall with pinnate leaves and white require light for germination, and must not be
or pink hermaphroditic flowers with three covered. After transplanting the seedlings, the
stamens; the stem is upright and without plants require two or three years before
branches. It is sometimes used as a border in harvesting the roots if they are to be used
perennial gardens 26-27. medicinally. Older plants will have a greater
mass of root for harvest. However, most people

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cultivating valerian in gardens tend to grow it antidepressant. V. capensis is used in African

for horticultural interest rather than medicinal traditional medicine as a treatment for
use. epilepsy, hysteria and nervous disorders 30. In
the 1980’s valerian again assumed a place of
History of Valerian: Valerian has been used as a importance as a widely used nonprescription
medicinal herb since at least the time of hypnotic and daytime sedative, particularly in
ancient Greece and Rome. Hippocrates France, Belgium, Switzerland, Britain, Russia
described its properties, and Galen later and Germany. Over 50 tons of valerians are
prescribed it as a remedy for insomnia. In sold each year in France alone. Adolescents and
medieval Sweden, it was sometimes placed in young adults appear to be particularly attracted
the wedding clothes of the groom to ward off to valerian and other herbs that affect the
the "envy" of the elves. Sometimes people put central nervous system. The German
it in a tea 28. The Greek physician, Dioscorides, Commission E has given Valerian root a positive
apparently recommended valerian root to treat evaluation for use in states of restlessness. The
myriad disorders including heart palpitations, European Scientific Cooperative on
digestive problems, epilepsy and urinary tract Phytotherapy cites its indications as “tenseness,
infections. Valerian was recommended by restlessness and irritability with difficulty in
Galen during the second century as a treatment falling asleep”.
for insomnia. Valerian plants are as attractive
as catnip to cats, and it is rumored that the Pied The Herbal PDR lists its primary
Piper’s secret to clearing the streets of Hamlin indications as “nervousness and insomnia”, as
was a store of valerian under his cloak 29. well as lack of concentration, stress headache,
menstrual states of agitation, neuralgia,
By the 18th century, valerian was widely nervous stomach, and states of angst. It has
used as a sedative and to treat nervous also been included in herbal remedies for
disorders associated with a “restless” digestive cardiovascular disorders to help reduce
tract as well as the “vapors” in women. During hypertension and reduce the effects of stress
World War I, valerian was used to prevent and and tension on the heart. Some health resort
treat shell shock in frontline troops, and it was put valerian in whirlpool baths to help reduce
used during World War II to help calm civilians pain and enhance sleep for patients with
subjected to air raids. Valerian was listed as a fibromyalgia. Valerian is often used in
sleep aid and anxiolytic on the US national combination with other sedative herbs such as
formulary until the 1940’s. It fell into disuse as chamomile, lemon balm, passion flower, St.
more potent sedative-hypnotic pharmacologic John’s wort, hawthorn berries and hops. Some
agents became available. Related species have consumers combine it with melatonin. In 1998,
been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine valerian was the 10th most popular herbal
(TCM), Ayurvedic Medicine and African herbal remedy sold in the United States 22. For
healing practices. V. fauriei is used in thousands of years, the Chinese, Greeks,
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Japanese Romans, and Indians have used valerian as a
medicine as a sedative, spasmolytic and mild sedative. The origin of the word "pew" is

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said to come from the foul odor of the valerian same family but not particularly closely related.
root, which a first century AD Roman physician, Valerian, in pharmacology and phytotherapic
Dioscorides, called phu. In the mid-1800s in the medicine, is the name of a herb or dietary
United States, the Shakers began growing supplement prepared from roots of the plant,
valerian and other herbs to market to doctors which, after maceration, trituration,
and pharmacists in America and Europe. dehydration processes, are conveniently
Valerian is sometimes used to flavor foods and packaged, usually into capsules, that may be
drinks such as root beer 31-32. used for certain effects including sedation and
anxiolytic effect. The amino acid Valine is
Present Regulatory Status of Valerian: In the named after this plant. Valerian is an herbal
United States, United Kingdom and other major remedy derived from the dried roots of the
countries of the world, valerian is sold as a valerian plant, Valeriana officinalis, which as
dietary supplement, and dietary supplements stated earlier belongs to the Valerianaceae
are regulated as foods, not drugs. Therefore, family. It is often cultivated for its pinkish white
premarket evaluation and approval by the Food or lavender flowers apart for its medicinal uses.
and Drug Administration are not required
unless claims are made for specific disease According to one marketing research
prevention or treatment. Because dietary firm, valerian is the fastest-growing herbal
supplements are not always tested for remedy in the United States; its sales more
manufacturing consistency, the composition than doubled between 2000 and 2001. The
may vary considerably between manufacturing part of the plant used medicinally is the root or
lots. rhizome. The rhizome is light grayish brown,
about the size of a finger joint, bearing many
Designation of Valerian: Valerian (Valeriana rootlets. The fresh root has no odor, while the
officinalis, Valerianaceae) is a hardy perennial dried root smells distinctly unpleasant, akin to
flowering plant, with heads of sweetly scented old gym socks, due to isovaleric acid. The plant
pink or white flowers. The flowers are in bloom itself is 50 to 150 cm tall with pinnate leaves
in the northern hemisphere from June to and white or pink hermaphroditic flowers with
September. Valerian was used as a perfume in three stamens; the stem is upright and without
the sixteenth century. Native to Europe and branches. It is sometimes used as a border in
parts of Asia, Valerian has been introduced into perennial gardens 33. The root is chiefly used for
North America. It is consumed as food by the medicinal benefits. It can be found in capsule,
larvae of some Lepidoptera (butterfly and tea, tablet or liquid extract forms in most
moth) species including Grey Pug. Other names health food stores, some drugstores and online
used for this plant include garden valerian (to 34-35
. Due to the limitations of small sample size,
distinguish it from other Valeriana species), variation in formulation, and inconsistent
garden heliotrope (although not related to results in currently published clinical trials,
Heliotropium) and all-heal. The garden flower further research is needed to clarify the efficacy
red valerian is also sometimes referred to as and side effect profile of valerian, particularly in
"valerian" but is a different species, from the regard to long-term therapy. Valerian is a

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medicinal herb commonly used in America . The part of the plant that is used medicinally
today. Therefore, it is likely that a clinician will is the root (radix) or rhizome, which is light
be faced with managing a patient who already grayish brown, about the size of a finger joint,
is taking or wants to take this herb. Valerian is and has a strong acrid odor (disagreeable to
approved for use as a food ingredient by the some) after it is long-dried. The drug or
United States Food and Drug Administration pharmacopeial name for valerian root is
(FDA) and it ranks among the 10 most widely Valerianae radix 37-38. Valerian is a perennial
used herbs in the world. This assignment will plant that is native to Europe and can grow 4
provide both background and practical feet tall. It is cultivated to decorate gardens but
information to assist clinicians who may also grows wild in damp grasslands. Straight,
encounter patients interested in the use of hollow stems are topped by umbrella-like
valerian 36. heads. Its dark green leaves are pointed at the
tip and hairy underneath. Small, sweet-smelling
Botany of Valerian: An understanding of white, light purple or pink flowers bloom in
valerian’s botanical classification is essential June. The root is light greyish brown and has
because misidentification can lead to products little odour when fresh 39.
with unexpected and potential adverse effects.
The FDA’s Dietary Supplement Health and The valerian plant prefers the damp
Education Act (DSHEA) of 1997, effective March lime-rich soil near streams or rivers, where it
1999, requires manufacturers to include the may grow as tall as 5 ft (1.5 m). It can, however,
identity of all botanicals on the product’s label. be grown in drier soil at higher elevations,
A botanical’s common name can be used if it is where it may grow only 2 ft (0.67 m) tall. Some
listed in Herbs of Commerce; otherwise, the herbalists consider the drier-climate variety of
botanical Latin binomial name of the plant valerian to have greater medicinal potency. The
must appear on the label. parts of the plant that are used for medicinal
purposes are the roots and rhizomes
Valerian refers to a number of plants (horizontal underground stems), which are
that are members of the family Valerianaceae typically yellowish-brown in colour. The roots
of the genus Valeriana L. and includes upwards and rhizomes are harvested in the autumn of
of 250 species throughout the world 31. the plant's second year.
Valeriana officinalis L. is the plant most often
used medicinally and is known by several They can be freeze-dried and used to
names: Common valerian, All Heal, Amantilla, prepare tablets or capsules containing the
Balderbrackenwurzel, Capon’s Tail, Great Wild ground herb. Juice can be pressed from the
valerian, Garden Heliotrope, Herba Bendicta, fresh root, or the root may be mixed with
Setewale, Setwell, Valeriana, and Vandal root. alcohol to become a fluid extract or tincture of
Other species, V. Wallichii DC also named V. valerian. When valerian is used to relieve
jatamansi Jones (Indian valerian) and V. edulis tension or induce sleep, it is frequently
NUTT sp (Mexican valerian) is used when high combined with passion flower (Passiflora
concentrations of valepotriates are desired 37- incarnata), lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) or

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skullcap (Scutellaria laterifolia). Because . Seed germinated best when it was dried
valerian tea has a somewhat bitter taste, warm, followed by a cold treatment, then
flavorings are often added, including warm again. Nine of 17 seeds germinated. No
peppermint or fruit flavour, to make a more studies have been done on the underground
pleasant-tasting drink 40. parts of Valeriana uliginosa, but information
from V. sitchensis may be applicable. Valeriana
sitchensis has short rhizomes and very limited
vegetative spread. The new rhizome tip
remains at the soil surface, and the older parts
of the rhizome become buried by litter, up to
about 10 mm. Branching occurs when a
rhizome tip turns up to form an inflorescence.
New rhizomes then form from lateral buds on
the upturned rhizome. The roots radiate in all
directions from the rhizome, though most
angles downward, and few roots remain in the
litter layer. The roots are up to 1 mm in
FIG. 1: VALERIAN PLANT diameter and sparsely branched except at the
Biology of Valerian Species: Valeriana uliginosa end 47.
starts flowering from May to July, through It is unknown if Valeriana uliginosa is
August 41-43. The erect annual and perennial affected by pathogenic fungi. However,
species of Valeriana, including V. uliginosa, V.sambucifolia of Sweden is a host for
normally flower and fruit in response to Uromyces valerianae, and this fungus also
seasonal fluctuations of climate. As of 1951, infects other Valeriana species. Spores develop
methods of pollination were unknown, but on the lower sides of V. sambucifolia leaves,
observations on several western United States and heavy infections can cause early leaf
species indicate that small insects of withering and a strong reduction or failure of
undetermined species may be important in fruit set. Seedlings can also become infected.
pollination 44. There is a significant positive correlation
In Great Britain, Valeriana officinalis is between population densities of V.
adapted to butterfly pollination and is often sambucifolia and infection by Uromyces.
visited by Lepidopterans. Valeriana dioica is Valeriana officinalis has a strong fetid and
visited by Dipterans in the Tipulidae (crane fly aromatic odor, and this is common in many
family) and Culicidae (mosquito family) 45. North American species, especially those in the
Closer observation of V. uliginosa in New series Officinales (V. uliginosa) 44. Valeriana is
England may show if Lepidopterans, Dipterans, economically important as a genus, primarily
or other insect groups act as pollinators. The for the medicinal action of V. officinalis, but
New England Wild Flower Society (NEWFS) has also for an aromatic perfume and less
100 Valeriana uliginosa seeds in its seed bank frequently as a culinary herb (V. edulis).

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Valeriana officinalis is used today primarily as a valeranone, and other constituents in the
mild sedative, but in the past was also used as essential oil 32, 51-52.
an antispasmodic, emmenagogue, carminative,
diuretic, and stimulant. It was one of the six Potentially Active Chemical Constituents of
most prescribed medicines in Europe and the Valerian 53-55:
United States (in between 1730 to 1930). But  Iridoid valepotriates (0.5% -2.0%):
one thing should be noted that none of the valtrates, isovaltrate, didrovaltrate,
native North American species is used valerosidate and others
medicinally 48.  Volatile essential oil (0.2 – 02.8%): bornyl
isovalerenate and bornyl acetate;
Phytochemical Constituents of Valerian: The valerenic, valeric, isovaleric and
roots and rhizomes (underground stems) of acetoxyvalerenic acids; valerenal,
valerian are typically used to make valeranone, cryptofaurinol; and other
supplements, including capsules, tablets, and monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes
liquid extracts, as well as teas. The root of the  Alkaloids (0.01 – 0.05%): valeranine,
plant is used medicinally and is pressed into chatinine, alpha-methyl pyrrylketone,
fresh juice or freeze-dried to form powder. actinidine, skyanthine and
Valerian contains over 150 chemical naphthyridylmethylketone.
constituents; many are physiologically active.  Lignans: hydroxypinoresinol 56-57
There is substantial variation in the chemical
constituents in plants from different sources, Other Constituents: Amino acids (e.g. arginine,
growing conditions, processing methods and γ-aminobutyric acid; GABA), glutamine,
storage conditions. Even in standardized plant tyrosine), caffeic and chlorogenic acids
extracts sold in Germany, there is some (polyphenolic), methyl 2-pyrrolketone, choline,
variation in the amount of different chemical tannins (type unspecified), gum and resin. The
constituents that may account for clinical primary compounds identified in valerian root
efficacy. Despite these differences, the clinical are essential or volatile oils (monoterpenes and
effects appear to be remarkably consistent sesquiterpenes), iridoids or valepotriates,
across different preparations 49. pyridine-type alkaloids, and other
miscellaneous compounds. Research has been
Although the sedative effects of the conducted on isolated compounds and will be
plant's root have been known for centuries, the discussed in the pharmacology section;
exact chemical compounds responsible for its however, it is unknown whether valerian’s
activities have not been identified and agreed activity resides in one compound or in a
upon. There is little correlation between the combination of several. Standardization of an
content of volatile oils and the plant’s clinical herb entails utilizing pharmaceutical technology
effects.50 Valerian’s effects on the central to ensure a product contains specific
nervous system have been variously attributed concentrations of a targeted active compound;
to valepotriates, their breakdown products until it is certain which compound is
(baldrinals), valerenic acid, valerenal and responsible for the desired action,

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standardization of a particular chemical may poorly absorbed and are not found in teas
not correlate with better pharmacological (infusions) and tinctures. Instead, their
activity. degradation products, baldrinals, are found in
such preparations, and may account for much
Valerian contains over 150 chemical of valerian’s sedative effect.
constituents; many are physiologically active.
There is substantial variation in the chemical The lignan hydroxypinoresinol also binds
constituents in plants from different sources, benzodiazepine receptors in the amygdala and
growing conditions, processing methods and is thought to work synergistically with bornyl
storage conditions. Even in standardized plant acetate, valerenic acid, and the valepotriates in
extracts sold in Germany, there is some terms of valerian’s overall sedative effects.
variation in the amount of different chemical Valerian’s alkaloids are present only in minute
constituents that may account for clinical amounts. They have cholinesterase activity in
efficacy. Despite these differences, the clinical vitro which has not been verified in animals or
effects appear to be remarkably consistent humans. Because no single chemical within
across different preparations. valerian has been shown to account for its
clinical effects, most herbalists now conclude
Isovaleric acid is responsible for the that it is a combination of ingredients, rather
herb’s unpleasant aroma. Actinidine is a than a single ingredient, that accounts for
powerful attractant to cats, who will roll in valerian’s medicinal effects. Remedies prepared
valerian; catnip contains similar chemical from related species, V. edulis (Mexican
compounds. Valerian also seems to be one of valerian) or V. wallichii (Indian valerian) contain
several plant species that concentrate mixtures of valepotriates, with large amounts
chromium and are sometimes used to correct of didrovaltrate and isovaltrate; these
deficiencies of this mineral in developing preparations are used to treat problems with
countries. The essential oil is also thought to mental concentration, stress and anxiety. The
contribute to valerian’s sedative effects onset of action appears to be within 30
Valerenic acid has spasmolytic and muscle minutes; the effects are largely gone within
relaxant effects and inhibits the breakdown of four hours. Though, other studies note
GABA in the central nervous system. cumulative benefits from taking the herb
Valeric acid was once considered to be several times daily over one month. However,
responsible for the sedative effects of this herb, additional pharmacokinetic studies are needed.
but studies evaluating the isolated compound Pharmacology of Valerian: The chemical
failed to document any sedative effects. Roots composition of valerian includes
dried at temperatures less than 40 degrees sesquiterpenes of the volatile oil (including
Centigrade, as the German pharmacopeia valeric acid), iridoids (valepotriates), alkaloids,
requires, contain 0.5-2.0% valepotriates. furanofuran lignans, and free amino acids such
Although valepotriates were once thought to as GABA, tyrosine, arginine, and glutamine.
be the active ingredients, these compounds are Although the sesquiterpene components of the
chemically unstable: they degrade readily, are
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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

volatile oil are believed to be responsible for oil constituent, appears to be responsible for
most of valerian’s biologic effects, it is likely the oil’s anti-depressant action. Valerenic acid
that all of the active constituents of valerian act has also shown sedative, spasmolytic, and
in a synergistic manner to produce a clinical musclerelaxant action. Preliminary studies have
response. Research into physiologic activity of been performed to verify the mechanism of
individual components has demonstrated direct action of valerian. Receptor binding studies
sedative effects (valepo-triates, valeric acid) (using guinea pig brains) have shown that
and interaction with neurotransmitters such as constituents contained in the extract of V.
GABA (valeric acid and unknown fractions). The officinalis do bind to benzodiazepine or GABA
most likely pharmacologically active receptors. Another study using an extract of
compounds in valerian are found in the valerian (rhizomes and root of V. officinalis) on
valepotriates and the essential oil components. synaptosomes isolated from rat brain cortices
The valepotriates are lipophilic and highly demonstrated GABA activation and the
unstable when exposed to conditions of heat, reuptake inhibition of the neurotransmitter in
moisture, or acidity. Possible cytotoxicity nerve terminals.
demonstrated by two valepotriates: valtrate
and didrovaltrate, which has raised safety In addition to sleep disorders, valerian
concerns. In vitro studies have shown that has been used for gastrointestinal spasms and
these compounds caused cell death in cultured distress, epileptic seizures, and attention deficit
rat hepatoma cells. hyperactivity disorder. However, scientific
evidence is not sufficient to support the use of
However, in vivo studies have shown no valerian for these conditions. Be aware that the
significant cytotoxic effects of valtrate on U. S. FDA does not strictly regulate herbs and
mouse bone marrow early progenitor cells. dietary supplements. There is no guarantee of
Generally, valepotriates have been described to strength, purity or safety of products containing
impart spasmolytic or relaxing effects on the or claiming to contain valerian. Decisions to use
smooth muscle system, sedative properties, herbs or supplements should be carefully
anti-convulsant activity, psychostimulant considered. Individuals using prescription drugs
activity, and effectiveness in the treatment of should discuss taking herbs or supplements
behavior disorders. They have also been with their pharmacists or health care providers
observed to antagonize the hypnotic effect of before starting. Scientists have studied valerian
alcohol, and to blunt the toxicity of ethanol in for the following health problems:
animals. It has been suggested that
valepotriates interact synergistically with the Insomnia: Several studies suggest that taking
essential oil constituents to produce nervous valerian by mouth may reduce the time it takes
system activity. The sedative properties of for people to fall asleep and may improve sleep
valerian’s essential oil components may be quality, especially in those who routinely suffer
partially due to the kessane derivatives, which from insomnia or sleep difficulties. One study
comprise a major portion of the essential oil. In conducted in children with intellectual
animal tests, alpha-kessyl alcohol, an essential difficulties reports that valerian may be useful

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

in the long-term treatment of sleep disruption. patients who considered them to be poor
Valerian does not appear to cause a "hangover" sleepers, female poor sleepers, younger poor
effect the morning after use. Preliminary sleepers, smokers, and those who habitually
findings suggest that effects may be better with have lengthy sleep latencies. Subjects who
repeat use, rather than single-dose use. One rated themselves as habitually good sleepers
study suggests a positive effect in insomniacs were largely unaffected by the valerian extract.
who are experiencing withdrawal symptoms In a double-blind study, eight subjects who
from benzodiazepine. Another study showed described themselves as having lengthy sleep
that valerian extract may be comparable to the latency wore a wrist activity meter and
effects of the prescription benzodiazepine drug provided subjective sleep ratings in a study of
oxazepam (Serax) for insomnia. Further the effects of valerian. Participants received
research is necessary to confirm these results. either a 450 or 900 mg dose of an aqueous
Several clinical studies have shown that extract of valerian root or placebo.
valerian is effective in the treatment of
insomnia, most often by reducing sleep latency. Single-dose (450 and 900 mg) valerian
A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial extract resulted in significant decreases in
compared 400-mg aqueous extract of valerian measured and subjective sleep latency and
and a commercial valerian/hops preparation more stable sleep during the first quarter of the
with placebo of encapsulated brown sugar. A night, with no effect on total sleep time. The
total of 128 volunteers completed a subjective 900 mg dose produced increased sleepiness on
study evaluating the effects of single doses of awakening compared with placebo. A
each test compound taken in random order on randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind,
sleep latency, sleep quality, sleepiness on cross-over study involving 16 patients with
awakening, night awakenings, and dream recall. insomnia confirmed by polysomnography
Valerian extracts demonstrated statistically demonstrated no effects on sleep efficiency
significant improvement over placebo in sleep after a single 600-mg dose of the valerian
latency and sleep quality. extract Sedonium, while multiple doses over 14
days resulted in significant improvement in
There was no difference between parameters of slow-wave sleep measured by
valerian extract and placebo in the other two polysomnography.
parameters. The commercial valerian/hops
preparation resulted in no changes in sleep There was a non-significant trend
latency, sleep quality, or night awakenings, and toward reduced subjective sleep latency after
an increase in sleepiness on awakening. No the long-term valerian treatment. Several
information on the preparation of the studies have shown valerian’s efficacy in
commercial product was available, so the patients who do not have sleep disturbances. A
reasons for the lack of effect are unknown. small study of 10 patients at home and eight
Examination of the study subgroups showed patients at a sleep laboratory who received two
that the positive effects of valerian extract on different dosages (450 and 900 mg) of an
sleep were most significant in older male aqueous extract of valerian root demonstrated

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

that both groups experienced a greater than Valerian is a popular alternative to commonly
50% improvement in sleep latency and wake prescribed medications for sleep problems
time after sleep onset. The efficacy results were because it is considered to be both safe and
based on questionnaires, self- rating scales, and moderate. Some studies bear this out, although
night time motor activity. Electro- not all have found valerian to be effective. One
encephalographic recordings in the laboratory of the best designed studies found that valerian
section of the study showed no differences in was no more effective than placebo for the first
efficacy between valerian and placebo, and 28 days, but after that valerian greatly
data indicated a dose-dependent mild hypnotic improved sleep for those who were taking it.
effect of the valerian extract. A recent That has led researchers to speculate that you
systematic analysis of randomized trials of the may need to take valerian for a few weeks
effect of valerian on patients with insomnia before it begins to work. Other studies have
included reports in all languages. Another study shown that valerian reduces the time it takes to
demonstrated effects after days 1 and 8 in fall asleep and improves the quality of sleep
slow-wave sleep, but no effect on subjective itself. Plus, unlike many prescription sleep aids,
measures of sleep. Results were contradictory valerian may have fewer side effects such as
in six acute-dose studies. The authors pointed morning drowsiness.
out the wide variety of methodologies used in
the studies, and the lack of attention to factors The use of valerian is supported by
such as randomization, blinding, compliance, some evidence from clinical studies. The
withdrawal, confounding variables, diagnostic problem with many of the studies, however, is
criteria, and statistical analysis. they've generally been small, used different
amounts of valerian for varying lengths of time,
They concluded that evidence for or had problems with the study design, making
valerian in the treatment of insomnia is it impossible to form a conclusion about the
inconclusive, and that more rigorous trials are effectiveness of valerian. Valerian appears to
necessary. A recent report compared a 600 mg be less effective than prescription sleep
dose of the valerian extract Sedonium with 10 medication. One possible advantage of
mg of oxazepam over a six-week period in 202 valerian, however, is that it may not have as
patients who were diagnosed with non-organic much of a "hangover" effect on mental or
insomnia. The two agents were equally physical functioning the following day. Also,
effective in increasing sleep quality as people taking sleeping pills sometimes have a
measured by the Sleep Questionnaire B, and temporary worsening of insomnia when they
these results were confirmed by subscales of are discontinued, an effect that hasn't been
the SF-B, the Clinical Global Impression Scale, reported with valerian.
and the Global Assessment of Efficacy. Mild to
moderate adverse events occurred in 28.4% of Sedative: A few studies suggest that valerian
patients receiving the valerian extract and 36% does not possess significant sedative
of patients taking oxazepam. properties. A small double-blind, randomized,
crossover, placebo-controlled study was

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

performed in healthy elderly people to assess treatment but their overuse may cause
the effects of temazepam (Restoril), dependence 81. Psychotherapy is effective and
diphenhydramine (Benedryl) and valerian. The is commonly used to treat anxiety 64-68. A
results confirmed that valerian was not systematic review on psychological therapies
different from placebo (sugar pill) on any for generalized anxiety disorder has been
measure of drowsiness (psychomotor function) conducted and is expected to be published
or sedation. soon in The Cochrane Library 69. Another
systematic review has found that cognitive
Anxiety: Anxiety disorders are a very common behavioral therapies and pharmacological
mental health problem in the general treatments including buspirone, trazodone,
population and in the primary care setting. In imipramine and ritanserin significantly
the US National Comorbidity Survey Kessler 70
improved anxiety . However; psychotherapy
1994 found one year prevalence for anxiety may be an unrealistic option in public health
disorders of 17% and a lifetime prevalence of settings in many countries as it is costly and
almost 25% 59. Using the Composite time consuming, and although pharmacological
International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) in treatments are effective, they may be limited
1996-99, Bijl et al. included 7076 people in 90 by their side effects and cost. Herbal medicines
municipalities in the Netherlands, and detected are in popular usage worldwide, and could be
a prevalence rate for anxiety of 19.3% in the considered as a treatment option for anxiety
general population 60. In Brazil, the prevalence disorders if shown to be effective and secure. A
of anxiety was reported at 12.1% in Brasilia, systematic evaluation on the effectiveness of
6.9% in Sao Paulo and 5.4%in Porto Alegre 61. kava kava showed its superiority as compared
One study has found a marked reduction in with placebo 71.
quality of life and psychosocial functioning in
people with anxiety disorders 62. No systematic review on valerian for
anxiety has yet been conducted. Valerian is one
Although anxiety is a treatable disorder, of the most popularly used herbal medicines
it is often not diagnosed and treated properly. for insomnia and is also used for anxiety. It is
The majority of patients suffering from anxiety used in the form of a dried herb (0.5-2 g taken
consult their general practitioner, and often 3-4 times/day), extract (0.5-2.0 ml) or tincture
their complaint presents as a physical (2-4 ml). Hydroalcoholic and aqueous extracts
symptom, such as headache, palpitations, of valerian roots have shown affinity for the
breathing difficulties or chest pain 63. Anxiety GABA-A receptor in the brains of rats 8. In
may be associated with physical disorders such another experiment, valerian oil injected
as diabetes, arthritis and cancer, or it may be intraperitoneally showed central depressive
the primary symptom of a specific psychiatric and muscle relaxation activity in mice 32.
disorder such as generalized anxiety disorder, Valepotriates are the most active principle of
post-traumatic stress disorder, panic or valerian, but are very labile and unlikely to be
obsessive compulsive disorder. present in the finished preparations. In rats
Benzodiazepines are effective in short-term there is evidence of inhibition of motor activity,

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

inhibition of aggressiveness, prolongation of disorder were treated with placebo, diazepam

anaesthesia by hexobarbital 72 but with better in a dosage of 2.5 mg three times daily, or
motor coordination 73. In humans, valerian does valerian extract in a dosage of 50 mg three
not seem to potentiate the effect of alcohol, times daily (80% dihydrovaltrate, 15% valtrate,
but demonstrates a positive action in tests of and 5% acevaltrate) for four weeks. Dosage
concentration and efficiency, 74 and has been was regulated at one week if an interviewing
successful in the treatment of insomnia and psychiatrist deemed an increase or decrease
tension. Although valerian has been used for a necessary. Although the study was limited by a
long time for treating anxiety disorders its small number of patients in each group,
efficacy and side effects are not yet fully relatively low dosages of the active agents, and
established. This review aimed to examine the a short duration of treatment, the authors
effectiveness and safety of anxiety disorders 75- found a significant reduction in the psychic
. Although early evidence suggests that factor of the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA)
valerian may possess some anti-anxiety with diazepam and valerian. Another RCT17
properties, there are no clear answers in this compared 120 mg of kava, 600 mg of valerian,
area. and placebo taken daily for seven days in
relieving physiologic measures of stress
Some of these studies have been done induced under laboratory conditions in 54
using combination products containing more healthy volunteers. Valerian and kava, but not
than one herb. More research is needed before placebo, significantly decreased systolic blood
valerian can be recommended as a treatment pressure responsively, heart rate reaction, and
for anxiety and related disorders. Traditional self-reported stress.
herbalists have used valerian as an anxiolytic,
frequently in combination with other herbal Depression: A multicenter clinical trial was
preparations such as passion flower and St. performed to assess the effectiveness of
John’s wort. There is a minimal amount of valerian extract and St. John’s wort in
scientific data confirming this indication for depression with comorbid anxiety. The studied
valerian. One randomized, double-blind, determined that symptoms of depression and
placebo-controlled trial compared valerian (100 anxiety improved faster with valerian than with
mg) with propranolol (20 mg), a St. John’s wort alone. Valerian alone has not
valerianpropranolol combination, and placebo been proven to aid in depression or anxiety.
in an experimental stress situation in healthy More research is necessary before this therapy
subjects. can be recommended.

Unlike propranolol, valerian had no Menopausal Symptoms: Valerian has been

effect on physiologic arousal but significantly studied along with other herbs to help with
decreased subjective feelings of somatic sleep disturbances and hot flashes present
arousal. In a recent preliminary, randomized, during pre and post menopause. Further
double blind, placebo-controlled trial, 1636 research is needed to make a recommendation.
patients with a diagnosis of generalized anxiety

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

Stress: Valerian may be beneficial to health by other components are responsible for these
reducing the physical reactions during stressful effects or that multiple constituents contribute
situations. A clinical trial studied the effects of to them. The second category comprises the
valerian or kava on psychological stress induced iridoids, which include the valepotriates.
in a laboratory. The study found that valerian or Valepotriates and their derivatives are active as
kava may reduce the physical reactions of sedatives in vivo but are unstable and break
stress and may therefore be beneficial to down during storage or in an aqueous
health. More studies are needed before any environment, making their activity difficult to
conclusions can be made. assess. A possible mechanism by which a
valerian extract may cause sedation is by
Unproven Uses: Valerian has been suggested increasing the amount of GABA, an inhibitory
for many other uses, based on tradition or on neurotransmitter) available in the synaptic
scientific theories. However, these uses have cleft. Results from an in vitro study using
not been thoroughly studied in humans, and synaptosomes suggest that a valerian extract
there is limited scientific evidence about safety may cause GABA to be released from brain
or effectiveness. Some of these suggested uses nerve endings and then block GABA from being
are for conditions that are potentially very taken back into nerve cells. In addition,
serious and even life-threatening. One should valerenic acid inhibits an enzyme that destroys
consult physician care provider before using GABA.
valerian for any unproven use like absence of
menstrual period, aches, acne, anorexia, Valerian extracts contain GABA in
arthritis, epilepsy, urinary tract disorders etc. quantities sufficient to cause a sedative effect,
but whether GABA can cross the blood-brain
Mechanism of Action of Valerian: Many barrier to contribute to valerian's sedative
chemical constituents of valerian have been effects is not known. Glutamine is present in
identified, but it is not known which may be aqueous but not in alcohol extracts and may
exactly responsible for its sleep-promoting cross the blood-brain barrier and be converted
effects in animals and in in vitro studies. It is to GABA. Levels of these constituents vary
likely that there is no single active compound significantly among plants depending on when
and that valerian's effects result from multiple the plants are harvested, resulting in marked
constituents acting independently or variability in the amounts found in valerian
synergistically. Two categories of constituents preparations. The Valerenic acid also appears
have been proposed as the major source of to inhibit the enzyme system responsible for
valerian's sedative effects. The first category the central catabolism of GABA, increasing
comprises the major constituents of its volatile GABA concentration and decreasing CNS
oil including valerenic acid and its derivatives, activities. There is also some evidence that may
which have demonstrated sedative properties suggest valerian containing other constituent
in animal studies. However, valerian extracts such as lignan and GABA, which may be
with very little of these components also have responsible for sedative effects of valerian
sedative properties, making it probable that because of valerian's historical use as a

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

sedative, anti-convulsant, migraine treatment ethanol extract of valerian root (drug to extract
and pain reliever, most basic science research ratio 5: 1) 600 mg in the morning. For five
has been directed at the interaction of valerian participants, maximum serum concentrations
constituents with the GABA neurotransmitter of valerenic acid occurred between one and
receptor system. These studies remain two hours after valerian administration and
inconclusive and all require independent ranged from 0.9 to 2.3 ng/mL; valerenic acid
replication. Valerian also contains isovaltrate, concentrations were measurable for at least
which has been shown to be an agonist for five hours after valerian administration. For one
adenosine A1 receptor sites. This action may subject, maximum concentrations occurred at
contribute to the herb's sedative effects. Under both one and five hours after valerian
the US Preventative Services Task Force’s administration. The mean elimination half-life
(USPSTF) classification system for herbs, (t1/2) for valerenic acid was 1.1 hrs and the
valerian was rated as probably safe and mean area under the plasma concentration
effective as a sleep aid, based on evidence from time curve was 4.80 µg/mL/hr. Further
randomized clinical trials. In respect to its investigation of the pharmacokinetics of
spasmolytic properties, it was rated possibly valerian is required, including those of different
effective and probably safe, based on animal manufacturers' preparations and their
studies. constituents.

While valerian appears to be safe and Fundamental Use of Valerian: Valerian is a

possibly effective, the literature available in the versatile Ayurvedic remedy for a variety of
English language evaluating this herb is limited ailments and diseases. It was given during
due to small sample size, short study duration, World War I to soldiers suffering from battle
and some inconsistent results. Valerian’s long- shock. It has also been recommended for the
term safety has yet to be demonstrated, and relief of menstrual cramps and as a
therefore it should not be recommended for carminative, or preparation that relieves gas in
extended use for any indication. Valerian’s the stomach and intestines. Lotions made with
main attribute may be that it serves as an valerian extract are said to soothe skin rashes
alternative, with a low incidence of side effects, and swollen joints. There is some disagreement
to synthetic sedative agents. When among researchers about the efficacy of
recommended, patients should be counseled valerian as a tranquilizer and aid to sleep. While
about possible side effects and closely a team of Swiss researchers found a
monitored during therapy 7-8. valerian/lemon balm combination to be
significantly more effective than a placebo in
Pharmacokinetics of Valerian: There are inducing sleep, another group in the United
inadequate data on the pharmacokinetics of States concluded that valerian is overrated as a
valerian preparations and their constituent sedative. Further research may help to settle
compounds. The pharmacokinetics of valerenic the question, but multiple studies that are
acid were explored in a single-dose study currently available are inconclusive. Following
involving six healthy adults who received a 70%

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

sections sequentially narrates basic uses of was passed in 1994. This law allowed the
valerian: distribution of many agents as over-the-counter
supplements, and therefore allowed them to
Food Use: Valerian is not generally used as a bypass the regulatory requirements of the Food
food. Valerian is listed by the Council of Europe and Drug Administration (FDA). Under the US
as a natural source of food flavouring. Preventative Services Task Force’s (USPSTF)
Previously, valerian has been listed as GRAS classification system for herbs, valerian was
(Generally Recognised as Safe). rated as probably safe and effective as a sleep
Medicinal Use: Valerian is used against sleeping aid, based on evidence from randomized
disorders, restlessness and anxiety, and as a clinical trials. In respect to its spasmolytic
muscle relaxant and is often indicated as properties, it was rated possibly effective and
transition medication when discontinuing probably safe, based on animal studies.
benzodiazepines. It has been recommended for While valerian appears to be safe and
epilepsy but that is not supported by research possibly effective, the literature available in the
(although valproic acid-an analogue of one of English language evaluating this herb is limited
Valerian's constituents, valeric acid is used as due to small sample size, short study duration,
an anticonvulsant and mood-stabilizing drug). It and some inconsistent results. Valerian’s long-
has also been reported to cause agitation, term safety has yet to be demonstrated, and
headaches and night terrors in some therefore it should not be recommended for
individuals. This may be due to the fact that extended use for any indication. Valerian’s
some people lack a digestive conversion main attribute may be that it serves as an
property necessary to effectively break down alternative, with a low incidence of side effects,
Valerian. One study found that valerian tends to synthetic sedative agents. When
to sedate the agitated person and stimulate the recommended, patients should be counseled
fatigued person, bringing about a balancing about possible side effects and closely
effect on the system. monitored during therapy.
Valerian is used for insomnia and other Other Herbal Use: Valerian is stated to possess
disorders and can be a useful alternative to sedative, mild anodyne, hypnotic,
benzodiazepine drugs. However more recent antispasmodic, carminative and hypotensive
research has shown it to be ineffective in this properties. Traditionally, it has been used for
use. A recent article states, "Most studies found hysterical states, excitability, insomnia,
no significant differences between valerian and hypochondriasis, migraine, cramp, intestinal
placebo either in healthy individuals or in colic, rheumatic pains, dysmenorrhoea, and
persons with general sleep disturbance or specifically for conditions presenting nervous
insomnia." In the United States Valerian is sold excitability. Modern interest in valerian is
as a nutritional supplement. Therapeutic use focused on its use as a sedative and hypnotic. A
has increased as dietary supplements have Community Herbal Monograph adopted by the
gained in popularity, especially after the European Medicines Agency's Committee on
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act
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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

Herbal Medicinal Products states the following traditional use. Because most herbs and
therapeutic indications for valerian root: supplements have not been thoroughly studied
traditional use, for support of mental relaxation or monitored, safety and effectiveness may not
and to aid natural sleep; well-established use, be proven. Brands may be made differently,
for the relief of mild nervous tension and with variable ingredients even within the same
difficulty in falling asleep. brand. Appropriate dosing should be discussed
with a health care provider before starting
Classical Uses Based on Tradition or Scientific therapy; always read the recommendations on
Theory: The below uses are based on tradition a product's label. The dosing for unproven uses
or scientific theories. They often have not been should be approached cautiously, because
thoroughly tested in humans, and safety and scientific information is limited in these areas.
effectiveness have not always been proven. Valerian has only been studied for four to six
Some of these conditions are potentially weeks of use. It should not be used for longer
serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified without the supervision of a health care
healthcare provider. provider. The below doses are based on
Acne, amenorrhea (lack of scientific research, publications, traditional use,
menstruation), angina (chest pain), anorexia, or expert opinion. Many herbs and
anti-seizure, antiperspirant, antiviral, arthritis, supplements have not been thoroughly tested,
asthma, bloating, bronchospasm, congestive and safety and effectiveness may not be
heart failure, constipation, cough, cramping proven. Brands may be made differently, with
(abdominal, pelvic, menstrual), digestive variable ingredients, even within the same
problems, diuretic (increase urine flow), brand. The below doses may not apply to all
dysmenorrhea (pain with menstrual cycle), products. You should read product labels, and
emmenagogue (stimulation of menstrual blood discuss doses with a qualified healthcare
flow), epilepsy, fatigue, fever, flatulence (gas), provider before starting therapy.
hangovers, headache, heart disease, heartburn, For Mild Insomnia:
high blood pressure, HIV, hot flashes,
hypochondria, irritable bowel syndrome, liver Adults (Aged 18 or Older):
disorders, measles, memory enhancement,  Capsules: 300-1800 mg of valerian have
migraine, mood enhancement, muscle been taken my mouth
pain/spasm/tension, nausea, nerve pain, pain  Aqueous or aqueous-ethanol extract: A
relief, restlessness, stomach ulcers, dose of 1.5 to three grams of herb has
premenstrual syndrome (PMS), restless leg been taken by mouth 30 to 60 minutes
syndrome, rheumatic pain, skin disorders, before going to bed
stress, urinary tract disorders, vaginal  Tea: A dose of 1.5 to three grams of
infections, vertigo, viral gastroenteritis, vision valerian root steeped in 150 mL of boiling
problems, withdrawal from tranquilizers. water for 5-10 minutes has been taken
orally about 30 to 60 minutes before
Recommended Dosage: The doses listed below
going to bed
are based on scientific research, publications or
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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

Children (Younger than 18): The dosing and To relieve insomnia, one of the above dosages
safety of valerian have not been studied may be taken 30–45 min before bedtime. It
thoroughly in children, and valerian is therefore may take one to two weeks of regular use
not recommended. before the herbal preparation takes effect.
When giving valerian to children,
For Sedation or Stress Reduction: recommended adult dosages should be
adjusted in proportion to the child's weight.
 Aqueous or aqueous-ethanol extract: A
dose of 100 to 600 mg taken by mouth Most dosages of herbal products are calculated
for an adult weighing 150 lb (70 kg). A child
before or after stressful events has been
weighing 75 lb (35 kg) should therefore receive
1/2 the adult dose.
 Tea: A dose of 1.5 to three grams of
valerian root steeped in 150 ml of boiling Quality of Plant Material and Commercial
water has been taken by mouth five to 10 Products (Table 1): According to the British and
minutes before or after stressful events. European Pharmacopoeias, valerian consists of
the dried underground parts of V. officinalis L.,
Experts in herbal preparations recommend that
including the rhizome surrounded by the roots
valerian products should be standardized to
and stolons. It contains not less than 5 mL/kg of
contain 0.8% valerenic or valeric acid. Adults
essential oil for the whole drug and not less
may use the following amounts of valerian to
than 3 mL/kg for the cut drug, both calculated
reduce nervousness or relieve menstrual
with reference to the dried drug, and not less
than 0.17% of sesquiterpenic acids expressed
 2–3 g dried root in tea, up to several as valerenic acid, calculated with reference to
times daily the dried drug. As with other plants, there can
 1/4–1/2 tsp (1–3 ml) valerian tincture, up be variation in the content of active
to several times daily compounds (e.g. valerenic acid derivatives and
 1/4 tsp (1–2 ml) fluid extract valepotriates) found in valerian rhizomes and
 150–300 mg valerian extract, roots.
standardized to contain0.8% valerenic

Valerian 500 mg 125 Dizziness, stomach upset Pregnant/nursing

Zolpidem Tartrate Renal, hepatic, or respiratory

5100 Dizziness, headache
(AMBIEN ® 10 mg) impairment

Diphenhydramine HCl 50 mg 155 Dry mouth, dizziness Hypersensitivity

Temazepam 15 mg 640 Dizziness, addictive Pregnancy complications

*Price may vary according to the location, where valerian is sold

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

General Preparations of Valerian: Valerian valepotriates (esters of short-chain fatty acids)

fluid extracts and tinctures are sold in alcohol is sometimes used to standardize valerian
or alcohol-free (glycerite) bases. Powdered extracts. As with most herbal preparations,
valerian is available in capsule or tablet form, many other compounds are also present.
and also as a tea. Valerian root has a sharp Valerian is sometimes combined with other
odor, and to mask the scent valerian is often botanicals. Because this fact sheet focuses on
combined with other calming herbs, including valerian as a single ingredient, only clinical
passionflower (Passiflora incarnata), hops studies evaluating valerian as a single agent are
(Humulus lupulus), lemon balm (Melissa included.
officinalis), skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora), and
kava (Piper methysticum). Kava has been Available Dosage Forms of Valerian: Dosages
associated with liver damage, so it is best for oral administration (adults) for traditional
avoided 59. uses recommended in standard herbal
reference texts are given below;
The chief constituent of Valerian is a
yellowish-green to brownish-yellow oil which is  Dried rhizome/root: 1- 3 g as an infusion
present in the dried root varying from 0.5- 2% or decoction up to three times daily.
though an average yield rarely exceeds 0.8%.  Tincture: 3-5 mL (1:5; 70% ethanol) up to
This variation in quantity is partly explained by three times daily.
location: a dry, stony soil, yielding a root richer  Extracts: Once to several times daily; 2-
in oil than one that is moist and fertile. The 6 mL of 1:2 liquid extract daily.
volatile oils that form the active ingredient are
Doses given in older texts vary. For example:
extremely pungent, somewhat reminiscent of
Valerian Liquid Extract (BPC 1963) 0.3-1.0 mL;
well-matured cheese or wet dog. Valerian tea
Simple Tincture of Valerian (BPC 1949) 4-8 mL;
should not be prepared with boiling water, as
Concentrated Valerian Infusion (BPC 1963) 2-
this may drive off the lighter oils.
4 mL. Clinical trials investigating the effects of
Preparations of valerian marketed as valerian root extracts on sleep parameters have
dietary supplements are made from its roots, used varying dosages, for example, valerian
rhizomes (underground stems), and stolons extracts 400 mg/day (drug to extract ratio of
(horizontal stems). Dried roots are prepared as 3:1) and 1215 mg/day (drug to extract ratio of
teas or tinctures, and dried plant materials and 5-6:1).
extracts are put into capsules or incorporated
Recommended Time for Usage:
into tablets. There is no scientific agreement as
to the active constituents of valerian, and its  Capsules: 400 to 900 mg by mouth at
activity may result from interactions among bedtime.
multiple constituents rather than any one  Tea: single dose, 2 to 3 grams of herbs or
compound or class of compounds. The content dry extract by mouth.
of volatile oils, including valerenic acids; the  Tincture: 1 to 3 ml (20 to 60 drops) by
less volatile sesquiterpenes; or the mouth.

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

Can Valerian be Harmful? Few adverse events regarded as a relatively safe herb because few
attributable to valerian have been reported for interactions with prescription medications have
clinical study participants. Headaches, dizziness, been reported, newer research indicates that it
pruritus, and gastrointestinal disturbances are should be used cautiously following surgery.
the most common effects reported in clinical Like St. John's wort, valerian can interact with
trials but similar effects were also reported for anaesthetics and other medications given to
the placebo. In one study an increase in patients after surgery. Because valerian has a
sleepiness was noted the morning after 900 mg mild sedative effect, it should not be taken
of valerian was taken. Investigators from together with alcoholic beverages, benzo-
another study concluded that 600 mg of diazepines, barbiturates, or antihistamines.
valerian did not have a clinically significant Some components of valerian are metabolized
effect on reaction time, alertness, and in the liver. This herb has the potential to
concentration the morning after ingestion. interact with liver metabolized prescription
Several case reports described adverse effects, medicines 88-89. More recently, a review
but in one case where suicide was attempted conducted by researchers from an evidence-
with a massive overdose it is not possible to based complementary and alternative medicine
clearly attribute the symptoms to valerian. website suggested that valerian is “safe and
Valepotriate, which is a component of valerian effective” for treating insomnia 90. More than
has cytotoxic activity in vitro but were not half of these studies included very small sample
found carcinogenic in animal studies 22-24, 27, 81- sizes, and evidence suggests that small positive
. trials are more likely to be published than small
negative trials.
Side effects of Valerian: Some people taking
valerian may experience a paradoxical effect; Valerian has also been suggested for the
that is, they may feel agitated or jittery instead treatment of anxiety, but there is limited
of relaxed or sleepy. This side effect is not evidence to support its effectiveness. In their
dangerous, but it should be reported to the randomized, double-blind, placebo- controlled
patient's health care provider. If the dosage is trial evaluating the use of valerian for
too high, an individual could experience longer generalized anxiety disorder, Andreatini and
sleep than usual, and wake up not feeling well- colleagues found that
rested 86. Prolonged use of valerian results in Contraindication/allergies: Valerian is
tolerance, and increasing the dose may have contraindicated in patients who are pregnant
serious side effects. According to some or lactating. It also should not be administered
researchers, long-term use of valerian may to children less than 12 years. Most herbs and
cause psychological depression, damage to the supplements have not been thoroughly tested
liver, or damage to the central nervous system. for interactions with other herbs, supplements,
High short-term doses of valerian have been drugs, or foods. The interactions listed below
reported to cause headaches, muscle spasms, are based on reports in scientific publications,
dizziness, digestive upsets, insomnia, and laboratory experiments, or traditional use. You
confusion 87. Although valerian has been should always read product labels. If you have a

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

medical condition, or are taking other drugs, and concentration the morning after using
herbs, or supplements, you should speak with a valerian root extract (600 mg) and found no
qualified healthcare provider before starting a negative effect in single- or repeated-dose
new therapy 91. administrations of valerian. Only one adverse
effect (dizziness) was attributed to the valerian
Drug interactions and Drug-Disease extract. No evidence of potentiating of valerian
Interactions: effects by concomitant ingestion of alcohol has
Drug Interactions: Alcohol, barbiturates, been found in animal and human studies, but
benzodiazepines. Valerian can also inhibit the combination should still be avoided.
CYP450 enzyme. This is because valerian may Valerian may potentiate the sedative effects of
increase levels of drug metabolized by CYP450 barbiturates, anesthetics, and other central
e.g. lovastatin, ketoconazole, itraconazole, nervous system depressants. One case report
fenofenadine, triazolam, chemotherapeutic suggests that sudden cessation of long-term
agent. This has not been reported in humans so high dose valerian therapy (530 mg to 2 g, five
caution should be taking when recommending times daily) may result in withdrawal symptoms
in patients taking these drugs. similar to those occurring with benzodiazepine
Adverse Effects: Headaches, nausea, trouble use. Perhaps because of the poorly defined
sleeping nervousness, palpitation, and morning effects of valerian on GABA neurotransmission,
drowsiness are the acute side effects of valerian appears to attenuate benzodiazepine
valerian. Hepatotoxicity is a chronic side effect, withdrawal symptoms in animals and humans
which may be due to idiosyncratic reactions. .
Other side effects include breathing problems Allergies: People with allergies to plants in the
or chest tightness, chest pain, skin hives, rash, Valerianaceae family may be allergic to
or itchy or swollen skin. Increase in dose of valerian. Few side effects have been reported
Valerian may lead to increase in adverse effects when valerian is used at recommended doses.
. Rare problems may include headaches,
Potential Dangers: Valerian is listed by the excitability, decreased ability to concentrate,
FDA as a food supplement and is, therefore, not inability to sleep, uneasiness, dizziness,
subject to regulatory control beyond labeling shakiness, unsteady walking, lower-than-
requirements. According to Commission E normal body temperature (hypothermia),
monographs, there are no contraindications to stomach discomfort, nausea or vomiting. It is
valerian. Reported adverse effects of valerian not clear if valerian causes drowsiness or
are rare. In a 14 day, multiple-dose study of 16 sedation, although early studies suggest that
patients, there were only two adverse events this may not be a major problem. Nonetheless,
(migraine and gastrointestinal effects) in you should avoid driving or operating heavy
patients receiving valerian compared with 18 machinery, especially within a few hours of
events in patients receiving placebo. A each dose. Although not extensively studied, it
randomized, controlled, double-blind study of is possible that valerian may cause adverse
102 subjects evaluated reaction time, alertness, effects on the liver or heart, especially if high

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

doses are used for long periods of time. If you mg/kg orally. Toxicity in mice was characterized
have been diagnosed with a heart or liver by ataxia, hypothermia, and increased muscle
disorder and are considering taking valerian, relaxation. The cytotoxic activities of three
discuss this with your health care provider 96- valepotriate compounds, valtrate,
. didrovaltrate, and baldrinal (a degradation
product of valtrate), in cultured rat hepatoma
Valerian Effect on Pregnancy and Breast- cells were described in a 1981 Reference. Both
Feeding: Valerian cannot be recommended valtrate and didrovaltrate demonstrated much
during pregnancy or breast-feeding because greater cytotoxic activity than did baldrinal,
there is not enough information available. In with rapid and irreversible toxicity. In addition,
theory, valerian may cause birth defects. the antitumor activity of didrovaltrate was
Pregnant women should avoid ethanol (alcohol) demonstrated in vivo on female mice ascitic
extracts. Because there is limited human safety tumors. Five surviving mice were then bred
data, valerian use during pregnancy and with normal male mice 50 days after treatment
breastfeeding is not recommended. There are with didrovaltrate. Each had a normal
theoretical concerns over the adverse effects of pregnancy and produced normal offspring.
chemical components that are toxic in
laboratory studies. In a 1988 report, two cases of
attempted suicide with valerian dry extract plus
No adverse effects have been reported other drugs were described. In one case, a
when taken in typical doses, but safety during woman at 10 weeks' gestation ingested 2.5 g of
pregnancy and lactation has not been valerian dry extract and 0.5 g of phenobarbital.
established. Some tinctures contain 40-60% An apparently normal, 4350 g female infant
alcohol. Mutagenic effects on bacteria were was delivered at 42 weeks' gestation.
reported from the decomposition products of Examination of the child (age not specified)
valtrate and isovaltrate, but these compounds indicated an IQ in the range of 111 to 120. In
are unstable in aqueous solution 99-100 the the second case, the mother ingested a
implications for human use of this finding in combination of valerian dry extract (3.0 g),
bacteria are uncertain. In pregnant rats given phenobarbital (0.6 g), glutethimide (5.0 g),
valepotriates for 30 days, there was no impact amobarbital (5.0 g), and promethazine (0.3 g)
on fertility, fetotoxicity or other adverse effects at 20 weeks' gestation. A mentally retarded,
on mother or offspring 101. Long-term 2650-g male infant was born at 36 weeks'
administration to pregnant rats and their gestation. About 2 years later in her next
offspring did not lead to any adverse effects 50. pregnancy, this woman again attempted suicide
Fetal Risk Summary for Valerian: Reproductive at 20 weeks' gestation, by ingesting
studies in animals with valerian have not shown glutethimide (3.75 g), amobarbital (3.75 g), and
antiovulation, antifertilization, or embryotoxic promethazine (0.23 g). It was delivered to
effects. Further, the valepotriates exhibit low another mentally retarded, 2650-g male infant
toxicity in mice, producing no deaths in doses at 43 weeks'. The infant also had a unilateral
of up to 1600 mg/kg intraperitoneally or 4600 undescended testicle. Of interest, none of the

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

woman's other 10 children is mentally used to bait traps. Some versions of the legend
retarded. Two additional cases of self-poisoning of the Pied Piper of Hamelin have him using
with valerian were described in 1987 by the valerian, as well as his pipes, to attract the rats.
same group responsible for the above report. In This might be related to the change of aversion
both cases exposure occurred early in into attraction to cat urine in rats infected with
gestation, with ingestion of 5 g and 2 g of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii 103.
valerian at 3 and 4 weeks of foetal
development, respectively. No congenital Interaction Study of Valerian: Interactions with
abnormalities were observed in the offspring. drugs, supplements and other herbs have not
In summary, the very limited animal and human been thoroughly studied. The interactions listed
data do not allow a conclusion as to the safety below have been reported in scientific
of valerian during pregnancy. publications. If you are taking prescription
drugs, speak with your health care provider or
Moreover, as a natural, unregulated pharmacist before using herbs or dietary
product, the concentration, contents, and supplements.
presence of contaminants in valerian
preparations cannot be easily determined. Interactions with Drugs: In theory, valerian
Because of this uncertainty and the potential may increase the side effects, including the
for cytotoxicity in the foetus and hepatotoxicity amount of drowsiness, caused by sedative
in the mother, the product should be avoided drugs. Examples include benzodiazepines, such
during pregnancy. Other authors have arrived as lorazepam (Ativan); barbiturates, such as
at the same conclusion. The risk to a foetus phenobarbital; narcotics, such as codeine;
from short-term or inadvertent use during any antidepressants, such as fluoxetine (Prozac);
part of gestation, however, is probably low, if it antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine
exists at all. (Benadryl); alcohol; and possibly some
antiseizure or antidiarrheal drugs. Caution is
Breast Feeding Summary: No reports advised while driving or operating machinery.
describing the use of valerian during lactation The alcohol content in some valerian extracts
have been located. For the reasons cited above, may lead to vomiting if used with the drug
the use of this herbal product should be disulfiram (Antabuse) or metronidazole (Flagyl).
avoided during breast-feeding 102.
Based on animal and human studies,
Effects of Valerian observed on Cats and Rats: valerian may increase the amount of
An unusual feature of valerian is that the drowsiness caused by some drugs, although
essential oil of valerian root is a cat attractant this is an area of controversy. Examples include
similar to catnip. The active compound in benzodiazepines such as lorazepam (Ativan) or
valerian for this is actinidine. Cat attractants diazepam (Valium), barbiturates such as
might mimic the odour of cat urine which is phenobarbital, narcotics such as codeine, some
caused by 3- mercapto- 3 - methylbutan- 1 - ol antidepressants, and alcohol. Caution is advised
(MMB). Anecdotes state that valerian is also while driving or operating machinery. In one
attractive to rats, so much so that it had been human study, a combination of valerian and the
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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

beta-blocker drug propranolol (Inderal) Interactions with Herbs and Dietary

reduced concentration levels more than Supplements: Very few interactions between
valerian alone. A brief episode of confusion was valerian and herbs or supplements have been
reported in one patient using valerian with reported. Valerian may increase the side effects
loperamide (Imodium) and St. John's wort or the amount of drowsiness caused by some
(Hypericum perforatum L). An episode of herbs or supplements, such as St. John's wort
agitation, anxiety, and self-injury was reported or melatonin. Caution is advised while driving
in a patient after taking valerian with fluoxetine or operating machinery. Valerian may have
(Prozac) for a mood disorder (the person was effects that counteract stimulations caused by
also drinking alcohol). In theory, valerian may caffeine 104. Based on theoretical concerns,
interact with anti-seizure medications, although valerian may increase the amount of
human data is lacking. drowsiness caused by some herbs or
supplements. A brief episode of confusion was
Valerian tinctures may contain high reported in one patient during use of valerian
alcohol content (15-90%) and theoretically may with loperamide (Imodium) and St. John's wort
cause vomiting if taken with metronidazole (Hypericum perforatum L.). Nausea, sweating,
(Flagyl) or disulfiram (Antabuse). Valerian may muscle cramping, weakness, elevated pulse,
interact with certain drugs metabolized by the and high blood pressure were reported after a
liver or vasopressin. Although valerian has not single dose of a combination product with St.
been reported to interact with any drugs or to John's wort, kava, and valerian. Valerian may
influence laboratory tests, this has not been interact with certain herbs and supplements
rigorously studied. No evidence of potentiation that are metabolized by the liver.
of valerian effects by concomitant ingestion of
alcohol has been found in animal and human  Studies suggested valerian to be safe for
studies, but the combination should still be short term use (4 to 6 weeks).
avoided 31-98. Valerian may potentiate the  No information is available about the
sedative effects of barbiturates, anesthetics, long-term safety of valerian.
and other central nervous system depressants  Valerian can cause mild side effects,
. One case report suggests that sudden such as headaches, dizziness, upset
cessation of long-term high dose valerian stomach, and tiredness in the morning
therapy (530 mg to 2 g, five times daily) may after its use.
result in withdrawal symptoms similar to those
occurring with benzodiazepine use. Perhaps Valerian may cause excessive sleepiness or
because of the poorly defined effects of daytime drowsiness if combined with other
valerian on GABA neurotransmission, valerian drugs that cause drowsiness, such as the
appears to attenuate benzodiazepine benzodiazepines Ativan (lorazepam) or Valium
withdrawal symptoms in animals and humans (diazepam), some antidepressants, narcotics
91, 105, 115
. such as codeine, and barbituates such as
phenobarbitol, or with over-the-counter (OTC)
sleep and cold products containing

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

diphenhydramine and doxylamine 105. It may 400 mg of an aqueous extract of valerian, a

also cause excessive sleepiness if taken with commercial preparation containing 60 mg
herbs thought to have a sedative effect, such as valerian and 30 mg hops, and a placebo.
hops, catnip and kava. Valerian is broken down Participants took each one of the three
in the liver. Theoretically, it could interfere with preparations three times in random order on
the effectiveness of medications that are nine non-consecutive nights and filled out a
broken down by the same liver enzymes, such questionnaire the morning after each
as: treatment. Compared with the placebo, the
valerian extract resulted in a statistically
 Allergy medications like Allegra significant subjective improvement in time
(fexofenadine) required to fall asleep (more or less difficult
 Cholesterol medication such as Mevacor than usual), sleep quality (better or worse than
(lovastatin) usual), and number of night-time awakenings
 Antifungal drugs such as Sporanox (more or less than usual).This result was more
(itraconazole) and Nizoral pronounced in a subgroup of 61 participants
(ketoconazole) who identified themselves as poor sleepers on
 Cancer medications such as Camptosar a questionnaire administered at the beginning
(irinotecan), Etopophos, Vepesid of the study. The commercial preparation did
(etoposide), Gleevec, Taxol (paclitaxel), not produce a statistically significant
Velbe (vinblastine) or Oncovin improvement in these three measures. The
(vincristine) . clinical significance of the use of valerian for
Clinical Studies Done on Valerian and Sleep insomnia cannot be determined from the
Disorders: In a systematic review of the results of this study because having insomnia
scientific literature, nine randomized, placebo- was not a requirement for participation. In
controlled, double-blind clinical trials of addition, the study had a participant
valerian and sleep disorders were identified withdrawal rate of 22.9%, which may have
and evaluated for evidence of efficacy of influenced the results 109.
valerian as a treatment for insomnia. Reviewers In the second study, eight volunteers
rated the studies with a standard scoring with mild insomnia were evaluated for the
system to quantify the likelihood of bias effect of valerian on sleep latency (defined as
inherent in the study design. Although all nine the first 5-minute period without movement).
trials had flaws, three earned the highest rating Results were based on night-time motion
(5 on a scale of 1 to 5) and are described below. measured by activity meters worn on the wrist
Unlike the six lower-rated studies, these and on responses to questionnaires about sleep
three studies described the randomization quality, latency, depth, and morning sleepiness
procedure and blinding method that were used filled out the morning after each treatment.
and reported rates of participant withdrawal The test samples were 450 or 900 mg of an
. The first study used a repeated- aqueous valerian extract and a placebo. Each
measures design; 128 volunteers were given volunteer was randomly assigned to receive

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

one test sample each night, Monday through placebo increased between the assessments
Thursday, for 3 weeks for a total of 12 nights of done on days 14 and 28. The reviewers
evaluation. The 450 mg test sample of valerian concluded that these nine studies are not
extract reduced average sleep latency from sufficient for determining the effectiveness of
about 16 to 9 minutes, which is similar to the valerian to treat sleep disorders. For example,
activity of prescription benzodiazepine none of the studies checked the success of the
medication (used as a sedative or tranquilizer). blinding; none calculated the sample size
No statistically significant shortening of sleep necessary for seeing a statistical effect, only
latency was seen with the 900 mg test sample. one partially controlled pre bedtime variable,
Evaluation of the questionnaires showed a and only one validated outcome measures. In a
statistically significant improvement in randomized, double-blind study, 75 participants
subjectively measured sleep. On a 9 point scale, with documented nonorganic insomnia were
participants rated sleep latency as 4.3 after the randomly assigned to receive 600 mg of a
450 mg test sample and 4.9 after the placebo. standardized commercial valerian extract or 10
The 900 mg test sample increased the sleep mg oxazepam (a benzodiazepine medication)
improvement but participants noted an for 28 days. Assessment tools used to evaluate
increase in sleepiness the next morning. the effectiveness and tolerance of the
interventions included validated sleep, mood
Although statistically significant, this 7 scale, and anxiety questionnaires as well as
minute reduction in sleep latency and the sleep rating by a physician (on days 0, 14, and
improvement in subjective sleep rating are 28).
probably not clinically significant. The small
sample size makes it difficult to generalize the Treatment result was determined via a
results to a broader population 77. The third 4-step rating scale at the end of the study (day
study examined longer-term effects in 121 28). Both groups had the same improvement in
participants with documented nonorganic sleep quality but the valerian group reported
insomnia. Participants received either 600 mg fewer side effects than did the oxazepam
of a standardized commercial preparation of group. However, this study was designed to
dried valerian root or placebo for 28 days. show superiority, if any, of valerian over
Several assessment tools were used to evaluate oxazepam and its results cannot be used to
the effectiveness and tolerance of the show equivalence 78. In a randomized, double-
interventions, including questionnaires on blind, placebo-controlled crossover study,
therapeutic effect (given on days 14 and 28), researchers evaluated sleep parameters with
change in sleep patterns (given on day 28), and polysomnographic techniques that monitored
quality and well-being (given on days 0, 14, and sleep stages, sleep latency, and total sleep time
28). After 28 days, the group receiving the to objectively measure sleep quality and stages.
valerian extract showed a decrease in insomnia Questionnaires were used for subjective
symptoms on all the assessment tools measurement of sleep parameters. Sixteen
compared with the placebo group. The participants with medically documented
differences in progress between valerian and nonorganic insomnia were randomly assigned

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

to receive either a single dose or a 14-day liver damage has been associated with the use
administration of 600 mg of a standardized of valerian. It's not certain whether the cause
commercial preparation of valerian or placebo. of the liver damage was due to valerian itself or
Valerian had no effect on any of the 15 to contaminants in the product. Until we know
objective or subjective measurements except more, people should use valerian only under
for a decrease in slow-wave sleep onset (13.5 the supervision of a qualified health care
minutes) compared with placebo (21.3 min). practitioner and those with liver disease should
During slow-wave sleep, arousability, skeletal avoid it. Although liver damage doesn't always
muscle tone, heart rate, blood pressure, and produce noticeable symptoms, if excessive
respiratory frequency decreased. Increased tiredness, intense itching, nausea, vomiting,
time spent in slow-wave sleep may decrease diarrhoea, pain or discomfort in the upper right
insomnia symptoms. However, because all but side of the abdomen, or a yellowing of the
1 of the 15 endpoints showed no difference whites of the eyes or skin occurs, see your
between placebo and valerian, the possibility doctor immediately 111. The U. S. Food and Drug
that the single endpoint showing a difference Administration do not strictly regulate herbs
was the result of chance must be considered. and supplements. There is no guarantee of
The valerian group reported fewer adverse strength, purity or safety of products and
events than did the placebo group 110. effects may vary. You should always read
product labels. If one have a medical condition,
Although the results of some studies or are taking other drugs, herbs, or
suggest that valerian may be useful for supplements, one should speak with a qualified
insomnia and other sleep disorders, results of healthcare provider before starting a new
other studies do not. Interpretation of these therapy. Consult a healthcare provider
studies is complicated by the fact the studies immediately if you experience side effects 38,
had small sample sizes, used different amounts 112-113
and sources of valerian, measured different
outcomes, or did not consider potential bias Precautions and Warnings with Usage of
resulting from high participant withdrawal Valerian: Persons who take valerian should
rates. Overall, the evidence from these trials for consult an experienced herbalist about dosage
the sleep-promoting effects of valerian is and about reliable sources of the herb. Because
inconclusive. herbal preparations are not regulated by the U.
S. Food and Drug Administration, consumers
Safety concerns: Pregnant or nursing women cannot be certain of the freshness and potency
and children should not use valerian. People of commercial herbal products. In July 2001, an
taking medications for insomnia or anxiety, independent laboratory published the results of
such as benzodiazepines, should not combine its tests of 17 valerian products; only nine
these medications with valerian. Side effects of contained the amount of valerian that their
valerian may include headache, dizziness, labels claimed. Of the remaining eight products,
itchiness, upset stomach, drowsiness during the four contained only half the amount of valerian
daytime, dry mouth and vivid dreams. Rarely, that they should have, and the other four

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

contained none at all 38. Although valerian has a included ingredients and the possibility of
good reputation for safety when used as contamination with unlisted herbs 89-90.
directed, it should not be used in high doses or
taken continuously for longer than two to three Contraindications of Valerian:
weeks. Studies report that valerian is generally  Women who are pregnant or nursing
well tolerated for up to four to six weeks in should not take valerian without
recommended doses. Valerian has occasionally medical advice because the possible
been reported to cause headache, excitability, risks to the foetus or infant have not
stomach upset, uneasiness, dizziness, been evaluated.
unsteadiness (ataxia), and low body  Children younger than 3 years old
temperature (hypothermia). Chronic use should not take valerian because the
(longer than two to four months) may result in possible risks to children of this age
insomnia. have not been evaluated.
 Individuals taking valerian should be
Slight reductions in concentration or aware of the theoretical possibility of
complicated thinking may occur for a few hours additive sedative effects from alcohol or
after taking valerian. Use caution if driving or sedative drugs, such as barbiturates and
operating heavy machinery. Some research benzodiazepines.
suggests that valerian may not cause sedation.
A drug "hangover" effect has been reported in Obtain a complete patient profile when
people taking high doses of valerian extracts. patients express an interest in taking valerian.
"Valerian withdrawal" may occur if you stop Discuss potential risks and benefits, particularly
using valerian suddenly after chronic high-dose any specific to the patient’s drug profile or
use, including confusion (delirium) and rapid medical history, empowering the consumer to
heartbeat. These symptoms may improve with make an informed choice. Few adverse events
the use of benzodiazepines such as lorazepam have been associated with this herb, but
(Ativan). Although unknown, valerian may have patients should be informed of the potential
similar brain activity as benzodiazepines (which dangers of driving or operating heavy
are commonly used to treat anxiety and machinery. Patients should be cautioned
insomnia), through effects on the brain regarding concurrent sedative use. Pregnant or
chemical GABA 35, 50, 91. lactating women should not use this herb.
Patients using valerian root for insomnia can be
Valerian has been on the U. S. Food and instructed to take it 30-60 minutes before
Drug Administration's (FDA's) GRAS (Generally bedtime. Follow-up is important, and adverse
Regarded as Safe) list, and no deaths due to events and drug interactions should be
overdose are currently available. Liver toxicity immediately reported to the Natural Health
has been associated with some multi-herb Products Directorate of Health Canada 116.
preparations that include valerian. However,
the contribution of valerian itself is not clear Threats towards Extinction of Valerian: There
due to the potential liver toxicity of other are no reports of significant global decline of
Valeriana uliginosa 117. Nature Serve in year
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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research ISSN: 0975-8232

2002 indicated that loss of habitat due to products promoted as mild sedatives and sleep
logging of cedar swamps and draining of aids for nervous tension and insomnia. It has
wetlands, which is the most serious threat to V. been suggested for several conditions but has
uliginosa. Potential threats include: been most studied as a treatment for insomnia.
Valerian may reduce the length of time it takes
 Forest encroachment or succession 117. to fall asleep and may improve sleep quality
 Hydrological alteration with fewer adverse effects than commonly
 Logging 118. used prescription drugs. Valerian is not
 Competition with other plants. recommended for pregnant or breast-feeding
 Invasive exotic plants women or in children and hence must be
 Trampling avoided in such patients. A potential advantage
 Pollution and climate change 120. of valerian over benzodiazepines is the lack of
sleepiness on awakening when used at the
There is little evidence that V. uliginosa is recommended dosages.
threatened by collection, though V. officinalis
for medicinal purposes. Scientists believe the Valerian also may be helpful in weaning
biggest threats to Valeriana uliginosa patients with insomnia from benzodiazepines.
populations are forest encroachment and The use of valerian as an anxiolytic requires
continuous flooding from beaver activity. further studies. Under the US Preventative
Logging is indicated as a potential threat at Services Task Force’s (USPSTF) classification
several Maine sites, but I believe that selective system for herbs, valerian was rated as
logging in winter may be beneficial to V. probably safe and effective as a sleep aid,
uliginosa populations that occur in relatively based on evidence from randomized clinical
small openings within northern white-cedar trials. But the long-term safety studies are
swamps 117. lacking. In respect to its spasmolytic properties,
it was rated possibly effective and probably
Additional Sources of Information on Valerian: safe, based on animal studies.
Medical libraries are a source of information
about medicinal herbs. Other sources include While valerian appears to be safe and
Web-based resources such as PubMed 121 for possibly effective, the literature available in the
general information on botanicals and their use English language evaluating this herb is limited
as dietary supplements. Authors are also due to small sample size, short study duration,
referred to see background information about and some inconsistent results. Valerian’s long-
botanical and dietary supplements from the term safety has yet to be demonstrated, and
Office of Dietary 122-123. therefore restricting its extended use for any
indication. Valerian’s main attribute may be
SUMMARY: This paper provides a systematic that it serves as an alternative, with a low
overview of the use of valerian for various incidence of side effects, to synthetic sedative
disorders and it can be concluded that valerian agents.
is an herb sold as a dietary supplement through
out the world. It is a common ingredient in
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