Troward Thomas The Spirit of Oplulence
Troward Thomas The Spirit of Oplulence
Troward Thomas The Spirit of Oplulence
But all this exists in, and is produced by, our belief; and
when we come to examine the grounds of this belief we shall
find that it rests upon an entire misapprehension of the nature
of our own power. If we clearly realise that the creative power
in ourselves is unlimited, then there is no reason for limiting
the extent to which we may enjoy what we can create by
means of it. Where we are drawing from the infinite we need
never be afraid of taking more than our share. That is not
where the danger lies. The danger is in not sufficiently
realising our own richness, and in looking upon the
externalised products of our creative power as being the true
riches instead of the creative power of spirit itself.
circulation, whether within the physical body of the individual
or on the scale of the entire solar system; and circulation
means a continual flowing around, and the spirit of opulence is
no exception to this universal law of all life.
on the spiritual and intellectual planes, which you can give;
and you can start from this point and practise the spirit of
opulence, even though your balance at the bank may be nil.
And then the universal law of attraction will begin to assert
itself. You will not only begin to experience an inflow on the
spiritual and intellectual planes, but it will extend itself to the
material plane also.
sake. It does not believe in money. What it does believe in is
the generous feeling which is the intuitive recognition of the
great law of circulation, which does not in any undertaking
make its first question, “How much am I going to get by it?”
but, “How much am I going to do by it?” And making this the
first question, the getting will flow in with a generous
profusion, and with a spontaneousness and rightness of
direction that are absent when our first thought is of receiving
We are not called upon to give what we have not yet got
and to run into debt; but we are to give liberally of what we
have, with the knowledge that by so doing we are setting the
law of circulation to work, and as this law brings us greater
and greater inflows of every kind of good, so our out-giving
will increase, not by depriving ourselves of any expansion of
our own life that we may desire, but by finding that every
expansion makes us the more powerful instruments for
expanding the life of others. “Live and let live” is the motto of
the true opulence.