Chapter 1 2 Rais
Chapter 1 2 Rais
Chapter 1 2 Rais
2 Literature Review
1.2.4 Fischer-Tropsch Process of Syngas to Diesel
The Fischere-Tropsch (FT) synthesis has been investigated over decades
as an alternative route to obtain synthetic fuels from synthesis gas. FT is a high-
performance synthesis based on metallic catalysis, mainly using ruthenium, cobalt
and iron catalysts, which converts syngas in hydrocarbons and chemical precursors.
The fixed bed reactor has the advantage to be more flexible for different
scale applications and it does not require a separation step to recover the catalyst
from the product mixture. These characteristics become the fixed bed the most used
reactor for both small-scaled studies and industrial purposes. For fixed bed reactor,
cooling fluid (frequently water) flow is generally required to remove the reaction-
released heat to maintain the reactor isothermal conditions. The reactants are fed by
the reactor top, passing through tubes containing the catalysts, and the final reaction
mixture flows out by the reactor bottom. The fixed bed can be designed as a multi-
tubular arrangement in which a set of catalyst containing tubes are arranged inside
a shell. The number of tubes must be very big, increasing the reaction productivity.
Fluidized bed reactors operate at a higher temperature and higher-pressure
conditions on a design that leads to improved efficiency. The fluidized bed allows
reaching superior heat transfer, easier catalyst handling, and improved temperature
control on the highly exothermic FT reactions. Commercial fluidized bed reactors
can be set mainly as bubbling bed (BFB) or circulating bed (CFB). A sort of reactor
designs has been experienced and modeled. Fixed bed multi-tubular reactor has
been applied for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis using cobalt catalyst attached to a
particulate silica carbide and ruthenium as a promoter of Co catalysts.
The chemical reaction between hydrogen and carbon monoxide requires a
high quantity of energy to be over. Therefore, catalysts are crucial to guarantee
chemical conversion to appreciable quantities of products. The chemical
composition of the products obtained from the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis depends
to a large extent on the catalyst selectivity and on the reaction extension related to
the process thermodynamics.
Group VIII elements, especially ruthenium (Ru), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co) and
nickel (Ni), are surely eligible a catalyst in FT synthesis since they have activity
enough for commercial applications, although that only Fe and Co interest indeed
for industrial-scale FT processes. Nickel catalysts display usually high surface
activity, but they have a limited chain growth. Despite the high selectivity,
Ruthenium usage is almost impeditive for industrial scale application because of its
high cost and low availability. On another hand, iron catalysts have been preferred
for a large-scale usage due to its low cost, even so their fast oxidation with water
contact. Cobalt catalysts have shown a balance between the selectivity and catalytic
activity that allows its usage on a large scale.
The main catalysts used in the reaction of Fischer-Tropsch are metallic,
because of their ability to form a complex with carbon monoxide and to dissociating
it into ethylene monomer. FT metal catalysts are often supported on metal oxides,
commonly alumina or silica, to increase their stability. Unsupported metal activity
raises as Fe > Co > Ni > Ru, while supported metal activities change to Ru > Fe >
Ni > Co on alumina and to Co > Fe > Rh > Ni on silica. Nevertheless, specific
characteristics must be required of the catalyst used in FT synthesis, explicitly:
High resistance to the process conditions, allowing a viable life for the process.
High resistance to water, as some FT secondary reactions are prone to generate
High resistance to temperature.
The catalyst must have extensive selectivity to the desired product.
The FischereTropsch catalytic reaction faces problems regarding the
existing impurities. The major impurities encountered during the FischereTropsch
synthesis, which cause damage to the process are:
The HCl that can be generated during the process, causing reactor tubing
corrosion and damaging the catalyst.
Alkali metals deposited on the catalyst surface, (iii) impurities derivate from
reactants and catalysts.
Sulphonate compounds derived through the biomass affecting the catalyst life.
The catalysts may lose activity and decrease the reaction rate. The main
causes of catalyst deactivation are related to the sintering (loss of catalyst surface
activity due to crystal growth), the conversion of active parts of the catalyst into
inactive parts (oxidation of the metal, for example), the carbon deposition on the
catalyst surface and surface poisoning (related to strong interactions established
between the active site and contaminants).
2.1 Process Selection
2.1.1 Gasification Reactor
There are several different generic types of gasification technology that
have been demonstrated or developed for conversion of biomass feedstocks. Most
of these have been developed and commercialized for the production of heat and
power from the syngas, rather than liquid fuel production. The brief description of
each types had been presented in the previous sections. Oxygen
If oxygen is used as the gasifying agent, the conversion path moves toward
the oxygen corner. Its products include CO for low oxygen and CO2 for high
oxygen. When the amount of oxygen exceeds a certain (stoichiometric) amount, the
process moves from gasification to combustion, and the product is “flue gas”
instead of “fuel gas.” Neither flue gas nor the combustion product contains residual
heating value when cooled. O2 gasification leads to a syngas with a heating value
up to 28 MJ/Nm3, with higher concentrations of CO and H2 and low concentration
of tar. Gasification with oxygen will reduced nitrogen dilution, reduce gasifier and
downstream equipment size, improve carbon conversion efficiency in the gasifier,
and improve combustion efficiency in downstream power generation devices. This
gasifying agent commonly used in pressurized gasification.
Scoring method is used for the process selection to find the best process
based on several criteria. There are 4 criteria considered on process selection. They
are H2 to CO ratio, energy consumption, economic value, and availability. Each
criterion will has the same weight and will be scored from 1 to 3. The detail of each
criterion is shown on Table 2.4. and the result of process selection using scoring
method is shown on Table 2.5
Criteria 1 2 3
H2 to CO
3 1 2 2
2 3 1 3
Economic 1 2 3 2
Availability 1 2 3 3
Total 7 8 9 10