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Daily Lesson LOG: CS - ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b-1 CS - ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b-2

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School Dauin National High School Grade Level 11

Teacher Jenny Mae P. Sojor Learning Area Empowerment Technologies

Date/Time Week 1 (November 5-9, 2018) Quarter 3rd


Monday November 5, 2018 (9:50-11:50) Thursday November 8, 2018 (7:30-9:30)
Monday-Tuesday November 5-6, 2018 Wednesday-Thursday November 7-8, 2018
G11 ABM (1:00-2:00) G11 ABM (1:00-2:00)
Wednesday November 7, 2018 (2:00-4:00) Friday November 9, 2018 (9:50-11:50)


The learners demonstrate an understanding of: The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
A. Content Standards understanding of: understanding of:
ICT in the context of global communication for ICT in the context of global communication for
specific professional track specific professional track

The learners shall be able to: The learners shall be able to:
B. Performance Standards at the end of the 2-week period independently at the end of the 2-week period independently
compose an insightful reflection paper on the compose an insightful reflection paper on the
nature of ICT in the context of their lives, society, nature of ICT in the context of their lives, society,
and professional tracks (Arts, Tech-Voc, Sports, and professional tracks (Arts, Tech-Voc, Sports,
Academic) Academic)

1. compare and contrast the nuances of varied 2. apply online safety, security, ethics, and
C. Learning online platforms, sites, and content to best etiquette standards and practice in the use of ICTs
Competencies achieve specific class objectives or address as it would relate to their specific professional
situational challenges CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b-1 tracks CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b-2
II. CONTENT Information and Communication Technology Online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette
covering the topics of:
1. The current state of ICT technologies (i.e.,
Web 2.0, 3.0, convergent technologies, social,
mobile, and assistive media)
2. Online systems, functions, and platforms

A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages None None
2. Learner's Material None None
3. Textbook Pages None None
4. Additional Materials None None
from LR Portal
B. Other Learning Empowerment Technology by Jemma Empowerment Technology by Jemma
Resources Development Group Development Group

C. Teaching Resources Laptop, LED TV, Activity Sheets Laptop, LED TV

A. Reviewing Previous Pre-test: What is Information and Communication
Lesson or Presenting New Multiple Choice. Technology?
Lesson 1. A web page that allows interaction from the What are the online systems, functions, and
user. A. static B. dynamic C. social D. comment platforms?
2. This refers to the feature where users are able
to categorize and locate information through
tagging. A. hashtags B. folksonomy
C. taxonomy D. rich user experience
3. A feature of a dynamic website that allows
users to put their own content.
A. rich user experience B. long tail
C. user participation D. mass participation
4. It provides a common framework to allow
data to be shared and reused across platform,
enterprise, and community boundaries.
A. W3C B. Semantic Web C. Web 1.0 D. Web 2.0
5. According to this magazine, two Philippine
cities are part of the top 10 in their research
about “The Selfiest Cities around the World.”
A. People B. Time C. Reader’s Digest D. Candy
6. This is the operating system for blackberry
phones. A. Blackberry OS B. Symbian
C. Windows Mobile D. iOS
7. Pinterest is a social website that can be
classified as
A. bookmarking site B. media sharing
C. microblogging D. blogs and forms
8. Currently, this is the fastest mobile network.
A. 2G B. 3G C. 4G D. 5G
9. The media is designed to help people who
have visual and reading impairments.
A. assistive B. social C. bookmark D. accessibility
10. This type of social media website focuses on
short updates posted by the user.
A. blogging B. microblogging
C. social media D. hashtagging

B. Establishing a Purpose Activity: Circular Response Activity:

for the Lesson Form groups with five members each. Take Most of us use the internet every day. Sometimes,
turns answering the questions below. Answer we do not pay attention on how much information
the following honestly. we share online. Below is a questionnaire about
1. How many times have you checked your how much information you have shared so far. Put
phone this morning? a check () under Shared or Not Shared.
2. How many status updates have you Type of information Shared Not Shared
posted in Facebook or Twitter today?
3. Did you use the internet for an hour after 1. First Name
you woke up this morning? 2. Last Name
4. Do you follow a celebrity via his/her 3. Middle name
social media account? 4. Current and
previous school(s)
5. Your cellphone
6. The name of your
mother and father
7. The name of your
8. Your address
9. Your home phone
10. Your birthday

C. Presenting Discuss what is Information and Communication Discuss Online Safety and Security
Examples/Instances of the Technology (ICT).
New Lesson
D. Discussing New Discuss Information and Communication Explain the Dangers on the Internet and give some
Concepts and Practicing Technology covering the topics of: tips on how to stay safe online
New Skills #1 1. The current state of ICT technologies (i.e.,
Web 2.0, 3.0, convergent technologies, social,
mobile, and assistive media)

E. Discussing New Discuss Information and Communication Discuss Online Ethics and Etiquette
Concepts and Practicing Technology covering the topics of:
New Skills #2 2. Online systems, functions, and platforms


F. Developing Mastery Form groups with ten members each. And assign Form 5 groups. Ask each group to visit a social
each group to do the following activities. Each networking site and look for the site’s privacy
group will select a representative that will policy. The link is typically found at the bottom of
present it in front of the class. Each group will be the page and sometimes labelled as “Privacy”.
given 20 minutes to prepare and 3 minutes to Write a summary on how the website handles both
present. your private and public information.
For Groups 1-2.
Exploration 1.1 Static vs. Dynamic
Look for ten websites and classify them as
static or dynamic. What makes each website
static or dynamic? Use the table below.
Website Static Dynamic Reason

G. Finding Practical For Groups 3-4. Ask to create a secure password for each online
Applications of Concepts Exploration 1.2 Identifying the Correct Web account (Gmail, YouTube, and Yahoo) and apply
and Skills in Daily Living Platform for Social Change the security techniques on their own computer or
1. Identify a problem in your community mobile phone.
(e.g., littering, garbage disposal, blocked
drainages, etc.).
2. Imagine that you are going to create a
website to persuade both community
leaders and members to solve this
3. Fill out the form below. You may refer to
the sample provided after the form.

Community Problem: ______________________

Vicinity: ________________________________
Campaign Name: _________________________
Type of Social Media Used: _________________
Website Used: ___________________________

What will be the content of your social media site?


Why did you choose that type of social media?


Why did you choose that website?

H. Making Generalizations Discuss what is Information and Communication What are the tips on how to stay safe online? What
and Abstractions about Technology (ICT). The current state of ICT are the Commandments for Computer Ethics?
the Lesson technologies (i.e., Web 2.0, 3.0, convergent
technologies, social, mobile, and assistive media)
and the varied online systems, functions, and
I. Evaluating Learning Your Time to Shine! Matching Type: Match Column A with Column B.
I. True or False. Write T if the sentence is correct and Write the letter of the correct answer.
F if the statement is wrong. Column A
1. Information and Communication (ICT) deals 1. virus 9. private
with the use of different communications 2. rogue 10. malware
technology to locate, save, send, and edit
3. keylogger 11. incognito
4. adware 12. internet
2. Android is a mobile operating system for
Apple devices. 5. spam 13. trojan
3. Web 2.0 introduced static web pages that 6. phishing 14. copyright
allow users to interact with the web page. 7. fair use 15. Pharming
4. Folksonomy allows users to categorize and 8. spyware
locate information. Column B
5. Technological convergence is the synergy of a. designed to send you advertisements
technological advancements to work on a b. sends an official-looking email and is
similar goal or task. designed to steal sensitive personal
II. Write SO if the social media website is a social information
network, BS for bookmarking site, SN for social news,
c. a provision that allows you to use
MS for media sharing, MI for microblogging, and BF
copyrighted work without the consent with
for blogs and forums.
certain limitations
1. Facebook d. a browser feature that is synonymous to
2. Plurk “private” browsing
3. Twitter e. replicates and can transfer from one
4. Tumblr computer to another
5. reddit
f. exploits the DNS system
6. Google+
g. states that anyone who uses your work
7. Instagram
8. Pinterest without your consent is punishable by law
9. Blogger h. runs in the background and monitors what
10. StumbleUpon you are doing
i. unwanted email mostly from bots
j. disguised as a useful program but is not
k. the information superhighway
l. tricks the user into posing that I is a security
m. a malicious software
n. an option to hide a post so that search
engines could not scan it
o. used to record the keystrokes done by the

J. Additional Activities for

Application or

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Submitted by: JENNY MAE P. SOJOR Checked by: JOELOU M. AGUIRRE Date: ___________
For Group 1.
Exploration 1.1 Static vs. Dynamic
Look for ten websites and classify them as static or dynamic. What makes each website static or dynamic? Use the table below.

Website URL Static Dynamic Reason

For Group 2.
Exploration 1.1 Static vs. Dynamic
Look for ten websites and classify them as static or dynamic. What makes each website static or dynamic? Use the table below.

Website URL Static Dynamic Reason

For Group 3.
Exploration 1.2 Identifying the Correct Web Platform for Social Change
1. Identify a problem in your community (e.g., littering, garbage disposal, blocked drainages, etc.).
2. Imagine that you are going to create a website to persuade both community leaders and members to solve this problem.
3. Fill out the form below. You may refer to the sample provided after the form.

Community Problem: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Vicinity: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Campaign Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Type of Social Media Used: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Website Used: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

What will be the content of your social media site?


Why did you choose that type of social media?


Why did you choose that website?

For Group 4.
Exploration 1.2 Identifying the Correct Web Platform for Social Change
4. Identify a problem in your community (e.g., littering, garbage disposal, blocked drainages, etc.).
5. Imagine that you are going to create a website to persuade both community leaders and members to solve this problem.
6. Fill out the form below. You may refer to the sample provided after the form.

Community Problem: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Vicinity: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Campaign Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Type of Social Media Used: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Website Used: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

What will be the content of your social media site?


Why did you choose that type of social media?


Why did you choose that website?

I. True or False. Write T if the sentence is correct and F if the statement is wrong.
6. Information and Communication (ICT) deals with the use of different communications technology to locate, save, send, and edit
7. Android is a mobile operating system for Apple devices.
8. Web 2.0 introduced static web pages that allow users to interact with the web page.
9. Folksonomy allows users to categorize and locate information.
10. Technological convergence is the synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar goal or task.
II. Write SO if the social media website is a social network, BS for bookmarking site, SN for social news, MS for media sharing, MI for
microblogging, and BF for blogs and forums.
11. Facebook
12. Plurk
13. Twitter
14. Tumblr
15. Reddit
16. Google+
17. Instagram
18. Pinterest
19. Blogger
20. StumbleUpon
Matching Type: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer.

Column A
1. virus
2. rogue
3. keylogger
4. adware
5. spam
6. phishing
7. fair use
8. spyware
9. private
10. malware
11. incognito
12. internet
13. Trojan
14. copyright
15. pharming

Column B
a. designed to send you advertisements
b. sends an official-looking email and is designed to steal sensitive personal information
c. a provision that allows you to use copyrighted work without the consent with certain limitations
d. a browser feature that is synonymous to “private” browsing
e. replicates and can transfer from one computer to another
f. exploits the DNS system
g. states that anyone who uses your work without your consent is punishable by law
h. runs in the background and monitors what you are doing
i. unwanted email mostly from bots
j. disguised as a useful program but is not
k. the information superhighway
l. tricks the user into posing that I is a security software
m. a malicious software
n. an option to hide a post so that search engines could not scan it
o. used to record the keystrokes done by the user

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