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Insight Paper (Global Revolutoontheo Aod Oow, 21 Ceotury Educatoo Aod Fiooish Excelleoce Io Educatoo)

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(Global Revolutoontheo aod oow, 21st Ceotury Educatoo aod Fiooish Excelleoce io
Global revolutoo is the iotroductoo of oew techoologies aod machioes ioto the defoite
spheres of humao life which have such a great impact that chaoge the motoo aod quality of life
to some exteot. There have beeo several techoological revolutoos which chaoged people’s life.
The preseot era of chaoge is beiog brought about by a whole cluster of techoologies, some of
which have ao exceptooal capacity for horizootal difusioo io all sectors of the ecooomy aod
society aod ao equally exceptooal capacity for cross-fertlizatoo. A 21st ceotury educatoo is
about giviog studeots the skills they oeed to succeed io this oew world, aod helpiog them grow
the coofdeoce to practce those skills. With so much ioformatoo readily available to them, 21st
ceotury skills focus more oo makiog seose of that ioformatoo, shariog aod usiog it io smart
ways. Ao excelleot learoiog tool. Highly recommeod this leadership course relevaot, autheotc
& very practcal. Iospiratooall Compreheosive, eogagiog aod certaioly relevaot. Empoweriog
me to realise aod value what is vital aod imperatve to eosure you are the best leader withio
your capabilites to empower chaoge aod positvity withio your workiog eoviroomeot.
Fiolaod has a proveo track-record as the home of world-class educatoo. The Fiooish
school system has beeo built oo the egalitariao priociple of good quality uoiversal educatoo,
which is ioclusive aod compreheosive. Io fact, the learoiog gap of the weakest aod the stroogest
pupils io Fiooish schools is ooe of the oarrowest io the world. Accordiog to our research folaod
is excelleoce io terms of educatoo, 3 reasoo why folaod is powerhouse io educatoo, frst
Excelleot learoiog outcomes. Fiolaod's excelleot learoiog outcomes are the result of research-
based pedagogy aod its iooovatve approach to teachiog aod learoiog. This combioatoo
supports the creatoo of excelleot curricula aod frst-rate learoiog eoviroomeots aod processes.
Secood, Top quality teacher traioiog, High-quality traioiog, professiooal freedom, aod trust are
the iogredieots of success. Teachers io Fiolaod must hold a master’s degree aod pedagogical
qualifcatoos. They eojoy professiooal freedom aod trust, aod have the power to iofueoce
their owo daily work aod the developmeot of schools. Lastly, Iooovatve teachiog methods aod
stroog ICT sector, Fiolaod has a stroog ICT sector aod a boomiog gamiog iodustry. This has
helped to create favorable cooditoos for developiog cutog-edge digital learoiog solutoos that
make learoiog fuol
Global revolutoos chaoge the quality aod rhythm of life but ooe should oot thiok ooly
about their positve sides, as there are maoy serious disadvaotages, like risks aod sacrifce,
which follow every revolutoo. A well-orgaoized essay is expected to be ioterestog, cootaio up-
to-date ioformatoo aod scrupulous aoalysis of the suggested problem. Oo the other haod a
studeot is oot supposed to preseot a 100% objectve paper, because ao essay is a preseotatoo
of his owo opioioo, his attude aod visioo of the problem. Nevertheless, he should support
every thought with reliable evideoce from the high-quality books or periodicals. Educatoo io
the perspectves of the future is esseotally educatoo io the process of deep qualitatve
traosformatoo. A qualitatve chaoge refers to the preseot aod the future at the same tme —
that which is to chaoge aod the future which will be delivered by that chaoge.

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