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DOJ Circular 14-2019

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Republika ng Pilipinas
Department of Justice
m Manila


0 14
TO The Prosecutor General and Heads of Regional, Provincial
and City Prosecution Offices

SUBJECT Guidelines on Streamlining and Process Improvement of

Frontline Services in the National Prosecution Service(NPS)
AUG 0:2019

1.0 In accordance with relevant provisions of Republic Act No. 11032, the Ease of
Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018, and
Department Circular No. 036, series of 2018, these guidelines are hereby
provided for frontline services streamlining and process improvement In the

2.0 The following frontline services are covered by this issuance:

2.1 Provincial and city prosecution offices

2.1.1 Receiving criminal complaints for preliminary investigation; and

2.1.2 Receiving of criminal complaints for inquest proceedings.

2.2 DOJ Prosecution Staff and regional prosecution offices only

2.2.1 Receiving petitions for review.

2.3 All prosecution offices

2.3.1 Provision of prosecutor's clearance, copies of documents, and

certification of case status.

3.0 The documentary requirements shall be as follows:

3.1 Receiving criminal complaints for preliminary investigation and inquest:

3.1.1 Accomplished NPS Investigation Data Form No. 01; and

3.1.2 Complaint affidavit with supporting documents (properly
paginated and bound) in five (5) copies, and additional copies
corresponding to the number of respondents, as prescribed in the
DOJ Administrative Case Management Handbook (2008).

3.2 Provision of prosecutor's clearance, certification of case status, and

certified copy of documents:
3.2.1 Accomplished request form or documents with case Information;
3.2.2 Valid government-issued identification (with photo).

3.3 Receiving petitions for review

3.3.1 Duly subscribed petition for review and supporting documents in

accordance with Department Circular No. 70, s. 2000; and
3.3.2 Compact disc with PDF file of the Petition and all attachments, in
accordance with Department Circular No. 018, s. 2017.

4.0 As a general rule, the maximum processing time for each of the said services
shall be one(1) hour from the initial contact of client with the receiving personnel
until the end of the process. In exceptional circumstances such as constraints
in manpower/resources and access to information/records, a longer period not
exceeding three (3) working days can be allowed for provision of clearance,
certifications, and other documents, provided that the requesting party is duly
informed of the appropriate date and time of release. Frontline service
documents shall have a maximum of (3) signatures, including initials, to
complete each service.

5.0 Prosecution offices shall streamline/improve the existing processes to conform

with the said service standards. If already within the standards, prosecution
offices may further streamline and improve their processes to reduce
transaction time and cost for both the office and clients. The streamlined
processes shall be documented in the Citizen's Charter of the office, as

6.0 Prosecution offices concerned are advised to coordinate/dialogue with LGUs

who are collecting fees for NPS services apart from those charged and
collected by the DOJ/NPS pursuant to Department Circular No. 60, s. 2019.
This is to address any double charging and reduce transaction cost for
requesting parties.

7.0 Heads of offices shall ensure that there is an accessible public assistance and
complaint desk for the guidance of the clients and for receiving/responding to
queries and complaints, conforming to the standards for gender sensitive and
child-friendly public assistance desks under Department Circular No. 023, s.

8.0 Regional Prosecution Offices shall be responsible for disseminating and

enforcing this issuance to constituent provincial and city prosecution offices.
Thereafter, the Regional Prosecutor shall also submit a consolidated regional
report on streamlining/improving frontline services using the attached template
(Annex "A"). The DOJ Prosecution Staff and NCR Prosecution Offices shall
separately submit such report following the attached template (Annex "B" and
Annex "C").
9.0 These shall be submitted not later than 15 August 2019 to the DOJ
Management Division. Failure to submit the herein requirements shall warrant
the withholding of PBB payout for heads of offices concerned.

10.0 As needed, prosecution offices shall update their respective Citizen's Charter.
There shall be a separate issuance for compliance requirements of the Anti-
Red Tape Authority as soon as the said agency issues its guidelines thereon
pursuant to R.A. No. 11032.

11.0 This Circular takes effect immediately.

For guidance and compliance.

Department of Justice

Annex "A"
Report on Streamlining and Process Improvement of Frontline Services
(Regional, Provincial and City Prosecution Offices)


Transaction Cost Required No. of

No. of Signatures Remarks
No. of Steps Other Transaction
(including initials)
Documents and Turnaround Time
Office Fees Paid (explanations/
Fees* Duplicate Copies
Existing Improved Existing Improved Existing Improved Existing Improved Existing Improved Existing Improved
Regional Office

Transaction Cost Required No. of

No. of Signatures Remarks
No. of Steps Other Transaction Documents and Turnaround Time
Office Fees Paid (including initials) (explanations/
Fees* Duplicate Copies
Existing Improved Existing Improved Existing Improved Existing Improved Existing Improved Existing Improved
Regional Office

Transaction Cost Required No. of

No. of Signatures Remarks
No. of Steps Other Transaction Documents and Turnaround Time
Office Fees Paid (including initials) (explanations/
Fees* Duplicate Copies
Existing Improved Existing Improved Existing Improved Existing improved Existing Improved Existing Improved
Regional Office
City i

Transaction Cost Required No. of

No. of Signatures Remarks
No. of Steps Other Transaction Documents and Turnaround Time
Office Fees Paid (including initials) (explanations/
Fees* Duplicate Copies
Existing Improved Existing improved Existing Improved Existing Improved Existing Improved Existing Improved
Regional Office

* Other transaction fees- fees paid in obtaining supporting information/documentfrom other agencies as requirement for the service requested

Prepared by: Certified correct and submitted by:

Administrative Officer Regional Prosecutor

Annex "B"
Department of Justice
Report on Streamlining and Process Improvement of Frontline Services

OfFice: DOJ Prosecution Staff

A. Receiving criminal complaints for preliminary investigation

Previous Actual Remarks/
Status improvement Explanations
1. Number of steps
2. Transaction costs incurred by transacting public
a. Fees paid
b. Other transaction fees*
3. Number of signatures (including initials)
4. Required number of documents and duplicate copies
5. Turnaround time

B. Receiving criminal complaints for inquest proceedings

Previous Actual Remarks/
Status improvement Explanations
1. Number of steps
2. Transaction costs incurred by transacting public
a. Fees paid
b. Other transaction fees*
3. Number of signatures (including initials)
4. Required number of documents and duplicate copies
5. Turnaround time

C. Provision of prosecutor's clearance, certification of case status, and certified copy of documents
Previous Actual Remarks/
Status Improvement Explanations
1. Number of steps
2. Transaction costs incurred by transacting public
a. Fees paid
b. Other transaction fees*
3. Number of signatures (including initials)
4. Required number of documents and duplicate copies
5. Turnaround time

D. Receiving petitions for review

Previous Actual Remarks/
Status Improvement Explanations
1. Number of steps
2. Transaction costs incurred by transacting public
a. Fees paid
b. Other transaction fees*
3. Number of signatures (including initials)
4. Required number of documents and duplicate copies
5. Turnaround time

* Other transaction fees -fees paid in obtaining supporting information/document from other agencies as requirement
for the service requested

Prepared by: Certified correct and submitted by:

Administrative Officer Prosecutor General


Department of Justice
Report on Streamlining and Process Improvement of Frontline Services
(NCR Prosecution Offices)


A. Receiving criminal complaints for preliminary investigation

Previous Actual Remarks/

Status Improvement Explanations
1. Number of steps
2. Transaction costs incurred by transacting public
a. Fees paid
b. Other transaction fees*
3. Number of signatures (including initials)
4. Required number of documents and duplicate copies
5. Turnaround time

B. Receiving criminal complaints for Inquest proceedings

Previous Actual Remarks/

Status Improvement Explanations
1. Number of steps
2. Transaction costs incurred by transacting public
a. Fees paid
b. Other transaction fees*
3. Numberof signatures (including initials)
4. Required number of documents and duplicate copies
5. Turnaround time

0. Provision of prosecutor's clearance, certification of case status, and certified copy of documents

Previous Actual Remarks/

Status Improvement Explanations
1. Number of steps
2. Transaction costs incurred by transacting public
a. Fees paid
b. Other transaction fees*
3. Number of signatures (including initials)
4. Required number of documents and duplicate copies
5. Turnaround time

•Other transaction fees - fees paid in obtaining supporting information/document from other agencies as requirement
for the service requested

Prepared by: Certified correct and submitted by:

Administrative OfTicer City Prosecutor

Department of Justice
Report on Streamlining and Process Improvement of Frontline Services
(DOJ Prosecution Staff and Provincial/City Prosecution Offices)


A. Receiving criminal complaints for preliminary investigation

Criteria Previous Actual Remarks

Status Improvement
1. Number of steps
2. Transaction costs incurred by
transacting public
a. Fees paid
b. Other transaction fees
3. Number of signatures
4. Required number of documents and
duplicate copies
5. Turnaround time

B. Receiving criminal complaints for inquest proceedings

Criteria Previous Actual Remarks

Status Improvement
1. Number of steps
2. Transaction costs incurred by
transacting public
a. Fees paid
b. Other transaction fees
3. Number of signatures
4. Required number of documents and
duplicate copies
5. Turnaround time

C. Provision of prosecutor's clearance, certification of case status, and

certified copy of documents

Criteria Previous Actual Remarks

Status Improvement
1. Number of steps
2. Transaction costs incurred by
transacting public
a. Fees paid
b. Other transaction fees
3. Number of signatures
4. Required number of documents and
duplicate copies
5. Turnaround time

Prepared by; Certified correct and submitted by:

Administrative Officer Head of Office

Department of Justice
Report on Streamlining and Process improvement of Frontiine Services
(DOJ Prosecution Staff and Reglonai Prosecution Offices)


A. Receiving petitions for review

Criteria Previous Actual Remarks

Status Improvement
1. Number of steps
2. Transaction costs Incurred by
transacting public
a. Fees paid
b. Other transaction fees
3. Number of signatures
4. Required numberof documents and
duplicate copies
5. Turnaround time

B. Receiving applications for victim compensation and releasing payments

Criteria Previous Actual Remarks

Status Improvement
1. Numberof steps
2. Transaction costs incurred by
transacting public
a. Fees paid
b. Other transaction fees
3. Number of signatures
4. Required number of documents and
duplicate copies
5. Turnaround time

C. Releasing payments for victim compensation

Criteria Previous Actual Remarks

Status Improvement
1. Number of steps
2. Transaction costs incurred by
transacting public
a. Fees paid
b. Other transaction fees
3. Numberof signatures
4. Required number of documents and
duplicate copies
5. Turnaround time

Prepared by; Certified correct and submitted by:

Administrative Officer Head of Office

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