Ginart 1999
Ginart 1999
Ginart 1999
Abstract.- A control strategy is proposed for AC thyrlstor AC thyristor controllers have been traditionally used for
controllers. The main feature of the proposed technique is that starting induction motors to reduce the current, commonly
motors can start with high torque, while using an economical referred to as “soft start.” Typical “soft start” configurations
design. This allows the use of AC thyristor controllers for a wlde are shown in Figures 1.a- 1.d. The widely used configurations
range of applications, where they have not been used before. are the ones in Figures 1.a and d because they do not need
The method employs the AC thyristor controller as a discrete
frequency inverter that increases the frequency until the access to the internal winding connection.
frequency of the line is reached (6OHz in this case). These The reduction of the starting current in induction motors
discrete frequencies produced by the control are sub-multiples (especially with reference to big motors) reduces the
of line frequency. They are generated by omission or inclusion amplitude of flicker in the power system voltage.
of line frequency half cycles. Voltage sequences are predefined The underlying principle of soft-start is to reduce the
for each sub-multiple of line frequency. In order to obtain voltage applied to the terminals of the motor at starting. An
positive torque for all these frequencies, the system is open-loop control system advances the firing angle of the
unbalanced. The proposed control Is simulated (using EMTP), thyristors as a function of time. To start the motor, the
and built. Comparisons are done with the traditional AC
voltage is increased slowly to maintain a small positive
thyristor starter. Results show reduced R M S starting current,
increased starting torque and the possibility to operate at low acceleration torque. This causes the desired reduction of the
speeds. normally high starting current. Problems can occur due to the
quadratic relationship between voltage and electro-magnetic
Key words: AC Controllers, SCR, EMTP, inverters, induction torque. A small reduction in voltage produces a considerable
motors, motor drivers, soft start, flickers, high starting torque, drop in electro-magnetic torque, which may cause a motor
voltage sequences. with load to stall 191. This implies that the traditional “soft
start” method has limited applications. One of them is with a
I. INTRODUCTION motor that does not have a mechanical load at start. Another
application is when the torque is a function of velocity, such
In the last few decades, the production of power electronic as with fans or pumps.
drivers has been plentiful and diverse. Some of these drivers
are GTO’s, power MOSFET’s, IGBT’s, and MCT’s [1]-[2].
Even with these new devices, the basic thyristor still provides
a robust, simple, and economical device that has many useful
applications Several of these applications are trimmers,
furnace controls, power factor correction in transmission and
distribution systems, electronic breakers [3], and soft start
applications for induction motors [4]-[8].
12 Hz 30 Hz 60 hz
Figure 2: Synthesis of Sub-multiples of the Line
Lad staning Approximition speed
Frequency mquirerncnr
Extended Application
For a three-phase balanced system, the sequences of the
sub-multiple frequency voltages are predefined. This does Figure 4: Standard and Extended Applications
not ensure the generation of positive torque; therefore, a
solution to this problem is to unbalance the system. Voltage
imbalance is achieved by changing appropriately the 60Hz 111. THEORY OF DISCRETE
half cycles that will be omitted, such that the generated METHOD
frequency remains the same, but the phase shift varies. SCRs
are triggered using as a reference the zero crossings of the
60Hz wave. This implies that the possible phase shifts are An analysis of DFC method is presented below. Equations
limited as is analyzed in section 111. are developed to explain the behavior of this process. From
the system voltages, we can produce sub-multiple frequencies
The Discrete Frequency Control (DFC) method emulates
the starting with inverters. Therefore, applying this method in of the line frequency. The line frequency (qine)is related to
combination with a “soft start” scheme will allow the motor the discrete frequency (mgm) as,
to start at near full load. This can be accomplished by
increasing the frequencies in discrete steps until 30Hz. At ~ l i ~ ~ =(1)~ ~ ~ ~ ’ r
that moment, the traditional method to reduce the current at where r is an integer.
the line frequency must be used. One advantage of this
process is the For a balanced system, positive sequences must be
generated. This implies that there is a 120-degree phase shift
between phases. Taking phase A as the reference, phase B of
the generated signal yields:
o,,.t--=O (2)
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Current and Torque for a Start with 100% and
mlinp. t --2.n
=n.n (3)
75% of Nominal Voltage, and for a System with DFC
Method (a) Current vs. Slip (b) Torque vs. Slip where n is an integer.
Repeating the same process for negative sequence yields: Thus, the first harmonic of the generated voltages is:
r = -3.17
-l (n. II t ----)
2 Vb=Vsin(wl,,, . t - r 3 ) (9)
This means the predefined sub-harmonic sequences and
respective frequencies are:
2 ,
Previous calculations are for generated balanced systems,
but for any generated system (not necessarily balanced) we V b = V h
can define a set of generic equations as follows:
UP". !-U = 0 (6) vc=vpJ vc
Va t
Figure 8: Positive Unbalanced Sequence for the 30 Hz Figure 11. Most Positive Sequence for the 20Hz Case
For other non-positive sequence discrete frequencies, the
The resultant composition for this frequency is: analysis is similar.
t 0.91
0.24 p.u 0.33 p.u
a 60
40 Figure 15: The Corresponding Motor Speed of Fig.14.
- - ..- .Soft star
0 50 100 150 200
The built system is shown in the Figure 16. The discrete
Figure 13: RMS Current for Three Motor Starts with no frequency changes used were 7.5, 15, 30 and 60Hz with a
Load predetermined angle a in order to obtain the desired torque
and current. With the aim of inhibiting the quantity of pulses
An example of transition from 15Hz to 60Hz was
needed to change the frequency, a simple digital control was
simulated using EMTP. The corresponding current and speed
implemented. Its control signals are obtained from the zero
are shown in Figures 14 and 15. In this case, the mechanical
crossings of the neutral-phase voltages. It is based on a four-
torque was 86% of the full load torque. In order to obtain a
zoom on the transition frequency, the initial velocity was set bit counter. Each controller phase has a counter, which
performs the frequency division. This kind of controller is
to 10 rad/% Fig. 14 allows to see how after 0.4 s the machine
very inexpensive, since it implies a little modification to the
arrives to “15Hz steady state”, where the slip is relatively
control logic of the soft-start controller.
low, and hence the current remains in a low RMS value. In
this condition, the RMS current was computed yielding 200%
greater than the nominal current. After 0.5 s in “15Hz steady-
state” condition, at 0.9 s the frequency is changed to 60Hz. In
this condition, the slip grows and thus, the current does so
too. This example shows that the current value during the
“1 5Hz steady-state” condition was twice the nominal one.
Having only twice the nominal current would allow operation
of the induction motor for a short period of time [12].
150 I I
Figure 17: Line to Neutral Motor Voltage at 30Hz 7.5
a 0.4
0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800
Figure 19: Stator Current and Voltage Harmonics at
Figure 21: Comparison of the Torque Developed by the
Machine at Nominal Current
In general, the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) grows as
the Frequency decreases, because of the reduction of the VII. CONCLUSIONS
motor induced voltage (Figure 20). However, in the case of
the current, it tends to have low variation around 1.5 in p. u., The DFC method is an alternative control that increases
with a slight decrease at low frequencies. This is because for the future of traditional “soft-start” methods. The analysis
low frequencies more line cycles are available to generate the presented here, shows how to generate balanced or
wave of discrete frequency. It is clear that this kind of unbalanced discrete-frequency systems with positive
distortion does not allow the motor to operate in steady state, sequences to reduce the starting RMS current. The DFC
except for short periods of time, operation with a high torque method allows an induction motor to start at nearly rated
is possible. torque with a reduced starting current.
[ I ] B.K. Bose, “Power Electronic - An Emerging Technology”,
IEEE Trans. on Ind. Elec., Vol. 36, No 3, pp. 403-412, August
1989. Ginart Antonio received B. Eng. and MS. degrees from
[2] B.K. Bose, “Evaluation of modem Power Semiconductor Universidad Sim6n Bolivar (USB) Caracas, Venezuela, in
Devices and Future trends of Converters”, IEEE Trans. on Ind. 1986 and 1990 respectively. He has been assistant professor
Elec., Vol. 28, No 2, Pages 403-413, March 1992. at Universidad Sim6n Bolivar since 1990. He is presently
[3] R. W. DeDoncker and J. A. Maranto, “Application of a Mobile working on his Ph.D. degree at Tennessee Technological
Medium Voltage Sub-cycle Transfer Switch”, 1996 IEEE
Univenity. His research interests are in electric machines,
Transmission and Distribution Conference Proceedings, pp.
655-662. power electronics, motor drives, energy conversion and
[4] Lip0 T. A., ‘The Analysis of Induction Motors with Voltage power systems.
Control by Symmetrically Triggered Thyristors”, IEEE Trans.
on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-90, No. 2, Esteller Rosana received B. Eng. and MS. degrees from
March/April 197I , pp. 5 15-525. Univenidad Sim6n Bolivar (USB) Venezuela. Since 1991,
[ 5 ] Rowan T. And Lip0 T. ,“ A Quantitative Analysis of Induction she has been assistant professor at Universidad Sim6n
Motor Performance Improvement by SCR Voltage Control”, Bolivar. She is currently a Ph.D. student at Tennessee
IEEE Trans. on Ind. App., Vol. IA-19, No 4, July/August Technological University. Her research interests are in
1983, pp. 545-553.
system identification, signal processing and applications of
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119-124. machinery and biomedical signals.
[7] Masandilov, L. Kadar, 1. Krylov, Nikolai, “Stator Voltage
Controlled Three-phase Induction Motor Drive with Burst Maduro Armando received B. Eng. from Universidad
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[8] T. W. Jian, N. L. Schmitz, and D. W. Novotny, “Characteristic Schlumberger. His area of interest is power electronics.
Induction Motor Slip Values for Variable Voltage Part Load
Performance Optimization”, IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus Piitero Ronald received his B. Eng. degree from Universidad
and Systems, Vol. PAS-102, No. I , Januay 1983, pp. 38-46.
Sim6n Bolivar in 1996. His area of interest is power systems
[9] P. Krouse, “Analysis of electric Machinery” (Book), McGraw-
Hill, 1987 with especial emphasis in power electronics.
[IO] N. Moan, T Undeland, W. Robbins, “Power Electronics”
(Book), John Wiley and Sons, 1989. Moncada Rome1 received his B. Eng. degree from
[ I I ] N. Mohan, W Scott Mayer, “ Modeling Power Electronics Universidad Sim6n Bolivar in 1995. His research area is
Using EMTP”. University of Minnesota BPA, 1993. power electronics.
[I21 Sen P., Landa H., “Derating of Induction Motors Due to
Waveform Distortion”, IEEE Trans. on Ind. App., Vol. 26, No.
6, pp. 1102-1107, November 1990.
[I31 M. Lazim and W. Shepherd, “Analysis of Induction Motor
Subjected to Non-sinusoidal Voltages Containing Sub-
harmonics”, IEEE Trans. on Indushy App., Vol. IA-21, No. 4,
July/August 1985, pp. 956-965.