Java - Wikipedia
Java - Wikipedia
Java - Wikipedia
Topography of Java
Location Southeast Asia
Area 138,793.6 km2
(53,588.5 sq mi)
Highest point Semeru
Republic of Indonesia
Provinces Banten,
Special Capital Region of Jakarta,
West Java,
Central Java,
East Java,
Yogyakarta Special Region,
Madura Island
Largest settlement Jakarta (pop.
Natural environment
Banteng at Alas Purwo, eastern edge of Java
Java transport network
Mount Sumbing surrounded by rice fields. Java's
volcanic topography and rich agricultural lands are
the fundamental factors in its history.
Colonial periods
Indonesian nationalism first took hold in
Java in the early 20th century, and the
struggle to secure the country's
independence following World War II was
centered in Java. In 1949, Indonesia
became independent and the island has
dominated Indonesian social, political
and economic life, which has been the
source of resentment of those residents
in other islands.
Demographic profile
Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia
Year Pop. ±%
1971 76,086,320 —
1980 91,269,528 +20.0%
1990 107,581,306 +17.9%
2000 121,352,608 +12.8%
2010 136,610,590 +12.6%
2015 145,013,583 +6.2%
sources:[32][33] refers to the administrative region
Population development
Western Java
(3 areas 45,704.69 34.7 52,183,449 63,293,685 68,756,731
Central Java
35,933.84 27.7 34,344,303 35,840,148 37,428,791
(2 areas
Administered Jakarta 129,438.28 100% 121,293,745 136,610,590 145,013,583
as Java
Island of – 5,025.30 3.3 3,230,300 3,622,763 3,724,545**
East Java
– 124,412.98 96.7 118,063,445 132,987,827 141,300,000** 1
1. Indonesia: Urban Population of
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2. Raffles, Thomas E.: History of Java.
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3. Raffles, Thomas E.: History of Java.
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6. Tamil Literature by M. S.
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10. Lombard, Denys (1990). The
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11. Mills, J.V.G. (1970). Ying-yai Sheng-
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Cambridge University Press.
12. Yule, Sir Henry (1913). Cathay and
the way thither: being a collection of
medieval notices of China vol. III.
London: The Hakluyt Society.
13. Ricklefs, M. C. (1990). A History of
Modern Indonesia since c.1300 (2
ed.). London: MacMillan. p. 15.
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17. "Indonesia bird watching tour" . Archived from
the original on 9 February 2012.
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18. Nguyen, T. T. T., and S. S. De Silva
(2006). Freshwater finfish
biodiversity and conservation: an
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Conservation 15(11): 3543–3568.
19. Pope, G. G. (1988). "Recent
advances in far eastern
paleoanthropology". Annual Review
of Anthropology. 17: 43–77.
00355 . cited in Whitten, T.;
Soeriaatmadja, R. E.; Suraya A. A.
(1996). The Ecology of Java and
Bali. Hong Kong: Periplus Editions
Ltd. pp. 309–312.; Pope, G. (15
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of the Asian Hominidae" .
Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America. 80 (16): 4, 988–
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Y. Sondaar (9 December 1994).
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(PDF). Science Magazine. 266 (16):
4, 988–4992.
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Suraya A. A. (1996). The Ecology of
Java and Bali. Hong Kong: Periplus
Editions Ltd. p. 309.
20. Ricklefs (1991), pp. 16–17.
21. Ricklefs (1991), p. 15.
22. Coedès, George (1968). Walter F.
Vella (ed.). The Indianized States of
Southeast Asia. trans.Susan Brown
Cowing. University of Hawaii Press.
ISBN 978-0-8248-0368-1.
23. Ames, Glenn J. (2008). The Globe
Encompassed: The Age of European
Discovery, 1500–1700. p. 99.
24. St. John, Horace Stebbing Roscoe
(1853). The Indian Archipelago: its
history and present state, Volume 1 .
Longman, Brown, Green, and
Longmans. p. 137.
25. Ekspedisi Anjer-Panaroekan,
Laporan Jurnalistik Kompas. Pnerbit
Buku Kompas, PT Kompas Media
Nusantara, Jakarta Indonesia.
November 2008. pp. 1–2. ISBN 978-
26. Atkins, James (1889). The Coins And
Tokens of the Possessions And
Colonies of the British Empire.
London. p. 213.
27. Java (island, Indonesia) .
Encyclopædia Britannica.
28. Taylor (2003), p. 253.
29. Taylor (2003), pp. 253–254.
30. Byrne, Joseph Patrick (2008).
Encyclopedia of Pestilence,
Pandemics, and Plagues: A-M . ABC-
CLIO. p. 99. ISBN 978-0-313-34102-
31. Taylor (2003), p. 254.
32. "Statistics Indonesia" .
Archived from the original on 1 July
2013. Retrieved 17 July 2013.
33. "Estimasi Penduduk Menurut Umur
Tunggal Dan Jenis Kelamin 2014
Kementerian Kesehatan" (PDF).
Archived from the original (PDF) on
8 February 2014. Retrieved
20 February 2014.
34. Usia Kawin Pertama Rata-Rata
Wanita Menurut Provinsi: Sensus
Penduduk Tahun 1990, 2000 dan
2010 Archived 2015-06-29 at the
Wayback Machine. Retrieved 16
August 2015.
35. Agus Maryono (30 March 2009).
"Central Java strives to alleviate
poverty" . The Jakarta Post.
Archived from the original on 8
September 2015. Retrieved
16 August 2015.
36. "Population growth 'good for
Papua' " . The Jakarta Post. 23
August 2010. Archived from the
original on 24 August 2010.
Retrieved 30 August 2010.
37. CIA factbook
38. "Indonesia (Urban City Population):
Provinces & Cities – Statistics &
Maps on City Population" . 2010-05-01.
Retrieved 2013-07-17.
39. Hefner, Robert (1997). Java.
Singapore: Periplus Editions. p. 58.
ISBN 978-962-593-244-6.
40. See Wallace Stevens's poem "Tea"
for an appreciative allusion to
Javanese culture.
41. Languages of Java and Bali
Archived 2017-02-16 at the
Wayback Machine. Other sources
may list some of these as dialects
rather than languages.
42. van der Kroef, Justus M. (1961).
"New Religious Sects in Java". Far
Eastern Survey. 30 (2): 18–25.
u . JSTOR 3024260 .
43. Beatty, Andrew, Varieties of
Javanese Religion: An
Anthropological Account, Cambridge
University Press 1999, ISBN 0-521-
Taylor, Jean Gelman (2003). Indonesia:
Peoples and Histories. New Haven and
London: Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-
Further reading
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