4063 Alarm
4063 Alarm
4063 Alarm
1. Did you change Gas bottles recently? (Not within the last two weeks; then go to step 2)
Confirm that you have the correct bottle of gas attached and the gas is within specs.
CO2 = 5% (5.25% -- 4.75%)
He = 40% (42% -- 38%)
N2 = 55% (57.75% -- 52.25%)
Water Vapor < 5 ppm
Hydrocarbon < 1 ppm
Gas Purity < 99.999
Try a different bottle of gas use one with a different lot number then the one attached.
When changing gas bottles Purge the system two time before trying to start the laser.
To purge laser
Turn on laser key switch.
Mode “MDI”
Push Hard Key “SYSTEM”
Push Soft Key “DIAG”
Look up parameter “905” and monitor closely number will change fast.
Turn off laser key when “DIAG 905 is about 25 (or 2.5 Torr, control does not indicate a
Are there any new results? If not Continue.
6. Temporary Fix for the 4063 Alarm. (Only proceed with this step if you have
completed all previous steps).
Mode “MDI”
Push hard key “OFFSET SETING”
Push soft key “SETING”
Change “PARAMETER WRITE = 1” (1= Enable, 0= Disable)
Ignore the alarm
Push hard key “SYSTEM”
Push soft key “PARM”
Continue to 6.2
Go to parameter 15242 & 15243 Record original parameter. Then decrease that value by 30 (Example
of 15242 & 15243 = 660 change to 630)
Change “PARAMETER WRITE” enable back to “0”
Turn control OFF and ON.
Start laser.
Note down results on page 5. Did the laser come up ? any alarms? What is parameter 15204 after laser
is up?
If laser still alarmed out continue to step 6.3
Power Control Off and On
Go back to step 6.1 then continue with step 6.3
Change parameter 15208 set to 0 (record original Parameter Numbers)
15209 set to 0
15000 bit 4 from 1 to 0 (example 00110010 to 00100010)
Start laser.
Note down results on next page. Did the laser come up ? any alarms?
If laser still alarmed out continue to step 6.4
Power machine Off and On
Go back to step 6.1 then continue with step 6.4
Change parameter 15271 set to 3600 (record original Parameter Number)
Start laser.
Note down results on next page. Did the laser come up ? any alarms?
If laser alarmed out continue
Open rear panels of laser cabinet. Look at each power supply for red LED’s both should have one LED
on if one power supply has more than one led lit that is the power supply that has failed. Look just
below the bottom of the power supply for a label (PSU1 or PSU2).
Change Parameter 15025 &15027 this will turn off the bad power supply.
(Example original 00000011 if PSU1 is bad change to 00000010)
Power machine Off and On
Start laser.
Note down results on next page. Did the laser come up? Any alarms?
If alarmed out alter bits changed in 6.4 and try one last time. (example 00000010 to 00000001)
7. Preventative maintenance
Make a copy of Page #5 and fill this page out as a daily routine. By doing this we will be able to
diagnose problems faster, if they occur. If you already have this sheet please fax in your history with
page #4 of this procedure.
Please complete the information on the next page and Fax it to AESI Laser Department
at (714) 521-3318. Then call us so we can help you resolve this problem as fast as possible.
(714) 521-3318
External leak: How much did the high pressure gauge move __________PSI.
5. Have you been keeping a record of Parameter 15204 ? (coefficient) Note down or fax a sheet with the
history that you have. Circle the last number that was recorded.
6.2 Did the laser come up? _________. Any alarms? _________. What is parameter 15204? ________.
6.3 Did the laser come up? _________. Any alarms? _________.
6.4 Did the laser come up? _________. Any alarms? _________.
6.4 Did the laser come up ? _________. Any alarms? _________.
Customer Name
Please make copies of this data sheet and use a new data sheet with each new bottle of gas !!
Write in your actual gas specifications below:
CO2 He N2 Water Hydrocarbon Gas Purity
(5.25% -- 4.75% ) (42%--38%) (57.75%--52.25%) Vapor < 1 ppm < 99.99%
Target 5% Target 40% Target 55%
< 5ppm
Para #15204 (PWR Calib) for 16L Rf Voltage #1 (Dgn # 909) for 16L Rf Current #1 (Dgn # 910) for 16L
Week 1
Date Record after warm up Record highest voltage when the Record highest current when the
Laser is at 1500 W Laser is at 1500 W
Week 2 Para #15204 (PWR Calib) Rf Voltage #1 (Dgn # 909) Rf Current #1 (Dgn # 910)
Week 3 Para #15204 (PWR Calib) Rf Voltage #1 (Dgn # 909) Rf Current #1 (Dgn # 910)
If you are experiencing problems obtaining the proper specification on your gas mixture you may want to consider
ordering “Lasermix 21” from AGA Specialty Gas Mfg. Their phone number is 1-800-837-5566: Ask for Richard
Everhard and he will get back to you within the day.