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Filcolana: - An Adorable Small Vest For Little Boys and Girls

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Iben - an adorable small vest for little boys and girls

Design: Rachel Søgaard

This design is part of a

little collection inspired by
the works of the famous
Danish-Norwegian poet
and author Ludvig Hol-
berg. Holberg lived from
1684-1754, and even
though this is a long time
ago, he had a very special
talent for showing – and
exposing – different types
C.F. Clemens: L. Holberg, of people, which is a big
Statens Museum for part of what makes him
Kunst, public domain
relevant still today.
The little vest Iben is inspirered by Holberg’s
comedy ”Barselsstuen”. Although women no
longer have an extended period of confinement
after birth where they are to remain in bed to
recover, the particular mood of the ”barsels-
stue” after a new baby is born with well mea-
ning maternity advice, gossip and chatter still
exists. Most bring a gift for the new baby and
this undershirt or vest would make any new
mother happy. The wool is soft as butter, so
nothing can irritate the soft, delicate skin of
the little wearer.

2nd English edition - August 2018 © Filcolana A/S

English translation: Signe Strømgaard

Anina from Filcolana: 100 (100) 100 (100) g in color
820 (isabella melange) or color 978 (oatmeal me-
3 (3) 4 (4) buttons
3 mm circular needle, 40 cm

0-3 (6-9) 12-18 (24) months/56 (74) 86 (92) cl
Body, chest: 39-43 (44-48) 49-53 (54-58) cm
Vest, chest: 44 (49) 55 (60) cm
Total length: 27 (30) 33 (36) cm

30 sts and 40 rows in broken rib on 3 mm needles =
10 x 10 cm.

Special abbreviations Broken rib in the round

M1L: from the front, lift the horizontal strand between Round 1: *k1, p1*. Repeat from * to * to end of
stitches with the left needle and knit through the back round.
loop (left leaning increase). Round 2: Knit.
M1R: from the back, lift the horizontal strand between Repeat these 2 rounds.
stitches with the left needle and knit through the front
loop (right leaning increase). Broken rib worked back and forth
RS rows: Knit.
WS rows: Work k1, p1 rib.

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Iben Page 2

Directions for knitting

The vest is worked from the top down with raglan
increases on the yoke. The vest is worked back and
forth until the little button placket has been worked,
as well as all of the raglan increases. The stitches are
bound off for the armholes and the work is joined in
the round for the knitting of the body.

Cast on 75 (79) 83 (87) sts on a 3 mm needle and
knit 4 rows. At the same time place the following 4
markers: Knit 15 (16) 17 (18) sts, place a marker
around the next stitch, k7, place a marker around
the next stitch (raglan stitch), knit 27 (29) 31 (33)
sts, place a marker around the next stitch, k7, place
a marker around the next stitch, knit 15 (16) 17 (18)
The marked sts are knit on all rows. The stitch before
and the stitch after each marked stitch is knit on the
RS and purled on the WS.

Work the next row (WS) as follows:

Girl: k1, k2tog, yarn over (buttonhole), work k1, p1
rib – beginning with k1 (p1) k1 (p1) – until there are
12 (14) 14 (16) sts left on the needle, turn and slip
the first stitch purl-wise with the yarn in front of the
needle, then lift the working yarn up and over the
needle and pull until the stitch looks as through it is
2 sts.
lished above every other row. New sts are worked in
Boy: k3, work k1, p1 rib – beginning with k1 (p1) k1 pattern. Turn twice more at either end of the work a
(p1) – until there are 12 (14) 14 (16) sts left on the established above, each time 3 sts after the last turn.
needle, turn and slip the first stitch purl-wise with the Work the double-looking stitch as one.
yarn in front of the needle, then lift the working yarn
up and over the needle and pull until the stitch looks Now work back and forth in broken rib, while knitting
as through it is 2 sts. the first and last 3 sts of every row.
Boy only: Work a buttonhole at the front edge on the
Next row (RS): Knit while working increases before first RS row as follows: k1, k2tog, yarn over, work in
and after each marked stitch as follows: *Knit to 1 pattern to the last 3 sts, k3.
stitch before marked stich, M1r, k3, M1l*. Repeat Both boys and girls: Work a buttonholes in this way
from * to * 3 more times, then knit until there are 12 every 10th row another 2 (2) 3 (3) times.
(14) 14 (16) sts left on the needle, turn and slip the
first stitch purl-wise with the yarn in front of the nee- Continue working raglan increases until a total of 17
dle, then lift the working yarn up and over the needle (20) 23 (26) increase rows have been worked.
and pull until the stitch looks as through it is 2 sts. Now work garter ridges at armhole edges.
Next row (WS): K3, *work in pattern to 1 stitch
Continue in broken rib, working increases as estab- before next marked stitch, knit to 1 stitch after next
marked stitch*. Repeat from * to * once more, work
in pattern to the last 3 sts, k3.
Repeat this row twice more.
Chart Next row (RS): *Knit to the next marked stitch, knit
marked stitch, bind off the next 41 (47) 53 (59) sts
knit-wise*. Repeat from * to * once more, knit to
- - the last 3 sts. Join in the round by slipping the last 3
sts to an extra needle and placing this needle in fron
- - (girls)/behind (boys) the first 3 sts on the opposite
end of the circular needle, then kntting together one
ret on
påthe RS, purlvrang
retsiden, on thepå
WSvrangsiden stitch from the front needle with one stitch from the
back needle.
- Knit on the
vrang på WS, knit on
retsiden, the
ret påRS
vrangsiden Break the yarn. Move the sts around on the needle,
so that the round nows begind at the bound off sts of

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Iben Page 3

the right armhole. Cast on 3 new sts, work in pat-

tern to the bound off sts of the left armhole, cast
on 3 new sts, then work in pattern to the end of the
round. There are now 132 (148) 164 (180) sts on the
Work straigt in pattern until the vest measures 26
(29) 32 (35) cm, ending on a knit round. Then work
the following rounds: Purl 1 round, knit 1 round, purl
1 round. Bind off knit-wise.

Weave in the ends. Gently rinse the vest, put it

through a (dry) spin cycle in the washing maching
and lay it on a flat surface to dry.
Sew in the buttons across from the buttonholes.

www.filcolana.dk Filcolana

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