Little Peter
Little Peter
Little Peter
Garter stitch = every row knit.
CARDIGAN Row 2: p1, *k1, p1, rep from * to end.
Left Front Rows 1 and 2 set rib patt, work 5 rows more
Using 3.25mm mc cast on 30 sts. in rib.
Row 1: k1, p1 rep to end. (This row sets 1x1 Next row: Rib 2, rib 2 tog, (rib5, rib 2tog) 8
rib pattern). times, rib 3. [54] sts.
Continue in 1 x 1 rib for 6 rows more. Change to 4mm needles knit 40 rows in garter
Next Row: Rib 2, rib 2 tog, (rib 4, rib 2 tog) 4 stitch.
times, rib 6. [25] sts. Shape Raglan Edges
Change to 4mm needles and work in garter Row 1: Cast off 3 sts, knit to end.
stitch for 40 rows. Row 2: Cast off 3 sts, k to end. [48] sts.
Shape raglan edge. Knit 32 rows, dec 1 st at each end of 1st and
Row 1: cast of 3 sts, knit to end. [22] sts. every foll alt row. [16] sts.
Row 2: knit. Cast off.
Work 24 rows garter stitch, decreasing 1 st at
armhole edge of 1st and every foll alt row. [10] Sleeves (make 2 alike)
sts. Using 3.25mm needles and mc, cast on 35 sts
Row 1: k1, *p1, k1, rep from * to end.
Shape Neck Row 2: p1, *k1, p1, rep from * to end.
Row 1: k2tog, k to last 2 sts & slip these sts Rows 1 and 2 set rib patt, work 5 rows more
into st holder. [7] sts. in rib.
Row 2: knit. Next row: Rib 4, rib 2 tog, (rib4, rib 2 tog) 4
Work 4 rows decreasing 1 st at each end of times, rib 5. [30] sts.
next and every alt row. [3] sts. Change to 4mm needles knit 35 sts increasing
Next row: k2tog, k1. [2] sts. 1 st at each end of 5th and every foll 6th row.
Next row: knit 2. [42] sts.
K2tog, fasten off. Knit 17 rows straight without shaping.
Shape Raglan Edges
Right Front Cast off 3 sts at beg on next 2 rows. [36] sts.
Using 3.25mm and mc cast on 30 sts and work Work 7 rows, dec 1 st at each end of 1st and
in 1 x 1 rib for 7 rows. 4th row. [32] sts.
Next row: Rib 2, rib 2 tog, [rib 4, rib 2 tog] 4 Rep last 7 rows 3 times more. [20] sts.
times, rib 2. [25] sts. Work 4 rows, dec 1 st at each end of row 1
Change to 4mm needles and work in garter and 4. [16] sts.
stitch for 41 rows. Cast off.
Shape Raglan
Row 1: cast off 3 sts, k to end. [22] sts. Neckband
Work 24 rows, dec 1 st at armhole edge in 1st Join raglan seams.
and every foll alt row [10] sts. With rs facing using 3.25mm needles and mc
Shape Neck and commencing on the inside edge of RIGHT
Row 1: knit 2 sts then slip those 2 onto a FRONT continue as follows:
stitch holder, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog [7] sts. (IGNORE 2 stitches on stitch holder).
Row 2: knit. Pick up and knit 7 sts evenly up right side of
Knit 4 rows, decrease 1 st at each end of next neck, 14 sts from 16 cast off sts at top of right
and every alt row. [3] sts. sleeve, 16 sts across cast off sts at back of
Work 1 row, dec 1 st at raglan edge [2] sts. neck, 14 sts from 16 cast off sts at top of left
Next row: knit. sleeve, 7 sts evenly down left side and knit
K2tog, fasten off. across 2 sts left on st holder at front of neck.
[60] sts.
Using 3.25mm needles and mc cast on 63 sts
Row 1: k1, *p1, k1, rep from * to end.
Row 1: Knit to end, inc 3 sts evenly across Work 8 rows more in garter stitch in.
back of neck , knit across 2 sts left on st Using cc continue as follows:
holder. [65] sts. Row 1 (Right Side): knit.
Row 1: k1, *p1, k1 rep from * to end. Row 2: p25, k5, p13, k5, p25.
Row 2: p1, *k1, p1, rep from * to end.
Rows 1 and 2 set rib. Work 5 more rows in rib.
Rows 1 and 2 sets patt. Cont in patt until
Cast off in rib.
hat measures 11cm from start of main
With rs facing using 3.25 needles and mc, pick
up and knit 7 sts evenly along rib, 40 sts Shape crown
evenly along front edge and 6 sts evenly along Row 1: K1, (*K2tog, K4) rep from * to end.
neckband. [53] sts. [61] sts.
Next row: Knit to end. Row 2 and every alt row: knit
Work 3 rows in 1 x 1 rib. Row 3: K1, (*K2tog, K3) rep from * to end.
Next Row: rib 4, cast off 2, (rib 8, cast off 2) 4 Row 5: K1, (*k2tog, K2) rep from * to end.
times, rib 2.
Row 7: K1, (*k2tog, k1) rep from * to end.
Next Row: rib 3, cast on 2 sts, (rib 9, cast on 2
Row 9: K1 (*k2tog) repeat from * to end.
sts) 4 times, rib 4.
Work 3 rows in 1 x 1 rib. Row 10: k2tog (repeat to end).
Cast off in rib. Cut off yarn leaving enough for sewing.
With ws facing rejoin yarn at inside edge Row 3: purl
of rem 22 sts and work 6 rows garter Row 4: knit.
cast off. Shape Foot
Sew up side and inside leg seams. Row 1: (K1, K2tog, K17 , K2tog) twice. K1.
If needed sew a small amount of elastic [41] sts.
into the back of the rib to pull the waist in. Row 2: K1, K2tog, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.
[39] sts.
BOOTEES (make 2 alike) Row 3: (k1, k2tog, k14, k2tog) twice. k1.
Using 4mm needles and cc cast on 27 sts. [35] sts.
Row 1: knit Row 4: K1, K2tog, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.
Row 2: knit [33] sts.
Row 3: purl Row 5: (k1, k2tog, k11, k2tog) twice. k1.
Row 4: knit. [29] sts.
Change to mc and work 27 rows in garter Row 6: K1, K2tog, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.
stitch. [27] sts.
Next Row (Rs) . Knit 18 sts. Cast off.
Turn work and purl 9 of the sts you have
just knitted. To Make Up
Turn work. Sew leg seams and foot seams. Fasten in
Working on these 9 sts only: any loose ends.
Row 1: K1, *p1, k1, rep from * to end
Row 2: p1, *k1, p1 rep from * to end
Rows 1 and 2 make patt. Continue in patt Thank you so much for ordering a pattern
for 10 rows more. from me and I hope you enjoy using it!
Break off yarn. You are very welcome to sell any items
With rs facing, rejoin mc yarn to instep. that you make from my patterns. For
Pick up and knit 9 sts evenly up inside of more patterns please visit the website:
instep, k across 9 sts left on needle, pick
up and k9 sts evenly down left side of
instep then knit across remaining 9 sts. All patterns and photographs are the
[45] sts. intellectual property of Kathryn Griffett
Knit 5 rows in garter stitch. and legally copyrighted. They may not be
Change back to cc and proceed as follows used, sold or copied / reproduced in any
Row 1: knit form or sent by any electronic means.
Row 2: knit