Case Study Outline
Case Study Outline
Case Study Outline
Patient Profile
BRIEF description of the patient in terms of age, sex, race, height, weight, marital
status, occupation, social/cultural history, previous hospital admissions, chief
complaint on current admission, and all diagnoses with indication of primary
diagnosis. This serves to orient the reader to the case study patient and provide an
overview of clinical issues pertaining to the patient.
Nutrition Assessment
Anthropometric measurements, weight history and interpretations such as height,
weight, BMI, IBW (as indicated). Include standards used (e,g. Metropolitan
Case Study Outline rev 9-07 2
o However, according to JADA style, all authors must be listed (no use of et
o Index Medicus journal abbreviations can be found here:
Search for the journal you need and the abbreviation will be listed in the
The student should include at least 10 references. Of these, 5 should be peer-
reviewed journal articles reporting primary research, review articles in journals, or
current national standards of practice such as American Diabetes Association care
guidelines, Evidence Analysis Library documents or National Heart Lung and
Blood Institute guidelines.
All articles used in the preparation of this case study paper should be turned in
with the paper.
Use of Source Material
o All materials used in this paper should be appropriately referenced and
quoted appropriately. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Organization of Paper
Appearance – The case study should be typed neatly with at least one inch
margins. The left side margin should be at least 1 ½ inches. The report should be
from 15-20 pages long, excluding the cover page and the appendices. Material
directly related to nutrition care and intervention should constitute the greater
portion of the paper.