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Instruction: Department of Defense

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Department of Defense


NUMBER 3115.12
August 24, 2010
Incorporating Change 1, Effective March 9, 2018


SUBJECT: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

References: See Enclosure 1

1. PURPOSE. This Instruction:

a. Establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for OSINT

operations within the Department of Defense in accordance with the authority in DoD Directive
(DoDD) 5143.01 (Reference (a)) and responsibilities pursuant to DoDD 5105.21 (Reference (b)).

b. Incorporates and cancels Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I))

Memorandum (Reference (c)).

c. Conforms to and is consistent with the law and Presidential guidance concerning the
authorities and responsibilities of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) according to Public
Law 108-458 (Reference (d)), Executive Order 12333 (Reference (e)), and Intelligence
Community Directive (ICD) 301 (Reference (f)).

d. Establishes the DoD Open Source Council (DOSC) as the primary governance mechanism
for DoD OSINT.

2. APPLICABILITY. This Instruction applies to OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of
the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the
Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD
Field Activities, and all other organizational entities within the Department of Defense (hereafter
referred to collectively as the “DoD Components”).

3. DEFINITIONS. See Glossary.

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4. POLICY. It is DoD policy that:

a. The Department of Defense shall conduct OSINT activities in a coordinated, collaborative

manner and pursue the full integration and exploitation of open sources for intelligence purposes.

b. Guidance and procedures for DoD OSINT shall be fully coordinated with DOSC and
issued by the Director, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), as the DoD Lead Component for
OSINT pursuant to Reference (b).

c. OSINT collection, acquisition, exploitation, analysis, and dissemination shall conform to

the tradecraft and information security policies, directives, and guidelines set forth by the DNI,
USD(I), and Director, DIA.

5. RESPONSIBILITIES. See Enclosure 2.

6. PROCEDURES. See Enclosure 3 for the DOSC purpose, membership, and responsibilities.

7. INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS. Intelligence reports, including all response

mechanisms and reporting requirements referred to in this Instruction, are exempt from licensing
in accordance with paragraphs C4.4.2.-C4.4.4. of DoD Manual 8910.1-M does not require
licensing with a report control symbol in accordance with Paragraph 3 of Volume 1 of DoD
Manual 8910.01 (Reference (g)).

8. RELEASABILITY. UNLIMITED. This Instruction is approved for public release and is

available on the Internet from the DoD Issuances Website at http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives.
Cleared for public release. This Instruction is available on the Directives Division Website at

9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Instruction is effective immediately. August 24, 2010.

1. References
2. Responsibilities

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(a) DoD Directive 5143.01, “Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I)),”
November 23, 2005 October 24, 2014, as amended
(b) DoD Directive 5105.21, “Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA),” March 18, 2008
(c) Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Memorandum, “Open Source Intelligence,”
August 28, 2007 (hereby cancelled)
(d) Public Law 108-458, “Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004,”
December 17, 2004
(e) Executive Order 12333, “United States Intelligence Activities,” December 4, 1981, as
(f) Intelligence Community Directive 301, “National Open Source Enterprise,” July 11, 2006
(g) DoD Manual 8910.1-M, “Department of Defense Procedures for Management of
Information Requirements,” June 30, 1998
(h) DoD 5240.1-R, “Procedures Governing the Activities of DoD Intelligence Components that
Affect United States Persons,” December 1, 1982, as amended
(g) DoD Manual 8910.01, Volume 1, “DoD Information Collections Manual: Procedures for
DoD Internal Information Collections,” June 30, 2014, as amended
(h) DoD Manual 5240.01, “Procedures Governing the Conduct of DoD Intelligence
Activities,” August 8, 2016
(i) DoD Directive 5134.01, “Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and
Logistics (USD(AT&L)),” December 9, 2005, as amended
(j) DoD Instruction 3305.02, “DoD General Intelligence Training,” November 28, 2006
August 12, 2015
(k) Intelligence Community Directive 204, “Roles and Responsibilities for the National
Intelligence Priorities Framework,” September 13, 2007
(l) Title 50, United States Code

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1. USD(I). The USD(I), pursuant to Reference (a), shall:

a. Establish DoD OSINT policy consistent with DoD 5240.1-R Manual 5240.01 (Reference

b. Oversee Defense OSINT policies, plans, and programs, to include the issuances and
policies of DIA and other DoD Components involved in OSINT activities.

c. Promote alignment of Intelligence Community (IC) and DoD OSINT strategies, policies,
guidance, and activities.

d. Coordinate, assess, and deconflict OSINT-related Military Intelligence Program (MIP)

requirements in association with the National Intelligence Program (NIP).

e. Oversee human capital policy for defense intelligence so that OSINT activities are staffed,
trained, equipped, and structured to support DoD missions and fully satisfy the needs of the
Military Departments and the Combatant Commands.

f. In collaboration with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director, DIA, as
the Director of the Defense Intelligence Operations Coordination Center (DIOCC), evaluate
OSINT plans and programs for adequacy and responsiveness in support of intelligence planning.

g. Provide flag rank or equivalent civilian rank representation to the National Open Source
Committee (NOSC) pursuant to Reference (f), as the principal DoD OSINT adviser, and provide
flag rank or equivalent civilian rank representation to DOSC.

2. DIRECTOR, DIA. The Director, DIA, under the authority, direction, and control of the
USD(I); in accordance with References (b) and (f); and in addition to the responsibilities in
section 8 of this enclosure shall:

a. Serve as the principal adviser to the USD(I) regarding DoD OSINT.

b. Set DoD intelligence standards for the collection, acquisition, processing, exploitation,
and dissemination of OSINT in collaboration with DOSC, in accordance with DNI-directed
guidance executed by NOSC (Reference (f)).

c. Recommend the most efficient and effective use of existing DoD OSINT resources and
identify resource requirements.

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(1) Operate a DoD OSINT resource program management capability that shall, in
coordination with the DoD Components, make Defense-wide OSINT resource recommendations,
to include recommendations concerning NIP and MIP, and clearly identify and develop DoD
OSINT resources and budgets.

(2) Manage assigned OSINT resources, personnel, and programs, in coordination with
the USD(I), to include:

(a) Submitting to the USD(I) an annual consolidated program, budget, and

requirements list for OSINT-related military and civilian manpower; communications support;
and research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E), together with pertinent

(b) Recommending adjustments to DoD Component resources pertaining to OSINT.

d. Represent Defense OSINT activities throughout the IC as designated by the USD(I).

e. Provide flag rank or equivalent civilian rank representation to NOSC pursuant to

Reference (f), and designate a senior executive to chair DOSC.

f. Provide appropriate OSINT support to the National Intelligence Support Plan.

g. Issue DoD OSINT operational and technical guidance, in coordination with the DoD
Component Heads involved in OSINT operations and as determined by DOSC.

h. Assess and standardize OSINT tools, equipment, processes, and procedures, consistent
with Reference (f)), and eliminate unwarranted duplication of OSINT efforts, in coordination
with the Heads of the DoD Components that have OSINT activities and programs and as
determined by DOSC.

i. Conduct RDT&E to meet the needs of the DoD OSINT program.

(1) In coordination with the Heads of the DoD Components that have OSINT activities
and programs and in accordance with DoD issuances, recommend DoD OSINT investment in
technologies, programs, and product support.

(2) Provide technical advice, assistance, and guidance to the DoD Components on
OSINT investment programs to ensure architecture, standards, and interoperability between
existing and future DoD OSINT systems, and between national and tactical systems.

(3) Coordinate with other Heads of the DoD Components that have OSINT activities and
programs and, as appropriate, IC components concerning OSINT investment techniques,
procedures, and equipment resulting from OSINT and non-OSINT RDT&E programs.

j. Establish, conduct and maintain OSINT collection and exchange agreements with
cooperative foreign governments and international organizations, and coordinate and approve the

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negotiation and conclusion of such programs, agreements, and arrangements between the DoD
Components and foreign governments, international organizations, or other entities.

k. As the Director, DIOCC, evaluate OSINT requirements and plans for adequacy and
responsiveness in support of intelligence planning.


SERVICE (CSS) (DIRNSA/CHCSS). The DIRNSA/CHCSS, under the authority, direction, and
control of the USD(I) and in addition to the responsibilities in section 8 of this enclosure, shall:

a. Operate an open source program to support NSA authorized mission activities that is
integrated with DoD OSINT programs and systems.

b. Provide an annual report for the previous fiscal year on the state of the NSA open source
program to the USD(I) and the Director, DIA, not later than November 15 of each year.

c. Collaborate with DIA and DOSC to optimize use of DoD OSINT resources.

d. Provide appropriate representation to NOSC pursuant to Reference (f), and appropriate

representation to DOSC.


Director, NGA, under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(I) and in addition to the
responsibilities in section 8 of this enclosure, shall:

a. Operate an open source program to support NGA authorized mission activities that is
integrated with DoD OSINT programs and systems.

b. Provide an annual report for the previous fiscal year on the state of the NGA open source
program to the USD(I) and the Director, DIA, not later than November 15 of each year.

c. Collaborate with DIA and DOSC to optimize use of DoD OSINT resources.

d. Provide appropriate representation to NOSC, pursuant to Reference (f), and appropriate

representation to DOSC.


LOGISTICS (USD(AT&L)). The USD(AT&L), in accordance with DoDD 5134.01 (Reference
(i)), shall:

a. Establish policies for the acquisition of DoD OSINT systems in coordination with the
DNI, the USD(I), the Secretaries of the Military Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, and others, as appropriate.

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b. Develop and maintain a DoD science and technology investment strategy to support the
development, acquisition, and integration of technological advances providing or using OSINT
to meet the requirements of the Military Departments.

c. Manage, promote and provide DoD Scientific and Technical Information Program
resources, products, and services in support of DoD OSINT activities.

d. Coordinate with DIA when new activities or programs providing or using OSINT are
proposed to gain DIA guidance on compliance with OSINT standards.

e. Provide appropriate representation to DOSC.



a. Advise the USD(I) on policies and procedures for the acquisition and management of
DoD OSINT systems to provide interoperability and standardization in order to promote the
sharing of OSINT within the Department of Defense, with other Federal departments and
agencies, and with State, local, and tribal law enforcement entities.

b. Provide appropriate representation to DOSC.


DoD Senior Intelligence Oversight Official shall include inspection of DoD OSINT programs in
intelligence oversight compliance activities.


The Heads of the DoD Components with OSINT activities and programs shall:

a. Assign responsibilities and establish procedures, as appropriate, within their organizations

to implement this Instruction.

b. Identify OSINT activities and programs within their organizations and unify and
streamline OSINT activities by coordinating and collaborating on OSINT collection, acquisition,
analysis, operations, production, and dissemination.

c. Coordinate with the USD(I) and the Director, DIA, when proposing new OSINT
investment activities or programs using OSINT.

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d. Provide the USD(I) and the Director, DIA, with the proposed plans, programs, and
budgets of OSINT activities to facilitate submission of a coordinated DoD-wide OSINT
resources program and budget.

e. Coordinate with the Director, DIA, in conducting RDT&E to meet OSINT needs.

(1) Provide information on Military Department OSINT RDT&E activities to DOSC.

(2) Accomplish DoD-specific OSINT RDT&E tasks in accordance with DoD guidance
and direction.


Departments, in addition to the responsibilities in section 8 of this enclosure, shall:

a. Plan and program for OSINT resources in consonance with fiscal policy and guidance
established by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense or the USD(I), and program
guidance from the USD(I).

b. Provide appropriate representation to DOSC.

c. Coordinate OSINT programs and activities through DOSC and with DIA, as appropriate.

d. Provide personnel to perform assigned OSINT missions in accordance with approved

requirements and procedures.

e. Operate and maintain OSINT activities and resources for the conduct and support of
OSINT operations as authorized and directed by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense or
the USD(I), including military Reserve Component programs to meet emergency or wartime
requirements for OSINT resources.

f. Coordinate, plan, program, and conduct OSINT training specific to the needs of DoD
missions in accordance with DoD Instruction 3305.02 (Reference (j)) and in coordination with
the Director, DIA.

g. Manage and submit OSINT requirements in support of DoD data collection, analysis, and
dissemination to the Director, DIA.

10. CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, in addition to the responsibilities in section 8 of this enclosure, shall:

a. Monitor the responsiveness of OSINT activities and support to military requirements and
make recommendations to the Secretary of Defense.

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b. Advise the USD(I) and the Director, DIA, on resources for OSINT programs, activities, or
systems to support the Combatant Commands.

c. Validate joint and Military Department OSINT systems requirements through appropriate
DoD and Joint Staff processes.

d. Develop and maintain joint doctrine for core, supporting, and related OSINT capabilities
in joint operations.

e. Coordinate with the USD(I) when new activities or programs providing or using OSINT
are proposed.

f. Submit OSINT collection and production requirements to the Director, DIA, as the
Director, DIOCC, for record processing and validation, as appropriate.

g. Apprise the USD(I) and the Director, DIA, of the status of Combatant Command OSINT
resources in an annual report for the previous fiscal year not later than December 15 of each

h. Provide appropriate representation to DOSC.


Combatant Commands, in addition to the responsibilities in section 8 of this enclosure, shall:

a. Support unifying OSINT activities by coordinating and collaborating on OSINT

collection, acquisition, analysis, operations, production, and dissemination.

b. Provide appropriate representation to DOSC.

c. Submit to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff requirements for military OSINT
platforms, units, or other assets.

d. Exercise operational control of attached military platforms, units, or other assets that have
an OSINT capability in accordance with established procedures or supplemental instructions
issued by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

e. Apprise the USD(I) and the Director, DIA, of the status of Combatant Command OSINT
resources in an annual report for the previous fiscal year, to be submitted by the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff not later than January 31 of each year.

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1. PURPOSE. DOSC shall be the primary governance mechanism for DoD OSINT. It shall
serve as a forum for the coordination and facilitation of DoD OSINT activities and programs.
DOSC shall advise and report to the USD(I) on OSINT issues and recommend initiatives to
improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the DoD OSINT programs, activities, and systems.


a. Chair. A senior executive designated by the Director, DIA.

b. Sitting Members

(1) A flag rank or equivalent civilian rank representative provided by the USD(I).

(2) Appropriate representation provided by the:


(b) Director, NGA.

(c) USD(AT&L).


(e) Secretaries of the Military Departments.

(f) Commanders of the Combatant Commands.

c. Ex-Officio Participant. Office of the DNI.


a. Coordinate activities and resolve issues across DoD OSINT programs and activities.

b. Coordinate recommendations and activities with NOSC.

c. Prioritize Defense OSINT substantive requirements consistent with ICD 204 (Reference

d. Establish a strategy to guide the full range of DoD OSINT efforts.

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e. Establish performance metrics to track the level of fulfillment of DoD OSINT policies and
goals and to support resource requirements and recommendations.

f. Establish working groups, as needed, to facilitate the coordination or execution of specific

programs or to address DoD OSINT needs.

g. Submit an OSINT status report for the previous fiscal year to the USD(I) not later than
February 28 of each year. The report shall address:

(1) An assessment of DoD OSINT programs and activities in satisfying DoD policy and
validated joint requirements, to include performance metrics information.

(2) Issues that currently hinder the effectiveness of DoD OSINT programs, activities,
and systems and their integration into DoD-wide or national programs, activities, and systems.

(3) Prioritized recommendations concerning policy changes or other initiatives needed to

improve DoD OSINT programs, activities, and systems.

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ASD(NII)/DoD CIO Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information

Integration/DoD Chief Information Officer
ATSD(IO) Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Oversight

CSS Central Security Service

DIA Defense Intelligence Agency

DIOCC Defense Intelligence Operations Coordination Center
DIRNSA/CHCSS Director, National Security Agency/Chief, Central Security Service
DNI Director of National Intelligence
DoD CIO DoD Chief Information Officer
DoDD DoD Directive
DOSC DoD Open Source Council

IC Intelligence Community
ICD Intelligence Community Directive

MIP Military Intelligence Program

NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

NIP National Intelligence Program
NOSC National Open Source Committee
NSA National Security Agency

OSINT open source intelligence

RDT&E research, development, test, and evaluation

USD(AT&L) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics

USD(I) Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence


Llead Ccomponent. For the purposes of this Instruction, a Llead Ccomponent leads collaboration
and facilitates coordination within a specific intelligence discipline or set of intelligence
activities. In addition, a Llead Ccomponent may also advise on and develop technical
architectures, programmatic resources, or performance metrics on behalf of a collective whole.

OSINT. Defined in title 50, United States Code (Reference (l)).

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