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Completeview™ Video Proxy User Manual

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CompleteView™ Video Proxy User Manual

CompleteView™ Version 4.7.1

Table of Contents

Minimum System Requirements ................................................................................ 4 
Installation .................................................................................................................. 5 
Configuring the Video Proxy ..................................................................................... 8 
Add an Administrator Account ..................................................................................................................... 10 
Add a CompleteView Recording Server ....................................................................................................... 11 
Add a Video Proxy User or Group ................................................................................................................ 13 
Import Users or Groups from Active Directory ............................................................................................ 15 
Configuration Settings ................................................................................................................................... 17 

Port Configuration.................................................................................................... 19 

Additional Resources ............................................................................................... 20 

The CompleteView Video Proxy provides a single point for CompleteView Web Client and TouchView users
to access live video and recordings from cameras that may be recorded to any of multiple CompleteView
recording servers.

Without using a Video Proxy the Web Client user will need to know the specific CompleteView server their
camera are recording to, and access that server directly.

The Video Proxy pulls the desired video from any of multiple CompleteView recording servers and presents it
in a single interface.

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Minimum System Requirements
 Operating Systems: Windows 7 or later, Windows Server 2008
 Web Server: Microsoft IIS or Apache
 Core 2 Duo 2.0 Ghz or higher
 2 GB RAM or higher
 10/100/1000 Ethernet Controller. Dual NIC cards are recommended.

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Please note: It is recommended the Video proxy be installed

on a dedicated server.

Prior to installing the Video Proxy, a compatible Web Server must be installed and functioning.
Please install Microsoft IIS or Apache and verify its functionality before proceeding with

1. After installing a compatible Web

Server and verifying it is running and
functional, you may proceed with
installing the Video Proxy. Run the
Video Proxy installer and click ‘Next’
to proceed.

2. Select the installation folder for the

Video proxy service and configuration
tool to be installed. Click ‘Next’ to

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3. Select the folder to install the Video
Proxy client pages. It is important
these files be installed in the root of
the web server. For example, if using
Microsoft IIS web Server the root
folder is C:\inetpub\wwwroot. Click
the ‘Change…’ button to choose the
correct folder.

4. Choose the folder which is the root of

your web server. This may be
C:\inetpub\wwwroot for IIS or
[Program Files]\Apache Software
Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs for
Apache. Once you have selected the
folder, click ‘OK’ to return to the
‘Installation Folder’ screen.

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5. Once you have selected the folder

which is the root of your web server,
click ‘Next’ to proceed.

6. The Video Proxy files will now be


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7. Installation is complete. Click ‘Finish’
and restart the computer so the Video
Proxy service will begin running.

Please note: The default page a user will need to access for the Video
Proxy’s web interface is ‘index.html’ which will be located in the folder
specified in step 4 of installation. Salient recommends configuring this page
as the default page the web server loads when accessed. By default, most
web servers will load ‘index.html’ located in the root of the web server.

Configuring the Video Proxy

Video Proxy configuration is accessed using the CompleteView Video Proxy configuration tool. To access the
tool click Start->All Programs->CompleteView Video Proxy ->CompleteView Video Proxy.

The configuration tool requires administrative level access to

use. Administrator users can be configured in the Video Proxy
configuration tool. The default administrator account is ‘admin’
with no password.

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Once authentication is complete the

configuration options will be available.

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Add an Administrator Account

Video Proxy configuration tool was access using the default administrator account of ‘admin’ with no
password. If desired, other administrator users can be added or existing users can be modified through the
configuration tool.

Administrator users have no configuration options, and are setup for the purpose of accessing the Video proxy
configuration only.

To add a new administrator account, perform the following steps.

1. Right click on ‘Administrators’

and choose ‘Add

2. Enter the username for the new administrator.

3. Enter the account’s password

4. Reenter the account password to confirm.

The new account has been created.

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Add a CompleteView Recording Server

Before Video Proxy users can be added it is necessary to first add CompleteView Recording Servers where the
user accounts and cameras exist.

An important element of Video Proxy configuration is choosing what servers the user’s cameras are recording
to. The user account added to the Video Proxy must exist on the corresponding server (this is further described
in ‘Add a Video Proxy User’) so prior to configuring users, the servers which the user can access must be
To add a CompleteView Recording Server, perform the following steps.

1. Right click on ‘Servers’ and

choose ‘New Server’.

2. On the ‘Add Server’ dialog enter the

following information:
1. The recording server’s IP address or
2. The port number for the
CompleteView Web Server must be
set between 4502-4534 to
accommodate Microsoft Silverlight.
3. The administrator-level username and

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3. Connectivity to the server will be verified and

some information will be downloaded. This
process may take about 1 minute.

4. The server is now added to the

Video Proxy configuration.

Please note: The Web Server must be enabled on the target

CompleteView Recording Server prior to adding the Video Proxy
server. Also, an administrative level username and password is
required only to add the server. The user’s credentials and
permissions will be used for determining camera access on the

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Add a Video Proxy User or Group

Video Proxy user accounts are pass-through users representing user accounts that should also exist on the target
CompleteView recording servers behind the video proxy. When a user account is setup on the video proxy it
must also exist on the CompleteView recording server (or servers) that are recording the cameras the user
should have access to.

Prior to setting up a user on the Video Proxy please ensure an account with the same username exists on the
target CompleteView recording server(s).

1. Right click on ‘Users’ and choose ‘Add

User’ or ‘Add Group’.

2. Enter the name for the user or group account. Please

note this user account must exist on the target
CompleteView recording server(s). Please refer to
the CompleteView Administrator Manual for
instructions on setting up server user accounts. Also
note, you will not be asked to enter a password for
the user account. This is because the password for
the account on the CompleteView recording server will be used for authenticating the user. 

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3. You will be presented with the

user or group configuration

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Import Users or Groups from Active Directory
Follow these steps to import a user or group from Active Directory. Please note the guidelines and limitations
described in the ‘Add a Video Proxy User or Group’ section still apply.

1. Right click on ‘Users’ and choose ‘Add

User’ or ‘Add Group’.

2. Choose ‘Import’.

3. Select the CompleteView server to import Active

Directory users or groups from. Click ‘Import’.

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4. Video Proxy will pull the AD user or group list

from the specified CompleteView server as each
CompleteView server may be connected to a
different Active Directory. Select the Active
Directory users and / or groups you wish to add
from the list. Please note the AD user or group
accounts must exist on the target CompleteView
recording server(s). Please refer to the
CompleteView Administrator Manual for
instructions on importing Active Directory user
or group accounts.

5. You will be presented with the user or

group configuration options.

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Configuration Settings

Friendly Name The DNS resolved name of the server

Listen Port Port used by the Video Proxy server to communicate with proxy
clients. Must be in the 4502-4534 range

Secure Listen Port SSL port used by the Video Proxy server to communicate with
proxy clients. Must be in the 4502-4534 range. Setting to 0 to
disable the SSL server

Remote Server Timeout (s) Time in seconds the Video Proxy server attempts to communicate
with a CompleteView video server before giving up, and passing
an error to the proxy client

User Inactivity Timeout (m) The length of time before a user is automatically logged out of
the Web Client due to inactivity.

Group Re-authentication Frequency Time envelope wherein multiple users in the same group may
access the Video Proxy without having the Video Proxy re-
authenticate their group membership with the CompleteView

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Header Text The custom product name as displayed in the Web Client

Company Name Name of the organization

Slogan Organizational slogan

Support Website Address of organization’s website

Support Email Email address for tech support

Support Phone Number Phone number of tech support

Support Hours Hours of tech support

Login Image Splash image for system login. Must reside in

…\VideoProxy\HTML or one of its sub-folders
Title Image Title image for client. Must reside in …\VideoProxy\HTML or
one of its sub-folders
About Image Help>About image for client. Must reside in
…\VideoProxy\HTML or one of its sub-folders

Proxy Server Display Name Changes the display name the user sees of the top level server
object in the Tree View of the Web Client interface.
Display Name Creates a user-definable alias for a given CompleteView server to
be displayed via the Web Client or TouchView. Operates on a
per-user basis.

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Port Configuration

The Video Proxy uses the same port range as the

CompleteView Web server, 4502-4534.

 Port 4502-4534: The Web Server needs to use one

port in this range on the CompleteView Server. The
Video Proxy will connect to this port on the
CompleteView server to obtain video and for
general communication. This port can be changed
by connecting to the CompleteView Server using
Server Config.

 Port 80: This is the default port of the 3rd party

Web Server used by the Video Proxy.
CompleteView Video Proxy supports Microsoft
IIS or Apache web servers. Port 80 is the port of
the web server which will be used to publish the
login page to the Internet or intranet. Please refer
to Web Server documentaiton for instructions on
changing the port.

 Port 4502-4534: Pick an unused port in this

range for the ‘Listen Port’ of the Video
Proxy. In addition, there is a ‘Secure Listen
Port,’ which is the secure listen port of the
video proxy. Select an unused port in the
same range. Both settings can be changed in
the Video Proxy Configuration Tool.

 In the Active Directory Authentication

section, there is the Group Re-authentication
Frequency setting. This is the frequency with
which the proxy will poll the AD server to
verify membership of the users to the group.
Within this interval, the members of the
groups will have their statuses cached by the
proxy as valid member of the group, and will
not require re-authentication

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Additional Resources

Visit the Salient website, www.salientsys.com, for additional support and CompleteView training:

 Manuals & Documentation (http://www.salientsys.com/support/manuals‐and‐documentation/) – Includes

Administrator’s Manual, Client User Manuals (including Video, Alarm and Web clients), How To
Guides and Tips.

 Online Tech Support (http://www.salientsys.com/support/– Get quick access to online tech support
modules that cover the most frequently asked product questions, such as “Adding and Moving IP
Camera Licenses.”

 Training http://www.salientsys.com/support/training/ – we offer both online and classroom training.

o CompleteView™ Online Certification - Register online for access to interactive training modules
covering the Video, Alarm, Mapping and Web clients
o CompleteView™ Classroom Certification - Our traditional classroom training is available
throughout the United States. Please visit the Salient website for link to online training, training
calendar, agenda and registration

Salient Systems 
4616 W. Howard Ln. 
Building 1, Suite 100 
Austin, TX 78728 
512.617.4801 Fax 


©2016 Salient Systems Corporation. Company and product names mentioned are registered trademarks of their respective owners.

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