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Constitution of Iwlf Amended Upto 21.12.2013

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(Estd. 1935)
Registered under Act XXI of 1860

Affiliated with:
International Weightlifting Federation,
Asian Weightlifting Federation,
Commonwealth Weightlifting Federation,
Indian Olympic Association

Recognized by Government of India

Amendment Upto 21/12/2013

(Estd. 1935)
Registered under Act XXI of 1860

Affiliated with:
International Weightlifting Federation,
Asian Weightlifting Federation,
Commonwealth Weightlifting Federation,
Indian Olympic Association

Recognized by Government of India

Amendment Upto 21/12/2013

The name of the organisa on is “Indian Weightli ing Federa on”.
Hereina er it is referred to as the Federa on.

Organiza on:
The Federa on is a member of the Indian Olympic Associa on, the
Interna onal Weightli ing Federa on, Commonwealth
Weightli ing Federa on, Asian Weightli ing Federa on and South
Asian Weightli ing Federa on and shall affiliate with such other
Na onal and Interna onal bodies as will be approved by the
Execu ve Commi ee of the Federa on. It shall be composed of
affiliated members, Patrons and Associates.

Jurisdic on:
The territory ra on under the jurisdic on of the Federa on shall be
the Republic of India.

The Headquarters of the Federa on shall be at Delhi. In case the
Secretary General is based outside Delhi he may operate from that
sta on.

Official Year:
The Official Year of the Federa on shall be from 1st April to 31st

1. To control; and regulate; encourage and popularize weightli ing
and other allied games as sports and items of physical educa on and
culture in India;

2. To hold, to arrange and to register local, regional, State or All‐India

and Interna onal compe ons and exhibi ons in Weightli ing, and
other allied games at such places and mes as may be determined
and whenever possible and prac cable, to grant diplomas for All‐
India and such other records;

3. To secure adequate par cipa on in Olympic Games, World

Championships and such Interna onal contests as may be

4. To control and regulate weightli ing, and other allied games in

India on an amateur basis;

5. To take any ac on at any me calculated to further the objects of

the Federa on;

6. To promote and assist in the forma on of State organiza ons at

such places where no organiza on controlling Weightli ing, and
other allied games is in existence;

7. To promote co‐opera on and compose differences amongst

affiliated Members;

8. To co‐ordinate the ac vi es of affiliated Members by holding All‐

India Compe ons or Exhibi ons at different centres by rota on as
far as possible.

1. The Membership of the Federa on shall be limited to:
(a) State Associa ons.
(b) All‐India bodies promo ng Weightli ing, and other allied
(c) Centrally administered Union Territories.

2. The Members of the Federa on shall themselves be composed of

amateurs only. (A person who has ever coached sports compe tors
for payment is not eligible to serve on theFedera on or its affiliated
units. However, he / she may be given the membership of the
Federa on on re rement from his / her employment).

Note:‐ The power of making excep ons to the above Rule vests
solely with the General Council which may do so, under special
circumstances, on the recommenda ons of the Execu ve
Commi ee.

3. A Member State Associa on shall not be eligible to get itself

affiliated with any other Na onal Sports Federa on/Associa on
(Olympic Discipline) in such ma er which are clearly defined in
Ar cle Vl Objects.

Patrons and Associates:
1. Dis nguished persons may be invited by the General Council to
become Patrons.

2. Individual persons may be admi ed as associates on proper

applica on and on payment of such admission fee and annual
subscrip on as may be determined by the Execu ve Commi ee.

3. The Execu ve Commi ee may admit donors of Rs. 5,000/‐ or
more at a me as life‐Associates of the Federa on.

4. President may nominate not more than six Associate Vice

Presidents from among dis nguished persons and Senior Cat – 1
Interna onal Referees, for a period of One term who may a end all
Mee ngs of the Execu ve Commi ee and General Council and take
part in delibera ons without right to vote. They need not
necessarily be associated with Member Unit.

Admission fees, Subscrip on and Registra on Fees:
1. The Execu ve Commi ee shall fix the amount of Admission fees,
annual subscrip ons, and all other fees payable by the Members
and Associates. The admission fee and the first annual subscrip on
shall be payable along with applica on and therea er the
subscrip on is to be paid annually within the month of June of each
year for which it is due. Failure on the part of any Member to meet
the annual financial obliga on, all dues including fines within the
specified me shall deprive the said Member of the right to vote at
all mee ngs of the Federa on, from par cipa ng in compe ons
either run by the Federa on or registered with it, and from all other
rights and privileges. Those States / Departmental Boards who will
pay the Annual Renewal fee a er 30th June are liable to pay
addi onal surcharge of Rs. 200/‐ per month to Indian Weightli ing
Federa on.

2. The Execu ve Commi ee of the Federa on shall have power to fix

the registra on fees for exhibi ons, compe ons and

championship mee ngs to be registered with the Federa on and
such fees shall be payable along with applica ons therefor.

1. There shall be a General Council of the Federa on composed of:‐
(a)Two representa ves from each of the affiliated
Member as men oned in Ar cle Vll – 1 (a), (b) and © The
representa ves should be the Execu ve Commi ee
Members of the affiliated Member State / Unit.

b) The Life Associates and Associates who are Interna onal

Referees for taking part in delibera ons only but without any
right to vote at the General Council Mee ngs, if specially
invited by the President.

c) The Office‐bearers of the Federa on holding office at the


2. The du es of the General Council shall be to formulate the policy

of the Federa on and the principles on which it shall be carried out.

3. The direct management and control of the Federa on shall be

vested in the Execu ve Commi ee composed of the office bearers
of the Federa on. In emergency situa ons, an Advisory board
consis ng of 5 Members cons tuted by the President, inclusive of
President and Secretary General will take the necessary decisions
subject to the approval of the Execu ve Commi ee.

4. The office bearers of the Federa on shall be President, not more

than 10 Vice Presidents, 1 Secretary General, 1 Secretary, 5
Honorary Joint Secretaries from 5 zones – East, West, North, South
and North‐East, 1 Honorary Treasurer and 8 Execu ve Members.
The Honorary Treasurer may be from any adjoining States. The office

bearers of the Federa on shall be elected every 4 years from
amongst the Members men oned in rule 1(a) above and in
accordance with the Ar cle Xl tenure of Office Bearers.

5. No Office‐bearer of the Federa on shall be eligible to be an Office‐

bearer, simultaneously, of any other Na onal Sports Federa on /
Associa on, excep ng the Indian Olympic Associa on.

6. The Execu ve Commi ee will select Chairpersons of Technical

Commi ee, Finance Commi ee, Legal & Dispute Commi ee,
Publicity & Sta s cs Commi ee and Research & Development
Commi ee from among Office Bearers.

Elec on and Tenure of Office‐ Bearers:
1. The elec on will be held by an electorate consis ng of accredited
two representa ves from each affiliated unit who will propose and
second the candidature of persons considered suitable for such
office. The accredita on of unit nominees will duly be cer fied for
both the President and Secretary at respec ve units. Such
accredita ons will be delivered to the Secretary General at least 7
days prior to the date of electoral mee ng. The accredited
representa on should not be an office bearer of any other state /
unit. Refer Ar cle‐X 1(a) for details.

2. All office bearers may hold offices as long as they are elected by
majority vote. The term will be for four (4) years on following terms
and condi ons:‐
(i) No member shall hold the post of President for more than
3 consecu ve terms of 12 years, whichever is less, but shall
be eligible for elec on as President a er one cooling off

(ii) No Member shall hold any or both the posts of the
Secretary General or the Treasurer for more than two
consecu ve terms or 8 years, whichever is less. S/He will be
eligible for re‐elec on to any of these posts a er one cooling
off period.

(iii) A member who has held any or both of the posts of the
Secretary General or the Treasurer shall be eligible to hold
the post of President without a cooling off period but will be
subject to the provision that ‐ “No Member shall hold one or
more Execu ve Post for more than five consecu ve terms or
20 years, whichever is less. However, such member can hold
more than one post consecu vely within the above period
of 20 years”.

(iv) The President / Hony. Secretary / Secretary General /

Treasurer will cease to hold the office on a aining the age of
70 years.

(v) Cooling off period shall mean a period of 6 months less

than the term.

(vi) Candidates who are State / Central Government

employees and seeking elec on who fall under the C.C.S.
Conduct Rules, 1964 shall be allowed to hold elec ve office
in any Na onal / State / District Level for a term of 4 years, or
for one term, whichever is less. In addi on, they are also
required to obtain NOC from their respec ve departments
before seeking such elec on.

Powers and Du es of the Execu ve Commi ee:

1. The Execu ve Commi ee shall in addi on to the powers and

du es prescribed elsewhere:

a) Admit as Members and Associates any organiza on or

persons eligible under the rules for admission on proper
applica on or reject any such applica on with or without
assigning any reason;

b) Determine the area to be under the control of any

affiliated associa on and for the purpose thereof the area
assigned to any par cular organiza on should correspond
with the administra ve units of the Government of India;

c) Arrange for the examina on of Associates as Referees

and cer fy them as such on the results thereof;

d) Frame, add to, alter or repeal rules and byelaws

consistent with the object of the Federa on for carrying out
all its purposes;

e) Control the dues, funds and proper es of the Federa on

and spend the same;

f) Extend me for payment, remit par ally the subscrip on

of any Member or Associate, if considered desirable;

g) Cau on, warn, suspend, expel and take disciplinary
ac on against Members, Associates, compe tors, other
person or persons and organizer or organizers of
compe ons, exhibi ons etc. registered with or recognized
by this Federa on or with any affiliated Member‐
Associa on or run under the jurisdic on of any Member‐
Associa on, for any viola on of the cons tu on rules or,
bye‐laws or for any other reason whatsoever which may be
deemed to be sufficient, a er giving such person or persons
an opportunity to submit in wri ng an explana on or a
personal hearing. However, if a primafacie case is
established, the President is empowered to take immediate
ac on in his discre on and report the same at the next
Execu ve commi ee mee ng;

h) Withdraw any such suspension, penal es etc. referred to

in the previous clause or minimize them, if considered

i) Appoint Sub‐commi ees or Ad‐hoc Commi ees, if and

when necessary, for any ma er brought before it;

j) Fill up any vacancy arising among either the office bearers

or members of the Execu ve Commi ee;

k) Accept local, regional, State or All‐India records on

weightli ing, and other allied games and ra fy the same
when applied for;

l) Secure by purchase, lease, gi or otherwise property

(movable or immovable), whether subject to any trust or
not, for any or more of the objects of the Federa on.
m) Draw up, publish and enforce uniform rules for the
control and guidance of compe ons, exhibi ons etc. in
weightli ing, and other allied games in India in accordance
with the rules of Interna onal Weightli ing Federa on and
deal with any infringement there of;

n) Hear appeals made in wri ng by any of its members or

any person or organiza on interested in Weightli ing and
other allied game against any decision of any Member of the
Federa on and / or against any decision over which the
Federa on has jurisdic on and give its decision; a er going
through the report of Legal & Dispute Commi ee;

o) Take any such steps as may be necessary for the exercise

of any of its powers or for the discharge of any of its du es;

p) Register, recognize or refuse to do so any compe on or

exhibi on etc.

q) Be the sole interpreter of the cons tu on, rules and bye‐

laws of the Federa on and decide ma ers not include

r) Delegate any of its powers to any of its Members or any

organiza on, or any person or persons;

s) The decision of the Execu ve Commi ee in all cases shall

be final.

Powers and Du es of Office‐bearers:

1. President and Vice‐Presidents:

a) The President shall preside over all the mee ngs of the
Execu ve Commi ee and General Council of the
Federa on. In the absence of the President one of the
Vice‐Presidents present shall preside over such mee ngs.
In the absence of both, the mee ng shall elect its own

b) The President is to ensure that the various business

mee ngs, as required under the Cons tu on, have been

c) The Chairman of any mee ng shall have a cas ng vote

besides his own in case of equality of votes;

d) The President shall a end Na onal Weightli ing

Championships and Na onal Junior Weightli ing
Championships and his traveling and accommoda on
expenses shall be paid by the organising associa on.

2. Secretary General:
In addi on to the powers and du es of the Secretary General
specified elsewhere he shall:

a) Carry on all correspondence;

b) Give effect to all resolu ons of the Execu ve Commi ee

and General Council;

c) Issue and circulate no ces of all mee ngs of the
E xe c u ve C o m m i e e a n d t h e G e n e ra l C o u n c i l ;

d) Record and maintain the minutes of all such mee ngs;

e) Maintain all the papers, records, registers and

proper es of the Federa on;

f) Carry out all other du es that may be entrusted to him

by the Execu ve Commi ee from me to me;

g) Make all payments provided for in the budget or as

directed by the Execu ve Commi ee. and such other
payments as may be necessary for the due discharge of his
du es and get the same approved at the next mee ng of
the Execu ve Commi ee;

h) Receive from the Honorary Treasurer an imprest cash

of Rs. 25,000/‐.

i) Have the power to extend the me for payment of

subscrip on by the Associates who are Referees;

j) Submit regularly to the Treasurer his accounts of all

moneys received and payments made by him with proper

k) A ended Na onal Weightli ing Championships,

Na onal Junior Weightli ing Championships, and regional
compe ons and before these compe ons shall check
that these are being conducted according to the Indian
Weightli ing Federa on rules. His traveling and Board and
Lodging expenses at all these compe ons must be paid
by the organising associa on. In case he is not available,
he shall be replaced by one of the Joint Secretaries and in
. case of laters absence, by a delegate nominated by the

l) Represent the Federa on along with the President at

the mee ngs of the Indian Olympic Associa on and
Interna onal / Asian / Commonwealth Weightli ing
Federa on.

m) The Secretary General shall ensure that the accounts

of the organiza on have been properly maintained by the
Honorary Treasurer and regularly audited and that the
business mee ngs, as required by the Cons tu on, have
been duly held.

n) Keep a note of the dues and fines to be recovered by

the Members / Associates and follow it accordingly.

3. Joint Secretaries:

a) The Honorary Joint Secretaries shall assist the Secretary

General in organising zonal Compe ons and in discharge
of other du es in the area and carry out his instruc ons.

Monitor the State Championships in their Zone including

the arrangements of Dope Test during the Championships
and report the same to the Secretary General.

b) Perform all such du es as may be delegated to them by

the Secretary or the Execu ve Commi ee from me to
4. Treasurer:
The Treasurer shall:

a) Collect subscrip ons and all other money payable to the

Federa on from the Members, Associates and all others
and issue receipts there for;

b) Deposit within ten (10) days all such collec on in an

. approved Bank;

c) Pay to the Secretary General the money asked for by

him from me to me and submit to him monthly
accounts of receipts and payments by the first week of
every month;

d) The Honorary Treasurer shall ensure that the annual

accounts of the organiza on have been properly
maintained and regularly audited. He will submit the
audited annual statement of Accounts, duly checked by
the Secretary General, for inspec on, by the Execu ve
Commi ee and approval of the General Council;

e) Submit a statement on the financial posi on of the

Federa on before any mee ng of the Execu ve
Commi ee whenever called upon to do so.

Changes in Representa on:

1. Nomina on of the representa ves of the Members other

than the elected office‐bearers of the Federa on may be altered by
any Member during a year on proper no ce in wri ng to the
Secretary General of the Federa on.

Mee ngs:

1. General Council
a) The ordinary mee ng of the General Council shall be
held during Senior Na onals or Sub‐Junior (Youth) & Junior
Na onals unless otherwise directed by the Execu ve
Commi ee to consider the following:
I Confirma on of the minutes of the last
general Council Mee ng;
ii Adop on of the Annual Report;
iii Audited statement of accounts;
iv Budget for the next year;
v Elec on of office‐bearers (whenever it is an
Elec on year);
vi Appoin ng of Auditors;
vii Amendments to the Cons tu on, if any,
provided 21 days wri en no ce is given sta ng
the reasons why the par cular amendment is
considered necessary and the advantage of
the proposed amendment,
viii Any other business for which 21 days no ce
is given.

b) An emergent or Special mee ng of the General Council
may be called;

I. by the Secretary General, on advice from the

President, by giving 21 days no ce specifying the
date, me and place along with the agenda for the
mee ng;

ii. by the Secretary General, upon requisi on, in

wri ng from 10 members specifying the nature of
the business to be transacted. For this mee ng also
21 days no ce would be given specifying the date,
me place and the agenda for the mee ng.

iii. In case of non‐compliance by the Secretary

General as per above the requisi onists may call
mee ng of Secretary General a er 45 days no ce
on termina on of 21 days a er specifying date and
venue. This will cons tute as regular General
Council mee ng and all its decisions will be

2. Execu ve Commi ee:

a) At least 2 (two) Execu ve Commi ee mee ngs will be

held every year preferably with Junior and Senior Na onal

b) No ce of mee ng of the Execu ve commi ee with the

agenda shall be sent by the Honorary Gent. Secretary at
least 15 days before the date of mee ng specifying the
date, me and place thereof.

c) In case of an emergency, the Execu ve Commi ee or
the President shall have the powers to authorize the
Secretary General to call a Special mee ng of the General
Council at a shorter no ce of ten days to consider any
ma er. Likewise, in an emergency, a special mee ng of the
Execu ve Commi ee may be called by the Secretary
General at a shorter no ce of 10 days.

3. The quorum at all the General Council mee ngs shall consist of 15
persons including the office‐bearers. The quorum at all the
Execu ve Commi ee mee ngs shall consist of 10 persons.

4. Votes at all mee ngs may be recorded in person by the office‐

bearers of the Federa on and the accredited representa ves of
the Members of the Federa on.

Rights, Privileges and Du es of Members:

In addi on to the rights, privileges and du es of members stated

elsewhere they shall :

a) Nominate Two representa ves to the General Council of

the Federa on and forward their names with addresses to
the Secretary General, as per Ar cle – X (1)(a).

b) Submit to the Secretary General of Indian Weightli ing

Federa on their annual report and audited accounts
within 21 days of their Annual General Mee ng. The date
. and venue of their Annual General Mee ng will be
in mated to the Secretary General, Indian Weightli ing
Federa on sufficiently in advance for an observer from the
Federa on.
c) In mate changes in the address of their office, Secretary
and representa ves to the Secretary General of the
Federa on at the earliest possible opportunity;

d) Abide by the Cons tu on. rules and bye‐laws of the

Federa on as may be framed from me to me and
accept all decisions of the Federa on;

e) In mate all changes in their cons tu on, rules and bye‐

laws within seven days of such change;

f) Inform the federa on of the colours selected by them

and send samples of their crest, if any in use;

g) Affiliate all organiza ons in Weightli ing or other allied

games within their area;

h) Organize District Associa ons, Clubs and ins tu ons in

Weightli ing or in other allied games;

I) Organize, control and conduct State or other

compe ons or exhibi ons in Weightli ing or other allied
games confined to the athletes of their respec ve area in
accordance with the rules and Bye‐laws of theFedera on
and send results of these compe ons to the Federa on ;

j) Recommend to the Federa on for examina on of

Referees and for issue of Cer ficates to them according to
prescribed rules;

k) Appoint referees, cer fied by the Federa on, for
compe ons and exhibi ons in Weightli ing, and other
allied games within their area, Seniority of referees is to be

l) Bring forward any resolu on at a mee ng of the Execu ve

Commi ee or of the General Council of which due no ce
has been given to the Secretary General of the Federa on;

m) Submit to the Secretary General of the Federa on

their annual report and audited accounts in me, every

n) Try to have at least fi een Referees within their

respec ve area duly cer fied by the Federa on;

o) Report to the Federa on all cases of penal es;

disqualifica ons and bans imposed on any athlete, person
club or associa on within their area; (Such report shall be
circulated by the Secretary General of the Federa on, to
other members for enforcement within their jurisdic on
and shall be in opera on unless and un l the penalty is
withdrawn by the Member imposing the same);

p) Obtain previous permission from the Federa on to

promote, control, finance or select any athlete or team to
tour or par cipate in any compe on or exhibi on outside
their own jurisdic on;

q) Organize compe ons or exhibi ons open to athletes of
other areas and register such compe ons or exhibi ons
with the Federa on on proper applica on and payment of
the requisite fee in accordance with the rules and Bye‐laws
of the Federa on.

r) A member State Associa on shall not be eligible to get

itself affiliated with any other Na onal Sports Federa on /
Associa on.

s) Any State / Unit not par cipa ng in Na onal (Senior and

Junior) Championships during a calendar year will be duly
warned of this lapse. A second year default will result in
disqualifica on unless duly exempted on ground of
sa sfac on of the Execu ve Commi ee.

t) To submit to the Federa on, the names of the elected

Office Bearers and the names of affiliated Clubs / District
Associa ons etc.

u) To submit to the Federa on the names of the

Registered Athletes of the State / Unit.

Rights, Privileges and Du es of Associates:

In addi on to the rights, privileges and du es stated elsewhere the

Associates shall:

a) Abide by the cons tu on, rules and byelaws of the

Federa on and its decisions;

b) Be eligible to be cer fied Referees of the Federa on
under its rules and bye‐laws;

c) In mate immediately to the Secretary General of the

Federa on all changes in their address.

Amendments to the Cons tu on:

Amendments to the Cons tu on can be suggested by any Patron,

Member and Life Associate as follows :

1. By giving 21 days no ce to the Secretary General of the proposed

amendment specifying why the amendment is considered necessary
and what would be the advantage of the proposed amendment.

2. The amendment can be considered in the Annual General Council

Mee ng.

3. An amendment would be considered to have been accepted if it

secures three‐fourths majority of votes of the members and office‐
bearers present in person at the annual general council mee ng.

4. All proposed amendments shall be circulated by the Secretary

General to all concerned at least 12 days before the date of the
mee ng of the General Council before which the said ma er
wouldcomeupforconsidera on.

Disciplinary Regula ons and Se lement of Disputes:

1. No state Associa ons and Sports Boards affiliated with Indian

Weightli ing Federa on shall seek any redress in the Court of Law
without prior permission of the Federa on. All disputes shall be
referred to the Federa on which shall se le the difference between
the par es and / or of the complainants by a Disciplinary Commi ee
appointed by the Federa on from me to me. The aggrieved party
or par es shall have the right to prefer an appeal before a Board
composed by the President Chairman of the Disciplinary Commi ee
and a person nominated by the aggrieved person from his State.

2. All unresolved disputes arising within a State, Associa on or

Sports Board shall be referred to the Federa on for se lement. The
Federa on shall form a body of 3 members with one representa ve
each from dispu ng par es and shall be se led within a period
specified by the Federa on. This period may be extended on the
circumstances of the case.

3. All disputes between State Associa ons and the Federa on or

within the Federa on itself will be dealt within the same manner
as laid down in paragraph 1 above.

4. It shall be binding on all State Associa on and sports Board to

forward their annual report and audited statement of accounts
within 6 months of the closing of the financial year. The affiliated
units are to conduct their elec on as and when due or in special
circumstances as and when directed by the Federa on. The non‐
compliance of these requirements disciplinary ac on will be taken
by the federa on General Council on recommenda on of the

Execu ve Commi ee for Disaffilia on / De‐recogni on on one or
more of the under men oned grounds a er ensuring that normal
law of jus ce has been observed, namely a charge sheet has been
served, explana on has been obtained.

a) Non‐observance of the direc ves issued by the

Federa on.

b) Not holding elec on when due without prior approval of

the Federa on.

c) Not submi ng annual audited statement of accounts,

annual report, the list of current office bearers within the
specified me period.

(4) 1. Whatever the decision of Federa on General Council it

must be supported by two third majority votes of the
members present.

(4) 2. If Federa on General Council take a decision to

disaffiliate a member, it will cons tute an ad‐hoc body
consis ng of 5 members from amongst the members of
the General Council to look a er the work done by the
disaffiliated body ll such me the ad‐hoc body arrange
for fresh elec on to be held which would then start
func oning in the normal manner.

(5) Appointment of Legal Counsel on remunera on will be

made by Federa on from me to me.


1. (a) The Federa on would appoint a Na onal Coach who

possesses a valid coaching diploma. Prior approval of the
Sports Authority of India would be necessary if a person
already appointed or proposed to be appointed as a
Na onal Coach does not possess requisite coaching
qualifica on.

(b) The Federa on would hold, where feasible, not less

than two compe ons annually for specified age groups at
the junior and sub‐junior levels. The compe ons should
be organized through inter‐district and inter‐block levels in
each state leading to the Na onal compe on at the
. Na onal level.

2. The Federa on shall be guided by the Direc ves and instruc ons
issued from me to me by the Indian Olympic Associa on and
Interna onal Weightli ing Federa on.

3. State Units must get itself affiliated with Indian Weightli ing
Federa on and then apply for affilia on with State Olympic
Associa on which is affiliated with Indian Olympic Associa on.
Exis ng affiliated State units elec on will be recognized subject to
the fulfillment of Ar cle – XVI (b) and XIX (4) (b).

4. The Federa on may sue or be sued in the name of the Secretary

General, Indian Weightli ing Federa on. A Law suit can only be filed
at the town of the headquarters of Indian Weightli ing Federa on.

5. In the ma er rela ng to the interpreta on and applica on of the
Cons tu on, as well as, in ma ers not specifically provided for
herein, the decision of the Execu ve Commi ee of the Federa on
shall be final and binding on all concerned.

6. State Associa ons shall forward to the Federa on a copy of their

current and valid Cons tu on along with the amendments
whenever done. Important and significant informa on and sta s cs
shall also be likewise supplied by them to the Federa on from me
to me.

7. An appeal by a member or group of members of a State

Associa on complaining against the procedure adopted by the
concerned State Associa on for holding elec on or any other issues
connected with the subject, must be made in wri ng to the
Federa on within 30 days of the occurrence of the incidence. No
complaint will be considered valid or will be entertained by the
Federa on if it is made a er the expiry of 30 days period. The
complaint must be specific and contain documentary evidence to
prove the issue that is disputed.

8. The Government Guidelines in respect of Elec on Norms of the

Federa on will be adhered to once the Bill gets the approval of Rajya
Sabha and Lok Sabha.

Indian Weightlifting Federation
32, Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla Lane, (Canning Lane), Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi ‐ 110001 (India)
Telefax : +91 11 23073460 Email: iwlf2008@gmail.com Website: www.iwlf.in

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