Vak Oct. 19 PDF
Vak Oct. 19 PDF
Vak Oct. 19 PDF
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October'19 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 4 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
Anecdotes on Vishnu Sahasranama - 223
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October'19 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 5 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
snakes and toy with the snake offered on an altar Andaal, in thiruppavai’s 17th song, celebrates the
there as per roaster kill and munch it to satisfy his way Nandagopa gave water to all people. I’m giving
anger and hunger a free Sanskrit translation of that verse for the benefit
There was a wicked poisonous serpent called of people who may not know Tamil by my respected
Kalaiya in the island called Ramanaka. Residing bother Balakavi Villur Nadadoor Sri S.Sundararajan
there with his many wives and a large family, he IAS(Retired.),recipient of the certificate of honor from
became intoxicated because of his wealth, prosperity President of India for his contribution to Sanskrit:
and power. E©§∫Á©§ÏßÁz\åÁuttÁåá™|∆y¬! ßÁz:!
He came to the colony of snakes and saw a young EÀ™tyÆåÁs! åãt! ƒ®ƒÁzunsoÁz ߃@
serpent kept in the altar for Garuda.
Intoxicated with his power and tempted by the taste
ÕÁ{mƒu®ú®ƒz! NÏ˛¬ÀÆ tyuúNz˛! Y ßÁz:!
of young snake, he could not resist the temptation §Ázá™À™tyÆåÁuÆNz˛! Æ∆Ázt! EÁüÏÆÁ: @@
to swallow it. E©§∫Ê uƒtÁÆ| ƒwuÚ™znÆ ¬ÁzN˛™ÁúN˛!
Despite the voices of many of his fellow serpents ∆z…ƒ ™Á uƒuå¸ GunsoÁz ߃!
protesting he ate the small snake. Àƒm|ßÓ ßÓu oÁuWΩV¿∫Á™! ÃÊútÁj∞!
Just then came Garuda! ™Á uåu¸oÁÙƒÁÊÀoƒÁåÏ\≥Á “zÀ™tWïåz! @@
How dare Kaliya do this mischief? At this stage, Lord Krishna decided to put an end
Garuda pounced on Kaliya and waged war against to all these pranks of Kaliya. Krishna, who is always
him. accompanied by Balarama, like sugar and milk as
Kaliya used his poisonous fangs as weapon to attack
Garuda. But Garuda, renowned as Suparna – the the saying goes <<qy∫Ê ∆N|˛∫ÆÁ Fƒ ÆÁuß∫úwsSßÓoÁ: üßwoT
{ m|Ï :{ >>
one with beautiful wings/feathers – attacked Kaliya decided to go alone to the banks of Yamuna one
with his wings. day, without Balarama. He might have thought
Unable to withstand the attack of Garuda, Kaliya, Balarama being Adi sesha-a serpent may not be
ran into the sea entered Ganges swam against stream at ease with Kaiya another serpent getting punished!
reached PrayagraJ entered Yamuna and reached As he was playing volleyball with his other friends,
Garuda-free zone. He took his residence under water the ball suddenly fell into the river. In an effort to
in the place where sage Soubharee had done his bring back the ball, Krishna jumped into river Yamuna,
penance and had cursed Garuda not to come over just into the place where Kaliya was living under
there. water with his large family.
Garuda, who had been attacking him and following When Krishna jumped into the river, the poison laden
him till that zone left him there respecting Soubharee’s water splashed all around. That water burnt the trees
curse. which were by the side of the river!
Rather, he was waiting for Kaliya to come out of On seeing Krishna coming towards him, Kaliya said,
that place, so that he could take revenge on him. “Welcome to the jaws of death!”
Now, Kaliya in self imposed prison could not go He then wound his body around Krishna and started
out of that area for fear of Garuda. He was frustrated. to bite him with his many fangs. Krishna’s friends,
Though his family had joined him now, he could not Gopis and the cows started shedding tears out of
move anywhere. He used to emit his poison in the love and care towards Krishna.
Yamuna River, which polluted the entire area Hearing the news, Nandagopa, Yasoda and Balarama
surrounding it. also rushed to the banks of Yamuna in fear.
Leaves withered from the trees, flowers were not But, to everyone’s surprise, Krishna broke all the
sprouting, and fruits were not ripening. People who shackles and caught the tail of Kaliya with his hand.
used the water of Yamuna got affected by the poison He then began to place His feet in each of the heads
whose effects ranged from skin diseases to death. of Kaliya and performed the famous Kaaliya Nartana.
Aquatic animals lost their lives because of the poison. Koorathazhwan yearns to have the head of Kaliya,
The whole area looked like the jaw of Mrutyu deva. as he would also get the touch of the Lord’s feet
Therefore, the people of Brindavan avoided taking on him:
water from Yamuna for drinking or bathing purposes. N˛Áu¬ÆÀÆ ¢˛moÁÊ u∆∫zDÀoÏ ™z
They had to resort to some other water source. As he got the touch of the Lord’s feet on his head,
Nandagopa, the father of Krishna, used to walk a Kaliya realized that the one dancing on Him was
long distance to bring water, not only for his own none but the Supreme One.
family but also for the whole village. That’s why, The Lord’s dance also brought out all the poison
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October'19 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 11 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
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October'19 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 23 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
Even though India attained independence, and we boast of having a democracy, the holy men and spiritual
institutions of Hindus have been facing abominable apartheid from the State.
Puri in Odisha is not only famous for the Temple of The Government declared Centuries-old mathas which
Jagannath, but also the harmonious co-existence of sev- are heritage structures as ‘unsafe’ and is demolishing
eral Hindu religious mutts hailing from various parts of these heritage structures without even serving due notice
India. Srimandira (Jagannath temple) is the nerve centre to the Mahants of the mathas – as the SJTA claims these
of the complex ecosystem nurtured by these temples, mathas as temple properties. Most of the Mahants of the
mutts and other communities that had played significant mathas have not been consulted for the ongoing process.
roles in the history of the holy city. Heritage conservation- The 300-year-old Languli Matha, also called Nanguli
ists, religious Hindus and concerned citizens are upset Matha, was pulled down on August 27 in the presence of
over the ongoing demolition drive by the state administra- 20 platoons of the police force along with Rapid Action
tion around the Srimandira. The district administration Force (RAF). Demolition of the 900-year-old Emar Matha,
started the demolition drive few days after Odisha Chief which faced the Jagannath temple across the street, be-
Minister Naveen Patnaik announced Rs 500-crore grand gan on August 29 after idols and books in the 100-year-
plan to transform the holy town of Puri into a World Heri- old Raghunandan library on its premises were shifted.
tage City. Ironically, the municipal authorities are erasing Several more such heritage structures are under immi-
the heritage buildings of the city in a drive to elevate the city nent threat. Is this any different from the medieval barbaric
into a world heritage city. attacks on Nalanda, and other temples across India? No
The bulldozing drive is aimed at widening the streets and matter what, heritage structures are meant to be protected
improving the security arrangements for the temple. How- – whether or not an individual or temple or State own them.
ever, the demolition mission turned into a Frankenstein Such callous decision to pull down centuries-old build-
monster and razed several heritage structures and Mutts ings calls for strictest condemnation possible.
that plays an integral role in the Jagannath temple’s daily The famous Vaishnava monastery Emar Matha or Embar
rituals and traditions. The mahants are allegedly tortured mutt is the second most prominent institution of the holy
and coerced to permit the demolition of ancient temples, town after Jagannath temple in terms of land ownership.
monasteries, libraries etc. It was established by Embar (Govindacharya), the cousin
Most of these mathas reside in and around the temple of great Vaishnava Saint Shri Ramanuja Acharya following
with a few of them near the seashore. Shri Adi the visit of the Acharya in Puri in 12th century. Embar’s
Shankaracharya set up one of his four Amnaya Pithas in disciples took care of the tradition. So their lineage has
Puri, Shri Ramanujacharya established Emar Matha, Shri been running the Matha since then. Ananthavarma Choda
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu spent several years in Gambhira Gangadeva, who built the current temple of Puri (in the
matha premises serving the Lord. Several acharyas from same height of Thanjavur Brihadeswara temple) was a
Ramanandi Sampradaya apart from Guru Nanak Devji follower of Ramanuja Sampradaya. The Choda Ganga
himself, have visited the town and set up various mathas dynasty was formed after the marriage between Chozhas
in this sacred town. Apart from these, there are also a and Eastern Ganga dynasty.
number of mathas catering to Odiya Vaishnava The Matha has been involved in various social activities
sampradayas. These mathas have functioned as uphold- apart from being the supervisor of rituals at Srimandira.
ers of dharma through centuries by supporting scholars, While Puri Shankaracharya is famous worldwide as the
providing food and shelter to devotees as well as serving protector of dharma at Sri Kshetra, not many know that
the Lord of Odisha, Sri Jagannatha. Emara Matha acharya was the spiritual guardian of the
Each of these mathas were well-endowed with lands so temple. The Matha supplies bullock carts to carry the logs
that they can serve the Lord of the Universe as per the required for chariot construction. Its ‘mahant’ offers ‘Alata
tradition of the respective religious denomination. Devo- Chamar’ services during Rath Yatra and ‘panthi bhog’ at
tees of every sampradaya donated lands to their respec- Gundicha temple and for Hera Panchami and Niladri Bije.
tive Matha – wherein the properties were offered to Lord In addition to Alata and Chamara Seva for Badasimhara
Sri Jagannatha but with the trustee being the respective vesha, the Matha supplies flowers to offer during
Matha. Even under the British Raj, these Lands were clas- Balabhoga (Early morning Prasad) for the deities. The
sified as separate from the temple’s properties. Post-in- Prasad cooked in the Mutt offered to gods, and then
dependence, the secular Government took over the ad- Annadana is done in the Mutt premises. The regular
ministration of Srimandira by setting up Sri Jagannath Annadana by the Matha has been serving food to masses
Temple Administration (SJTA) through an act of the State of destitute coming to Puri. Birds are fed with a few Kilo-
Legislature. Under the guise of better management of grams of rice as Jeeva Mathra karunya. When British Raj
temple’s lands, the SJTA claimed the lands of mathas as forced Gajapati to stop spending money on the security of
theirs to administer using the provisions of the act which the temple, Emara Matha stepped in by paying salary for
vested all lands of Lord Sri Jagannath within the adminis- the guards of the Srimandira. But today the existence of
trative control of SJTA. Thus started the plight of the the same Matha has become a security threat as per the
Srimandira as well as the various Mathas in Puri. By alien- Secular Democratic government.
ating their properties, the SJTA has impoverished the Mahants of Emar Mutt never left Puri even during the Is-
mathas. They were struggling to maintain their buildings lamic invasion time. They always stayed with the deity
or even perform their duties properly. Instead of setting while the leadership of many other sampradayas deserted
things right, the Government has sounded the death knell the town fearing for their safety. Later, when the Gajapati
for these mathas under the guise of development. rule was reinstated, the land of Emar Matha was exempted
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October'19 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 24 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
from paying land tax. King of Khurda also confirms it. The the Mahant stole the wealth of the Matha and arrested
Matha owned around fifty thousand to sixty thousand acres him. They even tortured his son severely. The Endowment
of land in 1800, making it the second most significant department also dismissed him off from the position of
religious institution in Puri after Shri Jagannatha temple Mahant although the denomination’s lineage is heredi-
itself. The Matha was asked to sell grains to the British tary. Despite Court directing the Endowment to pay the
during the 1866 famine in return of silver bars as pay- Mahant for performing his religious duties, not a penny
ment. Emara Matha also opened its granary for the entire has been paid till now. Not only he is denied of any means
town of Puri and the pilgrims who arrived to have the of subsistence, but also there is no idea about the income
darshan of Jagannatha. Even provisions required to cook from the Eleven thousand acres of land belonging to Mutt.
Prasada for Annabrahma Jagannatha Swamy was sup- His only crime was that he objected to the SJTA’s attempts
plied by Emara Matha when British govt denied the supply to appropriate the wealth of the Emar Mutt.
of grains citing famine. The Matha fed the whole of Puri for Murtis of Lakshmana, Rama and Sita in Emar Matha
seven and a half months. (Source: Shri Jagannatha)
Emar math also contributed to bringing Railway, telegraph, The persecution of the Mahant by fabricating theft case on
and electricity into Puri by giving land and bearing the ex- him was followed by the State authorities moving ahead
penses. Raghunandan Library in the Emar Mutt, estab- with a grand demolition plan in the guise of development
lished in 1921 for preservation and nurture of Odiya litera- of Puri. On the one hand, they use the architecture of heri-
ture, housed the most extensive collection of centuries- tage institutions for tourism promotion and the other hand
old handwritten books, palm-leaf manuscripts, copper corporates, and real estate mafia gets their way in bull-
manuscripts, etc. The books in this library are a great dozing the heritage for prime property. From 2012 onwards
source of Lord Jagannath’s history, rich heritage, art & there has been systemic demolition of heritage institu-
culture. The Matha has also been the patron of the Odiya tions around the Jagannath temple by the State. Their ex-
language. The first Odiya dictionary, Purna Chandra cuse for the rampant destruction of cultural heritage was
Bhasakosa, was published using the funds provided by that these centuries-old buildings posed a security threat
the Emara matha. We must note that the mahants of the to the grand temple. If shops in the Matha buildings were
Matha were always non-odiyas from Tamilnadu. A model the reason behind the security threat of Srimandira, why
of national integration in contrast to the Dravida politicians’ not remove those shops alone? What is the need to de-
depiction of conflicts between north and south India. The molish the entire building, including the heritage library?
Matha’s existence poses a threat to the politically moti- The Government’s Talibanic act is similar to that child-
vated modern narratives about the history of Hindu reli- hood story of a sparrow burning its nest to get light. A few
gious institutions by widening the fault lines across the hundred acres of Jagannath’s land was used for aquac-
communities. Perhaps, the syncretic values upheld by the ulture. When an RTI activist pointed it out, and the admin-
Emara matha throughout history be the reason for the istration was asked to shut the farm, the administration
continuous attack on the institution and the Mahant. had no clue about who runs the farm. However, they never
Emara math lost a large chunk of property due to the had to think twice before appropriating the properties of
Zamindari and Inam abolition laws. Now the Mutt owns the various Mathas in Puri. Earlier, in 2018, the Gajapati
around eleven thousand acres of land. With the enormous Dibyasingha Deb himself had met Odisha Chief Minister
assets right opposite the gates of Srimandira, the Matha Naveen Patnaik and SJTA officials suggesting the ways to
has been a target for politicians across spectrum consid- develop the holy city of Puri without losing heritage value.
ering its real estate value. Orissa government appropri- But the rogue Government did not heed to any of the re-
ated control of the Mathas through various legislations, quests to preserve the heritage structures around the
which go against the Shirur Mutt judgement of the Srimandira and went ahead with a massive demolition
honourable Supreme Court of India. The plight of the cur- drive
rent Mahant Rajgopal Ramanuj Das started on the day In 2018, the Endowment again stripped off the Emara
his Uncle, the previous Mahant, attained Vaikuntha. Leav- Matha Mahanta from his rights. In the latest demolition
ing the medicine studies aside, he came to perform the drive, the State deployed substantial police force around
funeral rites of his predecessor. Using the opportunity, the Mathas to cordon off the Seers. Since the Mahant of
Orissa Hindu Religious Endowments officials sealed the Emar Matha sat before the shrine of Ramanujacharya and
Matha refusing to recognise the new Mahant. He had to has refused to move away from the Matha, he had to un-
sleep outside the Mutt on his return from the funeral. After dergo severe coercive measures by the State authorities.
a long and tiring legal battle, certain parts of the Matha has The atrocities by the secular State against Mahant
been given back to the Mahant. Rajagopal Ramanuja Das can only have parallels in
However, the Mutt’s sufferings did not end there. Follow- Mughal history. Even though India attained independence,
ing a court order, the Archeology department started repair and we boast of having a democracy, the holy men and
works in the Matha. One fine day, police caught two spiritual institutions of Hindus have been facing abomi-
labourers who were trying to sell Silver bricks in Dhenkanal nable apartheid from the State. It is high time that we
district. On inquiry, he pointed to a small room inside the recognise that the State persecutes the religious heads
Matha where 522 silver blocks weighing about 18 tonnes and seers of the Hindu community for want of appropriat-
were found. The massive stock of Silver was found from ing the wealth and control of the Hindu community. The
four Sinduka (wooden containers) placed inside a room, day we rise to speak about the State-sponsored denial of
closed from all sides by brick walls, in the Emar Mutt. The the fundamental rights of the Hindu religious institutions
Endowment department wanted to seize the treasure of with the same vigour as how they talk about the human
the Mutt, which was opposed by the Mahant. So the Shree rights violation in Kashmir, India can ever think of develop-
Jagannath Temple Administration (SJTA) built a case that ing into a Viswaguru.
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1. ^Õ=`å HÍ~°º ã≤^Œúº~°÷O ã¨ÉèÏã¨ÎOÉèí ã¨=Ú^Œƒù=O 6. „ѨǨ¡^Œ =~°^ŒO Nâ◊O ^≥·`Õºâ◊fi~° q^•i}O
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9. Ü«∞ W^ŒO Ѩ~î°`Õ x`«ºO |∞∞}"≥∂K«# ã¨Ol˝`«O
4. 㨇~°}Ï`ü ã¨~°fiáêѨѶ¨∞flO Hõ„^Œ∂[q+¨<åâ◊#O J#$}©*ÏÜ«∞`Õ ã¨`Àº ^èŒ#O j„Ѷ¨∞=∞"åѨÙflÜ«∂`ü
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D ™È΄`åxfl Jxfl JiëêìÅ∞, ^ÀëêÅ∞, Pi÷Hõ W|ƒO^Œ∞Å`À
5. ã≤OǨÏ<å^Õ# =∞ǨÏ`å kQÆúOuÉèíÜ«∞ <åâ◊#"£∞ L#fl"åà◊√§ ™êÜ«∞O ã¨=∞Ü«∞OÖ’ XHõ™êi 㨇i¿ãÎ K«Hõ¯x
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FO Éèí∂`å^ŒÜÕ∞ #=∞ó G ßÓoÁtÆz å™: FO ^è•„`Õ #=∞ó G áÁfiz å™:
Chant this name to amend soured friendship For issueless couple. ã¨O`å# „áêÑ≤Î H˘~°‰õΩ
or any personal relationship FO q^è•„`Õ #=∞ó G uƒáÁfiz å™:
q∞„`«∞Å`À ¿ãflǨÏÉèÏ=O ÃÑOK«∞HÀ=_®xH˜, ^ŒOѨ`∞« Å Pregnant ladies to chant for healthy babies.
J<Àº#º`«‰õΩ. P~ÀQƺHõ~°"≥∞ÿ# tâ◊√=ÙÅ H˘~°‰õΩ
Chant one time
Runa Vimochana Nrisimha Stotram
Devataakaarya-siddhyartham Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeraam
sabhaastambha-samudbhavam namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
Prahlaada varadam sreesam
namaami runamuktaye
Lakshmyaalingita-vaamaangam Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
bhaktaanaam varadaayakam namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimham mahaveeram
Krooragrahaih peeditaanaam
namaami runamuktaye
bhaktaanaam abhayapradam
Aanthramaalaadharam Sankha Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
Chakraabja aayudha dha arina m namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
Brahma Rudraadi vanditam
Smaranaat sarvapaapagnam Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
kadrooja visha naasanam namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimha mahaaveeraam
Ya idam patathe nityam runa
namaami runamuktaye
mochana samjnitam
Simhanaadena Mahataa Anrunee jaayate satyo dhanam
Digdhanthi Bhaya Naashanam sheeghram avaapnuyaat
rq`«OÖ’ XHõ J_»∞QÆ∞ "≥#H˜¯Ñ¨_`ç Õ ~Ô O_»∞ J_»∞QÆ∞Å∞ =ÚO^Œ∞H˜ ZÖÏ "≥àϧ֒ PÖ’zOKåe.
October'19 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 26 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
Chilkur Balaji's Grace - 179 zÅ∞‰õÄ~°∞ ÉÏÖÏr J#∞„QÆÇϨ O – 179
Balaji's Grace....
QÆ`«<≥Å, XHõ â◊x"å~°O =∞^蕺ǨÏflO <Õ#∞ <å
Last month I met the archaka with family
on Saturday afternoon at Goshala,in full tension
‰õΩ@∞O|O`À ã¨Ç¨ ÉÏÖÏr PÅÜ«∞OÖ’x QÀâßÅÖ’ J~°Û‰õΩx
and requested to put a word for my son second Hõeâß#∞. <å Ô~O_»= ‰õΩ=∂~°∞_»∞ ZO.Zãπ. K«^Œ∞=Ù`«∞<åfl_»x
semester fee, who is doing M.S. We were J`«x Ô~O_»= Ããq∞ã¨ì~°∞‰õΩ Ñ¶‘A Hõ@ìÖËx Ѩiã≤÷uÖ’ L<åfl#x,
blessed on that day and on your advice we had Pi÷Hõ W|ƒO^Œ∞Å∞ Ѩ_»∞`«∞<åfl#x K≥ѨC‰õΩ<åfl#∞. J~°ÛHõ™êfiq∞
a Go-Pradakhin in your presence.As you told ##∞fl Pj~°fikOz, QÀ„Ѩ^ŒH˜∆} K≥Ü«∞º=∞<åfl~°∞. <Õ#∞ PÜ«∞#
that amount will come into the bank account
shortly,one from my family members and one K≥Ñ≤Ê#>Ëì KÕâß#∞. PÜ«∞# K≥Ñ≤Ê#@∞ìQÍ<Õ, <å ‰õΩ@∞O|ã¨Éèí∞ºÅ∞
from my childhood friend,was done and we XHõ~∞° =∞iÜ«Ú <å z#fl<å\˜ ¿ãflÇ≤Ï`«∞_»∞ <å ÉϺO‰õΩÖ’ _»|∞ƒÅ∞
could meet the required fee... "Õã≤ <å‰õΩ ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞O KÕâß~°∞. <å ã¨=∞㨺 fik.
Devotee Éèí‰õΩÎ_»∞
Chant 28 times
N˛Áo| ƒ yÆÁ| \ Ï | å Áz åÁ™ ∫Á\Á §Á“Ï Ã“œÁƒÁåΩ @ oÀÆ À™∫m™Áfiz m ToÊ å…bÊ Y ¬•Æoz @ @
HÍ~°Îg~åº~°∞˚<À <å=∞ ~å*Ï ÉÏǨï ã¨Ç¨Ï„ã¨"å<£ I `«ã¨º 㨇~°} =∂„`Õ} QÆ`«O #+¨ìO K« ÅÉèíº`Õ II
Karthaveeryarjuno nama Raaja Baahu Sahasravaan |
Thasya Smarana Maathrena Gatham Nashtam cha Labhyathe||
Please chant this sloka to locate lost objects, persons and belongings.
`«Ñ≤ÊáÈ~Ú# =º‰õΩÎÅ∞, =ã¨∞Î=ÙÅ∞ uiy ÅaèOK«∞@‰õΩ D â’¡HÍxfl ÉèíH˜Î`À ѨiîOK«O_ç.
D â’¡HÍxfl 㨇iOK«O_ç. Chant 28 times
N˛Á™z æ Á∫ÁÆ N˛Á™ÁÆ N˛Á™úÁ¬ÁÆ N˛Áu™åz @
å™: N˛Á™uƒ“Á∫ÁÆ N˛Á™øúá∫ÁÆ Y@@ =∂ ÃÑo§ [iy# H˘xfl <≥ÅÖ’¡<Õ PÜ«∞#`À q_®‰õΩÅ∞ fã¨∞HÀ"åÅx
HÍ"Õ∞â◊fi~åÜ«∞ HÍ=∂Ü«∞ HÍ=∞áêÖÏÜ«∞ HÍq∞<Õ I x~°~‚ ÚOz# ã¨=∞Ü«∞OÖ’ ÃÑ· â’¡HÍxfl zÅ∞‰õÄ~°∞Ö’ q#_»O [iyOk.
#=∞ó HÍ=∞qǨ~åÜ«∞ HÍ=∞~°∂Ѩ^~Œè åÜ«∞ K« II ~ÀE 㨇iã¨∂Î<Õ L<åfl#∞. Pâ◊Û~°ºHõ~°"≥∞ÿ# suÖ’ =∂ =∞^茺
Kaameshwaraya Kaamaya Kaamapalaya Kamine J=QÍǨÏ# ÃÑiy KåÖÏ J<Àº#ºOQÍ LO@∞<åfl=Ú.
Namaha Kaamavihaaraya Kaamarupa dharaayacha
Marriages get finalised by Chanting this Sloka. Also XHõ Éèí‰õΩÎ~åÅ∞, =∞OQÆà◊yi
this sloka bestows intimacy, mutual affection and =∂ J=∂‡~ÚH˜ 38 Uà◊√§. Z<Àfl ã¨O|O^è•Å∞ =zÛ<å ÃÑo¡
trust between couples.
‰õΩ^Œ~°ÖË^Œ∞. J~Ú`Õ D â’¡HõO K≥Ñ≤Ê# H˘xfl ~ÀAÅÖ’ =∞Oz
q"åÇ¨Ï „áêÑ≤Î, ÉèÏ~åº Éèí~°ÎÅ #_»∞=∞ „Ñ‘u, SHõ=∞`åºxH˜ =~°∞_ç`À ÃÑo§ ‰õΩkiOk. XHõ Éèí‰õΩÎ~åÅ∞,
NǨÏ#∂=∞K«ÛùO„`«∞O[Ü«∞ =∞O„`«=Ú HANUMATH-SHATRUNJAYA MANTRAM Chant 28 times
=∞O„`«ó : FO#"≥∂ ÉèíQÆ=`Õ =∞Ǩ|ÅѨ~å„Hõ=∂Ü«∞ =∞ǨqѨuÎ x"å~°}ÏÜ«∞ ÉèíHõÎ[# =∞<Àcè+¨ìHõÅÊ<å
HõÅÊ„^Œ∞=∂Ü«∞ ^Œ∞+¨ì[# =∞<À~°^Œäã¨ÎOÉèí<åÜ«∞ „ѨÉèíO[# „áê}„Ñ≤Ü«∂Ü«∞ N"£∞.
D =∞O„`åxfl Ѩi¿î ãÎ ã¨=∞ã¨Î â◊„`«∞=ÙÅ #∞O_ç ~°HO∆˜ K«|_»`å~°∞ =∞iÜ«Ú â◊„`«∞=ÙÅ =∞#ã¨∞ûÖ’ =∂~°∞Ê U~°Ê_ç =∞Oz q∞„`«∞Å=Ù`å~°∞.
H å™Áz ßTƒoz ™“Á§¬ ú∫ÁN¿ ˛ ™ÁÆ ™“Áuƒúu7 uåƒÁ∫mÁÆ ßO˛\å ™åÁz ß y…bN˛¡úåÁ N˛¡ú¸Ï ™ ÁÆ tÏ … b\å ™åÁz ∫ s
ÀoÊßåÁÆ üß±Áå üÁmuüÆÁÆ »y™Ω@@ ∆fiÏEÁı ú∫ uƒ\Æ Nz˛ u¬Æz
Om Namo Bhagavathe Mahaabala Paraakramaaya Mahaa Vipatthi Nivaaranaaya Bhaktha jana
manobhishta Kalpanaakalpa drumaya Dushta Jana Manoratha Sthambhanaya Prabhanjana
PranaPriyaya Sreem. Chant this Mantra freeing ourselves from enemies...
Láê^蕺ܫÚ_»∞ x~°O`«~O° <Õ~∞° Û‰õΩO@∂ LO>Ë `«Ñʨ W`«~∞° ʼnõΩ É’kèOK«Ö_Ë ∞» . nѨO `å#∞ "≥Å∞QÆ∞`«∂ LO>Ë `«Ñʨ =∞~À náêxfl "≥eyOK«Ö^Ë ∞Œ .