Effect of Heparin in The Intraocular Irrigating
Effect of Heparin in The Intraocular Irrigating
Effect of Heparin in The Intraocular Irrigating
Yelda B Özkurt Purpose: To evaluate the influence of irrigation of the anterior chamber with heparin sodium
Arzu Taşkıran on postoperative inflammation after pediatric cataract surgery.
Nadire Erdogan Setting: Kartal Training and Research Hospital, First Eye Clinic, Istanbul, Turkey.
Baran Kandemir Design: Randomized prospective double-blind study.
Ömer K Doğan Methods: Fourteen consecutive eyes from 14 patients aged 8.9 ± 5.9 years, (range 3–18 years)
(group 1) and 19 eyes from 19 patients aged 9.1 ± 5.2 (range 1.5–18 years) (group 2) underwent
Department of Ophthalmology, Kartal
pediatric cataract surgery. Five patients in group 1 were between three and five years old.
Training and Research Hospital,
Istanbul, Turkey One patient was 1.5 years old and six patients in group 2 were between three and five years
old. During the procedure, group 1 received anterior chamber irrigation with heparin sodium
(5 IU/cc) and 1 ml of heparin sodium (concentration 10 IU/ml) added to the irrigating balanced
salt solution (BSS Plus; Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX, USA) while group 2 received
BSS without heparin sodium only. Cases aged under three years received anterior vitrectomy
in addition to posterior capsulorrhexis. One eye received anterior vitrectomy in group 1 and
two eyes received anterior vitrectomy in group 2. Cases with preoperative complications were
not included in the study. Early and late postoperative inflammatory complications, including
fibrin formation, anterior and posterior synechia, cyclitic and pupillary membrane formation
were recorded and compared.
Results: Mild anterior chamber reaction was observed in three patients in Group 1, while
nine cases in group 2 experienced marked anterior chamber reaction. In four of nine patients
from group 2, anterior chamber reaction was severe and resulted in pupillary membrane and
synechia despite treatment in the postoperative 7th day, while in all three cases in group 1,
reaction disappeared by the 7th day.
Conclusion: Anterior chamber irrigation with heparin during pediatric cataract surgery may
minimize early inflammatory reaction and decrease the number of postoperative inflammatory
related complications.
Keywords: pediatric, cataract, surgery, inflammation
In this prospective study, we evaluated the influence of (average 9.4 months = ±7.15). The Fisher’s exact test was
anterior chamber irrigation with heparin sodium on early used for statistical analysis.
postoperative inflammation and cellular reaction after pedi-
atric cataract surgery. Results
The two groups were comparable in age and distribution of
Patients and methods sex (Student t-test p 0.05). There were no statistically signi
Fourteen eyes from 14 pediatric cataract cases aged 8.9 ± ficant differences between the two groups. Table 1 shows
5.9 years (group 1: range 3–18 years) received anterior chamber preoperative and postoperative patient data in groups 1 and 2.
irrigation with heparin sodium (5 IU/cc) during operation and Mild anterior chamber reaction was observed in only three
received 1 ml of heparin sodium (concentration 10 IU/ml) patients in group 1, while nine cases of group 2 experienced
added to the irrigating solution of BSS (BSS Plus) whilst in marked anterior chamber reaction. In four of nine patients
19 eyes from 19 pediatric cataract cases aged 9.1 ± 5.2 (group 2: from group 2, anterior chamber reaction was severe which
range 1.5–18 years), BSS without heparin sodium was used. resulted in pupillary membrane and synechia, despite treat-
All patients had no ocular pathology other than cataract. ment on the postoperative 7th day (Table 2).
The parents were asked to sign an informed consent for the pro- In two of these four cases, synechiatomy was performed
cedure. All children underwent cataract extraction under gen- as a second surgical procedure. In the long-term follow up in
eral anesthesia by two experienced surgeons. After a 3.2-mm two cases from group 2, pupillary irregularity was reported.
limbal tunnel incision was created, the anterior chamber was It was seen that anterior chamber reaction disappeared in all
entered, and a continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis (CCC) three cases of group 1 on the 7th day and pupillary irregu-
was made with the Utrata forceps. The size of anterior capsu- larity was not reported in any of these cases. Hyphema or
lorrhexis was between 5.0 mm and 5.5 mm. After the nucleus intraocular hemorrhage due to heparin were not reported in
was hydrodissected, lens material was aspirated using the any cases in both groups. Differences found between the
automated irrigation/aspiration mode of the phacoemulsi- group 1 and the group 2 could have occurred by chance or
fier after the hydrodissection. All cases received posterior because of the small size of the studied population.
capsulorrhexis with a diameter of 3.5 mm and 4.0 mm. One eye
received anterior vitrectomy in group 1 and two eyes received
The pathogenesis of postoperative fibrinoid inflammation is
anterior vitrectomy in group 2. Cases aged under three years
unknown. Any defect in the blood–aqueous barrier (BAB),
received anterior vitrectomy in addition to posterior capsulor-
possibly due to intraocular inflammation, preoperative high
rhexis. One eye received anterior vitrectomy in group 1 and
intraocular pressure (IOP), or excessive eye manipulation
two eyes received anterior vitrectomy in group 2.
during surgery may lead to a disturbance in the coagulation
All eyes having intraocular lens (IOL) implantation
and fibrinolytic pathway.4
received monoblock, hydrofobic foldable acrylic IOL
A tendency towards increased postoperative inflammation
(AcrySof MA30BA; Alcon Laboratories, Inc.). Cases with
in children is well recognized.5 Intraocular inflammation mani-
peroperative complications were not included in the study.
fests itself as increased cells and flare, inflammatory precipi-
No oral or subconjunctival steroids were used. Standardized
tates on the IOL and the endothelium, formation of synechia,
postoperative treatment comprised prednisolone acetate 1%
and inflammatory cyclitic membranes.1 The fibrinoid reaction
(Pred Forte®; Allergan, Inc., Irvine, CA, USA) eight times
after pediatric cataract surgery is caused by the breakdown
a day for one week followed by six times a day for the
of the immature BAB and insufficient trabecular meshwork
second week and tapered over six weeks, and ciprofloxacin
0.3% (Ciloxan; Alcon Laboratories, Inc.) and and ketorolac
0.5% three times a day for one month. All patients were Table 1 Postoperative complications after cataract surgery
followed daily for the first three days, once a week for the Characteristics Group 1 Group 2 Statistical
(14 eyes) (19 eyes) difference
first month, and at the 3rd and 6th months. At all visits,
postoperative intraocular complications, including fibrin Gender (M:F) 6:8 9:10 P = 1.0000
formation, anterior and posterior synechia, cyclitic and Cells in anterior chamber 10 3 9 P = 0.1604
pupillary membrane formation, and posterior capsular opaci- Fibrin in anterior chamber 0 4 P = 0.1192
fication (PCO) were recorded and compared. The follow- Pupillary membrane and anterior 0 4 P = 0.1192
up period after surgery was between three and 24 months
Table 2 Posterior capsular opacification and its additive effect to prevent PCO in children. In our
Group 1 Group 2 Statistical study, in the 6th month, PCO was reported in only one case
(n = 14) (n = 19) difference
from group 1 and in four cases from group 4.
1st week 0 0
Hyphema, which can be seen during surgery due to
1st month 0 1 P = 1.0000
heparin irrigation, was not seen in our study. However, this
3rd month 1 2 P = 1.0000
risk can also be diminished by using low molecular weight
6th month 1 4 P = 0.3662 heparin.8 Iverson and colleagues suggest that fragmin, at a
concentration of 5 IU/mL, lowers the risk of hemorrhage
during vitreoretinal and lensectomy surgeries.10.
fibrinolytic activity.6 Secondary complications of severe
Our results suggest that adding heparin sodium to the
fibrinoid reaction include papillary membrane and opacifica-
irrigating solution seems to be a safe, effective, and prom-
tion of the anterior hyaloid face.6 Therefore, measures that may
ising method to prevent early postoperative inflammatory
prevent or decrease inflammation in these eyes deserve consid-
reactions and PCO formation in the long term after pediatric
eration.7 In addition to its well-known anticoagulant activity,
cataract surgery.
heparin has anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative properties.6
Heparin inhibits fibrin formation after intraocular surgery and
has also been shown to inhibit fibroblast activity.3
The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.
Due to its antithrombin effect, heparin inhibits fibrin forma
tion by accelerating the control mechanisms for thrombin and
activated X-factor.8
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