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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Vol-2, Issue-3 , 2016

ISSN : 2454-1362 , http://www.onlinejournal.in

Stress Management in the Banking Sector

Ms. Risham Preet Kaur1 & Mrs. Poonam Gautam Sharma2
Assistant Professor in Commerce, Dev Samaj College for Women, Ferozepur, India.

Abstract as well as negative. Acceptable levels of stress help

to increase the individual’s performance while
Today workplace stress is becoming a matter of excessive amounts of stress can lead to a decreased
concern for all the organizations. Banking sector is performance.
no more an exception. Workplace stress has emerged
as a black plague in this present scenario. In India, Various studies have depicted that stress is increasing
banks are amongst top ten stressed work places. at a rising rate in the Banking sector. Due to
Despite of feeling relaxed with the advent of modern recession in the global market and cut-throat
technology and innovations in the banking sector, competition, banks are facing many challenges. As a
employees are feeling overloaded with work and response of which, they have to make efforts to
stressed out. With the advancement in technology, increase their efficiency. Banks, these days, are
banks have to make rapid changes. It has become restructuring themselves. This results in more
hard for employees to cope with these changes. And workload on their employees. Organization stress
the result is stress. An attempt has been made to ultimately results in employee turnover, changes in
study the causes and effects of stress amongst bank employees behavior and attitude. A little organization
employees. The ways to manage stress has also been stress is healthy as it increases the efficiency. But
suggested. Measures to overcome stress that affects stress beyond limits destroys the inner peace of the
the physical and mental well being of employees are employees and ultimately hampers the growth of the
also suggested in the paper. individual as well as the organization.

With the rising problem of stress, stress management

has become very important. Stress Management
1. Introduction refers to the wide range of techniques and
psychotherapies which can prevent and control an
Stress has become a pervading issue of everyone’s individual’s level of stress. Thereby,, improving
life in this modern world. The modern world which is everyday functioning of an individual. Stress
often regarded as a world of achievements has management can have any of the three solutions –
become a world of stress. Be it family, any social prevent or control, escape from it, or learn to adopt to
activity or any business organization, stress is it. As it is said that prevention is better than cure,
everywhere. Right from birth till death, an individual steps should be taken at the initial stage to prevent
is invariably exposed to various stressful situations. the stressors rather than curing its harmful effects or
Our economy has shown growth in almost all sectors, bearing heavy costs after being affected by it.
but stress has also joined hands with this growth. Effective stress management can be done at the
Individuals under stress are experiencing various individual level as well as at the organizational level
psychosomatic and psychological disorders, the in various ways. Stress management can be divided
feelings of frustration, dissatisfaction with life in into two phases: the first is coping with stress and
general. Workplace stress is the harmful biological the second is facing the stress with the help of
reaction that occurs when there is poor match relaxation techniques such as meditation. As every
between job profiles and the capabilities, resources, individual is different, psychotherapies should be
or needs of the worker. These conditions, ultimately used. Banks should treat people at work differently,
affects the job performance and the health of the treating them with respect and valuing their efforts.
individuals. But a little amount of stress may prove to Banks should introduce Employee Assistance
be healthy for an organization. Stress can be positive Programmes (EAPs) and stress control workshops

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-3 , 2016
ISSN : 2454-1362 , http://www.onlinejournal.in

according to the level of employees as level of stress changes, compensation, changes in power, status,
and employees are directly related. If psychological prestige, workload, working hours, technological
wellness and health of the employees are improved, problem at work, inadequate salary, time for family
productivity shall also increase. Because it is said job worries at home group differences and
that, “A Healthy Employee is a Productive communication. The findings suggested that
Employee” employees satisfaction should be the first priority of
banks so that desired targets can be achieved.
2. Objectives Garg, Rachita and Shukla, Harish (2013), attempted
to study the reasons of stress among the bank
The specific objectives of this research seminar are as employees and the ways used by employees to cope
follows- with the stress generated at workplace. They used
primary as well as secondary data for their study.
1. To study the causes of stress among They found that majority of employees in banks are
employees. stressed. The stressed employees also try to find a
2. To study the effect of stress on productivity solution to relieve them from stress. They suggested
of the organization. various strategies such as encouraging and
3. To study the effectiveness of stress appreciating employees, job rotation, job enrichment,
management programmes. decentralization, cracking jokes, playing games,
guidance and counseling, quality consciousness
3. Review of Literature awareness programs, psychological support and
many more to minimize stress. They also suggested
Stevenson, Anne and Harper, Sarah (2006), five day week working so that the employees can get
investigated the possible effects of workplace stress more time for themselves and their family and
in academics on the student learning experience at discharge other social responsibilities.
Scottish Higher Education Institute. For their study,
he collected primary data by framing a questionnaire. Azad, Tilottama(2014), conducted a casual research
The questionnaire covered the background in the banks of Bhopal in which he defined various
information, general attitudes, support from variables such as long working hours, improper
colleagues, perceived stress levels, perceived reward system, lack of job autonomy, organizational
stressors, perceived effects of stress and positive culture, role conflict , lack of management support
aspects of stress. For their analysis, he used the that lead to stress in the banking sector. In his study,
statistical package for social scientists where he analyzed the effect of one variable over another.
frequencies, cross-tabulations and tests for The aim of his study was to study the cause effect
significance were calculated. Qualitative data were relationship between all these factors on the health
analyzed using content analysis. For their study, he and life of an individual. He concluded that
conducted this survey in 1994 and for the follow up management should take initiatives and stress
the same survey was repeated in 2003. They found management programmes should be started to
significant changes in a decade. They concluded that minimize stress in the banks.
stress had positive as well as negative impact on the
student learning experience. Over half of the G., Gopika(2014), attempted to study the experience
respondents considered themselves to be level of employees and the relative effect of
considerably or extremely stressed which ultimately experience on stress level changes. The primary aim
had a negative impact on the student learning of the study was to analyze the level of stress among
experience. the bank employees. Sample size of his study was
100 private and public sector banks in Ernakulam.
Joshi, Vijay and Goyal, K.A. (2012), made an effort Pilot testing was conducted. Questionnaire was
to study stress management among bank employees designed. Employees were interviewed so that
with reference to mergers and acquisitions. The study information on their perception about their
focused on the identification of various stressors that organization could be collected and the problems
increases the level of stress among employees. The which they face both directly and indirectly in the
stressors which were identified in the study were discharge of their responsibilities could be identified.
uncertainty, insecurity, fears concerning job loss, job Various factors which cause stress were identified

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-3 , 2016
ISSN : 2454-1362 , http://www.onlinejournal.in

such as work overload, lack of rewards and lack of 5. Effect of Stress

autonomy. He suggested that the psychological well-
being and health of the employees should be Excessive stress proves to be harmful for an
enhanced to increase the overall productivity of the individual. It ultimately leads to compromised health
organization. and loss of productivity. Absenteeism, shirking work
responsibilities, arriving late, leaving early, etc., loss
4. Stressors of productivity, increase in employee turnover ,more
of error prone work, memory loss, etc., cribbing,
Competition, restructuring and expansion are an various psychological and psychometric problems,
inevitable part of every growing industry. Banking over-reacting, arguing, getting irritated, frustration,
sector is no exception. There are numerous factors suicides, deteriorating health, more of accidents, etc.,
which cause stress among employees like role eating disorders, excessive smoking and drinking,
conflict, uncertainty, insecurity, fears concerning job insomnias , depression, improper work, delay in
loss, job changes, compensation, role ambiguity, completion of job etc. are the outcomes of stress.
changes in power, status, prestige, workload, long Stress experienced by one employee can affect the
working hours, technological problem at work, security of other employees also. Productivity is
inadequate salary, time for family job worries at directly related with the health of an employee.
home group differences and communication. Studies Healthy an employee, higher the productivity and
have found that there exists a significant relationship vice-versa. Workplace stress has a significant impact
between all these factors and job stress. All these on team performance, employees well being and
factors can be categorized under four heads which overall performance of an organization.

Organizational Stressors- Inadequate salary, strict

6. Stress Management Programmes
rules and regulations, Ineffective communication, Banks are amongst the top ten stressed workplaces in
Peer pressure, Role conflicts/role ambiguity, India. To increase the productivity and efficiency of
centralized organization structure, Less promotional the banks, banks have come forward with a number
opportunities, Lack of employees participation in of solutions. Banks are employing Human Resource
decision-making, authoritative leadership, changes in practitioners to solve these issues. Human Resource
power, status, prestige, workload, long working Department has become an integral part of Bank.
hours, technological problem at work Human Resource Practitioners are being involved in
planning decisions. Banks are implementing various
Individual Stressors - Expectations which the family
strategies at all the levels so that workplace stress can
members, colleagues, superior and subordinates have
be eliminated.
from the employee creates a pressure amongst
individuals. Failure to fulfill these expectations  Emloyees health is being given priority over
causes employee stress. Other individual factors other things
causing stress among employees are inherent  Effective communication strategy is a tool
personality traits such as being impatient, aggressive, through which the effect of most of the
rigid, home group differences, lack of rewards, stressors like uncertainty, insecurity and fear
praise, no autonomy in the task etc. Similarly, the of job loss can be eliminated.
family issues, financial problems, changes in job  Employees are being reassessed after
profile all lead to stress. accomplishment of every task
 It has been proposed that Employee
Job Stressors - Monotonous nature of job, insecure
Development Programmes should be
environment, unhealthy working conditions, Lack of
conducted from the initial stage so that
confidentiality, Crowding
employees can easily understand the
Extra-organizational Stressors - Changes in working environment.
Government policy, economic policy, regulations by  Stress Control Workshops are being
RBI. Social changes, obsolete technology are the conducted by Banks according to the level
extra-organizational factors causing stress. of employees.
 Stress in banking sector is mostly due to
excess work pressure and work life
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-3 , 2016
ISSN : 2454-1362 , http://www.onlinejournal.in

imbalance. Stress brought by work, family stress management and professional help
life or substance abuse affect the employee's can improve the performance of employees.
workplace productivity. Management should  Training specifically related to type of work
take several initiatives in helping their in which an individual is involved and
employees to overcome work-family policy implementation is a key priority at
conflict. Banks should support and this stage when banking activities have
encourage taking up roles that help become complex. If an employee is well
employees to balance work and family life. informed about his/her work, the less will be
Employees also need to take steps at their the stress and the more efficient the
own level. Individuals should take steps to employee will become.
improve their interpersonal relationships.  Stress Management Programs focusing on
Meditation and yoga is also a solution to different leave categories of Employees at
this. Employee Assistance all hierarchical level should be introduced so
Programmes(EAP) should also be that employees can get a time off from their
introduced to solve the problem. Employees busy schedule.
are provided assistance. Expertise is  Jobs which are hampering employees’
employed for providing counseling service abilities and capacities should either be
to various employees. Face-to-face eliminated or redesigned according to
counseling and telephone counseling is a employees potential
tool of EAPs.  Job oriented training programs should be
introduced which improve employee’s skill
Thus, professional help and Stress Management and their confidence to work effectively.
Programmes if implemented carefully can help  ‘Pranayam’ and other meditation tools
in minimizing workplace stress and overcoming should be used as a holistic managerial
all the obstacles in the growth of banking strategy to deal with workplace stress.
industry. If psychological well-being and health
of the employees is enhanced, the banking
industry would make more revenue as well as
improve employee retention in the coming 8. Conclusion
The efficiency of the workforce is the most decisive
7. Suggestions and recommendations factor in the growth of any industry. Efficiency of a
workforce is interdependent with the health and inner
 Job roles need to be identified to eliminate peace of an employee. Giving more importance to
role ambiguity. work and less importance to health and family is the
 Employees grievances must be handled main cause behind this workplace stress.
carefully so that they can mingle up in the
working culture of the organization. It is Stress, in the present scenario has become a deep
important from the point of view of rooted evil which needs to be uprooted. Stress itself
organizational objectives as we all know that is a problem which in turn gives birth to a number of
only a satisfied employee is capable of problems. There is a dire need of stress management
satisfying the customer and customer’s programmes to relief stress and to reduce its harmful
satisfaction is the priority of any effects .This article is an effort to study the need of
organization. Stress Management Programmes due to increasing
 Psychiatrists should be employed so that dangers of stress under which it becomes difficult for
stress audit can be conducted at all levels in an employee to work. Through various studies, it has
the organization and stress prone areas can been found that those firms which have adopted
be identified. Thus, improving conditions of stress management strategies have gained a
job and alleviating job stress competitive edge over other firms as their employees
 Organization should manage people at work work more efficiently. These days Stress
differently, treating them with respect and Management Programmes have proven to be an
valuing their contribution Thus, effective integral part of any industry.

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-3 , 2016
ISSN : 2454-1362 , http://www.onlinejournal.in

This research article would definitely be beneficial

for the organizations to understand the share they
need to spend on stress management programmes so
that they can maximize their profit which would also
help in generating satisfaction amongst employees
and creating an environment which is stress free.

9. References
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Vol.2 Issue 2 April-June2014.
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5. Shukla, Harish and Garg, Rachita(2013) “A
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 117

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