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AAPS PharmSciTech 2004; 5 (2) Article 34 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).
AAPS PharmSciTech 2004; 5 (2) Article 34 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).
nations. The amounts of citric acid anhydrous (X1) and floating dosage forms.24 Batches A1 and A2, containing guar
stearic acid (X2) were selected as independent variables. The gum and xanthan gum, failed to form a gel with sufficient
times required for 50% and 80% drug dissolution, and the strength, while A3 with HPMC K4 M produced tablets with
similarity factor f2 were selected as dependent variables. good gel strength, entrapping CO2 gas and imparting stable
and persistent buoyancy. To study the effect of sodium bicar-
bonate concentration on floating lag time, batch A4 was for-
Kinetic Modeling of Drug Release mulated. The results, shown in Table 1, demonstrate that as the
The dissolution profile of all the batches was fitted to zero- amount of sodium bicarbonate decreases, the floating lag time
order, first-order,11,12 Higuchi,13-15 Hixon-Crowell,16 Korse- increases. Thus, sodium bicarbonate (50 mg per tablet) was
meyer and Peppas,10,17,18 and Weibull models19-22 to ascertain essential to achieve optimum in vitro buoyancy.
the kinetic modeling of drug release. The method of Bamba
et al was adopted for deciding the most appropriate model.23
In Vitro Dissolution Studies
Since the pH of stomach is elevated under fed condition
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (~3.5), citric acid was incorporated in the formulation to pro-
In Vitro Buoyancy Studies vide an acidic medium for sodium bicarbonate. Moreover,
citric acid has a stabilizing effect on RHCl formulations.25
Noneffervescent floating drug delivery was used to achieve in
However, because adding citric acid to the formulation might
vitro buoyancy. In the initial batches, RHCl tablets prepared
using polymers such as HPMC K4 M, guar gum, and xanthan enhance dissolution, stearic acid was incorporated in the for-
gum did not exhibit sufficient swelling to provide in vitro mulations to sustain drug release. Batches A5 to A7 were for-
buoyancy. An effervescent approach was then adopted. Three mulated to study the effect of stearic acid concentration on
batches (A1 to A3) were prepared using guar gum, xanthan release profile. In batch A8, the concentration of citric acid
gum, and HPMC K4 M, respectively; sodium bicarbonate was was increased. The pharmacokinetic parameters1,3,4 of RHCl
added as a gas-generating agent. Sodium bicarbonate induced were used to calculate a theoretical drug release profile for a
CO2 generation in the presence of dissolution medium (0.1N 12-hour dosage form. The immediate release part for sus-
HCl). The gas generated is trapped and protected within the tained-release RHCl was calculated using Equation 1 and
gel, formed by hydration of polymer, thus decreasing the den- was found to be 96.53 mg.
sity of the tablet. As the density of the tablet falls below 1, the
tablet becomes buoyant. Whitehead et al have demonstrated Immediate release part = (Css × Vd) / F, (1)
good correlation between in vitro and in vivo buoyancy of
AAPS PharmSciTech 2004; 5 (2) Article 34 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).
where Css is steady-state plasma concentration (Average The values of the correlation coefficient indicate a good fit.
Cmax), Vd is volume of distribution, and F is fraction The polynomial equation can be used to draw conclusions
bioavailable. after considering the magnitude of coefficient and the math-
ematical sign it carries, (ie, positive or negative).
Hence, the formulation should release 96.53 mg (32.17%) of
drug in 1 hour like conventional tablets and 18.5 mg (6.16%) Figures 1 and 2 show the plot of the amount of citric acid (X1)
per hour up to 12 hours thereafter. The t50 of the theoretical and amount of stearic acid (X2) versus t50 and t80, respective-
dissolution profile is 221 minutes. The t50 of batches A5 to ly. The plot was drawn using Sigma Plot software (Jandel
A8 varied from the theoretical t50 (Table 1). Incorporation of Scientific Software, San Rafael, CA). The data demonstrate
citric acid reduced floating lag time but caused tablet erosion. that both X1 and X2 affect the drug release (t50 and t80). It may
also be concluded that the low level of X1 (amount of citric
acid) and the higher level of X2 (amount of stearic acid) favor
Factorial Design the preparation of gastroretentive sustained release RHCl
A 32 full factorial design was constructed to study the effect tablets. The high value of X1X2 coefficient also suggests that
of the amount of citric acid (X1) and the amount of stearic the interaction between X1 and X2 has a significant effect on
acid (X2) on the drug release from gastroretentive RHCl t50. It can be concluded that the drug release pattern may be
tablets. The dependent variables chosen were times required
for 50% and 80% drug dissolution, and similarity factor f2
(average dissolution profile with theoretical release profile).
A statistical model incorporating interactive and polynomial
terms was utilized to evaluate the response.
AAPS PharmSciTech 2004; 5 (2) Article 34 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).
changed by appropriate selection of the X1 and X2 levels. The Kinetics of Drug Release
results in Table 2 reveal that batches F3 and F9 were close to The dissolution data of batches F1 to F9 was fitted to zero-
theoretical t50, while F9 was the only batch that was similar order, first-order, Higuchi, Hixson-Crowell, Korsemeyer and
to theoretical t80. Peppas, and Weibull models. The method of Bamba et al was
The similarity factor, f2, given by Scale Up and Pose adopted for deciding the most appropriate model.23 The
Approval Changes (SUPAC) guidelines for modified release results of F-statistics were used to select the most appropri-
dosage form was used as a basis to compare dissolution pro- ate model. The release profile of the best batch, F9, fitted best
files.26 The dissolution profiles are considered to be similar to the Korsemeyer and Peppas model (F = 1.65). This supe-
when f2 is between 50 and 100. The method was first report- riority is statistically insignificant with the Higuchi model
ed by Moore and Flanner.27 (F = 1.86), but significant with the Weibull model (F = 17.4)
as shown by the goodness-of-fit test (F ratio test). But prior-
The results in Table 2 indicate that batches F2, F3, F6, and ity should be given to the model with the lowest F value.
F9 fulfill the above criteria. But batch F9 showed the high- Thus, it may be concluded that drug release from gastroreten-
est f2 among all the batches, and this similarity is also tive RHCl tablets is best explained by the Korsemeyer and
reflected in t50 and t80 values. The f2 value of 75 of batch F9 Peppas model. The values of slope and intercept for the
indicates less than 5% difference in dissolution profiles. Korsemeyer and Peppas model are 0.5105 and -1.4906,
The similarity between the theoretical dissolution profile respectively. The value of the slope indicates that the drug
and the dissolution profile of F9 is clearly demonstrated in released by diffusion of an anomalous type. However, batch-
Figure 3. es F1 to F8 followed the Korsemeyer and Peppas model for
drug release but showed nonanomalous diffusion.
AAPS PharmSciTech 2004; 5 (2) Article 34 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).