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Yasir SCIENCE Lp... 7 Es

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7 E’S

Detailed Lesson Plan

Science III

Time allotment: 50 minutes

March 11, 2019

I Objectives: at the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:

a) Identify the different weather condition.

b) Describe the different condition.
c) Give importance the different weather condition.

II Subject Matter

Topic: Weather Condition

Subject: Science III
Reference: Science in action, k-12 curriculum, compliant, down learning town, Pp. 276-
282 ,
Author: Bonland, Leandro L., et.al..
Material: Printed pictures, box, loptop, and cartolina.
Strategy: Collaborative Learning, Think, pair, and share.
Values Integration: Respect and helping each other.

III Procedures
Teacher’s activity Pupil’s activity

A. Elicit

Prayer: Let us be reminded that we are in In the name of the Father………

the Holy presence of God.

Our Father……… Amen…..

Greetings: Good morning grade 3 I’m your

teacher today in Science III, Yasir… Good morning sir Yasir.

Checking of attendance:
Abaquita. Serj B. Present…….
Borbon, Denzel B……….

Inside my class I have only one rule.

Everybody read. RESPECT..

If you respect me, your classmates, and
people who surrounds you, they will respect
you also.
Yes, Sir
Is that clear?
I will group into three(3) each group will
have 5 letters that you need to reveal, to do
that you need to participate inside the class
and I will reveal each letter. If I observed
that everybody do their task. You will get
what inside the mystery box.

Group 1 – Rainy
Group 2- Sunny
Group 3 – Cloudy
Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

I will call two representative inside the class

Jea and Jose touch the glass and share Jea and Jose performed.
what did you observed or feel.

Jea what did you feel when you touch the It’s Hot sir.

Very good.

How about you Jose? Sir it’s cold.

Ok very good, it’s hot and cold when you

said hot and colt. It is? Pupil, sir?

Yes, Mea? Temperature.

Very good, that was our topic yesterday,

about temperature the hotness and

B. Explore
Time allotted: 5 minutes
I will read a story and you will play while
listening. Pupils listen, attentively..
Save me up!
Instruction: each group will have a bag,
inside the bag theirs different things, you
will open the bag when I started to read a
story, when I say help you will wear the
appropriate things that will help Xian to go
to school.

Is that clear? Yes, Sir..

Teacher, read a story…. Pupils perform….


What did learn from the story that we had? Sir, Helping each other.
Yes Liela?

Very good! Liela…

-We would know the different weather

condition. Sunny day, Rainy day, cloudy
day, stormy day, and Windy day.

C. Explain.
Did you enjoy the game?
I will ask the pupil to go outside, together Yes sir..
with their group mates and observed the
weather condition today. Pupils listen/ excited..
Instruction: Each group must observe the
weather condition today.
Materials: Pencil and Paper..
Time allotted: 3 minutes.. Pupils perform ( observe the weather
Teachers Activity Pupils activity
I will ask each group what they did observe
Group 1? Sir, we observed that the sky is clear.
Very good!
Fresh air sir and the sky is clear..
Group 2? And so on….

Very good group 2 and 3 let’s give 5 claps to


Do you think what wasour topic this Pupils raising their hands.

Yes, Bea? Sir, Weather condition.

Very good! It about weather condition.

D. Elaborate

Weather condition is the condition of the

atmosphere in a short period of time. ( Pupils read the statement)
Sunny day- the sky is clear, only a few, thin
Types of weather condition , white clouds are scattered in the sky.
Sunny day-
Rainy day- Rainy day- the sky is covered with thick,
Windy day- dark clouds.
Cloudy day-
Stormy day- Windy day- the sky is clear, trees and plants
swayed by strong winds.
Everybody read?
Cloudy day- the sky is full of thick clouds.
In every weather condition, theirs an
appropriate activity. Stormy day-the sky is very dark.
For example: what does your family do
during sunny days?
Picnic, sir.

Very good! The whole family goes to the beach.

Yes, Kean?

Wow! Very good kean.

How about windy day?

Jezz? Sir, were playing kite in the plaza..

Very good!

Teacher continued asking question.. Pupils answered the question.

Continue discussion…
Pupils listening….
Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

E. Engage
I will play a video clip. ( the weather
condition) Pupils watch and listen attentively.

Instruction: Each group will watch and

listen attentively to the video
presentation, and they will have a news
casting in regards with video

Time allotted: 3 minutes( video clip)

7 Minutes for group practice..
Pupils perform…
Voice quality -5
Quality of the news- -10
Unity -5
Mastery -5

Group presentation.. Pupils Perform

Group 1
Excellent performance, 10 claps to Group 2
ourselves. Group 3

-What is weather condition? Weather condition is the condition of the

atmosphere in a short period of time.
What are the different weather condition?
Sunny day, windy day, stormy day,
cloudy day, and rainy day.

-We all know that learning and knowing

those topic and activities give as an idea
how to help other people that can help
them to survive as well it teach us also
how to respect each other.

IV Evaluate
Instruction: Draw in the box the weather Pupils Listening
condition described in each sentence.

It is rainy day
The whole family
It is sunny day stays at home and
The whole family played board Answering……..
goes to the beach. games.

It is a windy day It is a cloudy day

The children fly The children
kites. outdoor games.
V Extend
Instruction: Observed the weather
condition this afternoon and share it, to
the class tomorrow.

Prepared by: Yasir P. Tidong

7 E’S


Prepared by: Yasir P. Tidong

Teacher 1 applicant

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